ENGLISH Government psychopaths get rich while kids get autism and ADD

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I just cannot think of a more clear-cut example of psychopathy than government bureaucrats KNOWINGLY poisoning little children. And I myself have experienced the severe challenges posed by having a person with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) (or ADD, attention deficit disorder), my lady friend Margaret, which has made her life very difficult despite a wonderful IQ (she scored a 99th percentile on a graduate-school aptitude test!) and an excellent education.  For a neatnik like me,  a second-generation marine, this has been very trying. This is a cross both she and I bear, and a reason why I need staff to help me do my mission! No David Duke video slamming the Jews, however excellent, or an Alex Jones video on 500,000 plastic coffins piled up by FEMA, will tell us what we are to do!

The late Joe Sobran also had this affliction of ADD or ADHD, and told me and others so. His house was as messy and disorganized as his writing and thinking were clear, orderly and logical. (See my blog on Joe: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-rest-in-peace-joe-sobran-encryption-a-must-for-white-nationalists, and scroll down one-third.)

An excerpt:

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===============Joe Sobran goes to heaven (October 2, 2010)

The courageous paleo-conservative writer Joe Sobran just passed on to his reward. He was a noble and tragic figure. I and friend Pete Pappas saw him break down and literally sob at the memory of how Reagan and the Republicans In Name Only (RINO’s) betrayed all his hopes and values; he felt deeply the doom of the (seemingly) free America which we all once knew as kids in the 1940s and 1950s at the hands of Jewish neo-cons.

Joe Sobran in his salad days as editor of the powerful conservative magazine National Review. Publisher Bill Buckley fired Sobran in 1993 for criticizing Israel and the Jewish Lobby.

William F. Buckley, Yalie and CIA asset whose mission was to flood the conservative movement with Jews.

Margaret knew Joe Sobran as well as I did. He was also a big opera aficionado, which brought them together since she is herself an opera singer.

And I got the same Byron Jost, the gifted German-American videographer who filmed me at the “No More Wars for Israel” conference into the Wash. DC area to film Joe Sobran, and Byron stayed at our tiny apartment and filmed him there also after we went by car and brought Joe back to our place. (Sobran no longer drove after a stroke — and as for that, hmmmm………… Joe was only 64 at his death. We live in a world where the secret police poison, disable and sicken dissidents, as they have done for thousands of years.)

Margi and I shared Joe’s conviction also that the real Shakespeare was the Norman-descended Earl of Oxford (and a child prodigy before his adulthood) named Edward de Vere (That is, we believe de Vere wrote the very best plays, the key plays at least, such as MacBeth, Hamlet, King Lear, and Julius Caesar). Sobran’s superb book was Alias Shakespeare.

By the way, they both had/have severe ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, a disease in which America is a world leader, tragically. Sobran’s house out in suburban Fairfax County, Virginia looked literally as if a tornado had gone through it. Once, we drove over to his condo in northern Virginia and he had seemingly forgotten our appointment.

Joe lived on beautiful Lake Fairfax in Northern VA when we knew him, shown here at dawn.

Because the front door was wide open, and we were friends (and I was also a wee bit worried for him, since the lethal neo-con Jews, the same ones who later did 9/11, had it in for him, and had already gotten him fired at National Review, and his name was also Ukrainian, one of the Jews’ most unfavorite nationalities…..), I went in and called out for him.

No Joe, but there were papers literally all over the floor, crazy stacks of books, and it was as if a heavy snowfall of paper had precipitated everywhere. It had been the same 18 years earlier when I visited his previous home in Arlington, Va., accompanied by mutual friend Trisha Katson, a fellow Liberty Lobby collaborator.

What I marvelled at then and now is how ADD people can be perfectly logical and structured in their writing and yet not at all in anything else. (Margaret cannot remember any appointment at all, or to take her anti-ADHD medication, or even what she intended, needed and wanted to do 15 minutes ago.)

As my recent blog on homosexuals (and autism and ADD) pointed out, the environment in our Jew-run country is full of toxic chemicals that are affecting the brain, bodies, hormones and the health of both adults and of babies still in the womb. Margaret and Joe Sobran both bore (or now bear) the same cross, suffering all their lives from the affliction of ADD.

Joe in 2006 at his 60th birthday party, holding great-granddaughter Christina. Joe, for all his intellect, was a heart-driven man who cared and felt deeply about America, freedom, and our civilization. Joe also had a great sense of humor. When we drove him to our apartment for a film session with Byron Jost he still puckishly (or was it ADHD?) had green nail polish on his fingernails from having just attended a St. Patrick’s Day party, necessitating though some rather careful movie-camera choreography by Jost to prevent jovial Joe from appearing to be an old nail-polished faggot. ;-) He once joked to me as I was driving him back home to Lake Fairfax: “I like Jews, I really do, and I like garlic too. But I would never eat a whole dinner of garlic.” ;-)

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I have also seen the devastation caused by Asperger’s syndrome, and children brutally seized by the misnamed “Child Protective Services” at the slightest hint of Asperger’s in a parent. I and Margi know of one case personally where a gorgeous blond, blue-eyed baby was seized, on the excuse that the child had not been fed enough, and given to a Jew-affiliated couple hooked up with CPS.

Sabrina Slitor; her parents lost all parental rights permanently in 2007.

This was absolutely crucifying to that little girl’s real, biological, and loving parents, who see these Jews parade THEIR golden-haired, sky-blue-eyed daughter around now on YouTube videos playing with their own homely, dark-haired offspring. (The mother has just a slight case of Asperger’s and her own mother, whom we know, and who lives nearby, constantly comes over to visit, so there is no danger of any permanent harm to that child from her not getting regular meals, a child whom both parents ADORED!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Here are two important documents. I intend to use these and others to stoke some serious outrage at our called “government.”

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Autism, mercury, and politics

By Robert Kennedy Jr. | July 1, 2005

source: http://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2005/07/01/autism_mercury_and_politics/

JdN: Note that at 5:38 interviewer Joe Scarborough asks Kennedy WHY the bureaucrats act as they do. The answer is they are psychopaths (https://johndenugent.com/psychopaths-in-power). Some psychopaths go into government, where they have a sadistic, terrible power of life and death over normal citizens.

MOUNTING EVIDENCE suggests that Thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative in children’s vaccines, may be responsible for the exponential growth of autism, attention deficit disorder, speech delays, and other childhood neurological disorders now epidemic in the United States.

Prior to 1989, American infants generally received three vaccinations (polio, measles-mumps-rubella, and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis). In the early 1990s, public health officials dramatically increased the number of Thimerosal-containing vaccinations without considering the cumulative impact of the mercury load on developing brains.

In a 1991 memo, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, one of the fathers of Merck’s vaccination programs, warned his bosses that 6-month-old children administered the shots on schedule would suffer mercury exposures 87 times the government safety standards. He recommended that Thimerosal be discontinued and complained that the US Food and Drug Administration, which has a notoriously close relationship with the pharmaceutical industry, could not be counted on to take appropriate action as its European counterparts had. Merck ignored Hilleman’s warning, and for eight years government officials added seven more shots for children containing Thimerosal.

JdN: This video is incredible! Watch it and tell anyone with children!


Mercury is a known brain poison, and autism rates began rising dramatically in children who were administered the new vaccine regimens. A decade ago the American Academy of Pediatrics estimated the autism rate among American children to be 1 in 2,500. Today, the CDC places the rate at 1 in 166, or 1 in 80 boys.

Additionally, one in six children is now diagnosed with a related neurological disorder.

In 2000, the CDC met with pharmaceutical companies and the FDA in secret to review its findings linking Thimerosal with the dramatic rise in neurological illnesses. According to transcripts, participants were alarmed about the undeniable links between the Thimerosal and widespread brain damage in children. Dr. Bill Weil told the group, ”You can play with [the results] all you want. They are statistically significant.” Dr. Richard Johnston admitted he feared his grandchild getting a Thimerosal-containing vaccine. But the group was most concerned with keeping the findings secret. ”Consider this embargoed information,” said Dr. Roger Bernier, a senior director at the National Immunization Program, at the meeting’s close. The CDC now says it has ”lost” the data that supported the crucial study and has persistently defied congressional requests and federal law requiring it to open up the federal Vaccine Safety Database to scientists and the public.

Numerous animal, DNA, epidemiological, and other studies point to Thimerosal as a culprit in America’s epidemic of neurological disorders. Autistic children have been shown to have higher mercury loads than non-autistics, and there have been reports of significant improvements in some brain-injured children by removing mercury from their brains. Most of the symptoms of autism are similar to the symptoms of mercury poisoning. Scientists have been able to induce autism-like symptoms in mice by exposing them to Thimerosal. A recent study by an FDA scientist, Dr. Jill James, found that many autistic children are genetically deficient in their capacity to produce glutathione, an antioxidant generated in the brain that helps remove mercury from the body.

[JdN: In other words, they have a tendency to autism and when given the vaccine this triggers it.]

Government health agencies who green-lighted Thimerosal have turned a blind eye to the hundreds of studies linking Thimerosal to a wide range of neurological disorders and joined the pharmaceutical industry to gin up a series of flawed European studies to exonerate Thimerosal. Those studies examined children exposed to a tiny fraction of the Thimerosal given to American kids and took advantage of the autism spike that resulted from deceptive data-gathering in Scandinavia to argue that autism rates are unrelated to Thimerosal use.

Drug makers wary of liability reduced Thimerosal in most children’s vaccines in recent years, but the preservative remains in flu shots, tetanus boosters, and over-the-counter drugs. Mercury-laced vaccine stocks were given to American children until the end of 2003.

Government officials who continue to champion Thimerosal should recognize that this is not just a theoretical exercise in bureaucratic face-saving. Their wrong-headed defense of Thimerosal safety in the face of overwhelming science is discouraging testing of promising treatments which may be effective. They are depriving vulnerable populations from being identified to avoid Thimerosal. They also cannot escape responsibility for their failure to warn international health agencies and governments who, based upon American assurances, are now injecting the developing world’s children with this brain-killing chemical.

Robert Kennedy Jr. is senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council.
© Copyright 2005 Globe Newspaper Company.

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From Dr. Mercola (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/07/18/Robert-F-Kennedy-Jr-Explains-the-Autism-Coverup.aspx):

Vaccines are not safe, and the number of shots children are taking keeps increasing at a tremendous speed. This means huge profits for the big drug companies — especially when parents are told that it is mandatory.
Rolling Stone June 20, 2005

Salon July 21, 2005

Dr. Mercola’s Comments:

The Rolling Stone article above is from 2005, but if you haven’t yet read it I strongly encourage you to do so. In it Kennedy explains that in light of the evidence against the use of thimerosal (a mercury-based preservative) in vaccines, he is undoubtedly convinced that the link and the epidemic of childhood neurological disorders are real.

Moreover, he describes the collaboration between the government health agencies and the drug industry a “chilling case study of institutional arrogance, power and greed.”

Perhaps the most stunning aspect of the story is the extent to which many of the leading officials were willing to go to hide the disturbing evidence.

JdN: Former Playboy bunny Jenny McCarthy also had an autistic child.

In fact, the article details a secret meeting among federal officials and pharmaceutical industry representatives held in June 2000 to discuss a new study that found thimerosal in vaccines appeared to be responsible for a dramatic increase in autism and other neurological disorders in children.

Kennedy wrote:

“[Upon hearing the evidence] instead of taking immediate steps to alert the public and rid the vaccine supply of thimerosal, the officials and executives at Simpsonwood [the conference center] spent most of the next two days discussing how to cover up the damaging data.

According to transcripts obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, many at the meeting were concerned about how the damaging revelations about thimerosal would affect the vaccine industry’s bottom line.”

Today, there is little doubt that thimerosal, a preservative that is 50 percent ethylmercury, is a contributing factor in many cases of autism. It is a well-established fact that exposure to mercury can cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions — all similar to traits defining, or associated with, autism.

Still, the U.S. government has clung to their statement that vaccines do not cause autism, and it wasn’t until 2008 that they made an unprecedented admission and conceded that vaccines, including some with thimerosal, “significantly aggravated” an underlying disorder and caused autistic symptoms in at least one child.

Have Autism Rates Declined Since Thimerosal Was Removed From Vaccines?

Thimerosal was taken out of most childhood vaccines at the beginning of the decade. In 2006, studies of two government databases indicated that autism rates went up as thimerosal dosages increased, then began to decline as thimerosal was removed.

Yet, if you look at thisTime magazine article, it says that autism rates have continued to climb since thimerosal was removed from vaccines in 2001.

Why the discrepancy?

It could be due to the fact that in 2002 the U.S. government began recommending flu shots to children under 2 (and now recommends them for kids until they’re 18). Well, most flu shots still contain thimerosal; so many infants are still being exposed to mercury.

There is also the issue of vaccine timing. According to Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD:

“Giving too many vaccines over too short a time to infants whose nervous system is not yet fully developed can also trigger autism and its spectrum of disorders.”

And, according to Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D., a board-certified neurosurgeon and author, multiple vaccines given close together over-stimulate your brain’s immune system and, via the mechanism of “bystander injury,” destroy brain cells.

What Other Damaging Toxins are in Vaccines?

I applaud Mr. Kennedy for taking such a courageous position on this sensitive topic, and I believe it is important to share his views here. However, please understand that while I believe mercury is a potent neurotoxin that should be avoided and not be in vaccines, I believe there are a variety of factors that contribute to autism.

I am not at all convinced that mercury is the sole culprit. Dr. Cannell has a compelling theory that seems to correlate with the facts in which the massive decrease in vitamin D in pregnant women is a major factor. Additionally there has been a dramatic increase in the number of vaccines, especially given at an earlier age, which also likely plays a major role.

And even though many childhood vaccines are now thimerosal-free, you should know that that doesn’t make them safe.

The current U.S. immunization schedule calls for children to get 48 doses of 14 vaccines by the time they’re just 6 years old.

By age 18, federal public health officials say they should have gotten a total of 69 doses of 16 vaccines from day of birth to age 18.

Public health officials have NEVER proven that it is indeed safe to inject this number and volume of vaccines into infants, children, pre-adolescents and teenagers. What’s more, they cannot explain why, concurrent with an increasing number of vaccinations, there has been an explosion of neurological and immune system disorders in American children.

Another potential toxin that is in many vaccines, and one you might not have heard of before, is aluminum.

When you or your child is injected with a vaccine, the aluminum compounds it contains accumulate not only at the site of injection but travel to your brain and accumulate there. In your brain, aluminum enters neurons and glial cells (astrocytes and microglia).

JdN: Three-year-old Jeffrey White holds the leg of his mother, Susan A. White of Northbridge, Mass., before the start of a November autism therapy session in Worcester, Mass.

Studies have shown that aluminum can activate microglia and do so for long periods, which means that the aluminum in your vaccination is priming your microglia to overreact.

The next vaccine acts to trigger the enhanced inflammatory reaction and release of the excitotoxins, glutamate and quinolinic acid, Dr. Blaylock points out.

Meanwhile, if you come down with an infection, are exposed to more toxins, or have a stroke or head injury of any kind, this will magnify the inflammatory reaction occurring in your brain due to the vaccines. Research has shown that the more your immune system remains activated, the more likely it is you’ll suffer from a neurodegenerative disease.

The aluminum hydroxide used in many vaccines, including hepatitis A and B, and the Pentacel cocktail for diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, and meningitis, has been clearly linked to symptoms associated with Parkinson’s, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), and Alzheimer’s.

Even a study in Pediatrics, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, admitted that:

“Aluminum is now being implicated as interfering with a variety of cellular and metabolic processes in the nervous system and in other tissues.”

This has led some experts to suggest that aluminum in vaccines may be linked to autism.

Want to Learn More About Vaccine Issues?

I’m not anti-vaccine, but rather pro-vaccine safety. I believe it is extremely important to have the right to choose to be allowed to make informed consent decisions about what you want to inject into your child, and yourself, and when.

While there is a lot of misinformation circulating about vaccines, especially from supposedly trustworthy sources like public health agencies, there are still excellent sources of information out there, and one of the best is The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), the American vaccine safety watchdog. Exploring the information on this site, as well as on the many pages of Mercola.com, will help you to get educated.

And remember, you still have the legal right to refuse to vaccinate your children.

My previous article, How To Legally Avoid Unwanted Immunizations Of All Kinds, explains how you can go about practicing this right, and there is also an entire chapter in my book Take Control of Your Health devoted to this very topic.

Knowledge truly is power, and the more you know about vaccinations, the more empowered you’ll be to make the best decision for the health of you and your family.

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