ENGLISH High Noon with Gary Cooper — the lessons for today and all time; Metapedia and caring for our prisoners

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I salute our Serbian brothers, who for centuries have pushed back the invading Turks and muslims. All Europeans and all whites owe them thanks, ESPECIALLY WHITE WOMEN. And under the banner of Solutrea, there will be peace among all Slavs and among all Aryan whites!





===============HIGH NOON

JdN: I liked this piece so much that I am using it today and adding my own comments, videos and photos.]

High Noon In America

By Giordano Bruno

Neithercorp Press – 10/06/2010

source: http://neithercorp.us/npress/?p=832

Time is running out in the little western town of Hadleyville. Frank Miller, the leader of a violent gang that terrorized the hapless settlement years ago, was sent to the gallows by Will Kane, the local marshal, but the justice system failed, and now after so long, Frank Miller is free, heading back to Hadleyville on the noon train to meet his men, and take revenge…


Will Kane is just married, just retired, and just about to leave town when he gets the news that the tyrant he had deposed is about to waltz back into the parish with impunity and begin killing the people who sent him away. Everyone is afraid of reverting back to the terrible past they had left behind them. Kane decides to stay in town until the matter is resolved, and he reaches out to the local community for assistance in stopping Miller’s band of thugs. There’s just one problem; no one will help him

A great, semitic-looking villain, Lee Van Cleef (mother’s maiden name “Lavinia”)

And so begins ‘High Noon’, a film I had seen when I was younger and loved, but did not fully appreciate until today. Being a kind of “cinema scholar”, I had always been struck with how different High Noon was from almost every other western I had ever seen. Sure, ‘The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly’ was fantastic, and ‘The Wild Bunch’ was genius, but these movies were about “anti-heroes” who only did the right thing by accident, or because fate pressured them into following their consciences. In High Noon, Will Kane (played by Gary Cooper) is trying desperately to follow his conscience and do what he knows is right, but everyone, including the people he is trying to save, attempts to stop him! I found so many parallels between the story in High Noon and the story of our American society today, the Liberty Movement, and the global elites trying to ransack our country at this very moment, that I just had to write an article exploring what it all means.

Here are some of the lessons I learned from High Noon

Never Turn Your Back On Your Own Conscience: Will Kane could leave Hadleyville and Miller’s gang in the dust. In fact, Kane’s friend, the local judge, escapes the second he hears that Miller is on the loose, despite Kane’s pleading to stay and take responsibility for the safety of the townspeople. Everyone questions why Kane doesn’t just run, even his new wife (played by Grace Kelly), a Quaker and a pacifist. They treat him like an idiot or a lunatic for wanting to stand and fight. Kane stays anyway.

His character never makes any long boastful speeches about why he won’t run. He even admits he is afraid of what will happen when Miller’s gang arrives (as opposed to numerous John Wayne-style Westerns characters that never show or admit fear). When asked why he doesn’t “play it smart” and high-tail it out of harms way, Kane responds that “he just can’t, it wouldn’t be right”.

I can’t recall how many times I’ve heard remarks by people, even close friends, asking why we Liberty Movement folks don’t fly off to Fiji or some other tropical paradise and stay there until everything in the U.S. “blows over”. We are smart enough to see the enormous discrepancies in the economy and are fully aware that a historical collapse is near. We are completely cognizant of a plan by globalists in our own government to use chaos in the U.S. as a backdrop for imposition of martial law and eventually the institution of global economy and global government. We know full well what is coming. Why do we stay in harm’s way?

Like the character of Will Kane, Liberty Movement proponents also listen to their inner voice. They understand that there are greater concerns at stake than their own safety. That there are ideals under threat of extinction. That the future stands at the edge of a knife. If we don’t do what is right, then who will? All other concerns are either secondary, or irrelevant. When has leaving the problem for others to deal with ever led to anything good? History is filled with examples of cowards who chose to pass the buck rather than take responsibility, letting the rest of the world rot while they defer the pain until tomorrow. Such an act requires a considerable deficiency of moral character. The Liberty Movement is different. Under no circumstances, no matter how foreboding, do we ever compromise our conscience.

Never Expect To Have Time On Your Side: Through every moment of High Noon, time is against Will Kane. Disaster strikes often with little warning and without mercy. Kane is given only a few hours to devise some kind of a plan to stop the dreaded Frank Miller, and it’s simply not enough. The town has been putting off preparations for defense and safety, leaving Kane little to work with, and now their lack of decisiveness is coming back to haunt them.

In our society, we have an extremely bad habit of not preparing for unforeseen difficulties. The average American home, for instance, has less than a week’s worth of food in the pantry, and some millions of Americans have absolutely no training in self defense in the event that their life or their family’s lives are threatened. We have come to expect, even demand, that government entities “save us” from any adversity. So much so that when we are faced with catastrophe we REFUSE to save ourselves in the assumption that some faceless bureaucracy will come to the rescue in the nick of time. In the real world (and in High Noon), this faith in collective and governmental safety is a fantasy. Katrina should have shown Americans that much, but there are still many out there who ignorantly cling to the nanny state, apron strings and all.

When Doing What Is Right, Never Expect The Masses To Help You: After working in the Liberty Movement for a while, it sometimes feels like you are trying to turn back a herd of mentally deficient cattle stampeding towards the door of a slaughterhouse. You could put up a twelve foot neon sign flashing “DANGER, YOU RAGING IDIOTS!” and people would bumble right through it while complaining that you’re in their way.

Ever sit in a theater during a run-of-the-mill horror flick and watch the people around you? Every time the yuppie couple in the movie heads straight for the creepy haunted mansion of doom after their car breaks down, everyone in the audience mumbles “how could they be so stupid…” Well, that’s what it’s like being in the Liberty Movement. Everyday, you have to watch as people wander blindly into the jaws of monsters, the only difference is that the monsters in our world wear $10,000 suits and drink cognac instead of blood (but don’t quote me on that…).

High Noon depicts this unfortunate quality of an unbalanced society, and it does it with eye opening precision. The town of Hadleyville is filled with weaklings, excuse makers, and people who could help themselves but weasel out of their responsibilities. Everyone Will Kane knows has turned on him. Many are his friends, but are so afraid or so self-centered they can’t see that doing nothing carries far worse consequences than doing something. Some people in the town actually WANT Frank Miller’s gang back, because they would personally benefit from the resulting crime and dysfunction. In one saddening scene, Kane has been abandoned by his most reliable deputy. Afterwards, a moonfaced fourteen year old boy offers to take the man’s place and fight. Kane is at the same time appreciative and crushed by the boy’s offer.

Great and honorable deeds are not achieved by collectives. They are achieved by individuals. High Noon faces a cold hard fact that many Americans today will not; action starts with you. It starts with each man alone. It never starts with groups acting in concert. Individuals standing in the face of evil cannot wait around for the rest of society to back them up. Sometimes, you have to make a stand at an incredible disadvantage.

During the American Revolution, only 3% to 5% of citizens actually participated in the defense of the country at any given time.

Many others remained neutral, or even loyal to the British crown. Tyranny almost always starts out with the edge. What is the point? The “odds” of success are irrelevant. All that matters is what is true, and what is right.

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JdN: This is such a great rant that I am loathe to interrupt it, but there is also the matter of karma. We will face the Supreme Judge at death for all we have committed and omitted. https://johndenugent.com/reincarnation-evidence One of the most chilling conversations I ever had was with the expert on Germanic runes, Stephen Flowers (who writes under the name Edred Thorson, and I do not approve of all his activities), who told me 22 years ago in Austin, Texas that in Germanic religion not everyone does live on after death. The gods find cowards so disgusting that they annihilate their souls, and use certain character components only to create a new and different soul, recycling in effect the parts. but that coward’s consciousness and being are gone, sentenced to eternal death. So YES, you CAN be destroyed at death for all eternity if you are a yellow-bellied COWARD.

Here is James Watson, Nobel Prize winner, high-IQ and all that, who apologized publicly, cravenly and in vain (he got fired anyway) and HARMED THE WHITE RACE TO WHICH HE BELONGS for stating the truth that blacks DO have lower IQs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_D._Watson

Listen to this ball-less wonder, who at the end of his life still cannot find his guts, and the worst thing is how cowardice infects others.

On October 18 [2007] the Board of Trustees at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory suspended Watson’s administrative responsibilities. On October 19, Watson issued an apology, stating that he was mortified and then on October 25 he opted to resign from his position as chancellor.[72][73][74][75][76][77][78] In 2008, Watson was appointed chancellor emeritus of CSHL and, as of 2009, continues his daily activities advising and guiding project work at the laboratory.[79] In a 2008 BBC documentary, Watson said about the incident: “I have never thought of myself as a racist. I don’t see myself as a racist. I am mortified by it. It was the worst thing in my life.”[80]



Never Underestimate Fear, Or Bravery: Towards the end of High Noon, the citizens of Will Kane’s town are so afraid of what might happen if a fight ensues over the return of the Miller Gang that they begin to blame Kane himself for their troubles, instead of Miller.

[JdN: this reminds me of brain-dead Germans after WWII, repeating the All-lied drivel that Hitler had started the war….]

They attempt to pressure him to leave, even to the point of violence. They are so gripped with dread that they would rather be willingly ruled by their tormentors than face the unknown consequences of open struggle. Even though Kane’s decision is his own, the “idea” of a person diverging from the group to act of his own accord is sometimes enough to induce panic.

We see this all the time in our world. There are a million and one rationalizations people will use to not participate in the solution to a problem, but almost to a man, the real reason is fear. Fear of death, fear of loss, fear of disappointment, fear of struggle, fear of failure. This fear can become so overpowering that some in the community begin to distrust and hate those who are not controlled by their anxieties. Those who have the will to fight back expose the rampant shortcomings of others, and this draws resentment. There are those that think “if I can’t do it, then certainly no one else can, or should….” This is insanity, of course, the kind of insanity that leads to large scale nightmares like those seen in Nazi Germany. [JdN: Sheesh….]

Will Kane is as afraid as anyone else, but he also has courage. Bravery is not the ability to “erase” fear, but the ability to act in spite of it. To do what must be done no matter how it makes us tremble. In our times, there is a lot of over-rationalizing, and a lot of fear. Bravery seems in short supply. But as High Noon teaches us, the bravery of others is not our concern. We have only to worry about our own.

[JdN: Now THERE is a thought straight out of the Bhagavad Gita. And it also says that if every man and woman (or enough of them) does his or her job, then the desired result will take care of itself!]

All It Takes Is One: Kane has passed through a gauntlet of doubt and dismay, the clock strikes twelve, and he enters the deserted streets of Hadleyville to face the Miller Gang unaided. At this point, he’s not fighting for the town, he’s not even fighting for his own life. He’s fighting on principle. He’s fighting to honor a greater purpose, a philosophy of freedom that we take for granted today. If Kane does not fight, then all is without a doubt lost. Tyranny wins without lifting a finger.

The only gun fight in the entire movie occurs in this scene, which is probably my favorite aspect of the film. Throughout history, the downtrodden tend to put so much energy into worrying about facing their oppressors that the actual fight seems so fleeting in comparison. Building up the will to take action is often a battle in itself. Kane, using some guerilla tactics I have never seen in any other Western from that era, engages the Miller Gang. Kane’s wife (the Quaker), watching the carnage unfold, finally decides that her love is more important than her pacifism, and picks up a gun to help him (perhaps the message here is that behind every good man there is a good woman…). In the end, and to the surprise of the townspeople who were half an hour ago building a pine box for him, Will Kane prevails, throws down his tin star, and rides out of Hadleyville.

Now some might say “of course he won the fight, it’s Hollywood, not real life…” They have missed the message entirely. Whether Gary Cooper as Will Kane wins the shoot-out or not is unimportant. What is important is that symbol of defiance that exists in every human being. That undeniable element of history that has shown us time and again the power of the individual in the progression of liberty. The choice to become a participant in the making of the future, instead of a spectator. We need this methodology now more than ever, especially in light of so many impending hardships. Our own clock is ticking away, the train is nearing the station, and time is not on our side. Do we hide, do we run, or do we face our fears, and everyone else’s, and make good on our beliefs?

You can contact Giordano Bruno at: giordano@neithercorp.us




I wrote two European comrades that we MUST have a writer for the WN version of Wikipedia, called Metapedia, to constantly give all of us on its pages up-to-date info on every single one of our heroic political prisoners!

Here is Metapedia’s useful article on “Europeans in America”:


But instead of worrying just about Europeans in 17,000 BC how about our men and women in the dungeon NOW?

Richard Scutari, security chief for the Order, doing 60 years……a tough Italian-German-American

Look at Metapedia’s entry for him! http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Richard_Scutari

Read now the Wikipedia article here — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communication_Management_Unit — and see what a HELL Scutari is in! (He is mentioned in there.)

As busy as I am, I have written to him!

The article in Wiki says:

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Although the Supermax facility is gone, the United States Penitentiary, Marion in 2008 became home to the other known “Communication Management Unit” in the federal prison system.[4] The inmates are predominately Arab Muslims, but it also houses Daniel McGowan, serving seven years for involvement in two arsons at logging operations in Oregon. His sentence was given “terrorism enhancements” as authorized by the USA PATRIOT Act.[5]

Communication Management Unit also houses a former leading member of a white nationalist revolutionary group the Order Richard Scutari. Scutari was sentenced to a 60 year prison term in 1985. He was removed to USP Marion CMU in July of 2008.

An ACLU law suit charges that CMUs of the federal prisons violates inmates’ rights.[6] In a Democracy Now interview on June 25 2009, animal rights activist Andrew Stepanian, a member of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC), talked about being jailed at the CMU. Stepanian is believed to be the first prisoner released from a CMU.[7]

[edit] Traits of CMU and its prisoners

Andrew Stepanian commented, “They (US government) don’t want people that are either considered to be fundamentalist in Islam or more devout than your average American in Islam to be circulating amidst the regular prison populace. One can surmise it’s because they don’t want the spread of Islam in the prisons or that they’re trying to silence communications from these individuals, because perhaps their cases are in question themselves, and they don’t want to allow them access to the media.[8]

Because the units were opened with no fanfare, little is known about them. “The primary problem with the opening of (the CMU) is that no one knows the criteria used to send the person imprisoned to that unit.” according to the president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Carmen Hernandez.[8]

Traits common among those transferred to a CMU include a strong commitment to their cause, studious, disciplined and usually religious. Most of the prisoners are labelled as terrorists, but they include animal rights and environmental activists. “These Communication Management Units are an expansion of a continued war on dissent in this country…of using that word “terrorism” to push a political agenda and to really dominate and…attempt to control these social movements,” commented Attorney Paul Hetznecker.[8]

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Let us recall how letters helped our brother Henrik Holappa when he became a prisoner, in solitary, for 86 long days. I myself wrote him every two days, and Henrik told me he read each letter three or four times in his window-less, magazine-less, book-less cell.

Henrik Holappa in Pittsburgh in 2008

The FLOOD of letters Henrik got in Batavia Federal prison helped saved HIM from 4.5 years in prison in Finland, because he became a cause celebre for us, a new hero figure, and the Jew prosecutor Mika Illman, in Finland, dropped all three threatened indictments against him!

It is beyond disgraceful that, as with Wolfgang Froehlich, not even Austrian comrades knew, until I told them, from America, where the hell in Austria he is held!

A poster that was distributed across the white world for Henrik

We need Metapedia to have an article on every major political prisoner, and tell every comrade the following:

1) who our WN and revisionst prisoners are by name, and give their prison location and address

2) what they can and cannot send in terms of money, stamps, and kind of political writing, and if and when they can make phone calls! (Can you image being a WN in a black-mexican-turk-filled dungeon and then getting a phone call from a white friend and comrade? 😉)

For example, with Mike Williams, they returned the letter my volunteer Clark sent only because he had written on the Barnes Review photocopies on the front — and not on the empty back! Marked and rejected as “NFP” = “Not From Publisher”….!

We need someone who is normal and organized to keep these letters and visits going!

Comrades, every time one of our prisoners is railroaded and then forgotten, pushed down the Memory Hole, that NEGLECT and that BETRAYAL encourages ZOG to pick up some more WNs! It is not just very good karma to keep letters flowing to our prisoners, but also it is practical.

And btw, it was I who got former Congressman and Korean-War Marine officer Pete McCloskey (a racial liberal, btw, and not a WN at all, but a civil libertarian) to intervene on fellow former jarhead Shaun Walker’s behalf and now Shaun Walker is out, released after just two years, not six years, although he has to stay incommunicado with other WNs…..

Shaun Walker, former head of the National Alliance, of Irish and Ukrainian heritage, and a former Marine sniper and then a biologist, who was sent to a Minnesota federal prison for six years for a bar fight with a Mexican, a “hate crime” he swears never even happened. The feds love to put WNs in a cage 2000 miles from their wife.  (She is also seen here, a great and super-loyal gal, though this pic of her is not the very best.)

All this intervention and letter-writing on my part, and blogging on behalf of these brave men and women, our comrades, has taken a lot of my time……

We need several comrades (ladies, especially, would this interest you??) to write our heroes and keep us all updated on where they are and how we can help them.

I would say right now that the most pitiful, outrageous and horrific case is of Matt Hale, totally railroaded into a forty-year sentence based on one entrapping and manipulated phone call a nut made to him!



Read this!

4. WCOTC’s [Word Church of the Creator]’s very name was stolen by the ADL, with the aid of the courts. In 2000, an Oregon corporation, Te-Ta-Ma, secretly founded and funded by the ADL through its Regional Director, Richard Hirschhaut, applied for and received a trademark on the phrase “Church of the Creator.” Shortly thereafter, in May 2000, the ADL filed suit in Illinois Federal District Court through its straw man, Te-Ta-Ma, against Hale and WCOTC for trademark infringement. Judge Lefkow ruled against the ADL, which appealed her ruling and persuaded a three-judge panel to issue an order directing Judge Lefkow to reverse herself and grant judgment to Te-Ta-Ma. Lefkow followed orders, as she legally was bound to do, and subsequently threatened to hold Hale in contempt for failing to turn over every publication which bore the WCOTC name. Hale responded that he possessed none, as he had stepped aside as head of WCOTC to concentrate on the court appeal of his bar admission denial. As Hale prepared to defend himself on the contempt charge, he was arrested by the FBI and charged with conspiracy to commit the murder of Judge Lefkow…the very Federal judge who previously had ruled in his favor, not of any of the appellate justices who sided with the ADL against him.

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Clearly, comrades, we need to both support these men and women and also create a mass movement, the Solutrean Tribe, so that we can prevent any more such outright judicial atrocities.

Note who wrote the Metapedia article, Edgar Steele,

“Copyright ©2005, Edgar J. Steele”

….now railroaded himself by the FBI on an attempted-murder charge, based on the word of an ex-con!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Support me so this does not happen — sooner or later — to YOU! 213 Ekastown Road, Sarver PA 16055

And no, Jews, my eye color is not “photoshopped.”

He had the same color….


1 Comment

  1. If Beethoven was black why can’t blacks compose music like Beethoven did?


    I don’t hate blacks. It’s all right there. They are just “doing their thing”…what comes natural. It doesn’t matter though; it is the sick and totally tasteless Jews who sicced this on whites as a tool of their destruction.

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