ENGLISH Greek crisis; black South African says black rule led to shambles; Aryan means noble

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An Amerindian read my blogpost here:


and responded:


Interesting quote from the book. It still clashes with our history. My people never had any written history, everything we know is from oral tradtion. The books and scientists say we came from Asia. Although we may have similar physical characteristics, we aren’t Asian. We are of this continent. Our teachings of when and where we came from say we come from the womb of Mother Earth. As far who was first in this continent, we’ll never know, but we’ve always been here and aren’t immigrants, and by no means leaving. Our ways and teachings have been and will always be to honor Mother Earth and all walks of life. Even when white settlers came onto sacred grounds we helped them survive and we were thanked by reservations and genocide. I know it sounds simple minded, but that’s what we were taught. I’m sorry, but I don’t understand why different races, religions, etc. see themselves as being superior. What good will come of it? I just hope, as a species, we all realize that.

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I replied:

* * *…
I respect your sincerity, and loyalty to your people..

I taught in high school, and there are average kids, slow (special-ed) kids and gifted (advanced-placement)kids. It is obvious to any teacher, parent or kid himself where he belongs. There is nothing “racist,” “hateful” or “bigoted” or “prejudiced” or “supremacist” in seeing that the different races have different gifts, strengths and weaknesses.

For example, I see the northern European race as having three serious flaws:

1) an almost lethal naiveté, and in fact the phrase “blue-eyed” has the secondary meaning of “naive” in every northern European language except English itself;

2) hyper-individualism, which makes whites not act as a team when they need to;

3) excessive self-control, which makes them unspontaneous even when they should be expressing anger or taking action, or even by dancing in a nerdy way on the dance floor. 😉

I admire in the Asiatic peoples:

1)their stoic ability to endure pain,
2)the reverence that Amerindians have for nature. The best thing for me is when an Amerindian hunter prays to the soul of the animal he is about to shoot with an arrow, explaining he has to feed his family.

I also like many Amerindian customs, garb and decorations. (And I know that the old, original Amerindian tobacco was not as dangerous and addictive as today’s garbage.)

I may also have a smidgen of Amerindian blood myself, Narragansett blood, like most poor whites of old colonial stock who came over in the 1600s.

Weeeeelll, I don’t look tooo Indian. 😉 But here I am — on the warpath….explaining to the Discovery Channel’s professional hatchet man, Olly Steeds, that Solutreans believe in self-defense. He was shocked, shocked!

Now if your tribal traditions do not include remembering the wiping out of the whites, which for example the Paiute Indian princess wrote about as existing in her tribe’s memory, well, all peoples bury the negative and the dark chapters.

Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins (she married a white man named Hopkins) was the granddaughter of the chief of the Paiute Indians of Nevada. She wrote in her book Life among the Paiutes, Their Wrongs and Claims, and stated before Congress that her tribe had wiped out a tribe of “red-haired people” whose eyes were the color of the sky at Spirit Lake in a battle and by smoking them to death in a cave, now called Spirit Cave. Her book is available on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Life-Among-Piutes-Wrongs-Claims/dp/0874172527.

For example, these “Greatest Generation” old-timers who fought in Europe in WWII do not like to hear about Dresden…..

The Greatest Generation roasted 300,000 civilians alive in February 1945….

…………….or the 7,000 French women raped by sex-starved GI’s in Normandy in June 1944 to whom the lie had been told before D-Day that French women were “easy.” When they said “NON” some of the GIs got very frustrated and did horrible things. (http://www.amazon.com/Taken-Force-American-Europe-during/dp/023050647X) It’s a fact. I know, because I was in Normandy in 2004, visiting Omaha Beach and the beautiful American cemetery above it, 60 years later. I spoke with the French and I read Le Figaro‘s huge special magazine on D-Day, and I also read American reports confirming this! Do not think the French have forgotten the rape of their women, especially by blacks…..by the “liberators”…..and the Germans virtually NEVER raped French women, or others, and suffered the death penalty if they did. In fact, the Waffen-SS once executed two soldiers in Finland just for verbally insisting while inebriated that two local girls date them. (The girls were actually shocked at this punishment, but the rules are the rules.)

These GIs want to hear about what heroes they were (and some were), but not about the dark side of the war.

As a Solutrean, I am eager to work with all God’s children of any race who also respect our interests as well as their own.

The real enemy is the psychopaths in each of our own races…… and the most organized of the psychopaths, the Jews — the same Jews who run your casinos and pocket most of the money, of whom the infamous Jack Abramoff was just the tip of the Jew iceberg in the Amerindian economy. They are victimizing you just as they victimize us.

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Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Abramoff_Indian_lobbying_scandal

Jack Abramoff, nice Orthodox Jewish boy…..


Racist references to Native American clients

In emails now made public by the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, which is investigating his activities, Abramoff repeatedly referred to Native Americans as “monkeys”, “troglodites” and “morons.”[20]

Abramoff once asked his co-conspirator Scanlon to meet a client, saying in an email, “I have to meet with the monkeys from the Choctaw tribal council. You need to close the deal… with the client…”

About one tribal client (date unknown) Abramoff wrote to Scanlon, “These mofos are the stupidest idiots in the land for sure.” In another email message he wrote, “we need to get some money from those monkeys!!”

The, I believe, part-Jew GW Bush, whom I also believe to be bisexual, and his cozy Republican croney, the openly Jewish Abramoff, who called his clients “morons”

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I drove once in 1989 from the Idaho Rockies down into Kalispell, Montana, and was absolutely appalled to see all the little white crosses on the side of the road….. Amerindians who had died in car wrecks while drinking.

(If we deny racial differences, then we fail to understand why many states had well-intentioned laws against Amerindians being served drinks. They, like the Japanese and others, lack an enzyme that breaks down alcohol quickly. They can get very drunk quickly and even violent, and I saw this with some of my Japanese friends also, who even got beet-red in the face. This is a clear racial difference that affects behavior, and this racial difference affects and harms all Amerindian society. [Alcoholism tendencies also affect certain Keltic and Slavic people among whites.])

Your people are very unhappy, and so is ours, under the psychopathocracy that makes all God’s children absolutely miserable and this planet into hell of earth. You will soon see suicides skyrocket as the only thing holding this multiracial, Jew-run economy together, affluence based on borrowed money, staggers and collapses.


By the way, I admire BadEagle (http://www.badeagle.com/), who also understands that the Jew is the enemy, not the average little Jew but the Jewish warlord class that is enslaving us.

Check this author out as he is a conservative Comanche Indian out to save the white man from himself. www.badeagle.com Here is a taste of one of his articles.

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What’s Up With White Women?

by David A. Yeagley
Originally published at FrontPageMagazine.com | May 18, 2001

“Look, Dr, Yeagley, I don’t see anything about my culture to be proud of. It’s all nothing. My race is just nothing.”

The girl was white. She was tall and pretty, with amber hair and brown eyes. For convenience’ sake, let’s call her “Rachel.”

I had been leading a class on social psychology, in which we discussed patriotism – what it means to be a people or a nation. The discussion had been quite lively. But when Rachel spoke, everyone fell silent.

“Look at your culture,” she said to me. “Look at American Indian tradition. Now I think that’s really great. You have something to be proud of. My culture is nothing.”

“You’re not proud to be American?” I asked.

“Oh, I’m happy to be American, but I’m not proud of how America came about.”
Her choice of words was telling. She was “happy” to be an American. But not “proud” of it.

On one level, I wasn’t surprised. I knew the head of our American History department at Oklahoma State University-OKC, and I recognized his hackneyed liberal jargon in Rachel’s words. She had taken one of his courses, with predictable results.

Yet, I was still stunned. Her words disturbed and offended me in a way that I could not quite enunciate.

I could hardly concentrate the rest of the day. I lay awake that night thinking about what she had said.

On the surface, she was paying me a compliment. She was praising my Indian culture, at the expense of her own. Why, then, did it feel so much like a slap in the face?

As I lay awake that night, I thought of an old story by Kay Boyle, written in 1941, called “Defeat.” It’s about the French women in the German-occupied village of Pontcharra. All the French men were away at war. It was the 14th of July, Bastille Day, when Frenchmen were usually proud to be French. The village women, however, chose that day to give in to the German men.

They did it innocently enough. The women just wanted to wear their fancy
holiday dresses. They wanted to drink and dance. And the Germans were the only men around with whom they could do it.

So they gave in.

The Cheyenne people have a saying: A nation is never conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground.

That’s what I thought about as I lay there, with Rachel’s words running over and over in my mind. “My race is just nothing…. ” she had said. “My culture is nothing.”

After class, one older white student, a husband and father, had exchanged glances with me on the way out. He said to me in a low voice, “I don’t want her on my team!”

I understood what he meant. Frankly, I wouldn’t want her on my team either. A woman who won’t be true to her own people certainly won’t be true to someone else’s.

When Rachel denounced her people, she did it with the serene self-confidence of a High Priestess reciting a liturgy. She said it without fear of criticism or censure. And she received none. The other students listened in silence, their eyes moving timidly back and forth between me and Rachel, as if unsure which of us constituted a higher authority.

My goodness, if an Indian woman had said such a thing in front of Indian men, her ears would have burned for a week!

By giving in to the German conquerors, those French women in the Kay Boyle story had betrayed their men. But it was an understandable betrayal. Their men were gone. The Germans were in command.

Who had conquered Rachel’s people? What had led her to disrespect them? Why did she behave like a woman of a defeated tribe?

They say that a warrior is measured by the strength of his enemies. As an Indian, I am proud of the fact that it took the mightiest nation on earth to defeat me.

But I don’t feel so proud when I listen to Rachel. It gives me no solace to see the white man self-destruct. If Rachel’s people are “nothing,” what does that say about mine?

I believe in my Comanche people. I know that someday we’ll stand as equals before the white man, strong, prosperous and self-sufficient. But we won’t get there by listening to empty praise from guilty white women. We’ll get there by studying the white man’s ways and learning to be strong as he is.

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In Canada, an Indian chief was being indicted for “hate speech” for saying the same thing, that the Jews were destroying both white and Indian Canada, then he died……..

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[source: http://www.operationmorningstar.org/jewish_exploitation_of_american_.htm, a powerful website about North American Indians and depradations against them by Jews]

Ex-FSIN chief praises Hitler in speech
The StarPhoenix, December 14, 2002
[Note: the StarPhoenix is owned by Jewish/Zionist activist media mogul Izzy Asper. This article is also highlighted here, in his paper, the Leader-Post, in Regina, Saskatchewan, which Asper also owns. Asper is one of the handful of tyrannical Jews who owns most of the newspapers in Canada, once called accurately “the True North, proud and free.”]

A respected Saskatchewan Indian leader said Friday Hitler did the right thing when he “fried” six million Jews during the Second World War.

Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN), a former chief of the organization and a former chief of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), said in an interview Friday the Nazi leader was trying to clean up the world during the war.

“The Jews damn near owned all of Germany prior to the war,” Ahenakew said.

“That’s how Hitler came in. He was going to make damn sure that the Jews didn’t take over Germany or Europe. That’s why he fried six million of those guys, you know. Jews would have owned the goddamned world. And look what they’re doing. They’re killing people in Arab countries.”

The 68-year-old Ahenakew made his remarks after giving a 45-minute, profanity-laced address to between 150 and 200 delegates attending an FSIN conference

During his wide-ranging speech, in which he complained about bigotry in Canadian society, accused the media of creating racial conflict and continually referred to non-Indian Canadians as “immigrants,”

Ahenakew said he lived in Germany during the late 1950s when he was with the Canadian army.

He said Germans told him the Jews started the Second World War. He said Israel and the United States are about to start a third world war, a reference to the current troubles in the Middle East.

Approached afterwards to clarify his comments on Jews and the Second World War, Ahenakew said he agreed with his German friends. When asked how he could justify the Holocaust, Ahenakew said:

“How do you get rid of a disease like that, that’s going to take over, that’s going to dominate?

“All I know is what the Germans told me. Of course, I believe them. I saw the Jews kill people in Egypt when I was there. The Palestinians, Arabs. I saw them (Israel) f—ing dominate everything.”

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Our enemy is the psychopaths. We can work out all our serious differences without them. They are the oens who must be understood and fought without pity.




===============Greek Drama Threatens to Become World Tragedy

Greek Drama Threatens to Become World Tragedy
By Pete Papaheraklis


(Pete Papas is a friend of mine and now a key employee at the hard-hitting and muckraking newspaper American Free Press — in the office which also houses The Barnes Review magazine just off Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. He came as a nine-year-old from Greece to the United States in the late 1960s, straight into the jew-run, multiracial chaos surrounding Vietnam, sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll, race riots and other things that caused a young Greek immigrant an understandable culture shock. In the 1990s, some of David Icke’s books, then available at regular bookstores such as Barnes and Noble, began waking him up. Pete (whose last name means “Father Hercules” after a grandfather who was a married Greek Orthodox priest, as most are in fact married) and I met in January 2006. He recalls an anecdote I told him at that time….. The French-Belgian leader and Waffen-SS volunteer Léon Degrelle asked Hitler once whether he saw himself as a German or a European. Hitler replied:

“I am a Hellene.”

Hellene: that means a white man inspired by the Aryan values and achievements of Golden Age of Greece.

==================and now Pete Papaheraklis on the Greek debt crisis

The Greek debt crisis has left that country devastated as it goes viral and sends shockwaves through Europe, Asia and the United States.

Mykonos. The speculation is that Goldman Sachs will literally take several Greek islands to “forgive” bad debts owed the banksters in Wall Street……

Spain seems to be the next victim of the “debt monster” as funds of close to 1 trillion euros are being discussed in order to bail out that nation and other European nations, on top of the Greek problem.

How can a small country like Greece, with an econoy one-50th that of the U.S., be causing such global chaos?

Rhodos. My home state of Rhode Island is named after this Greek island, specifically the island where Newport is located.

In AFP’s March 8 &; 15 issue, two months ago, Victor Thorn started his article by posing the question:

“Is the current Greek financial crisis actually a deliberately created experiment orchestrated by predatory international bankers, to be later use against the United States? What if the culprits responsible for undermining Greece are the same ones who caused our near-catastrophic economic meltdown in 2008?”

Lloyd Blankfein and Goldman Sachs, now under indictment by the SEC (on April 16) and under congressional investigation, were of course the very culprits who
set Greece up for a fall in 2001 by concealing billions of Greece’s debt in “currency swaps,” which, like a time bomb, set off the debt crisis in February.

ILLUSTRATION: PETER PAPAHERAKLIS 2010 {JdN: Note the subliminal detail in the background……. ;-)]

It appears it was no coincidence that the Bilderberg group’s 2010 conference was held in Greece last May. George Papandreou, the current prime minister of Greece, and a frequent Bilderberg attendee, was in attendance. He was not the prime minister at that time, but plans for his promotion to PM due to his Bilderberg loyalty were probably discussed at the conference. The fact that both his father and his grandfather have been prime ministers surely worked in his favor, as did his globalist views. He was recently quoted as saying:

Santorini island, which famously exploded thousands of years ago in a gigantic volcanic eruption

“We need global governance. We need global economic governance, and we need it now!”

What is significant is that in late October 2009, then prime minister Kostas Karamanlis, whose uncle (by the same name) also used to be prime minister, called for emergency elections due to some scandals that downgraded his popularity. These two families have dominated Greek politics since World War II!

As predicted, Papandreou of the Socialist Party won the elections, and Karamanlis virtually disappeared from the political scene since then. Shortly thereafter, Papandreou opened the accounting ledgers of the previous administration, and what does he find, to his supposed “surprise”? The numbers had been doctored up to conceal Greece’s debt, which were so bad that they were four times the acceptable debt-to-GDP ratio allowed by the European Union (EU).

Yes, the Jews could soon own all these islands if they pay Shylock….

For two months, the mainstream media focused on the terrible state of the Greek economy. Papandreou was portrayed as the “savior” of Greece. He wore his shoes out going around the world asking for “help.” Everyone wished Papandreou well, but they wouldn’t put their hand in their pocket to help out Greece. The global community wanted to see the Greeks tighten their belt and not be so profligate.

Papandreou passed the tough legislation. The Greeks protested in the streets, rioted, struck, but eventually they gave in, and the European investors were satisfied enough to buy the first batch of Greek bonds for 5 billion euros. As the media made a soap opera out of Greece’s struggle to raise more capital, and whether it would be difficult or not, the interest rates on Greek bonds kept going up.

Santorini again…the Greek Orthodox Church (and the Roman Catholic) banned usury — lending at interest — for over a thousand years, because it made both kings and countries into slaves of Jews.

Whereas Germany paid 3.2 percent interest to borrow funds, Greece paid 6.5 percent. On the second batch of bonds, it went up to 7.5 percent.

Finally as this surreal media hype about a Greek default was buzzing and with larger loan payments maturing for Greece in April and May the interest rate
soared to a whopping 15.5 percent—five times what a “responsible” country would pay.
For some inexplicable reason, although Standard & Poor’s credit rating for Greece was BB+, its bonds were declared “junk,” and no
one would buy them.

[JdN: I would add that the Jews view Greece correctly as the most antisemitic country in the European Union, as their own Jerusalem Center report states. After Greece come Spain, Ireland and Estonia.]

That’s when the international usurers decided that they had to consolidate Greece’s debt into one big lump, and the IMF also came into the picture.

The “bailout package” for Greece kept going up to 40 and 50 billion euros. The IMF had never lent anyone more than 20 billion euros, and they had to have a pow-wow to see if they could scrounge up some more. The European banks were also overextended, and Greece was such a bad risk it was really difficult for a while.

Finally, as if by miracle, they came up with 110 billion euros or $145 billion. Proportionally to Greece’s economy, that would be the equivalent of a $5 trillion
bailout for the United States—a staggering amount of money.

Of course, no fleet of Brink’s armored trucks loaded with 110 billion euros or gold, silver or anything of value will arrive in Athens anytime soon. This is pure
Monopoly money, created out of nothing by private bankers with interest and transferred as electronic blips from one computer to another.

Of course, the money Greeks will have to pay back soon, with interest, will cost them the sweat of their brows, however. It will have to come from real Greek
labor and real Greek resources. If the interest payments cannot be made (and they won’t), eventually real Greek assets will have to be forfeited to the bankers—assets like Greece’s minerals, oil reserves, maybe even a few Greek islands.

[JdN: ….and a crackdown on “antisemitism” where the most famous lawyer in the land, Constantinos Plevris, was exculpated by the Greek Supreme Court after writing a book praising Hitler and denouncing the Jews!]

And when Greece defaults on its payments, they’ll go for the really nice islands like Santorini, Mykonos or even Rhodes.

Although the Greek drama was played out over a two-month period as the bankers “struggled” to raise the funds, in the blink of an eye they seem to have come up with almost a trillion euros in bailout funds for non-Greek Europe (meaning Spain and whoever else is in trouble).

It’s hard to say what these bankers are up to, but they’re wasting no time moving from crisis to crisis. Strap on your seatbelt for a crisis coming to your hometown real soon.

Peter Papaheraklis is a Greek-American who currently works
as promotions director for AFP. He is also a talented illustrator.


Black bureaucrats not interested in murder of three thousand white farmers….. This young Afrikaner is doing very courageous videos!


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IMPORTANT: The Killing Fields of Post-Apartheid South Africa – A Black African Journalist Praises Apartheid with Incredible Evidence

Date Posted: Tuesday 11-May-2010

[Take a look at this stunning article written by a black journalist. It’s filled to the brim with facts. I have been pointing out on AfricanCrisis for years the absolute lies told about South Africa. Look for example at the statistics regarding the 21,000 blacks who died under Apartheid. The ANC likes to pretend that Apartheid “killed millions” … but there is no evidence that this ever occurred. Any scholarly or historical analysis of the situation shows that nothing like this ever occurred. It was just another one of many lies told by the ANC over the years.

Take a look at the HARD FACTS… about black people under white rule… and be amazed. This was written and posted on an Australian website.]

I have said before that the ANC is the worst thing to happen to this country, and that the ANC will NOT lead black people to a better life. In fact, when the ANC is finished with them, black people will be far poorer and much more desperate than they’ve ever been in their history. Finally, it is a myth that the ANC can be voted out of power. I predict that the ANC will cling to power just as determinedly as Robert Mugabe the day when the black masses decide to throw them out. Jan Lamprecht]

BY Vusile Tshabalala

August 2001– At the start of the year 1900, the number of African South Africans was found to be 3.5-million according to the British colonial government census. By 1954, our African population had soared to 8.5-million — and by 1990, there were a full 35-million of us — all carefully managed, closely policed, counted, shunted around in homelands and townships — and all of us chafing and griping under the suppressive yoke of the Afrikaner Broederbond’s rigid racial segregation system.

During apartheid, our population grew apace however because we also had the benefit of the Boers’ medical knowledge and their excellent agricultural skills.

Our population growth and our average life expectancy in fact showed us Africans in South Africa to be in better than average health when compared to other Africans on the rest of the continent: in the decades prior to the official policy of apartheid, (which was started in 1948), the average life expectancy of African South Africans was only 38 years.

However, during the last decade of the apartheid era from 1948 to 1994, our average life expectancy had risen to 64 years — on a par with Europe’s average life expectancy. Moreover, our infant death rates had by then also been reduced from 174 to 55 infant deaths per thousand, higher than Europe’s, but considerably lower than the rest of the African continent’s.

And the African population in South Africa had by then also increased by 50% percent. (source: A crime against humanity: Analysing repression of the Apartheid State, by Max Coleman of the Human Rights Committee).

Deaths due to political violence during apartheid:

Max Coleman’s authoritative book analyses all deaths due to political violence from 1948 to 1994 in South Africa and Namibia.

According to the HRC statistics, 21,000 people died in political violence in South Africa during apartheid – of whom 14,000 people died during the six-year transition process from 1990 to 1994. The book lists the number of incidents, dates, and those involved.

This includes SA Defence Force actions, for instance the 600 deaths at Kassinga in Angola during the war in 1978.

Of those deaths, the vast majority, 92%, have been primarily due to Africans killing Africans — such as the inter-tribal battles for territory: this book’s detailed analyses of the period June 1990 to July 1993 indicates a total of 8580 (92%) of the 9,325 violent deaths during the period June 1990 to July 1993 were caused by Africans killing Africans, or as the news media often calls it, “Black on Black” violence – hostel killings, Inkatha Freedom Party versus ANC killlings, and taxi and turf war violence.

The activities of the Civil Cooperation Bureau as outlined by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, were also included in these figures.

The security forces caused 518 deaths (5.6%) throughout this period.

And again, during the transitional period, the primary causes of deaths were not security forces nor white right-wing violence against blacks, but mainly due to “black-on-black necklace murders”, tribal conflict between the ANC-IFP, bombs by the ANC and PAC’s military wings in shopping centers, landmines on farm roads, etc.

After apartheid:

The present AIDS-HIV epidemic — against which the Mbeki-regime undertakes no action and still is publicly failing to properly acknowledge — the World Health Organisation estimates that more than 6-million African South Africans will be dead within the forthcoming decade. And the Mbeki-led ANC regime, which could have undertaken a huge prevention campaign such as Uganda’s a long time ago, has done nothing to stave off this terrible death rate.

SA hospitals “becoming places of death” –

In November last year it was being reported in The Star that South African hospitals are becoming places for dying — instead of healing. In June this year, it was reported that our cemeteries were filling up so rapidly that upright funerals were being contemplated to save space. Still, AIDSs is not being spoken about at our funerals, and the silence and utterly unscientific public statements about HIV-Aids from Mbeki [JdN: black president of RSA for years after Nelson Mandela] continue unabated while our people are dying.

Democratic Alliance spokesman Jack Bloom warned late last year that the 20% rise in deaths over the past four years among patients treated at Johannesburg Hospital could only be blamed on the high crime rate and the very serious decline in patient care.

Why is our patient care so poor now, and our crime rate so high? The answer is simple: our public funds are being looted by the ANC hierarchy. And the police seem helpless to stop it.

Tuberculosis funds looted:

On July 10, 2001, the SA health department announced that it was going to stop R6.6-million in annual funding to the SA National Tuberculosis Assocation because of the ongoing looting of its funds and the lavish lifestyles of its (African) executives, who award themselves R400,000 annual salaries [JdN: eight Rands are one US dollar, so $50,000] and spend R5000 a month on cellphone calls alone… while millions of South African TB patients go untreated and are wasting away of a deadly, but curable disease.

During apartheid, please note that the SANTA executives were seen to be extremely frugal with the governments’ funding — that many thousands of patients were cured annually, and that many doctors and nurses even VOLUNTEERED their services free of charge.

The question is this: “why is this man still CEO of SANTA? Why has he not been fired on the spot?”

Violent deaths from 1994 to 2000:

And the SA Police reports this month — access their website’s statistics at http://www.saps.org.za— that a total of 174,220 people died violent deaths, from crime-related violence, between 1994 [JDN: THE END OF WHITE RULE] and the year 2000.

So my question is this: “did apartheid ever kill as many Africans as are now being killed by the deliberate neglect and looting of our tax funds by the current, supposedly democratic Mbeki regime?”

Source Url: http://jmm.aaa.net.au/articles/321.htm

Posted By: JanOlifant
*AfricanCrisis Volunteer*


Whites, especially those of northern European ancestry, have demonstrated since they founded Western Civilization that they have a gift for organization, discipline and planning.


Not white management by Jew-controlled Wall Street companies or Jew-controlled governments that use white faces for their political-puppet-politicians…..

I strongly suspect that Bush, like Gore, Kerry, Cheney (and Obama), is part-jewish based on both actions and on physical features showing semitic ancestry. The Illuminati are often part-Jewish front men.

I am of 15/16ths pure British Isles ancestry (1/16th German), like supposedly Bush, and you do not see a nose like this on a true “WASP.”

….but management by THE ETERNAL SOLUTREANS….. who believe the word Aryan should have its original meaning as in ancient Sanskrit, 4000 years ago, not the “white supremacism” myth with which JEWS defame us along with one hundred other lies, but the true meaning of the word Aryan:





I will work with all non-whites who are dead-serious about liberation from the psychopaths who run this whole planet.

Read my webpage “For African-Americans”:


I will be doing an outreach also to honest Jews, blacks, non-white Hispanics, Hindu Indians, white liberals, Arabs, other Muslims, and East Asians such as Japanese, Koreans and Chinese.



John de Nugent
213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055

(724) 353-0154

EMAIL: john@democratic-republicans.us

For five years I taught almost exclusively non-white foreign scientists and doctors my advanced ways to pronounce English — with a good, understandable, usable American accent. And I made many friends. Here with a Dr. Cheng from China. (https://johndenugent.com/jdn/wikipedia-biography-john-de-nugent) My best man at my first wedding was a black friend named Randy from Harlem, whom I met during the six years I was a Jehovah’s Witness 1970-75. I love my own race and I respect all — who respect us back.

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