ENGLISH Gulf oil spill STILL spilling; blackmailed Obama escalates threat of WWIII

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I wrote to former Major William Fox, USMCR (a Harvard Business School graduate whose regime-critical and erudite website is http://www.amfirstbooks.com):

Dear Bill:

Two items, an encounter with a Gulf deep-drilling worker, and my view of the Iran escalation.

The 6’5″Bill Fox, who served in interrogation and logistics for 15 years in the Marine Corps, and I at my HQ in Sarver, Pennsylvania in December 2010.

GULF DEEP-DRILLER. I drove to Pittsburgh International Airport yesterday to exchange some euro and Canadian dollar donations. (Amazingly, in our arrogant country, one cannot go to any local bank and exchange foreign country unless one has $250 or more per currency. So I drove two hours round-trip for this chore.)

I always follow my intuition in any case, and it said to me to go have a drink at the bar at the airport. 😉 I put the smiley emoticon in, because it does sound funny, but I am serious too. In vino veritas, as the Romans observed: “In wine [alcohol] the truth comes out.”

(Parenthetically, I read once a whole book in German about the Third Reich period, discussing how Dr. Joseph Goebbels had a whole network of barroom informants…. whose sole task was to just sit there and overhear conversations, then report back with an absolutely honest summary of what people were saying about the regime. …..And I can say this: If Barack knew what people in Pennsylvania barrooms are saying about him, he is hair would go ALL-gray. 😉

I got to chatting with the barkeeper, a sort of cute blonde with a cut on her face who opened up to me and said she got punched once in the face by a drunken customer. (I began wondering how long ago this incident was….)

I noticed a fellow to my left sort-of following our conversation while downing Budweisers.

I turned and asked this fellow, with a friendly and intelligent face, in an amical way if he was flying himself or picking somebody up. He said “I’m flying back to Florida, gotta be at work tomorrow a.m. in Miami.” He went on to tell me he was a Gulf deep-sea oil driller, from the Northside (the German-Polish area) of Pittsburgh, with an associate’s degree in oil drilling.

We then discussed the Pittsburgh Steelers and Heinz Stadium and he began warming up to the conversation more and more. My Marine interrogation training and post-Marines pursuit of this skill came into play.

I told him what YOU told me about the Pittsburgh-area manufacturer of measuring instruments for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute…..and the point in the conversation where he clammed up….and then this blue-collar guy really opened up to me.

Well, Bill, to get to the point of what he said:

1) the Gulf oil spill from April 20, 2010…. “is still spilling. There is no way you can stop up that kind of pressure from beneath the earth.”

“I was 100 miles from that rig when it exploded. We were the first ones evacuated.”

“The only way you can stop that kind of pressure coming up is to build another well so the oil can come up another route, but they have not done that. Maybe they capped it briefly, with that cap, but not forever.”

“They are still dumping Corexit.”

[Corexit is a toxic, clear liquid, banned in the European union because it causes cancer, which makes oil sink to the bottom, not float to the surface. It is perfect for hiding a continuing oil spill.]

United States Air Force C-130 spraying Corexit into the Gulf

2) To my question what his college had told him oil actually was:

“Well, oil can be red, or brown or black… It can be rock oil or fossil fuels. Actually, we just don’t know what oil is.” [sic!]

For his own safety, I will not say any more who this guy is.

I continue to believe, and have so blogged, that the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster was a deliberate Israeli attack. The date of the incident, Hitler’s birthday in 2010, that is, April 20, 2010…….

was hardly an accident. Its purpose was to dump enough oil into the Gulf Stream to end the flow of hot Mexican water to the north, and thus trigger an ice age that would wipe out the inhabitability of white countries in the northern half of Europe and of the whites in Canada and the northern half or the United States.

In an ice age, just as 30,000 years ago, whites would have to move far south and mix with North Africans and Mexicans. This would end our race and the greatest threat to Jewish hegemony.

The last Ice Age forced whites to evacuate Scandinavia, the British Isles, northern Germany and northern Russia, and covered ALL of Canada with mile-high glaciers. The Solutreans of Europe were the hardy survivors.


IRAN ESCALATION. In reading the item below, my reaction is this:

Speaking at the “No More Wars for Israel”conference in southern California in October 2007. The Jews at JewTube deleted the video of my speech recently.

My sense of things is that Obama is fully cognizant of the tremendous risks to himself and the Jewnited Snakes regime by this confrontational course with Iran, but his Jew blackmailers (who hold over his head his non-citizenship, his communist porn-writing father and his bisexuality) are pushing him daily to do something about Iran.

A nude glamor shot [altered by me] of Barack’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, who posed for his biological father, the communist and porn-writer Frank Marshall Davis, whose novel Sex Rebel Black describes orgies with a Midwestern girl named Ann.

Stanley Ann Dunham: 1960 Mercer Island (Washington State) High School Yearbook

I think Obongo is praying to whatever god he worships (probably the one with horns) that Iran will back down and make enough concessions to take the Jewish heat off him. He is Jewish himself through his mother, but belongs to the less-crazy, Rahm Emanuel wing of Jewry, not the totally crazy, Armageddon-seeking Netanyahu wing.

The newly announced Pentagon world strategy (China and Iran are the main enemies now) shows that the Jewnited Snakes government clearly understands that China (as well as Russia) will support Iran in a conflict. The goal is to intimidate China and destabilize Putin.


> US Troops going to Israel
> Whiteout Press
> Thursday, January 5, 2012
> Jerusalem. In one of the most blacked-out stories in America right now, the US military is preparing to send thousands of US troops, along with US Naval anti-missile ships and accompanying support personnel, to Israel. It took forever to find a second source for confirmation of this story and both relatively mainstream media outlets are in Israel.
> With one source saying the military deployment and corresponding exercises are to occur in January, the source providing most of the details suggests it will occur later this spring.
> Calling it not just an “exercise”, but a “deployment”, the Jerusalem Post quotes US Lt.-Gen Frank Gorenc, Commander of the US Third Air Force based in Germany. The US Commander visited Israel two weeks ago to confirm details for “the deployment of several thousand American soldiers to Israel.” In an effort to respond to recent Iranian threats and counter-threats, Israel announced the largest ever missile defense exercise in its history. Now, it’s reported that the US military, including the US Navy, will be stationed throughout Israel, also taking part.
> Also confirming the upcoming US-Israeli military missile exercises is JTA.org – ‘global news service of the Jewish people’. In their account, they report, ‘Last week, plans for Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, to visit Israel in January were leaked to Israeli media; his visit likely will coincide with the largest-ever joint U.S.-Israel anti-missile exercise’.
> While American troops will be stationed in Israel for an unspecified amount of time, Israeli military personnel will be added to EUCOM in Germany. EUCOM stands for United States European Command.
> In preparation for anticipated Iranian missile attacks upon Israel, the US is reportedly bringing its THAAD, Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, and ship-based Aegis ballistic missile systems to Israel. The US forces will join Israeli missile defense systems like the Patriot and Arrow. The deployment comes with “the ultimate goal of establishing joint task forces in the event of a large-scale conflict in the Middle East”.
> The Jerusalem Post reports that US Lt.-Gen Frank Gorenc was in Israel meeting with his Israeli counterpart, Brig.-Gen Doron Gavish, commander of the Air Defense Division. While there, the US General visited one of Israel’s three ‘Iron Dome’ anti-missile outposts. The Israeli Air Force has announced plans to deploy a fourth Iron Dome system in the coming months. Additional spending increases in the Jewish state will guarantee the manufacture and deployment of three more Iron Dome systems by the end of 2012. The Israelis are hoping to eventually have at least a dozen of the anti-missile systems deployed along its northern and southern borders.
> In a show of escalated tensions in the region, Iran test fired two long range missiles today. One, called the Qadar, is a powerful sea-to-shore missile. The other was an advanced surface-to-surface missile called the Nour. According to Iranian state news, the Nour is an ‘advanced radar-evading, target-seeking, guided and controlled missile’. Additionally, the Iranian military reportedly test-fired numerous other short, medium and long-range missiles. Yesterday, Iranian authorities reported that they test-fired the medium-range, surface-to-air, radar-evading Mehrab missile. Today is supposed to be the final day of Iranian naval drills in the Straits of Hormuz.
> Iran recently made global headlines when it threatened to blockade the Straits of Hormuz if Europe and the US went ahead with their boycott of Iranian oil and the country’s central bank. One-quarter of the world’s oil passes through that waterway every day. President Obama has announced that a closure of the Straits was unacceptable and vowed to take whatever measures are necessary to keep the vital shipping lane open.
> In response to the Iranian missile tests this weekend, French authorities were the first to respond, calling it a, “very bad signal to the international community.”We want to underline that the development by Iran of a missile program is a source of great concern to the international community,”the French Foreign Ministry said in a written statement. Israeli officials suggested the flamboyant Iranian military drills this weekend were a sign that international sanctions on the country were taking a heavy toll and that any additional boycotts, on its banks or oil industry, would be crippling.
> Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the large missile tests showed, “the dire straits of Iran in light of the tightening sanctions around her, including the considerations in the last few days regarding the sanctions of exporting petroleum as well as the possibility of sanctions against the Iranian Central Bank.” While the chances of Iran going through with its threat of closing the Straits of Hormuz are slim, the deployment of thousands of US troops and naval ships to Israel shows the US isn’t taking any chances.







I wrote a Russian who had offered me aid:

* * *
You say you are a national socialist.
We know you are very smart.
The Jews have:
–closed four gmail accounts
–closed my PayPal account, the main source of my funding
–closed the PayPal accounts even of two key supporters
–deleted the Wikipedia article on me
–deleted my paid Photobucket account with 2500 photos
–reduced the Discovery Channel clip on me from almost 5 minutes to 2
–hacked my server and deleted everything on it
–hacked my website
–hacked my mirror sites
–deleted my thread with 290,000 views
(The thread on Stormfront as of April 2011)
–called me online a pedophile
–called me online a wife-beater
–claimed the Marines expelled me as a homosexual
–claimed my eyes are not blue!
–called me mentally ill
–called me a swindler
–denied I was a Marine
–denied I was in military intelligence
–said I was a coward
–said my children hate me
–claimed the French police expelled me from France
–claimed I have a demon!
You are very smart. You get the point.
I think that except for Ahmadinejad, I am the one man on earth the Jews hate most, not for right now, but for the potential threat. Hitler really terrified them. They do not want another one, or a better one, pan-Aryan, who unites all whites: Slav, Kelt, Mediterranean and Teuton.
Who uses Prokofiev and Shostakovich in his videos….as an American.


John de Nugent




[25 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]

With a butterfly who perched on my hand and refused to leave…. 😉


–Cash in an envelope

I got this from Oregon yesterday….

I got 50 euros yesterday from Eire (the Republic of Ireland)

Liom buíochas a ghabháil leat, comrade na hÉireann!

(I thank you, Irish comrade!)

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere — very easy to do: just give them the cash and my name and they give you a reference number to send me.)

(NO more PayPal — the Jews there have blocked the account and are sitting on $228 in contributions for the most specious reasons. They also canceled the PP account of my longtime ex-girlfriend, and even the account of a Marine officer buddy of mine who merely had sent me 75 cents as a test money transfer!)

Support the man the Jews hack, defame, and seek to financially strangle.

THAT IS THE MAN THEY FEAR, the one talking to the real people, and creating a fearless, truly Aryan racial religion — for the surviving and the thriving of our people in a just new order!


==============a final admonition

I came back both ecstatic and alarmed from visiting a local bar last night.

Here in western Pennsylvania people are at the boiling point.

Now I just caught an ad on YouTube promoting the Obamas….

Well, Barack, the card the people would send you — you don’t wanna read it. 😉

The bar was full of hunters in hunting gear, and even several of the women were hunters!

I was alarmed because I feel the lone-wolf phenomenon getting into peoples’ heads.

This is NOT the solution.

I have been doing a lot of thinking for months now about how best to serve our race, and especially now when for the first time I have real fears that we could have WWIII over Iran, and martial law. We are then all on the A-list to be arrested and killed.
The skies over Pittsburgh today were blue, but then turned white from government chemtrails full of ARSENIC, barium and aluminum — to an extent I have never before witnessed.
Something is really “up.”And I think Obama also might succumb to pressure and do something crazy out of Zugwang, a German chess term which means you have no good moves, but you have to move your chess piece — or lose it. Obama is going to get to that place inside himself, where he wants to push the panic button.
I am also finally convinced that, through

1) my new kind of videos (such as this new segment of the “God video”)

2) greater personal readiness, as well as

3) greater public readiness for our message,

…that I must start my movement very soon.

There must be a Solutrean Agency, like the Jewish Agency in Palestine, more and more a white governing authority, a parallel government, as the USA economy collapses.People will need food, housing and safety.

The Jewish Agency was not illegal. But the British had to go to the Jewish Agency to get anything done as the Zionist population increased.

Finally, the Agency got rid of the British, after WWII, and the Jews got their own ethnostate.

Do NOT do any stupid lone-wolf actions, unless you want to commit suicide-by-cop.

Learn more about Eternal Solutreanism.

Look for the leader for our times.

There will be no martial law. There will be a bristling, angry white nation that deters it. White cops and military officers — and elite special forces units among the Green Beret, DELTA, Army Rangers and Marine Force Reconnaissance — will be among the first to revolt, not the last.

Screenshot from the filming of the first Spiritual Video ( scroll halfway down at https://johndenugent.com/pages_backup/videos-of-jdn-speaking.htm). I was adjusting the EGA, the Eagle-Globe-Anchor Marine Corps brass logo on the wall.


And while the jew-planned economic collapse will come, it will result, by a profound Khazar miscalculation, not in martial law, but in the end of ZOG, and the birth of a just new order, just as the Great Depression triggered the rise of Adolf Hitler.

Black and blue — the colors we can give anyone who needs a good beating. 😉


01/07 @ 10:42 : Pontevedra, ES [SPAIN]
01/07 @ 10:22 : Beaverton, Oregon, US
01/07 @ 10:07 : Reading, Pennsylvania, US
01/07 @ 10:05 : Örebro, SE [SWEDEN]
01/07 @ 10:04 : Oviedo, Florida, US
01/07 @ 09:45 : Plymouth, Massachusetts, US
01/07 @ 09:17 : Seoul, KR [KOREA]
01/07 @ 08:47 : Manchester, GB [GREAT BRITAIN]
01/07 @ 08:35 : New York, New York, US
01/07 @ 08:34 : Soignies, BE

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