ENGLISH God video 3-c; urgent appeal; martial law during SOPA protest?

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I am proud to announce that, on the most minimal budget, we have just released the next segment (the second-to-last before I launch the Eternal Solutrean movement) of the God video.

(If you have not seen the previous segments of the God video, or my other videos, here they are, on an emergency webpage one of my webmasters created after hacking of the main videos page: https://johndenugent.com/pages_backup/videos-of-jdn-speaking.htm)

It is a sign how much the Jews fear these videos that they were busy for days with password hacking tricks trying to get into the website http://johndenugent.us, one of the four JdN mirror sites — jdn.com, jdn.org, dem-reps and also jdn.net.)

This video below continues my interview with a simpatico Pittsburgh tycoon type, and segués into the FACT of reincarnation, and the final God video will surprise you with even more hard proof of reincarnation.

Through these God videos, you will understand that YOU are meaningful, your life is meaningful, you came to this world out of courage, trying to better yourself, and this is the perfect time to be alive.

For this is a time for heroes. In the challenges right ahead, you can make incredible advances upward in who you are and what you are worth. And via embracing the FACT that we have many lives you can and will lose your fear of death and meaninglessness….fearing only this — the consequences in this life and the next ones of an further drifting along in dishonor, inertia, cowardice, incompetence and irresponsibility at THIS juncture …..when the entire fate of our race, and indeed of the whole planet, is at stake.

And now God video 3-c…..and maybe have your hankie out for a happy cry for the inspiring white Australian at the end…..;-)

Jdn God Video strip district 3 c


I do not think white racialists realize how HUGE this 666 issue will be for the public….

(Graphic by the gifted comrade Skip Baker, inspired by a recent blog I did with this exposé….)

Even non-Christians somehow are highly aware of this 666 prophesy, that an Antichrist would arise who would preach “humanity” and yet do the opposite, striving for a global dictatorship and denying other people the right to eat, drink, buy or sell without the “Mark of the Beast” (an RFID chip) on their forehead and hand.

As for the United States, as my webmaster who lives down in Texas knows (and another key supporter of Solutreanism next door in the Lone Star State), there are millions of conservative Republican Born-Again Americans who are obsessed with God, Jesus, Israel and the End Times…. These were the very last blind followers to abandon Bush-Cheney…. and they were and are a huge part of the neo-con US military…..

Their mantra was: “We gotta help Israel. God will bless that nation that blesses Israel and curse that nation that curses His people.”

As I say, this 666 business is a stunning discovery, and though now it seems other patriots, including a German, made it years before me, it has had no “legs” (theater term = no “drawing power”) until now.

The fact is that Jerusalem’s location adds up to 666, and the very Star of David itself, at the center of the Israeli flag, ALSO adds up to 666.

This fulfills a Christian prophesy from the second century AD in the New Testament. This is a hydrogen bomb that will explode against further Christian support for Israhell, which began gathering steam after the infamous Scofield Bible came out, using Oxford University Press, and funded by the Zionist leader Samuel Untermeyer. The whole effort was to get Christians to support Israel.

The message of this graphic will be clear to these Born-Agains:

The Jews = Satan’s children

And thus Jesus’ words in John 8:44 come true: “You are from your father, the Devil!”

I KNOW how powerful this is, because I spent five years as a devout Christian 1970-75, and the Antichrist is a huge issue for “end-time believers.”

Polls show that even people who NEVER go to church believe in 666 and the Antichrist!

Hitler and Goebbels would have been ecstatic to have such a propaganda weapon…. It is ultra-simple, clear, obvious and can be repeated over and over and over until, as Dr. Goebbels once said in the “Triumph of the Will” movie, “even the simplest folk comrade can get it” (bis es auch der einfachste Volksgenosse versteht).

When I see these fat Walmart waddlers, who buy Mountain Dew by the case, and attend their Pentacostal or Baptist churches, and praise their beloved Israhell to the skies, and thus idolatrously worship the very ethnic group that torture-murdered their Lord Jesus Christ…..

……I just wonder how they will react to this “revelation” (pun intended ;) wink) that the capital of Israhell, Jerusalem, and the Star of David itself, both signify “666,” the mark of the Antichrist.

And then I will hit these Born-Agains with the video from Israeli tv of the blondish jewess (the bikini-clad girl) who is nailing a whining “Jesus” monkey to a cross


and I will then show them “comédienne” Sarah Silverman saying (at the time segment 1:22-1:42, found here)

Sarah sez:

“I hope the Jews DID kill Christ! I’d f—–g do it again … in a second!”

The Jews are now digging their own graves. Thus ever psychopaths, by malice and egomania, enrage the world and make it boil over into pogroms and even massive slaughter. (https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/important-info/psychopaths-in-power/)

Next comes the final God video segment, and then the absolute FINAL video of the whole series, “Solutreanism in Seven.” This is a powerful, emotional, soul-changing video on who WE are and who THEY are.

Regarding THEM, it will contain clips from video footage, porovoing EXPLOSIONS took down the World Trade Center. …

..then this perfect two-minute video, all taken from the very FOX News Channel they watch…..


….followed by this short video masterpiece in its entirety….a heart-rending memorial to the WTC “JUMPERS”


….and other footage from Mike Delaney’s “9/11 Missing Links (shown here with French subtitles in this version below…. for my many French readers of today’s blog)

Then the website re-emerges as a mass-appeal portal, and the hard-core WN blog which racialists read now at democratic-republicans.us, johdenugent.org, johndenugent.net and democratic-republicans.us becomes a paid webpage for those hard-core members only.

The launch is the date I start going door-to-door for this new ethnic religion, just as I did for the Jehovah’s Witnesesses part-time 1970-72 and full-time 1972-74, and handing out the DVD of the entire video collection, and then train followers to do likewise.

It works for the JWs and it works also for the Mormons (though their “thing” is the young people do just two years of what they call “missionary work” with the door-to-door approach).

If anyone can donate, even if you have done so in the past and are pretty much tapped-out, now is nevertheless the moment to dig deep one more time. My cell phone has been shut off for a week due to lack of funds, and I have literally no money, not even nickels and dimes. My video editor has been “taken before,” and though I am paying him only a pitiful $5 an hour, still he demands to be paid at least that.

I bought chicken wings at a cheap bar three days ago and could not even leave the waitress, a very nice gal supporting two teenagers, a tip. …I promised her I would come by with a tip “soon.”

I have come to understand one thing: that as Nietzsche said,

“A strong will reveals itself by acts, and a weak will by words.”

It is indeed pitiful that white racialists interpret my videos and blogs as mere words, when what they are is instructional materials that must be created in advance to teach a new white nation, information weapons that must be ready BEFORE the launch. (They are my R&D, my “research and development” of my message “product.”)

I do understand that the masses (and most white racialists are just part of the masses) are docile, selfish, self-centered, miserly, and buying guns as a fetish when only a political solution PLUS gun readiness can save us. I comprehend that, as veteran WN writer Eric Thomson says, they are “materialistic fantasy addicts,” and not a whit better than other mass-men in terms of making painful sacrifices for others.

These masses have to actually see me on tv (once again!!!), in the newspapers (once again!!!), and actually gathering public support before they open their wallets.

Thirty-three years of risking my life, health and money for our race, and walking away in 1981 from a millionaire lifestyle I could have had as a partner with Davis Bateman & Nugent insurance brokers in Providence, Rhode Island (and I did get my insurance license, toying with the ideas) — all that means nothing to them.

https://johndenugent.com/about-john/wikipedia-biography-john-de-nugent/ (Note how many photos have been hacked out, and how many of my videos have been deleted by JewTube…)

https://johndenugent.com/about-john/wn-biography-of-jdn/ (I have laboriously spent hours restoring the photos to this webpage.)

“But that was THEN, John! What have you done for me lately?” ;) wink

They do not understand that BEFORE I take on the incredible strength and the nearly omnipresent, nearly omniscient and nearly omnipotent networks of world Jewry, which crushed even the great Hitler himself, the greatest man of the last two thousand years, as well as the old and wonderful souls, the truly GREAT men who were Robert E. Lee, Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford, and their sad fates made me somber for years, I have to first:

1) complete these videos,
2) have encrypted communications, and
3) build multiple websites up at all times in case one or two are again crashed.

But there is a vast army of the angry out there. And enough of them WILL respond…..AFTER I complete my preparation, and actually launch this great work.

I have had three experiences lately where I go to a bar for a beer (in vino veritas, “in wine is truth,” the Romans always said) and people really do open up when drinking, saying un-p.c. things, and I listen very, very carefully to what they say and HOW they say it, word-for-word.
When I began talking, people just started staring at me like some kind of, well, messiah or savior figure, just like…. in that famous painting, Hitler with that crowd of young people stacked up in front of him, him seated at that table….just RAPT with attention……
A salesgirl at Macy’s, two brothers at Pittsburgh Airport, two women eating spaghetti at Harrison’s Bar and Grill [a nice local bar], and a salesgirl at a BP gas station-convenience store… It is as if they were just plain READY: that is all I can say…. I have never experienced this before…….
A nice-looking woman at the Parkview Bar in Tarentum and I got to talking about the state of the world, and I used one of my recently very effective lines:

You watch that tv box, and you can just FEEL the EVIL coming out of it!

So she popped the next logical question, and her eyes were really searching my soul…

So WHO is behind this evil? Who are these people?

I just knew that I had to go all the way.

Well, you asked me a honest question, and I am going to give you an honest answer. I think the Jews now control the country. You look at them, they control New York, they control the media, they control Wall Street, and they control the politicians.

And all these stupid wars are to help Israel, even if America goes bankrupt and we all starve. And all the tax cuts are to help the Jewish billionaires like Goldman Sachs buy up the country, the stimulus is just for the banks, and we will end up complete slaves.They are laying off the policemen, the firefighters, the teachers, and the roads are going to hell, but the money machine for the Jews keeps marching on.

I could tell by her eyes as I spoke, and my mind is doing body-language studies every tenth of a second, that she was in TOTAL agreement with what I said and HOW I said it.

They all are ready. She looked at me with that deep, receptive look that tells anyone (in politics, sales, or even flirting romantically with a person) you are really getting through to them.

She reminded me of a Hitler Youth girl in a photo from the 1930s…. she wanted to BELIEVE — that we now know our enemy and we now know who can lead us.

And that is my answer to an Asian man who sent me $200 in cash the other day, two fifties and five twenties. I know I am now ready to lead, and that whether it is one-on-one, small groups, or large crowds, the people respond to me.

And enough of them WILL

I am extraordinarily pleased when non-whites step forward and support me, as my part-black webmaster Clark Lightbridge did, with two years of selfless service and even four months helping me right here in Pennsylvania.

They know that I am pro-white, but I reach out my hand in respect and gratitude to ANY person of any race who has noble motives, and wants to help us, the Eternal Solutreans, to take down the judeopsychopathocracy.

There is no time left. I must start my movement…. and I must do it now. And be for our people now what AH was then. I know that if the leader is truly great (and even a collaborator who got frustrated at my slow progress in 2010-11 said to a critic, “John has the potential to be a great leader”), then enough of his people will become great too, and follow him with commitment, loyalty and love to the victory we absolutely must have, the total victory that ensures that no further mortal threat faces us ever again from Jewry.

I will end with this quote from General Stonewall Jackson:
“Captain, my religious belief teaches me to feel as safe in battle as in bed. God has fixed the time for my death. I do not concern myself about that, but to be always ready no matter when it may overtake me. That is the way all men should live, and then all would be equally brave.”

John de Nugent

A comrade wrote me after the recent videos:

If you had a TV show (historical, informative) I would watch it. Keep up the good work!!!!!

Comrade, that is exactly what I plan — JDN-TV online, every night!

John de Nugent




[25 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]

God, as a Marine I hate kissing your ass. I would really rather kick it! 😉

Please feed the Marine. 😉


–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere — very easy to do: just give them the cash and my name and they give you a reference number to send me.)

(NO more PayPal — the Jews there have blocked the account and are sitting on $228 in contributions for the most specious reasons. They also canceled the PP account of my longtime ex-girlfriend, and even the account of a Marine officer buddy of mine who merely had sent me 75 cents as a test money transfer!)

Support the man the Jews hack, defame, and seek to financially strangle.

THAT IS THE MAN THEY FEAR, the one talking to the real people, and creating a fearless, truly Aryan racial religion — for the surviving and the thriving of our people in a just new order!

PS Pittsburgh was just anointed by the Washington Post as the most “in” city in America. What the jewmedia types do NOT understand is that it will also be the new Nuremberg, capital of the Movement and then the capital of the liberated swath of the United States as the old order economically and militarily collapses under the hatred of the American people — and China, Russia, Islam, Latin America and India, all seething with anti-Americanism.

If the Jewnited Snakes attacks Iran, in the end the Jewmerican superpower will fall. And then history wil repeat itself. The fall of Germany in 1918 and the Great Depression led to the rise of Hitler.

This fascinating and even lovable quality about Pittsburgh is why my newest videos (the God videos at the top of the video pages below) feature the Burgh.

https://johndenugent.com/pages_backup/videos-of-jdn-speaking.htm (This is an emergency webpage, the regular videos page having been specifically targeted and re-targeted by the Jews.)

(source and also video: http://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2012/01/06/pittsburgh-is-new-in-city-of-2012/)

Pittsburgh Is New “In” City Of 2012

January 6, 2012 6:55 PM
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(Photo Credit: Steven Adams/Getty Images)

(Photo Credit: Steven Adams/Getty Images)
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Have you heard? The Steel City has a new title.
The Washington Post just named Pittsburgh the new “In” city.
The skyline says it all. The breathtaking view from Mount Washington is just one of the reasons The Washington Post named Pittsburgh the new “In” city, stripping the title from Portland, Ore.
“Where can you find a better view of Pittsburgh than up here, because you come up here with a pair of binoculars and you can look everywhere just about in this city,” says Alphonso Randolph, of Pittsburgh.
The scenery draws people from near and far. Several men visiting from Germany stopped to take some pictures on Friday afternoon.
Arthur Lea, who is visiting from London, was beyond impressed.
“It’s quite pretty; it’s a lot prettier than I thought it would be, especially on a nice day,” said Lea.
Other factors considered were the Steel City’s reasonable rent, art and all the biking and walking trails.
“It’s outstanding; it’s stress-relieving, you enjoy the beauty of the city, it has a whole different look from here,” said Jan Kaminski, a Pittsburgh resident.
And then, there’s also the world famous food.
You can’t really talk about Pittsburgh without mentioning Primanti’s. The Washington Post named their sandwiches some of the weirdest and most delicious in the country.
“We are the number one, so you know it has to be good… might be weird for some people that never had it before, but we’re the only one who can make them the right way,” Toni Haggerty, the manager at Primanti Bros. in the Strip District, said.
While the post listed plenty of Pittsburgh’s highlights, it also focused on the people. And Pittsburghers say that’s the true heart of the city.
“Wonderful city, wonderful people, and it’s a blessing,” added Randolph.


I have long felt that the only way the jews could defang the Internet and the various truth movements in it was to get the corporations themselves to shut the Net down.

If Obama shut down the Information Superhighway, there would be a revolt.

So the corporations themselves must do it.

Here is how: They announce that out of protest against the SOPA, the new bill before Congress that is designed to make anyone a criminal (and fine or jail them, and shut down their website) who uses an image or video on his blog “without permission and paying royalties,” they will shut down the Net themselves in protest……

And that is exactly what I saw on HLN, Headline News (a CNN affiliate) yesterday.

Here is the story:


We know that jew-senator Joe Lieberman wants to give Obama the “right” to shut down the Net “during a crisis.”

But the American people do not buy the idea, especially when exercised by Obama!

Sooooooo…here is the NEW scenario:

1) Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Yahoo all shut down their services, and the carriers (Comcast, Verizon, Cox, etc.) follow suit, saying they are “overloaded”….

2) THEN, BY AMAZING COINCIDENCE, an “Iranian mini-nuke” goes off, vaporizing Chicago…but of course the Israhellers were the ones who built and planted it, the same ones who did 9/11.

3) martial law ensues and the round-up and killing of all white dissidents as “allies funded and organized by the Israel-hating, Holocaust-denying Iranians.”


The Rapture? 😉

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