ENGLISH Hell is occupying a hostile Arab country

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=====================Iraqi says to hell with it

I have a low opinion of Arabs and of Islam and I view both through the lense of literally neanderthal behavior, as this blog shows clearly.


However, I have to hand it to these Arabs: they are macho and once they decide that their honor is at stake, you cannot tell them what to do, and certainly not when they are in their own country (Iraq in this  case) and it is foreigners (white, Christian-raised US troops) who are threatening them on their own streets with halt, do-this and do-that. I do not like the Arabs for many sound reasons, but I respect their defiant courage.  (Note the title which the Arab who posted this video on YouTube gave it: “Dogs surround lion,” the dogs being Americans.)


[Well, well, well, this video was taken down….. It shows US Army troops who have stopped and surrounded an Arab, who, rather than stand still, walks around sort of defiantly — until the frustrated troops first shoot him in the legs and then, when he starts to get up again, they finish him off. It is indeed ghastly.]

This guy is absolutely ready to die for his dignity — and his hatred of the Pentagon occupation force. Why in fact ARE our brave boys, our soldiers and marines, not guarding the American border against Mexico where illegals, drug dealers and murderers pour over every day, killing decent American ranchers such as Arizonan Bob Krentz?

Krentz, a Rancher of the Year, put out water and food for illegals until they sadistically killed him.


Why are we even on this guy’s street? In 1961 the French under General de Gaulle gave up their Arab colony of Algeria. De Gaulle gave them some rich French-created oil fields and then shoved them off, saying to his aide, Alain Peyrefitte, that Arabs were nothing but trouble and he did not want them to be connected to or part of a white country like France in any way.

My French friends told me in 2003: “You have no idea what hell is until you try to occupy a hostile Arab country. We had five Arab colonies and we gladly gave them all up.” [= Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia, Lebanon and Syria]

They are literally, genetically, part-Neanderthals.

They like to fight. Their religion is based on violence. Mohammed was a camel salesman who became a warlike general, who conquered cities (anything but a Jesus figure)  and executed all men who would not convert, and stuck the conquered women in harems as sex slaves for himself and his camel-n0sed Arab generals. (A harem is how genes spread very, very, very rapidly……Osama Ben Laden was one of FIFTY SONS of his Saudi billionaire father.)

Their concept of honor in Islam in the real world, whatever the Koran says,  is to kill their own daughters if they are unlucky enough to get raped by another Muslim man.

I remember Leslie Stahl on “Sixty Minutes” walking through a Muslim bazaar and they were selling bottles of hydrochloric acid to throw in a girl’s face if she refused to date you!

It is a mindset I do not understand — or want to. It is alien to our values and to who we are. Islam is indeed a path to God, but not one I recommend to any white society.

Get us OUT of the neanderthal Middle East!

No more mosques in America!

And you soldiers and marines, guard OUR borders against the fiendish invaders from Mexico!

And if you have not yet seen these photos of our lovely Mexican delights, be warned.


Here is a graphic a German did to protest the Turkish-muslim-neanderthal takeover of beautiful white Germany…..which is now racked with rape, murder, beatings and crime by Turks and other muslim invaders.

Text in German: “We brought the Devil under our roof” (lit. “into our house”). The Devil’s white horns reflect the crescent moon, a symbol of Islam and a feature of the Turkish flag. The nation of Germany, white for thousands of years,  is now TWENTY PERCENT NEANDERMUSLIMS AND BLACKS; even small German villages now have hostile ungrateful “asylum seekers”  who are often purse snatchers, drug dealers and sadistic rapists.

We need to become tribal. We need to become Eternal Solutreans.

Zia, the Solutrean chieftain’s daughter, defies a psychopath in “Ice Age Columbus” (Discovery Channel:  http://store.discovery.com/detail.php?p=84844 Buy it!!) This is the spirit — defiance to our enemies, and solidarity with our kin.


Great soft-rock background music, powerful, urgent message……a 99% A+ 🙂 (It would be 100% if he had not said “nucular” twice. ;-))

This is so good and so important that everyone should send it to their relatives, WN or not, liberal, conservative, everyone!

* * *

A respected German comrade wrote me that the only way out for the NWO now is to start a war — to distract the masses from their growing economic misery and rage at the Goldman Sachs-Wall Street Jews.

A Spanish comrade told me that everyone in Spain, both left and right, hates the Neanderjews now. The Left hates the greedy “turbo-capitalism” of Wall Street; the Right hates the Jewish promotion of homo pride, immigration, drugs, degenerate music and crime. All Spaniards in this proud and ancient nation resent the loss of Spain’s sovereignty.

So look for Obongo to distract us from his gigantic failures by a planned terrorist attack on the American people, as bloody as possible, and then,

….as hokey as possible, blame it on the Iranians.

One thing I can guarantee you, and I know people who know Ahmadinejad, such as David Duke himself!: The Iranian president is way too smart, too stable, too wise, to EVER attack the United States, its armed forces or its people, nor does he want to.

Nor does he even have absolute control of the country. The supreme religious council does. I do not like Islam but both the council and Ahmadinejad are prudent, practical leaders, whatever their Shiite religious views. The Iranians are also not Arabs; they have some neander genes (less than their Arab neighbors) but they also have a lot of Aryan blood, and even the name “Iran” means literally “Aryanland.” The original rulers were as white as you and I thousands of years ago when Iran was founded by the Medes and Persians, although now they are genetically mixed.

If the US is attacked, it will NOT be by Iran, but instead by Jews disguised as Iranians, or some Manchurian candidate (his brain addled by torture, exactly as in the “Bourne Conspiracy” movies, in fact) in a false-flag operation directed by the Israelis, just as bogus as 9/11. The Jews migiht even try some attack blamed on a “white supremaicst-Al Qaueda” link that will be an utter fairy tale. No true white nationalist wants to have anything to do with any muslim fanatics, whatsoever. We dislike Islam as much — or even more — than any other intelligent American because of its semitic, Arabic origin and alien nature. Islamicx immigrants in Europe mean a sadistic crime wave of 1) GANG RAPE OF WHITE WOMEN and 2) beating white senior citizens to death. These people are not our friends, and never have been. They would rather spend $30,000 a night gambling in Monte Carlo or with French whores in Paris (Arabs love sex with white women, even if they have to pay for it) than help ANY white nationalist I have ever met.

The last time any muslim leader helped a WN was King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, for a book on the Jews, a whopping thirty-five years ago, for a lousy $25,000! The oil change on his fleet of Rolls Royces came to that every month!

And I can assure one and all — based on my direct knowledge — that Ahmadinejad has done NOTHING to help white nationalists or Holocaust revisionists. They even had to pay their own way to the December 2006 Holocaust conference in Teheran.

I have thirty-one years of hard-won experience in this movement, and I tell you this:

The muslims are our enemies as much as the Jews. A PLAGUE ON BOTH THEIR VIOLENT, RACIST, ANTI-WHITE, ANTI-CHRISTIAN HOUSES.

And we will not submit to martial law by the illegal alien Obongo under any circumstances. The white male conservatives of this country loathe the black emperor, as he will find out if he tries anything stupid. HIS LAST APPROVAL RATING AMONG WHITE MALES WAS 36 PERCENT.



  1. Vous avez raison.Il a été prouvé que le prétendu “islam” a été une création des juifs/talmudistes avec l’assistance des perses Sassanides.

    Pour comprendre les motivations des juifs/talmudistes et des perses derrière la création de l’islam,il faut revenir au contexte de cette période.

    A cette époque,les perses et les byzantins étaient en guerre pour le contrôle de la région,et en particulier de la Palestine.
    Les “juifs” connus sous le nom de “talmudistes” à ce moment la,étaient les alliés des perses,dont ils finançaient les guerres et entreprises militaires.

    Les perses quant-à eux,utilisaient des contingents de mercenaires arabes pour lutter contre les byzantins.
    Pour inciter les arabes à combattre aux cotés des perses,les juifs/talmudistes(en particulier les dénommés kab al abar,salam et muwaya) ont fait croire à ces derniers qu’il fallait reconstruire le temple de Jerusalem pour que le messie Jésus christ revienne(bien entendu,le but des juifs était tout autre…)

    Alors,en 614 après Jésus Christ,les perses aidés par des contingents arabes,et renseignés par des juifs,prirent la Palestine,ainsi que la ville de Jerusalem.
    Quand la ville fut aux mains des perses,des juifs/talmudistes et des mercenaires arabes,les juifs/talmudistes habitant Jerusalem,massacrèrent et tuèrent les chrétiens palestiniens(pourtant sémites eux aussi),dont un important nombre fut fait prisonnier par les habitants juifs et emmené au réservoir de Mamilla pour y être tués.

    Quand les perses comprirent la gravité de la situation,ils intervinrent et firent stopper les massacres des chrétiens par les juifs.
    Cet évènement provoqua la rupture de l’alliance entre les perses d’un coté et les juifs et arabes de l’autre.

    C’est en fin de compte à ce moment là que les juifs et les arabes se retournèrent contre les perses,et décidèrent de les envahir(en 651 après N.S. J.C pour être précis).

  2. Certains disent même que Mahmoud Ahmadinejad est un crypto-juif,car ses parents auraient des origines juives.
    De plus,le président iranien aurait appelé à un nouvel ordre mondial.
    Ors,on reconnait un juif,notamment à ce qu’il dit,à ce qu’il fait(ou pas,c’est selon).On sait que les juifs/talmudistes veulent un nouvel ordre ou gouvernement mondial.
    De plus,le parlement “iranien” est doté d’une architecture maçonnique,ou les juifs/talmudistes ont le droit de disposer d’un siège.

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