ENGLISH Galloway let into Canada to defend semitic Palestinians; ZOG German regime outrages the Volk at Stuttgart train station

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I have very fond memories of several trips to the Canadian maritime provinces, in the mid-Seventies and again in 2000.  It was still overwhelmingly white back then and with a bracing Nordic weather and a slightly different feel even to the light.

(It hits Canada at a different angle because it is farther north and is often whiter, and less yellow. This is a fact which movie directors know; the sunlight is much more white at high noon (directly overhead) than in the morning or before sunset, when the light is creamy-yellow. Harsh scenes should be filmed around High Noon — like the legendary cowboy movie — and romantic outdoor scenes in the yellow morning or evening light.)

Here is a nice video travelogue of Prince Edward Island, Canada, on the far eastern coast, a tiny jewel of an island in the Atlantic and a separate wee province of the huge nation of Canada — where most provinces are gigantic-sized, like whole countries elsewhere. (My stepmother, btw, is from Summerside, “PEI.”)


And now on to leftist antizionist hero George Galloway, who just held a big rally and got seven standing ovations in Canada, before zooming off to escort a truck shipment trying to get past the Isra-hell-is to Gaza (the world’s largest concentration camp).

I just saw this headline and text:

George Galloway allowed into Canada

Former British MP [Member of Parliament (in London)] George Galloway, who was told he was not welcome in Canada last year over accusations by the government that he supported terrorism, was allowed into the country on Saturday. Galloway, who arrived at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport late Saturday afternoon, was greeted by supporters after he cleared customs.

“I’m very happy to be here in Canada, and my presence proves that Canada remains a country governed by laws, not by ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ politicians and their whims,” he said.

Galloway said he had a wide-ranging interview with three immigration officials before he was allowed to leave.
He added that he would consult with his Canadian legal team to see what actions might be taken against Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, whom he said put him in danger and hurt his reputation by falsely branding him a terrorist.
Galloway was armed with a ruling by a Federal Court judge, who this week criticized the federal government for announcing in 2009 that Galloway would be prevented from coming to Canada.
Justice Richard Mosley called the move “a flawed and overreaching interpretation of the standards under Canadian law for labelling someone as engaging in terrorism or being a member of a terrorist organization.”
Galloway had planned a Canadian speaking tour to voice opposition to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, but cancelled when he learned he would be denied entry. [etc….]

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My comment to a Canadian:

Well, you see, once you express support for any Middle East group you are in hot water with the J-Team, and actually most whites in Canada and the USA, and most Europeans, dislike Arabs too.

My own days of supporting the Palestinians or any Middle Eastern neanderthals are over. I saw at the “No More Wars for Israel” conference that the Palestinians wanted OUR help — oh yes, we could march for THEM…..but they shunned us white nationalists otherwise as a big embarrassment to their PR efforts, and we, for them, are Aryans they have nothing in common with.

And one of them just defamed me and editor Jim Tucker at American Free Press.

I am concentrating now just on OUR people and OUR genocide. I cry over our victim, known WN activist Jeff Hughes, of Vancouver, British Columbia, an unarmed man gunned down with TEN bullets by a white-hating female cop who then got transferred to faraway Ontario province — how convenient so she could wash the innocent blood off her hands and dry-clean her red-spattered uniform. Hughes had called the police, non-violently and following the rule book, because Hindu wall neighbors were DELIBERATELY blasting loud music at 3 am — but it’s a crime to be pro-white and HE is the one SHE gunned down!

The late Jeff Hughes on his webcamera. If you complain about your Hindu neighbors’ music at 3 am, a policewoman who hates “Nazis” will shoot YOU.

Harold Covington sent this:

The woman RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] officer who fired ten bullets into an unarmed Jeff Hughes has been shipped off to the wilds of Ontario and is “unavailable.” She has never even been publicly named. To the best of my knowledge, the Canadians haven’t even held a coroner’s inquest on Jeff’s murder, which if you watch “Da Vinci’s Inquest” you will know is completely illegal under Canadian law. But just like here, the Canuck Zionist regime simply ignores its own laws whenever it so desires. Attorney Doug Christie, acting for Jeff’s surviving brother, tried to get some action or at least some information and ran into a stone wall.

This young man was a white nationalist associated with Harold Covington’s NW Front. Eleven months ago they came to his house on Vancouver Island with an RCMP SWAT team on some trumped up disturbance charge and ended up murdering him. As I recall no weapons were found in his possession. TL

Now, just how does George Galloway feel about THAT?

He is PROBABLY cool with that — because his Scotland is now FULL of Hindus, Pakis, Arabs and blacks, and the lefties like him love their dear vote-giving minorities, do they not?

Comrade, 100 white women are raped every day in the US by blacks, and I bet 5-10 white women are traumatized in this way every day in Canada. (Your population is of course smaller and you have less blacks — so far — percentage-wise, but many muslims are pouring into your nation and their madrasas — religious fanaticism schools, like yeshivas for Jews  — teach that any non-muslim woman is a slut and eligible to be their harem slave.)

Why should I care at this stage what one pack of neanderthals, the semitic Palestinians, do to another, the semitic Jews, and vice versa? Or what Norwegian soldiers do in Af-crazy-stan to the killers fighting for the women-crushing, women-oppressing Taliban?

It is time to care about OUR people.


“Love your race” in German


=====ZOG’Ss German puppet government bares its teeth at totally ordinary Germans protesting tree-killing at park


This incident last Friday is causing SERIOUS outrage in Germany, and reminds former East Germans of the way the communist regime used to smash demonstrations. Absolutely ordinary citizens, many of them high school kids, women and senior citizens, were protesting absolutely peacefully in downtown Stuttgart (home, btw, of Porsche and Mercedes) at the chopping-down of gorgeous chestnut trees in the Castle Park (Schlosspark) to make way for a grandiose underground train station construction project called “Stuttgart21” (for “21st century”). The project may or may not be worthwhile but Germans are sick of being run roughshod over — and of incredibly expensive white-elephant construction projects. And since heathen times the Germans adore and almost worship their trees and forests.

Signs: “Police = people-hitters for the powerful” and “Police Violence Dictatorship”

“Violence against children is NO solution!”

“Rambo shows his true face”

Outraged blond woman demonstrates after the beatings on Friday. I have never seen ordinary Germans so angry.

Menacing police trucks fire down blasts of cold water and tear gas. Police opened up without any bullhorn or loudspeaker warning whatsoever.

Police drag away demonstrator. For decades the police have treated WNs this way but now ordinary citizens get the same treatment.

Rinsing tear gas from eyes. In the US Marines we are forced to undergo tear-gassing to sensitize us to the poison gas issue and how to quickly react by donning a gas mask. This was likely the first time this German man got gassed. It is not fun when your eyes burn like coals, mucus pours out your nose and your skin feels on fire. But ZOG must protect its millionaires and their projects.

There is a German word, Schadenfreude, which means gloating as others “get theirs.”I do not not feel any Schadenfreude when the average German feels the brutal boot of ZOG, but for him to understand what we WNs have been saying for decades, he has to feel the same pain we WNs have been feeling for decades.

We white people, worldwide — we are now ALL Palestinians!

Eternal Solutrea is the answer. Your volunteer help or contribution of money will make it happen.

John de Nugent, 213 Ekastown Road, Sarver PA 16055 (cash, PayPal to john_denugent@yahoo.com or money orders).

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