ENGLISH Gays afflicted, not evil per se; Neotame, the sweetener nightmare

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===============why “gay-bash”?

I got an email urging me not to “gay-bash.” I replied:

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I have to do some public “bashing” (showing my opposition to homosexuality) for one reason: the Net is now full of emails carrying an enemy-run defamation campaign saying that I am one. I had some guy on the phone demand to know if if my kids were my “real biological” kids!

And no one in a right-wing movement such as ours will follow me if that slander stuck to me.

(l-to-r) Jose Irigoyen (an Argentine Basque), his wife and my elder daughter, Ingrid, my younger daughter Erika, and my father, at Bobby’s bar and restaurant, Vero Beach, Florida. (Kids, if you don’t want me to run your picture, tell the nice Jewish people to stop spreading rumors I am a homosexual. It is THEY who force me to do this.)

Erika and Ingrid, 1988, Alexandria, Virginia

Ingrid, Winthrop Beach, Massachusetts, 1996

I have often written that no one chooses to be a homosexual, and in fact I think the environment is full of things affecting peoples’ hormones. One is bisphenol-b, found in plastic containers people drink from constantly. There is now even evidence that if women take aspirin during pregnancy their kids have a higher than normal chance of becoming homosexual. The whole environment is full of toxins. (See the last item on this blog today.)

But there is another factor, molestation. I had a good friend who was a German-American from an upstate NY farm family, and he was an accountant with Purolator. Lee was his name. He was a family friend of Lillian Makepeace, a late, great patriot in southern California of Mayflower ancestry who booked Charles Lindbergh in 1941 into the Hollywood Bowl so he could denounce Roosevelt! Lee was a totally conservative guy and a white nationalist…..

One day he confessed to me that he had been homosexual since his uncle molested him, in the barn, repeatedly, at the family farm and threatened each time to kill him. I had sort of suspected something, but he at least decided to tell me. Lee added: “Don’t call it ‘gay,’ John. There is nothing gay [happy] about being a homosexual.” I never forgot that.

My issue is with the aggressive ones and the molesters. But the statistics indicate that about one-third of molesters are homosexuals, though gays are just 2-3% of the population. So, though most gays are not pedophiles, unfortunately too many are.

As I have stated on this blog, I am against any demonstrations of “gay pride,” and I want the search to go on for medical and psychological ways to cure people who suffer from this tragic affliction. There are good people (and some in our own Cause, and I can think of three) who suffer from this. I want our fine young people to reproduce, have children and a loving family life, not a childless “gay lifestyle.”

For this, Solutrea must Arise.

===============to anonymous

Lots of paranoid venom from “anon” the “German,” the “non-WN” who writes like a WN, who accuses me of typos and working for the CIA!

Schreib mir doch geschwind auf fliessendem deutsch deinen Hass auf Putin, wenn du Deutscher bist. And send me your Putin-bashing and russophobia under your real name and email address, just like everyone else, or I will continue to spam your writing, lieber Chris et compagnie. I am a stand-up guy and I expect that of others.

Russia by itself will not save the white race. The Eternal Solutreans will, but the enemy of my Zionist enemy is, in a certain sense, my “friend.” And if Medvedev is part-Jewish, well, Israel Shamir is ALL Jewish, and so are Gilad Atzmon, Andrew Winkler and Mordechai Vanunu. I would rather have a beer with some of those heroic ex-Jews, or the dark-skinned Asiatic, ex-prime minister Mahathir of Malaysia, or even with the socialist leftist Hugo Chavez, a negro mestizo to boot, but at least antizionist, than with white traitors like Bill Gates, white nuts, white atheists, white narcissists, white psychopaths, white paranoids, white wankers and white losers.

I also spam your material because of your ethnic partiality. The issue is psychopaths (https://johndenugent.com/psychopaths-in-power), not Slavs. Was it not the Germanic Anglo-Saxons who flew the planes that bombed Dresden, Hamburg, Kassel and Berlin?

The British even targeted the Berlin Zoo. Were they SLAVS?

How is this napalming by Anglo-Saxons, which roasted civilians in Bremen and Hamburg, more humane than rapes committed by the Red Army, which was Georgian-Khazar-Latvian-ruled and also full of Mongols?

A psychopath is a psychopath, of any race. THE ENEMY IS PSYCHOPATHS. I was molested as a kid by WHITE psychopaths. A perfect example of WHITE psychopaths at work is the tragic “Cattle Kate” story, about two Canadian immigrants to Wyoming who came to homestead and fell afoul of ruthless cattle barons. If you have never read this story, Margi and I did it for The Barnes Review.

You can go here https://johndenugent.com/important-articles-and-threads and scroll down 1/5th of the way to the “Cattle Kate” link under the photo cover story. It is a very powerful story indeed.

Cattle Kate

Here is the link for your convenience:

Cattle Kate (Use your pdf reader’s magnifying feature to make the print bigger.)

If you cannot advance to this higher realization, that psychopaths are the problem (with much higher percentages of them in some races, but with no race being even close to free of them), then please go to another blog.

====================NICE VIDEOS ABOUT AH

For all his stubborn faults, he was our brother.


(A few typos in this, but otherwise excellent. I am not certain, though, that Stalin was Jewish.)



================”O, Canada”

How the mighty have fallen. From a British Columbia jewspaper:

======Monsanto’s Neotame molecule allowed in USDA certified organic foods

Posted on December 22, 2010 by geobear7| 19 Comments

Neotame is an artificial sweetener made by NutraSweet that is between 7,000 and 13,000 times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar). The product is attractive to food manufacturers as its use greatly lowers the cost of production compared to using sugar or high fructose corn syrup (due to the lower quantities needed to achieve the same sweetening)

Neotame – Hidden Danger in Holiday Food Supply

By Mary Nash Stoddard
The Aspartame Consumer Safety Network

Everyone wants to indulge a sweet tooth at this festive time of year, without suffering the inevitable consequences of weight gain. But, be aware of the hidden (not listed on ingredient labels) dangers of Neotame sweetener in almost everything consumed by humans, and now even in feed for livestock raised for human consumption.

In 1998, Monsanto [JdN: the most evil sephardic-Jew food company in the world; the Monsantos made their money originally in the black slave trade] applied for FDA approval for a monster molecule, “based on the aspartame formula” with one critical addition: 3-dimethylbutyl [listed on EPA’s most hazardous chemical list]. Neotame is touted as being 13,000 times sweeter than sugar.

On July 5, 2002 – Monsanto’s Neotame molecule was approved by the US FDA over formally registered objections of the Aspartame Consumer Safety Network and others. (Long-term effects on humans are unknown.) Read the full release on The Aspartame Consumer Safety Network.

The food labeling requirements required for aspartame have now been dropped for Neotame, and no one is clear why this was allowed to happen. Neotame has been ruled acceptable, and without being included on the list of ingredients, for:

  1. USDA Certified Organic food items.
  2. Certified Kosher products with the official letter k inside the circle on labels.

Ever ready to give the public what it craves – guilt-free, low calorie treats that taste as good as sugar, is the multi-billion dollar sweetener industry. The sugar industry pales by comparison, in the profit generating arena. Fake sugars, in the form of Aspartame and now the Aspartame super clone, Neotame, give ‘foodies’ and fitness fanatics false hope and the empty promise that all can ‘have our cake and eat it, too.’ Not necessarily so.

Controversy has swirled around the artificial sweetener, Aspartame, now also known as AminoSweet, since its FDA approval in 1982. Virtually all corporate sponsored scientific studies show aspartame to be perfectly safe. Virtually all independently done studies show just the opposite. In the lab, Aspartame was shown to cause the following forms of cancers: brain tumors, pancreatic tumors, breast tumors and uterine tumors. Five deaths are registered with FDA. In more recent tests, leukemia, lymphoma and kidney cancers were discovered as well.

There is a parallel issue with which to compare the Aspartame issue, that of cigarettes and the deadly effects of smoking. The massive Tobacco Industry is able to produce large volumes of scientific studies showing smoking does not cause: lung cancer, heart disease, strokes or death. Today, mainstream science accepts the fact that smoking can be deadly and addictive. So it is with Aspartame, whose approval was based, not on scientific fact, but as an issue of public policy.

One form of subliminal advertising, called Product Placement, was successfully used in the 1930′s through the 60′s, by the Tobacco Industry, in films, later on television and in newspaper articles. Product Placement has been successfully employed, in like manner, for Aspartame products, such as diet sodas, etc. Popular actors on sitcoms asking pointedly for a Diet Coke, for example. Only once, in the film, “I Love Trouble,” have I noted seeing a diet drink consumed by the villain. This was in a film about a mythical chemical company which produced a neurotoxic bovine growth hormone product. Sound familiar?

Ironically, prior to U.S. government approval of this controversial new sweetener, Neotame was approved by the regulatory agency in Australia, the day after Donald Rumsfeld (former CEO of the drug company that falsified tests to gain Aspartame approval in the U.S.), was in that country for a one-day meeting with government officials. Coincidence? Maybe.

What’s the latest, in-your-face, profit making method utilized by the makers of Neotame, partnering with a Health Care company in India? The most recent press release from the company explains novel new uses proposed for the ubiquitous new Aspartame formula-based sweetener, Neotame (Sweetos):

EnSigns Health Care Pvt Ltd and The NutraSweet Co USA have recently launched ‘Sweetos’, a cattle feed sweetener. Sweetos has been developed with Neotame, a high intensity sweetener.

Amino acids based sweetener Neotame is 8,000 to 13,000 times sweeter than sugar and is a patented product of the NutraSweet Co USA. Ensigns is one of the leading manufacturer of Sweetos, low calorie sweeteners for the food industry. Together the two companies have launched this sweetener to be added to cattle feed.

Presently, molasses is used as a feed sweetener to mask the low palatable taste of certain non-conventional feed ingredients. But, the prices of molasses have sky rocketed due to its use as a raw material in alcohol production and other chemical manufacturing industries. Besides, there are stringent regulatory measures for purchase and use of molasses.

“Sweetos is an economical substitute for molasses. Sweetos guarantees the masking of unpleasant tastes and odor and improves the palatability of feed. This product will be economical for farmers and manufacturers of cattle feed. It can also be used in mineral mixture,” said Craig Petray, CEO, The NutraSweet Company.

Sweetos is 20 per cent cheaper than molasses, which costs Rs 14 per kg. While Sweetos is priced at Rs 11 per kg, which is available in both powder and liquid form. Ensigns’ has a manufacturing facility at Wagholi, where the company manufactures low calorie sweeteners for the food and beverage (F&B) industry containing sucralose. “We are in talks with the animal husbandry department to reach out to farmers and are trying to tie up with extension services with co-operative societies as well. Cattle consume more fodder when mixed with Sweetos. This product has great export potential as well,” said Mohan Nair, chairman, Ensigns Health Care.

The NutraSweet Company is looking at launching the same product in Brazil soon. It will also launch tabletop sweeteners and products in India. India also has approved the usage of Neotame in the F&B industry in July 2010. Ensigns, therefore, also plans to replace its sucralose based sweetening products with Neotame soon.

Diet sweeteners being used to fatten cattle, by causing them to eat more feed, before they become your favorite burger, steak, cheese or other dairy product? This NutraSweet produced document proves our point that Aspartame, Neotame and related sweeteners cause weight gain, loss of appetite control (and cancers) – in animals and humans.

Find out more about which neuroexcitatory sweeteners are in your foods, beverages and chewing gums. Eliminating them could be a life saving decision.


Mary Nash Stoddard is a freelance journalist, lecturer, expert medical witness, former member President’s Council on Food Safety, voting member Texas Radio Hall of Fame and founder of Aspartame Consumer Safety Network and Pilot Hotline (1987-present). Mary edits the toxicology source book, Deadly Deception Story of Aspartame. Her articles appear regularly in print publications and on the Internet on a Food Safety Blog:

Stoddard’s POV: http://www.marystod.blogspot.com/
ACSN site: http://www.aspartamesafety.com

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My analysis: More proof that our society is run by literal psychopaths. And they’re not all Jews.

If you want it, if you want it real bad, our greatness will return. Our nation will have a father.



In a few days I will present in German

by video my ŝense of reincarnation and I will present a major blogpost on this subject.

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