ENGLISH Slovak WN wins office; Chinese boil dogs alive; heroic activist Michael Weaver again denied justice in what once was Georgia

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I would ask that comrades who like my work send a cc donation immediately, or in the USA buy me a MoneyPak for $4.95 at any Walmart, Kmart, Rite, Aid, CVS pharmacy, etc, etc., then send me the PIN number off the back and the amt. I had 7,000 views the other day of this blog… https://johndenugent.com/english/english-obama-ominously-purges-generals-and-admirals-wns-that-are-afraid-to-die and yet even that stirred very few to donate. If Obama purging the US military right now cannot stir you to action, I am just not sure what will.  I hate to ask, because times are tough for most of us, but it seems that until I start an actual membership organization — with a new message — money will come in only in dribbles or occasional large amts from one generous patron or another. This year we had exactly ONE generous patron with just ONE big donation, and that was back in August. I do not accept that our race cannot support ONE full-time activist; the ADL has 1600 full-time employees, and that comes from many Jews giving donations.

…..Slovak WN wins high office!

Good news! An open supporter of the brave, pro-German WWII leader, Father Tiso, wins his election campaign!


A Slovak comrade wrote:

There were articles every day in every newspapers and TV station about him saying ”This guy has no chance to win but the question is how many  voters will vote for him as a reflection of the hate still remaining in society.’ 😉  Then the majority  voted for him!  And yes, he does love Father Tiso.

From TheDailyStormer:


Slovakia: Nationalist Marian Kotleba Wins Regional Election

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 24, 2013

Mariana Kotleba.  Heil.

Marian Kotleba. Heil.

In a monumental victory for the European people as a whole, and Slovakia in particular, the hardcore nationalist Marian Kotleba won 55.5% of the votes in central region of Banska Bystrica, securing leadership of the region, which is one of eight which comprise the Slovakia state.

Kotleba, 36, is the leader of the KDU party (People’s Party of Slovakia) and former leader of the now-banned Slovak Togetherness-National Party.

He is openly supportive of Josef Tiso and the Slovak People’s Party, who were aligned with the Axis during World War Two, after Hitler had backed the Slovaks in securing independence from Czechoslovakia. He has also clearly expressed hostility to the parasitical gypsy occupation force in Slovakia, as well as the Jews.

He has stated that NATO is a terrorist organization, and advocates an end to all association with the International Monetary Fund. He also seeks to reestablish Christian principles as the foundational basis of the nation.

In 2009, he lost the election in the same region, gaining only 10.03% of the votes.

Kotleba arrested for giving a speech by the guardians of freedom and democracy in 2009.

Kotleba was arrested for giving a speech by masked guardians of freedom and democracy in 2009.

At a 2009 rally celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Slovakian state, he gave an impassioned speech where he called upon the Slovakian people to take back there country, and upon shouting “on guard!” he was promptly arrested and charged with attempting to “suppress fundamental rights and freedoms.” The charges were later dropped. He has also had criminal charges filed against him for publishing materials condemning the gypsies as a parasitical race, but those charges were also dropped.

Before entering politics in 2003, Kotleba worked as a high school teacher. He holds a Masters degree in Economics.

Father Tiso

The key figure from which Slovakian nationalists drawn inspiration, Jozef Tiso, was a Roman Catholic priest who served as the head of the Slovakian state from its founding in 1939 until the allied victory over, and conquest of, the nation in 1945.

Father Jozef Tiso

Father Jozef Tiso

Tiso was an ardent Antisemite, and, despite Jewish propaganda claiming otherwise, maintained good relations with Hitler until the end, whole-heartedly supporting the full removal of Jews and Gypsies from the continent of Europe.

In 1947, he was murdered by the puppet Czech state ruling Slovakia, under the premise that it was an international war crime to defend yourself against belligerent military aggression by the US and Britain. Like the heroes of Germany and other Axis states, he was denied the respect of a firing squad, and, wearing his clerical garb, was hanged like a rapist.

Father Tiso shaking hands with the Fuhrer.

Father Tiso shaking hands with the Führer.

Modern Nationalist rallies in Slovakia often feature chants of “Glory to Tiso” and “Long Live the Leader.”



…..Confirmation of chemtrails!


…..Chinese boil dogs alive!





And now, with American cash, and while destroying American jobs, they are building a stupendous, aggressive military! If they treat harmless, loving dogs this way, how will they treat Whites?


Chinese Marines


THIS is how they treat Whites! (A boy from the white minority Uighurs in western China, descended from the Keltic Tokharians)

The Uighurs were forcibly converted to Islam by the Turks, and that brought in dark hair, but their basic genes are keltic, and the mummies of their ancestors show red and blond hair and plaid clothing. They are a mixed Caucasian-Asian Muslim group that live in Xinjiang, China. They have been agitating for independence for some time now. China has responded to these calls by flooding Xinjia with Han Chinese…

First, a red haired Uighur. (Source of these photos: http://robertlindsay.wordpress.com/2013/05/17/the-whites-of-asia-the-uighurs/)

A very White looking, in fact, red-haired, Uighur child, who could easily be an Irish kid.

A very White looking, in fact, red-haired, Uighur child, who could easily be an Irish kid.

Next, we have a Slavic-appearing Uighur.

A very White looking Uighur boy. To me, he looks somewhat Russian or East Slavic, does he not?

A very White looking Uighur boy. To me, he looks somewhat Russian or East Slavic, does he not?

Next, a very White looking Uighur woman. The phenotype is very exotic, and the only thing I have seen close to this is from the Kalash of northwest Pakistan.

This is a very White looking Uighur woman. Note the tall, angular, thin nose. I am not sure what European type she resembles. Any guesses?

This is a very White looking Uighur woman. Note the tall, angular, thin nose.


As my article on the Solutreans (https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism) shows, the Amerindians, who are heavily mongol, also are capable of incredible, mind-bending cruelty. My Marine father hated all (his word) “gooks” after fighting Japanese, Chinese and Koreans in either WWII or Korea, and said to me: “They have no concept as we do of the sanctity of human life.” Heartless!

Two Amerindian “braves” paddle off with two miserable white female American captives. They never invented the sail, nor the wheel, nor a written language — but they sure knew how to be cruel. Embittered White pioneers muttered: “The only good Indian is a DEAD Indian.” 

At the end is my discussion of pioneer woman Massy Harbison and how Indians treated captured white children.

This is a SUPERB, gripping, politically incorrect book by John DeMay (Norman name). Scots-Irish and German settlers and rangers (forest volunteer militias) waged fierce battles here with literally cannibalistic, diabolically torturing Indians in the 1750-1790 period. These red men themselves were newcomers from the Delaware Valley back east who had been ordered to move west by the ferocious Indian empire called the Iroquois Confederacy under an Iroquois agreement with the white man.

The foundations of pioneer forts dot our western Pennsylvania area, and farmhouses burnt by Delaware Indians. Delaware and Seneca would roast and eat white children before their captured mothers, or tie white soldiers with a long rope to a central stake and chase them round and round with burning pikes, then scalp them and pour glowing red coals on their skinless skulls, while eating their cut-off ears and fingers. Ah, the noble red man of liberal fame, as in the movie “Dancing With Wolves” by the crypto-Jew Kevin Costner.

This is also what they did to each other, BTW, for days on end — torture festivals. The next day, the same Indians would ask to smoke the peace pipe with the Americans, and give flowery, cynical speeches about interracial peace — that would “last in brotherhood as long as the grass grows and the rivers flow” — quite in the manner of Barack Obama. The Indians promised “hope” and “change” every time they met with the White man — until they again went on the warpath.


…..Jew tradition of Kapparot




…..Columbus White Nationalist loses appeal over trumped-up assault conviction



Heroic white activist Michael Weaver, a bigtime leafletter of pro-.white materials in Columbus, Georgia, got an outrageous 20 months in state prison for pepper-spraying a violent negro felon who entered his car with an empty beer bottle to attack him.  Now his conviction was just upheld — he had served his incredble sentence out — and he is still banned from six counties in Georgia, including his home country where his father, grandmother and his car are located!

…..A handsome, six-foot, 190-pound, 33-year-old, his then girlfriend took this picture of him. but she dumped him when he was convicted. 


You know who is supporting him every week financially?


(Michael is all over the Internet, posting my materials and other good things that help our Cause of white survival.)



He needs money for a bike and to get his car fixed and driven up to him so he can keep fighting for you and me!

Can you help? (See “Donate” below.)

This is his blog: http://news4whites.blogspot.com/

And hey, girls, he is single! 😉 A polite, gentlemanly, loving, big, strong Southern man!



Michael Weaver, also known as Michael Carothers, remains banished from Columbus and six-county judicial circuit

BY TIM CHITWOOD [Warning: this is an MSM article!]

tchitwood@ledger-enquirer.com November 29, 2013

Joe Paull jpaull@ledger-enquirer.com Michael Carothers leaves the court room after pleading guilty to aggravated assualt stemming from charges that used pepper spray on black man last December.

Michael David Weaver, also known as Michael Carothers, pleaded guilty to the charge Nov. 15, 2011, but later sought to withdraw that plea after Muscogee Superior Court Judge Bobby Peters sentenced him to a year in jail followed by nine years’ probation, during which he was banished from the six-county judicial circuit that includes Columbus.

Two weeks later, Weaver filed to withdraw his plea, arguing it wasn’t voluntary, his counsel was ineffective, and the spray he used was not harmful enough to meet the standards of Georgia’s aggravated assault law. Peters denied the motion.

Weaver appealed, and a three-judge panel of the Georgia Court of Appeals rejected his claims in a decision rendered Nov. 20.

At issue was whether Weaver’s use of pepper spray or Mace fit the law, which states: “A person commits the offense of aggravated assault when he or she assaults … with a deadly weapon or with any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury. …”

Wrote the appeals court: “Weaver argues that the factual basis … was insufficient to establish the foundation for the plea because ‘the act of merely spraying pepper spray into the face of an adult from a foot away as charged here is not a means likely to cause serious bodily injury and did not in fact cause serious bodily injury in this case.’ We disagree.”

Recounting the offense, the judges wrote Weaver in 2010 was sitting in his car as a black pedestrian passed by with a friend. Weaver called the man over and sprayed him directly in the face with Mace, the court said.


These were the effects, according to the court: “The victim ‘felt like his face was melting,’ the spray burned his eyes and temporarily blinded him, so that his friend had to help him as he stumbled to his home three or four blocks away. The victim remained ‘in a great deal of pain‘ after his arrival home and throughout his return to the scene of the incident with his mother to talk to the police.”

Police and prosecutors said the assault happened on Rose Hill Street about 6 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 4, 2010. Arrested an hour later, Weaver at first was charged with misdemeanor simple battery for spraying the 26-year-old man on the neck, but prosecutors in 2011 presented the case as a felony to the grand jury that indicted Weaver for aggravated assault.

Weaver was arrested on the felony Aug. 23, 2011.

In rejecting his appeal, the three-judge panel noted the appeals court in 2008 ruled that even a bruise caused by being hit with a board “provides evidence that an instrument was likely to cause serious bodily injury.” And in 2005 it ruled a welt or bruise from being hit with a branch was sufficient to show the assault was “likely to result in serious bodily injury.”

Still no law or precedent specifically defines “serious bodily injury,” so whether circumstances fit the law is for judges and juries to determine, the court said.

That the victim in Weaver’s case was “in a great deal of pain” and temporarily blinded as his eyes and face burned from the spray was sufficient to show “the trial court did not abuse its discretion by concluding that this evidence supported a guilty plea to aggravated assault,” the judges wrote.


Contemporary reports on Weaver’s 2011 guilty plea show it was prompted by Peters’ ruling a jury would hear about Weaver’s claiming to be a skinhead, using a racial slur and threatening to kill a 15-year-old girl at Jordan High School in 1999.

Prosecutors wanted to present other evidence of Weaver’s previous conduct, including his comments about race, his use of racial slurs, and his anti-Semitic emails to Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin, a nationally known Jewish leader.

Weaver’s defense attorneys argued that evidence would so prejudice a jury Weaver couldn’t get a fair trial.

Represented by the public defender’s office, Weaver later claimed his lawyers failed him, writing:

“Counsel was negligent in not fully explaining comprehensively the full extent of the conditions and content of the plea agreement offer. … Counsel went beyond ethical boundaries by telling the defendant ‘It would be in your best interest to accept this plea offer of 10 years, serve one year, I don’t want to see you serve a lot of years in prison by taking this to trial.'”

During a June 2012 court hearing, Weaver said his banishment was the primary reason he wanted to withdraw his guilty plea.

In a follow-up court filing on Aug. 9, 2012, he wrote: “I am also banned from Columbus, Ga., which will leave me homeless upon my release. I have lived in Columbus with my father and grandmother for over 28 years!”

When sentenced in 2011, Weaver was 31 years old. Authorities said he had planned to live with a girlfriend in Alabama, but wanted to move home when they broke up.

With his appeal rejected, he today remains banished from the Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit that besides Muscogee includes the counties of Chattahoochee, Harris, Marion, Talbot and Taylor.


His predicament has made him a folk hero among those who share his views. On the website www.totalfacism.com, a writer posted an account of Weaver’s troubles May 28 under “We Are All Michael Weaver.”

“It was clear that it was the duty of all of us in the White Nationalist community to be there for him, to rally around and support him in whatever way we can,” the writer posted. “Because what happened to him could happen to any one of us.”


….Bloomberg decides New Yorkers are lower than animals

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg Visits FOX's "The O'Reilly Factor"

Sickening Jew York City attack on the Second Amendment.


This confiscation — surrender any rifle or shotgun with more than a 5-round magazine — directly violates the meaning of the word “infringed,” as in “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

Not only is any gun ban not allowed by the Constitution, but any “infringement” ALSO is not allowed. To “infringe” is to nibble away at something along the edges, to restrict and reduce something.

Webster’s: INFRINGE: 1) to do something that does not obey or follow (a rule, law, etc.) 2) to wrongly limit or restrict (something, such as another person’s rights).”

Every animal in the great big forest has the right from GOD to defend itself! Even the smallest field mouse has teeth and will bite if cornered! But Americans in Jew York, who apparently are now LOWER THAN THE ANIMALS, no longer can ….. thanks to Jew mayor Bloomberg!

…..Paula Hitler


Americans have NO idea how many of their household products were invented by Germans, German immigrants or their descendants.

• Anheuser-Busch (beer)
• (Eddie) Bauer (sports clothing)
• Bausch and Lomb (telescopes)
• Bayer (aspirin)
• Bechtel (construction)
• Boeing (aerospace)
• (Black &) Decker (tools)
• Diebold (bank vaults, ATM machines
and recently voting machines—the Diebold
family is long gone)
• Derringer (pistols)
• Doppler (weather radar, using the
Doppler effect)
• Eckerd (drugstores)
• Engelhard (chemicals)
• Fender (the prized “Stratocaster”
electric guitar)
• Gerber (baby foods)
• Hershey (“Hirsche,” chocolate)
• Hilton (“Hilten,” hotels)
• Hoover (Huber, vacuum cleaners)
• Kaiser (aluminum)
• Keebler (“Kiebler,” cookies)
• Kemper (insurance)
• Koehler (faucets)
• Kraft (foods)
• Kroeger (2,477 supermarkets/pharmacies,
based in Cincinnati, Ohio, with $60
billion in sales)
• Heinz (ketchup)
• Hormel (meats)
• Lays (potato chips)
• Mack (trucks)
• Maytag (appliances)
• Meineke (mufflers)
• Merck (pharmaceuticals)
• Oscar Meyer (meats)
• Mosler (safes)
• Reese (peanut-butter cups & candy)
• Orville Redenbacker (popcorn)
• Sebring (Florida raceway)
• Schering (pharmaceuticals)
• Earl Scheib (car bodywork)
• Schick (razors)
• Schlage (locks)
• Schweppes (soft drinks)
• (Charles) Schwab (investments)
• Schwinn (bicycles)
• Seecamp (the Mercedes of concealable
• Siebert (manufacturing control systems)
• Smucker (jams)
• Steinway (“Steinweg” pianos)
• Stouffer (foods/hotels)
• Trump (premium real estate)
• Walgreen’s (drugstores)
• Wagner (spray paint)
• Weber (grills)
• Westinghouse electric appliances,
• Weyerhaeuser (paper)
• Ziebart (car enhancements). . . .
Of course almost every major beer
brand in America is of German origin:
• Sam Adams (Bavarian recipe from
the Koch family of Washington, D.C.)
• (Adolph) Coors
• Busch
• Michelob
• Miller (Mueller)
• Pabst
• Schaefer
• Schlitz
• Schmidt’s
• Stroh’s
• Rheingold
• Weinhard
• Yuengling (the oldest brewery in

And did I mention the hotdog and cole slaw (Pennsylvania Dutch)?  Let’s not forget another little German item, the Christmas tree itself, the Tannenbaum!



The English (Anglo-Saxons) are largely Saxon themselves and thus part-German too if you go back to 400 AD. 😉 And the great “Englishman” JRR Tolkien of “The Lord of the Rings” came from German ancestors in Lower Saxony in the 1700s called Tollkühn (meaning in German “bold”)!

vulnerable-blondish-nordic-little-girl-maybe-sixAlthough I admit I do love the Germans, the main reason I promote them is that the Jews bash them more than any other white nation.

And I have had German immigrants tell me their little daughter came home from public school in tears because other kids called them “Nazis” and asked: “Did your parents kill any Jews?” (The parents themselves were born forty years after the war.)

To this very day, unbelievably, ALL Germans who fly to the US — even 16-year-old girls! — MUST fill out an immigration form on the plane and hand it in to the stewardess, swearing they are not Nazi war criminals or ex-members of the SS (which ended in 1945)!! I know this because my first wife and I brought over German au-pair girls to help us with our two kids — and THEY had to fill this insulting and ludicrous form out!

In reality, all Aryan peoples are gifted, but the Jews stomp the Germans — so I rally to them all the more!

….. To make sacrifices

As you can imagine, it was devastating to Michael Weaver to lose his freedom for 20 months in a negro jail hell when he merely warded off a lethal attack by a felon with harmless pepper-spray.

It was even more devastating to be banned from his own home city and county, his family and, yes, his vehicle in Georgia!

But he has stayed busy, firing up the Internet with pro-white activism!

Please use the credit-card feature and make a donation for this hero and send me an email at john_denugent@yahoo.com, saying

“Hi, John. I just sent you $50 for Michael Weaver!”



. Log: https://johndenugent.com/donations-log   Every man who donates today gets one date with  this Marine Corps senior drill instructor:


When I say it is urgent, believe me, it is!

  • I must write you that it is very urgent that I receive donations immediately.
  • Please use your credit card — found conveniently right on my site!
  • I need to stop blogging every other day just to keep paying the bills.
  •  I need to start my movement.
  • For that I need a small financial breather to write my book and really fix the white soul…..
  • Because we have more than enough facts now to have risen up ten times over, but we haven’t.
  • It is a protracted soul problem that we face – not a fact problem.
  • You can help get me off the financial treadmill by your donation now — so I can fulfill my destiny and help you survive.
  • I may be a high-honors graduate of Georgetown, but like a fellow alumnus of that university, Bill Clinton, I should be leading and inspiring large groups of people, not just purveying yet more information on things we already know.
  • For that step, money is what talks. Your sacrifice — please — I need it now.
Or one day the Jews will sacrifice YOU.
And me.
And all of us.

I pay $100 a month for this credit card service, and so please USE it! 😉 Donate via Credit Card!” Just click on the blue button! Even a negro can! 😉




John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284


On Facebook: John D. Nugent

On Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)

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…..And visit and post on the NEW Rebel Forum in the land DOWN UNDER, where women glow and men thunder!

Pro-White activist Pauline Hanson


Easy sign-up! http://therebel.org/ –Community tab on the far left — register!  NOW TEN THOUSAND READERS A DAY!



Donate to the Rebel using PayPal! Feed the “Roo”! If you help him, you help me!
Why does Faceberg not allow me to block and unfriend a supposed “WN” who twice now, on MY threads, has been advocating violence???????????????
I am just sick at heart to see WNs still posting on Faceberg and not on the RebelForum!

And then Zuckerberg deletes their entire account and friends list! It is almost masochistic to post there when the Rebel Forum exists and is jew-free!

Where is their pride and self-respect?


  1. A New Zealander wrote me regarding the Chinese:

    [13:01:12] Gandolf: Have you heard of a Chinese dish called ‘Dancing prawns’?
    [13:01:13]: They were banned in Singapore and Hong Kong not so long ago because of the sensitivities of ex-pats [ex-patriates, usually Whites].
    [13:01:22] John de Nugent: No, and I am afraid to ask 😉
    [13:01:28] Gandolf: but across the border in Shenzhen you can still get it.
    [13:01:37] John de Nugent: they roast them alive, no doubt… 🙁
    [13:02:00] Gandolf: It’s a prawns dish — prawns served in a boiling soups or port wine
    [13:02:04] Gandolf: still alive
    [13:02:15] John de Nugent: oh, there you go again with your hate speech 😉
    [13:02:13] Gandolf: trying to escape..
    [13:02:36] Gandolf: obviously not enjoying the procedure
    [13:03:30] Gandolf: You should go to a ‘wet market’.
    [13:03:43] Gandolf: I once went to buy a fresh, live chicken there.
    [13:04:17] John de Nugent: In my view, Whites and East Asians literally came here from different planets to colonize the earth. They are soooo very different from us.
    [13:04:39] Gandolf: The woman who sold it to me took my money, took the chicken I had picked, wrapped some plastic thing around the feed, and put the chicken head-down on a hook.
    [13:04:47] Gandolf: …then told me to come back in 15 minutes.
    [13:05:00] John de Nugent: hmmm
    [13:05:26] Gandolf: I asked her “Why in 15 minutes?” She said, the person who is going to kill and clean the chicken will be back in 15 minutes.
    [13:05:29] Gandolf: from her break
    [13:06:13] Gandolf: She was going to make the obviously distressed chicken hang there, head-down, by its feet for 15 minutes
    [13:06:36] Gandolf: I told her to either slaughter the chicken right away or give me my money back
    [13:06:40] Gandolf: She didn’t understand.
    [13:06:57] John de Nugent: She thought YOU were the crazy one.
    [13:07:03] Gandolf: Some other Chinese woman, obviously more educated, explained to her
    [13:07:12] Gandolf: and they laughed about me.
    [13:07:36] Gandolf: These people are unable to have empathy
    [13:07:38] John de Nugent: …just as they would laugh when hanging US upside down.
    [13:07:47] Gandolf: But then they drive their dogs around in prams [ = British English for a baby stroller]
    [13:07:52] John de Nugent: Same with our Amerindians!
    [13:08:06] Gandolf: Vets in HK are the second-highest-paid in the world
    [13:08:09] Gandolf: after the UK
    [13:08:30] Gandolf: They confuse them with their own children.
    [13:08:45] John de Nugent: Well, if a gook derives enjoyment from being kind, THEN he will be kind. 😉
    [13:08:46] Gandolf: They let their dogs lick across their mouth
    [13:08:55] Gandolf: that’s right, John.
    [13:08:56] John de Nugent: Bizarre!
    [13:08:58] Gandolf: It’s all fake.
    [13:09:03] John de Nugent: shudder
    [13:09:09] Gandolf: They have no heart
    [13:09:11] Gandolf: No empathy
    [13:09:33] Gandolf: Only a balance sheet, money-money-money. And they say this is the coming superpower…… God help us.

  2. A Greek comrade wrote me:

    [15:21:44] Alexandros40: Hey, John
    [15:22:13] Alexandros40: I saw your blog about the Chinese eating dogs
    [15:22:34] Alexandros40: Have you seen where they also eat aborted babies?
    [15:27:45] John de Nugent: not yet 😉
    [15:28:17] John de Nugent: today’s blog about boiling dogs alive?
    [15:28:22] Alexandros40: Yes
    [15:28:43] Alexandros40: You wanna see pictures?
    [15:28:47] John de Nugent: …and they drown their baby girls
    [15:28:50] John de Nugent: sure!
    [15:28:54] John de Nugent: I think 😉
    [15:29:12] John de Nugent: I might add this to the blog
    [15:30:17] Alexandros40: Check out all these…
    [15:30:20] Alexandros40: https://www.google.com/webhp?tab=mw&ei=AoybUs7xOYmHywHRvoHQAw&ved=0CAUQqS4oAg#q=Chinese+eat+babies
    [15:31:03] John de Nugent: thanx… ugh…. sickening.
    [15:47:09] John de Nugent: According to this link, the Chinese DO eat powdered babies: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/rights-so-divine/2012/may/10/chinese-cannibalism-infant-flesh-outrages-world/

  3. A comrade wrote:

    The boiling of animals made me disgusted, but once I saw those slant-eyed bastards kicking that child and busting his fingers I f—–g lost it! Had to stop the video.

  4. More comrades responded to the story of Chinese cruelty to dogs:

    Chris James damn right John, and i can’t wait for that time to come.
    12 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 2

    Josh Dunn Disgustingly cruel for such an old culture. I’d kill them to the last round before they ever touch my dogs.
    11 hours ago · Unlike · 2

    Peter Sabatini Chosin Reservoir, Part II, here we come! The question is..does America have what it takes? Do today’s young men, as a whole, still have the toughness?
    8 hours ago · Unlike · 1

    Fen Gregersen The Chinese are pure evil incarnate.
    8 hours ago · Unlike · 1

    J Curtis Lee Mickunas You’d have to have no heart and be perverted to accept that or to want to eat that “food.”

  5. Comrades, I am just sick at heart to see these good comments being made on Faceberg and not on the RebelForum!

    And then the Jew Zuckerberg deletes their entire account! it is almost masochistic to post there when the Rebel Forum exists and is jew-free!

    ….and has every feature of Facebook!

  6. John,
    Keep telling the truth. Help on the way. It is hard to fathom a people who spend so much on their pups, but also like to boil them. They sound like Hi-IQ, slant eyed beaners-LOL! Asiatics seem to enjoy cruelty as much as the afrikoonz do.
    I did not realize that buisnesses like Westinghouse, Kraft, Kroger were originally founded by Aryan Germans, not Heebs.
    Someone must have done a bizarre job on photoshopping Paula’s eye brows!


  7. PS, Don’t try to tell me that gool ol Milton Hershey, whose co sells all of the foreign made, hydrogenated oil laced chocolate & Reeses peanut butter cups is a Bavarian Catholic!

    • 100 years ago, when REAL German-Americans founded and ran these great companies, yes, those folks way back then really were goyeem.!

  8. Police State Amerika: The People’s Republic of Columbus,Georgia.-By David Carothers
    Are Americans a free people or are they not, that is the question. Do Americans still have the right to petition their government for redress of grievances, or do they not?
    These questions were answered on the morning of March 10 when this writer received a knock on his door. Outside stood two men, one clad in civilian attire, the other in the uniform of a Muscogee County sheriffs deputy. The first deputy was grasping a small stack of envelopes. “We need to have a word with you sir,” he said.
    The envelopes contained copies of an article I had written for The First Freedom, an article that was published in the December, 2013 edition of this alternative newspaper. Almost 200 copies of this article were made, and subsequently mailed, to every judge in Columbus, as well as all 10 city council members. The article recounted the exploits and travails of then-Columbus, Georgia-based white rights activist Michael Weaver, and was juxtaposed with the story of Jeffrey Foxx, a black racist rogue Columbus police corporal who resigned from the police department in May, 2013 amid charges of racial profiling and the violation of the civil rights of white citizens. While on patrol in the northern part of Columbus, Foxx told a female friend to whom he was talking on his cell phone: “They make me work these white areas, somebody’s going to pay the price.” He added: “I’m hooking these white folks up with tickets.”
    Although Foxx violated several state and federal laws via his targeting of white citizens, he was never prosecuted.
    The two-tiered system of justice that prevails in Columbus, Georgia treated Michael Weaver much differently. Weaver’s politically incorrect activism had for years been a thorn in the side of–a source of frustration to–local law enforcement and other Columbus power-brokers. They eagerly awaited their chance to silence him, put an end to his activism by whatever means necessary.
    Their chance came late one afternoon when Weaver, sitting in his car after leaving a friend’s house, was accosted by two black thugs who attempted to carjack his vehicle. Weaver sprayed one of the thugs with pepper spray, then fled the scene. He returned to his friend’s house about an hour later, where he was arrested by a black cop who entered the house without a warrant. Weaver was charged with simple battery, a misdemeanor. The “victim” sustained no injuries from the spray and declined medical treatment. Weaver’s bond was low, and he was released from jail a few hours later. He was assigned to appear in State Court the following month.
    The power-brokers who befoul Columbus had other plans for Weaver, though. At the urging of Cathy Bush, a white female police detective who had hated Weaver for years, his misdemeanor case was referred to the district attorney’s office. Weaver now faced a felony aggravated assault charge.
    Weaver’s hearings before Superior Court Judge Bobby Peters on Nov. 14 and 15 of 2011 were a Soviet Union-style travesty–mockery–of justice. Weaver’s public defender, Robin King, told him that his case was a slam-dunk, an easy win even for a first-year law student. She and her co-counsel, Ray lakes, were eager to go to trial. Judge Peters and the prosecuting attorney, Michael Craig, were not. They knew they had a weak case at best. They knew that both of Weaver’s attackers had long criminal records, and were on felony probation at the time of the
    attack. They knew, too, that even the testimony of then-Columbus-based Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin would be of little actionable value. It is not illegal to conduct an online debate with an opponent. Salkin now resides in the area of West Orange, New Jersey, where he heads that state’s chapter of the infamous Anti-Defamation League ( ADL ).
    The jury forewoman contacted Peters. The jury was awaiting its call. Peters shifted nervously on his throne, then called a recess. He beckoned Craig and counselors Lakes and King into his chambers.
    A few minutes later the four emerged from Peters’ chambers. The dynamic of the hearing had suddenly and very dramatically changed. King, Weaver’s lead counsel, had changed her mind about going to trial. She now insisted that her client plead guilty to the aggravated assault charge. Frightened by the gravity of his situation and confused by the abrupt change in the direction of the hearing—Weaver agreed to plead guilty to a crime he did not commit.
    It is abundantly obvious that deals and promises were made in Judge Peters closed-door chambers, and that Weaver’s “defense” attorneys betrayed him, sold him out, an egregious violation of their oath of office and the right of a defendant to a fair trial.
    Before leaving this writer’s house, the deputies “requested” that, should he seek to correspond with his taxpayer-funded “public servants”—he should send his correspondence to the Muscogee County Sheriffs Department, whence they will forward it to its intended recipient. Yes, of course they will.
    To be free or not to be free–that is the question…

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