ENGLISH Holappa on French Jew Sarkozy; leftists buzz over Solutreanism

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=======================IN PRAISE OF APRONS 😉

Remember making an apron in Home Ec? Read below:

The History of APRONS 😉

I don’t think our kids know what an apron is.

The principal use of Grandma’s apron was to protect the dress underneath because she only had a few. It was also because it was easier to wash aprons than dresses and aprons used less material. But along with that, it served as a potholder for removing hot pans from the oven.

It was wonderful for drying children’s tears, and on occasion was even used for cleaning out dirty ears.

From the chicken coop, the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy chicks, and sometimes half-hatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven.

When company came, those aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids..

And when the weather was cold grandma wrapped it around her arms.

Those big old aprons wiped many a perspiring brow, bent over the hot wood stove.

Chips and kindling wood were brought into the kitchen in that apron.

From the garden, it carried all sorts of vegetables. After the peas had been shelled, it carried out the hulls.

In the fall, the apron was used to bring in apples that had fallen from the trees.

When unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how much furniture that old apron could dust in a matter of seconds.

When dinner was ready, Grandma walked out onto the porch, waved her apron, and the men folks knew it was time to come in from the fields to dinner.

It will be a long time before someone invents something that will replace that ‘old-time apron’ that served so many purposes.

Send this to those who would know (and love) the story about Grandma’s aprons.


Grandma used to set her hot baked apple pies on the window sill to cool. Her granddaughters set theirs on the window sill
to thaw.

They would go crazy now trying to figure out how many germs were on that apron.

I don’t think I ever caught anything from an apron – but love…

===================THOU SHALT HUG

I got an email from a lady comrade in South Carolina who is in a loveless relationship yet was delighted to see her new granddaughter and hold her. She was saying how nice the physical contact felt.

I wrote back:

* * *

Yes, physical contact is so important.
I once read a serious website claiming that 70% of marriage conflicts would be avoided if husbands simply hugged their wives more. It explained the whole thing scientifically, and suggested several 20-second hugs daily! 😉
And it has anecdotes of men who tried that, and so many arguments went away or never erupted.
Women just want a big protector bear who loves them and makes them feel beautiful. It is that simple. It is a scary world, full of evil, and we ALL need to bestow and receive love.
I realized long ago that women want a husband who is also, in part, like a big, strong daddy, and men want a woman who, in part, is mothering and nurturing. Even as adults. Life is still plenty harsh. Governor Adlai Stevenson of Illinois once said, after the second time he lost a presidential election:
“It hurts too much to laugh, but I am too big to cry.”
But we Aryans are totally ignorant nowadays of our basic emotional and survival needs. So we must become a tribe, primitive in that we understanding the fundamentals of life, yet high-tech in our means and methods.



=================== PLUS CA CHANGE….

Chicago Tribune, 1934

The same Jews, causing the same Depression, and Ivy League radicals advocating a huge government as the answer….impoverishing the richest major country on earth.

==============proof white boys  can dance


This video is in French (with English translation superimposed). On a French TV talk show a white nationalist attempts to raise the topic of the millions of German civiliians who lost their homes and their lives after World War Two. Jews in the audience, ignoring the wussy host, go bonkers, as does a Jewish guest/interviewee, implying clearly that no one has any right to disagree with their Jewish agenda and deserves to be struck physically by Jews on live TV, a Frenchman in his own country, for his opinion — his reasonable opinion that a terrible tragedy befell 14 million German civilians.

What a scene of neanderthalic, violence-prone, intolerant, contemptuous psychopathology.


I posted under this YT video:

On my website I discuss the massive scientific evidence from the highest authorities that Jews have a huge percentage of neanderthal genes. ALL of this evidence is from JEWISH scientists and a major Max Planck Institute genetic study from Leipzig, Gemany, published in the most prestigious scientific journal in the world, “Science,” by Svante Paabo. THIS is why Jews behave with such hate and violence, seeking to impose their views. This is their very nature.

And here it is:



==========Henrik Holappa on the French president’s latest brainstorm

France renews her HISTORY – French Kings are transferred and replaced by African HISTORY

by Henrik Holappa, Finland

French colleges and universities are soon to experience a harsh blow when the French government proceeds with its plan to minimize France’s history, teaching it for only a few class hours a week. The major French newspaper Le Figaro reported about the planned reform on their website:


The Sarkozy government’s announcement regarding minimizing French history and culture shocked the French historians as well as the average Frenchman and students. The new reform is supposed to recognize an ethnically “changing France” and its multicultural society.

The black/Arabic new France is becoming a nation of quiet and introverted bookworms

The purpose of the reform is to take in account the multicultural society of France. Millions of aliens from the Middle East and Africa are now living in France. That is why the French government prefers to add African history culture — both black and muslim north African. But this cuts into time for the French kings and imperial times.

Chateau de Sully, Loire Valley

The few important historical figures for the French may disappear almost entirely from history lessons. Louis XIV, the sun king, the Renaissance monarch Francis I, as well as the beloved King Henry IV and Napoleon Bonaparte may soon be out of the French history books and university history lessons.

The crown of Charlemagne

The history of the French Empire would be replaced by African kingdoms. The African Empires of Songhai and Mutapa (Great Zimbabwe) are being favored in the new reform of French history lessons.



The religion of the Mutapa kingdom revolved around ritual consultation of spirits and a cult of royal ancestors. Shrines were maintained within the capital by spirit mediums known as “mhondoros“. The mhondoros also served as oral historians recording the names and deeds of past kings.[7]

Early European documenters of the culture were shocked that some men, known as chibadi, took on the social status of women. The Jesuit João dos Santos was quoted in a 1625 publication, “certain Chibadi, which are men attired like women, and behave themselves womanly, are ashamed to be called men; are also married to men, and esteem that unnatural damnation an honor.”[8] The priests António Sequeira and Gaspar Azevedo similarly recorded men who dressed, sat and spoke as women, and who married men “to unite in wrongful male lust with them.”[8]

===============GREAT ZIMBABWE

It is not true that Africans built nothing. Great Zimbabwe, the capital, was their achievement.

The French could only build this:

Hall of Mirrors, Versailles

The reform is being justified in terms of “openness towards other civilizations” and “many young people are of African origin and they must be recognized also by some programs”. Recognition in this case means that the young French men and women are being left without attention. According to national studies, French youth are already unaware of their country’s history.

The French students’ opinion is that the integration of the immigrants does not happen on French terms, but on the immigrants’ terms. Many of them remember the youth riots in Paris a few years ago. Youngsters of African and Middle-Eastern origin rioted for several weeks in the suburbs of Paris. “Integration can not happen if the French are shoved aside!” a young French student wrote anonymously on a discussion board.

The announcement of the history reform mobilized French students, at least on Facebook. In just one day a Facebook association opposing it received 4,500 new members.

A French historian, Professor Max Gallo, expressed concern regarding the planned reform. Gallo was concerned that French history would be forgotten. “It is like asking if being amnesiac is a good way to live,” Gallo said and added, “An amnesiac society is a society with no values.”

A few years ago a bunch of illegal immigrants invaded the Basilica St Denis in Paris, where most of the French kings are buried. The illegal immigrants stayed in the church so long time till they were admitted residency in France.

At the same time when the French nation is being changed into another, the old habits of the indigenous people are being replaced so that there will be no signs in history of the indigenous people of France. As the old proverb goes: “A nation that does not know its past will have no future.”

========================Lefties worry on about Solutreanism


Ed Brayton is the neanderjew who runs this leftist blog

After reading various commentaries, I was not overly impressed. And replied:

* * *

I can see by the lengthy commentary that you self-hating whites are starting to get worried.

After all, the Solutrean holocaust is one you don’t give a damn about. But lefties are supposed to be against genocide….

Now, if JEWS get holocausted, THAT bothers you.

Or if millions of blacks died in the Middle Passage during the slave trade, that is a good reason for an anti-white tirade — until you learn at my blog that JEWISH SCHOLARS state clearly that the sephardic Jews ran the African slave trade, owned the ships, captained and crewed them, and tossed sick negroes overboard like cordwood…..



You let the Jews call themselves the “Chosen People,” then you turn around and call us “supremacists” — yet the white percentage of the US population has plummeted — from 90% to 55% in one lifetime.

That qualifies as an endangered species under the 1974 Endangered Species Act. And when the 75 million white babyboomers die out, the white population will drop to 20% — of their own country, which UNQUESTIONABLY their ancestors founded, sweated and fought for.

You say there is no such thing as race….

….but the white race is evil.

And by the way, Brayton [the blog operator], you ARE a Jew, just not man enough to admit it.

You look, unfortunately, like a neanderthal (see writings by JEWS Stan Gooch, Michael Bradley and others about Jews being part-neanderthal), and you act like a classic agitprop Trotskyite.

“Dress British” (i.e., call yourself “Brayton,” like Bronstein called himself Trotsky) “and think yiddish,” right?

Nine more Jews and you have a minyan. I am sure you can get them right on this leftie webpage. 😉

==============THE MOVIE “MACHETE” IS OUT

And here is an honest reivew:


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