ENGLISH Georgians from the Caucausus and other part-neanderthals

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=======================A RUSSIAN ASKS ABOUT GEORGIANS

A Russian comrade did some fine and rapid translation work for me, and also wrote me to urge me not to denigrate Georgians, saying he has some very fine in-laws from Georgia. (That country in the Caucasus Mountains, the home of Stalin and Beria, was part of the Tsarist Russian Empire and then of the Soviet Union for generations.)

I replied:

* * *

Dear Russian white brother,

Many thanks for this translation!

I do think that Russia will help save our race, and its tragic history has made it very tough in character. We will need that toughness soon, and we need to hear your searing memories, as a people, of what the Zhidi did to genocide your great nation and some of its best blood.

Vladimir the Great and some Russian children.

I translated 90 percent of the material for this special issue (below) of The Barnes Review (http://www.barnesreview.org/) on the crucifixion of Russia by Bolshevik Jews and their Georgian neanderthalic gumbahs. (The original text was in German, by the distinguished WN historian Udo Walendy, who summarized (and critiqued the flaws) in Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s last (and mostly excellent) book, his two-volume, 2002 work entitled Two Hundred Years Together. The suffering of Russia was so excruciating and endless (from 1917-1957, when the gulag closed) that it took me nine months to translate it with gritted teeth of anger and horror.

CLICK HERE!! Russia and the Jews


You will never, ever, make the mistake of surrendering to the mercy of the Jews after reading this. After you FORCE yourself to read this, as a spiritual discipline and a safety precaution, I guarantee you that you will resolve to FIGHT TO THE DEATH (theirs or yours😉), rather than surrender. And that is why I (and comrade Roy Armstrong-Godenau)  translated this spine-chilling material.

As for the Georgians, my view of them is like my view of the other Caucasus peoples and of the Arabs: they are literally part neanderthalic, and thus genetically programmed to destroy Cro Magnon man, that is, to destroy us by their very DNA.

See my major webpage on this: https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites

* * *

The vindicated, courageous, visionary, part-Jewish author Michael Bradley of Alabama (and now Toronto, Canada) (www.michaelbradley.info)

His seminal 1992 book Chosen People from the Caucasus states that semitic peoples have Stone Age neanderthal genes in significant amounts, and this encourages violence, fanaticism and oppression of women (even of goddesses!)

* * *

Of course, no people today is pure neanderthal. (The Armenians actually have the highest percentage, not the sephardic or khazarian “Jews.”)

And even neanderthals can have good qualities, such as, for example, in tenacity and in mathematical ability. There are even genuinely “good” Jews! David Cole, Mordechai Vanunu and Ariel Toaff come to mind.

Jewish teen David Cole traveled to Auschwitz with Ernst Zündel and proved, by interviewing on-camera the Auschwitz Museum director (!), that the gas chamber shown to tourists was a Soviet, Stalinist hoax built after the war.

Mordechai Vanunu did thirteen years in solitary for exposing the Israeli program to build weapons of mass destruction.

Ariel Toaff, the greatest scholar alive on Italian Jewry, proved (see http://bloodpassover.com/) that certain Ashkenazi Jews in Italy WERE committing ritual murder and the blood-draining of abducted white Christian children.

In any case, I am sure your Georgian relatives by marriage are good people. I am referring to the long track record of the Georgian nation toward Russians, and that of Stalin and Beria especially who murdered millions of slavic Russians and Ukrainians (and some of the best of your nation) in a mass program of dysgenics.

I have been following the recent race riots in Moscow, which show once again that Slavs see Caucasian people as dangerous … and they are. Khazars are the worst, of course!

These riots are in response to a football (soccer) fan being shot dead at the weekend during clashes with North Caucasus (neanderthalic, dark-skinned and often muslim) gangs in Moscow. These riots, some reports say, are happening throughout Russia. Caucasus peoples run much of the organized crime in the Russian Federation, commit the kidnapping of Russian girls to be sex slaves, and other horrors against white slavic people.

As for Islam in its current configuration, I see it as an anti-woman, violence-prone, totalitarian, semitic, and neanderthalic religion, inappropriate for our race (which respects women innately), and as a huge threat to the white nations around the world.

Muslims are making life into hell for European Union countries, especially for white women. I discuss the wave of gang rapes by Muslims all across Scandinavia and Finland here:


Here is another appearance by that marvelous Ukrainian-American girl from right here in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Jackie Evancho, on the famous Tonight Show. (And I am glad she is no longer doing the jew-negro, semi-slutty “cheerleading” which she very briefly showed Jay Leno at around 02:30 at his request.)


Thanks again for your quick translation, Russian comrade, and your feedback!




Secrets to a Happy Life:
A Primer for 20-Something Whites

2,120 words


Is age 36 comparatively too young for me to be dispensing life advice?


But I’ve seen enough misery among White friends, relatives, and co-workers who are in their 30s and 40s that I’m motivated to write. A lot of the misery, I’m convinced, is caused by the death-inducing lies fed to Whites by the popular culture — a culture that is heavily influenced by consumerism, pharmacology, misguided White liberalism and our Jewish ethnic competitors.

Whites today are a mess. They’re declining in numbers, politically dispossessed, and confused about who they are. They are ignorant of their history and haven’t even thought of their future as a race of people. So it should come as no surprise that they currently aren’t making any future to speak of. I’m chipping in to reverse this trend.

Don’t think of this as anything definitive or comprehensive. It’s a jumping-off point, food for thought, a spark for the mental juices.


1. Get married

Once upon a time, mothers wanted this. Fathers wanted this. The whole family wanted this. They put pressure on younger people, and it worked. Today, that pressure is gone. It’s not good a good thing for Whites generally, or you personally.

Staying single into your 30′s and 40′s is recipe for isolated misery. The natural order of a healthy American life is to get married. Christians believe this, and correctly. Atheist racialist evolutionists believe this, and correctly. Whatever else motivates you, you should believe this, too. Because it’s true.

The “death culture” is one primarily aimed at Whites. Reject it. Don’t think that a happy life means perpetual adolescence and never-ending bachelorhood or bachelorette-hood. It’s a lie.

You look better at age 25. You have an open window, and you need to climb through it.

I cannot fathom the number of very smart and very attractive White women I’ve seen go unmarried. If you’re a woman, read “Just Marry Him,” the 2008 article from The Atlantic.

Read it if you’re a man, too.

I repeat: get married. It’s the rare person whose life is so important that they can’t be bothered to get married. Most presidents of late have been married, with children. If leaders of the free world can manage it with their schedules, so can you.

Marriage can be miserable. I need not go on about this. But it is far superior to the alternative: loneliness, partnerless-ness, family-lessness. On balance, I think studies show that married people are happier and live longer. Human beings need a partner, a family, a sense of the future. Lying in bed every night knowing that your body is the end of the genetic line should be a bracing thought. So kill the thought by getting married and having kids.

I am convinced that some Whites (usually women), disappointed by their inability to find a partner, declare themselves to be homosexual and pair off that way. I’m frustrated by this, partly because I doubt the actual “homosexuality” of these folks.

I’m not pointing fingers here, but maybe Whites of both sexes need to dispense with the notion that they’ll marry a matinee idol. You might be happier with a chunky White man with bad eyes who can give you children than another miserable chunky White woman who can’t.

The bottom line: wait for the perfect man or woman, and you’ll be waiting a long time. Marry someone you can stand, who you can imagine waking up next to every morning. Doesn’t sound romantic, I know, but there it is.

2. Marry a White person

You’ll be happier. I encounter dozens of White women who, convinced by Jewish propaganda that a Black man will enrich them, end up living ghetto lifestyles. Don’t buy this lie.

There is nothing more completely revolting and dispiriting to me than the sight of a White woman trailing her Black or Hispanic “ghetto daddy” and their corn-rowed, ghetto-beclothed young ones. Typically, she herself has often thrown in with the ghetto lot, dressing in sweatclothes and adopting a ghetto hairstyle of some kind.

But it’s not just me who’s made unhappy. These women are not really happy. They have descended to the undercrust of life, seemingly without an opportunity to return. These women are sometimes physically abused, living in lowly conditions, and otherwise ill-cared for (personal observation).

I don’t imagine that the thousands of White males who’ve married Asian women are as miserable as the White partners of Blacks, but I counsel avoiding this route as well. An Asian woman might have some advantages over a White woman — less feminist comes to mind — but try overlooking this for the good of the race.

By marrying a White person, you will be more closely related to your children. And since you would be more closely related to your White children, psychological research shows that you would be likely to have better rapport with them.

Your in-laws will be White, which will make things easier. They understand you. You understand them. The whole extended family will be White. A nice shelter in an increasingly hateful world.

And let’s face it — it’s not like White people are unattractive. A Jewish male might face the temptation to marry a pretty blonde “shiksa,” but he’s encouraged to get past that and marry into his ethnicity. You, White gentile male, should be marrying the pretty blonde (or brunette, or redhead). Many Jewish mothers would agree.

3. Have children

Don’t wait until your 40s. It is simply a lie that childbirth at 42 is as easy and risk-free as childbirth at 28. The media tells you this because it’s not interested in a healthy White society — it’s interested in quite the opposite. In fact, it’s much harder for women to get pregnant after age 35.

So many White women have been devastated by this falsehood: they put off children for an empty career end up pregnant with Down Syndrome babies, birth defects, birth difficulties, the need for fertility drugs, you name it.

Listen to nature: have children in your 20s and 30s. Have lots of them. Don’t worry about paying for them. They will not starve, believe me.

Making partner at Stumpson & Wickwacker is not more fulfilling.

Children are an absolute delight. Yes, they are also a pain. But don’t listen to the lies about how having kids will ruin your life. They won’t. Your life is not so important that you can’t change a damn diaper. This will put you in touch with reality. Someone changed your diaper, after all — give back, as the liberals like to say.

It just isn’t normal to go childless. Healthy life means being surrounded by all ages of Whites, from infancy to deathbed. This is life, and this is how it should be.

You look like an idiot with all your yuppie toys and no kids at 46. I’ve seen this White couple all over — on my side of the family and my wife’s. They have spectacular homes, very nicely decorated. Great, I admire that. But what lurks there is creeping death, and a certain sadness.

Few people accomplish all they seek in life. Your kids are your chance to live on. Don’t be the end of the family line, as Morrissey sings. Maybe it’s okay for him — he’s Morrissey. You shouldn’t be. Someone needs to be there in the future to enjoy the moping of Morrissey.

Having children is pretty much your primary life job. Get to it. And if an adorable blonde two-year-old squealing “daddy” and running into your arms when you get home from work isn’t enough, take a darker view: Your race is dying, White people. Resuscitate, stat.

Do it for the rest of us. I have never seen older White people light up so brightly as when they see White babies and children. You can almost hear them thinking, “thank God there are some left.”

Don’t listen to those childless Whites who proclaim that they’re perfectly happy without children. How would they know? If they were so naturally happy, would they feel the need to point it out?

And for God’s sake — dogs are not a substitute for children. “Well, you know, Max is really our baby,” I’ll hear childless White couples say about the Golden Retriever. No. He’s not. Max may be a nice dog, but calling him “your baby” makes a mockery of the human experience.

4. Live in a White area

Unless you’ve got a specially-tailored pro-White urban plan (like working to influence the urban opinion machine or getting really rich), get out of the cities. They’re great places for adventure, I know: I lived in New York City for seven years, and liked it, for the most part (counting the racial and Jewish reality lessons the place taught me).

But they are no place to raise a White family. Steve Sailer has even shown that they tend to choke off White families because of the costs involved.

Working and living in non-White areas corrodes the soul. It raises the blood pressure. You just don’t get along as well with Blacks, Hispanics and aggressive Jews as you do with your own White kind, believe me. In White areas, your neighbors will watch out for you. You can borrow jumper cables from them. They can borrow sugar from you. It’s nice. It’s comforting. It’s good.

It’s also so obvious I wondered whether I had to include it. Demographically, this is what Whites do, anyway. When they seek urban life, they sometimes head for White cities like Portland, Oregon. Fine.

5. Get rich

One pro-White figure of great stature recommends living off 90 percent of what you earn, and saving or investing the rest. That’s a good rule . . . live on a little less than what you make, basically. Try to stay out of debt, recognizing that education debt and mortgages are hard to avoid for normal people. Do not live on credit cards. Start the retirement account early. Slow and steady wins the race. Don’t put a lot of money in cars. They’re a terrible investment because they lose value so quickly.

6. But don’t let your career overtake your life

If you’re miserable on the job, you’ll be miserable, period. This is where you spend a lot of time, even if you’ve managed to escape the clutches of law firm life or some other week-gobbling enterprise.

It sounds trite, but it’s true: Do something you enjoy, something you’re good at. It’s going to take a hell of a lot of money to be satisfied with work you don’t like. What isn’t true is that if you “do what you love, the money will roll in.” Tell this to a writer. Still, better to do what you love.

7. Consider going to church

It would be way too hypocritical for me to suggest a rigorous faith life for anyone, which is why I say “consider” going to church. (If you already go, great — stick with it.) I see a great centering power, and hewing to Western traditional ways, in church. If nothing else, plant your rear on a pew for an hour a week to meditate. Even an atheist can do that, right? In college I might have said that believing in God was more important than going to church. I now believe that going to church is more important than believing in God. Just a thought.

I can second that. I have attended, for example, Catholic masses conducted mostly in Latin by Traditional Catholics ….and they put you into a reverie where you can do some very good, peaceful meditation, and soak up good energy, whatever the theology, from others who are there to seek God and His will. This is a pic from this morning. You can see the snowy background through the kitchen window here in exurban Pittsburgh, and also my NASA sweatshirt, which I bought in 2001 at Cape Canaveral, with the humorous motto: “I need my space.” 😉 I and Major Bill Fox, USMC, who like me walks around “locked and loaded” (he with a .45) do need our space…..and we will protect it. Our message to Zionist terrorists is simple: LEAVE US ALONE. But they cannot do that, and so the crisis for them is approaching.

8. Avoid drugs

Every other White person seems to be gulping down Prozac, Xanax, you name it. I am not a doctor, but I suspect these drugs are heavily overprescribed. A little bit of anxiety and depression is normal. Deal with them by talking to friends and family, finding a hobby or talking a walk. Maybe a little Jack Daniels if none of those work.

9. Know your family history

I am shocked by the number of Whites who don’t know ancestors beyond grandparents. You might find some comfort in knowing who your ancestors were, what they did and where they came from. I suspect that a “who cares” attitude toward this topic is helped along by the demonization of Whites as a people. So screw with the system a little and find out where your blood comes from. You might expand this to learning a little about your race’s history, from Greco-Roman times through the present. Your child will learn who Cesar Chavez was, but will he learn who Charles Martel was?

10. Stand up for your race

In ways big and small, there’s something more you could be doing. If you’re looking for a cause or a purpose larger than yourself, consider tackling the White plight. It will not win you admiration from the current power structure, but will give you the happiness that comes from fighting for a real cause.

From The Occidental Observer, November 17, 2009


Boy, the Jew do hate Gilad Atzmon, who knows and tells the truth about his own ex-people.

After Atzmon, what excuse is there for palefaces (I will not call them Aryans or even whites) to be Christian Zionists or otherwise lick the boots of the gloating killers of Christ and many others?

What Zionism Wrought

By Vienna Mike
Instead, let me introduce you to the ultimate product of secular Zionism and humanist education. Here is a man who grew up in Israel and served in the IDF, a talented musician, composer, political commentator, comedian, Geffen Award nominated writer and… supreme advocate of the destruction of the State of Israel, elimination of the Jewish People and the abrogation of Judaism and Jewish identity. When asked to choose between the Jews and the “Palestinians” he not only proudly chooses the “Palestinians” but openly claims that that the Jew should not exist at all. He advocates the burning of synagogues before lecture halls full of college students. In a single breath he goes from condemnation of Zionism to condemnation of Judaism and hence to a call for assimilation. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Gilad Atzmon.


It is easy to dismiss this man as a “self-hating Jew” or “Jewish antisemite” or other some such label and go about our business. Yes, this man is, in fact, a Jewish antisemite. But labeling a thing is not sufficient. When confronted with an obvious threat, such as this person, we must ask ourselves how and why this threat exists. How is this man possible? He is not insane. He is obviously not stupid. What made Gilad Atzmon? How does one become a traitor to his own people?

Gilad Atzmon was brought up in a supposed Jewish State and educated in Israeli secular schools when they still, supposedly, taught Jewish pride, Israeli identity and all the rest of the buzzwords so beloved by the secular Zionist crowd. Don’t blame Yuli Tamir for him! So what went wrong? Why do we have the likes of Gilad Atzmon coming out of Israel in droves?

Taking a brief glance around we have Oren Ben-Dor, Avi Shlaim, Yehuda Kupferman, Uri Davis, Ilan Pappe, Uri Ram, Shlomo Zand, Teddy Katz, Eyal Ben-Ari, Tali Fahima… Why is an alleged Jewish State producing such a bumper crop of traitors [sic] who openly call for the destruction of their own country and the extermination of their own people? How can a supposed Jewish State raise a whole generation of prominent intellectuals who gleefully collude with Hitler’s successors? Yes, we have their ilk in the Diaspora also, all those Norman Finkelsteins and Noam Chomskys, but these can be explained by the deleterious nature of the Galut, right? Or maybe not?




Jason flew from faraway Alaska, four times zones away, to help me here as an unpaid volunteer. Others are sending badly needed financial resources. His YouTube site is full of the very best videos. He is purposeful, a Norwegian-German-American, 21, and he is single, girls! 😉

Jason near Mount McKinley, Alaska (also called Denali) a few months back.

Jason pressing 220 pounds, the maximum, on the quadriceps (leg) weight machine here in Sarver, Pennsylvania.

Butler County, Pennsylvania, where Sarver is located and where Jason works with me, once was “Klan country,” and voted 70% against the negro Obama in 2008. It is 98 percent white and very, very rightwing. The new sheriff attended a local rally by the famous anti-NWO patriot and Tea Party-leaning activist Sheriff Mack last year. The local police are also very cooperative and know exactly who I am.

Jason (right of center; his head is highest) and friends after conquering Ptarmigan Peak in Alaska. The blonde girl on the left, whom Jason met there, is from Norway, home of many of Jason’ ancestors, but lives in Alaska, a biologist who cannot find work due to the Asian-immigrant takeover of American science companies. Jason is, among other responsibilities, my expert here at HQ on Nordic-Germanic-Asatruan religion, and on the ancient Aryan religion of India, and wants to start a family when he meets “the right person.”

Many climbers have perished trying to scale this mountain due to its steepness. Its altitude is 4,911 feet or 1,497 meters. But true Aryans live for great challenges. You cannot have heroes without danger. Jason found this in Alaska: drunken, whining, overtly white-hating eskimos…who lay down drunk in the snow, freeze, and are discovered by snowplow trucks in the spring, big, hard lumps of frozen Inuit….

When will YOU decide to live, and not just exist? 🙂

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