ENGLISH Gays for the Goys by Brother Nathanael; massive police brutality in Paris against protestors against “gay marriage”

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This blog features perhaps the best video ever on gay marriage and the Jews.  And it has a full report on police brutality against a monster demo against gay marriage in Paris on March 24th.

Establishment reporters were whining — because for a change THEY got tear-gassed and brutalized too! 😉




This is why my sheriff race is so important, to have an ELECTED top-cop! ….and to demand that all police commissioners be ELECTED.

What is more important than your personal safety from not only crooks but also BRUTAL COPS?

This is one of the best videos ever by Brother Nathanael, raised Jewish and a convert to Orthodox Christianity.

(A sincere salute to Brother Nathanael, a fellow Pittsburgher and very interesting man: http://wikiality.wikia.com/Real_Jew_News)

This homo marriage nonsense is a big gut issue, and I guarantee that if gay marriage is accepted, it WILL lead to pedophile “civil rights” too!!! In the end, mark my words, we will see the “right” to molest our children, nieces, nephews, and grandchildren in the putred name of “adult-child love”!



By the way, there was a massive demonstration on Sunday ,March 24, against “gay marriage” in Paris, Franc, with at least 340,000 demonstrators, and the police reacted with extreme brutality on the orders of the JEW president of France, Francois Hollande.

Both the previous French president, Nicolas Sarkozy (left) and the new puppet president, Hollande (right) are 5’7″ Jewboys.


PARIS, March 28, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – source: http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/more-revelations-of-pre-meditated-paris-police-brutality-and-provocations-a?utm_source=LifeSiteNews.com+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=295418efd6-LifeSiteNews_com_Intl_Headlines_03_26_2013&utm_medium=email

Key excerpts:

1.4 million people were in the streets last Sunday and revelations of police brutalities and provocations against peaceful families marching against same-sex “marriage” have not changed French president François Hollande’s stance on the draft law legalizing “marriage” and adoption for homosexual couples due for its first reading in the Senate next week.

Hollande has been experiencing an unprecedented popularity drop that has prompted him to organize a televised interview on France 2 (taxpayer-funded public television) this evening. An eyewitness told LifeSiteNews 2,500 protesters, mostly young people, awaited the arrival of Hollande, which was being provided with massive police protection. Some 500 police officers guarded the television building and all day long police vans were parked in the area which was closed to traffic for several hours.

French riot police intimidate a French woman.


During the 70-minute-long interview, a scant 60 seconds were devoted to same-sex “marriage” and not one word was said about last Sunday’s police violence. François Hollande will not budge: same-sex “marriage” was an element of his electoral agenda and will serve “equality,” even if it is a “divisive” subject for, among other things, “spiritual” reasons, he said.

In a 2012 televised debate, both candidates were Jews, as was the reporter on the right, David Pujadas, with his arms out. ONLY the attractive female reporter on the left middle  was really French.


Pro-marriage and family advocates such as Grégor Puppinck, director of the European Center for Law and Justice, have analyzed European Human Rights Court case law and made clear that once “marriage” rights are given to homosexual couples the question of legalizing procedures to give gay and lesbian couples access to children will only be a matter of time.

Since last Sunday’s gigantic demonstration against same-sex “marriage”, more and more videos and statements have come in from participants who were either victims or witnesses of police violence. The picture that is emerging is hugely negative for François Hollande and his Interior minister, Manuel Valls. Questions are being asked about whether a deliberate trap been set to provoke incidents to discredit the protests? Many signs are said to point in that direction.

Massive anti-gay marriage crowd finally goes down the Champs Elysée avenue


Françoise Besson, a Paris solicitor who had come to demonstrate in full lawyer’s dress with several hundred other magistrates, law professors and legal counsels, was present when the police first attacked with tear gas and rubber bats against families who were being prevented from moving forward on to the place de l’Etoile – where the Arc de Triomphe stands – while more and more people were coming up from behind.

Demonstration near the famous Arc de Triomphe against “gay marriage” in Paris; the police reacted with locking the totally peaceful demonstrators in with police trucks (see photo) and then assaulting them with tear gas and rubber bats. The demonstrators claim that 1.4 MILLION protesters attended, not the 340,000 (a huge number in any case!) which the jew-controlled police asserted. The caption says in French: “1,400,000 French in the streets of Paris. Men, women and children march calmly, singing the Marseillaise [national anthem])  


Besson and other jurists even tried to negotiate with the police to let the demonstrators pass, as the street was becoming dangerously packed. She is prepared to testify that there was no provocation on the part of the demonstrators. Instead, the police suddenly and without warning sprayed tear gas in the direction of several demonstrators, even those who were trying to run back into the crowd. Besson says she was also told on several occasions by officers that they were obeying explicit orders.

Besson later joined the crowds who moved down to the Champs-Elysées and witnessed several other brutal police attacks among the many that took place.
These included the tear-gassing of a middle-aged priest wearing his cassock, small children and even a baby carriage which, thankfully, was not occupied at the time, its ten-month old occupant having been lifted out by his mother to be fed. The law enforcement officer who committed this act was immediately apprehended and relieved of his duties.

But in all other cases police violence went unpunished while the government has been repeating that the situation had been perfectly handled to avoid letting the situation deteriorate. This included, as multiple videos show, and as many reports personally received by this author confirm, attacks on groups of youngsters sitting on the streets, singing and laughing and the use of tear gas gel which adheres to clothes and continues to hurt and sting hours after being sprayed.
Children of two Catholic journalists, one from the weekly Famille chrétienne and the other from the daily Présent, were still under observation on Monday morning after having received tear gas directly in their eyes; in one case it is feared permanent damage has been done.

Demonstrators on their knees demand the police stop tear-gassing them! The crowd was 99% white.


A pro-gay “marriage” professional working in his office on the Champs-Elysées saw the confusion and went out to bring water to people who needed to rinse their eyes. He was immediately set upon and gassed by the police. He indignantly told his story to the major French daily, Le Figaro, in its Wednesday edition.

A group of mainstream journalists has issued an official complaint in the wake of multiple incidents of members of the press being treated like the demonstrators.

How can all this have happened? Confirming reports that many demonstrators were allowed, and even encouraged by the police to move down the Champs-Elysées which had not been authorized for the event, Mrs Besson told LifeSiteNews that she is “definite” that the whole affair was a pre-meditated trap. She personally witnessed how the police first let several thousand people move away from the main demonstration, and then stopped them with barriers and encircled them so that they could no longer escape, even when the police charged, cramming the demonstrators into tiny areas and trying to prevent their march.


Since Sunday, all public appearances of ministers of Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault’s government are being met by lively mini-demonstrations where flags of the “Manifestation pour tous” are flown to the chants: “François, we don’t want your law!” .

The banners says about marriage: “One father + One Mother — This is centuries old!”


In one case, in Troyes where the minister of Agriculture was expected for a meeting with a farmers’ union, a dozen people – three men, women and several children in baby carriages – were taken to the police station for the duration of the minister’s presence.

A “Picnic for all” organized this Thursday by the “Printemps français” (French spring) in the public gardens at the foot of the Senate, where the law is to be discussed next week, was held during the afternoon. All participants were evacuated by the end of the afternoon when they planned to set up tents with the intention of camping until the law is removed from the government agenda.

The tenacity of these defenders of natural marriage has come as a huge surprise to many, leading even the mainstream media to dispute the government’s unreliably low estimations of Sunday’s turnout.


A French comrade wrote:

Jean-Pierre Dickes4 days ago

We are now in France in a state of dictatorship. All the polls which are done on this subject disapprove completely the government’s bill.

But it doesn’t care and continues against the will of nearly all the population. We are now in complete totalitarianism.

Again, it is the Jews who are training the police to be brutal! (and maybe even Israelis…)  This is a great issue., And I can verify that the Identitaires (a group like us, but they avoid the Jew issue, and focus on muslims and homosexuals) had a big email in French, which I got, about police brutality against conservatives. And Francois Hollande, the crypto-Jew president, is crashing in the polls both over 1) gay marriage and 2) the terrible economy.

As my previous blog stated:

Remember my 2011 video on Sigmund Freud, Edward Bernays and the Jew psychiatrists who teach police brutality? Under the vile liar, Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair, at the Toronto G-20 meeting in 2010, the cops went crazy.

When even Canadians act like this, up in historically gentle and very liberal Canada, then it cannot be anything truly Canadian at work here. It is the Jews who are brainwashing ALL the white cops everywhere to hate and despise the white public of every country!


Watch now below from the times 16:09 to 41:40. These 2010 scenes from Toronto during the G-20 meeting are really just as disturbing as the Richard Leone case, because violence by white male cops against attractive and peaceful white women and in broad daylight is even more shocking than against a lone male on a dark country highway.

(Let the video load for two minutes — start it then hit pause — then jump ahead to 16:09. You will not believe what you see!)

Pure freudian terror: “We the cops are your masters; you are animals to be beaten.”



John de Nugent for Sheriff




681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4284


Thanks to a comrade for 100 Swiss francs!





  1. “Worse is better,” said the father of all evils of the twentieth century, Vladimir Ilich Uulyanov, aka “Lenin”
    We must come to the critical point of saturation in order to have qualitative change!

    Our masters know it and provide us with unlimited quantities of adulterated food, drinks and a flood of the most idiotic and degenerate programs on the electronic bolshevik aka tv.

  2. Think I heard about that incident in your video. There shouldn’t be any mosques [in Texas]. If the farmer wants to raise pigs and to piss the muslims off then he should do it.

    Texas is a great state and will be again if we step up to the plate and take care of what needs to be done. Not only that. but we shouldn’t be shy of saying why we fight and why we’re right and that THIS IS OUR LAND and WE WILL protect it from FOREIGN INVADERS who DO NOT belong here.

    Your video [on cops trained by Jess to be brutal] was great, John, and exposes the Jews.

    Europe is stepping up to the plate with parties like the Golden Dawn. We must follow their example.

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