ENGLISH Humanimals, homely Whites, and reincarnation

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…..on really homely Whites

A lady comrade in California asked me:

I would like to know how you explain the millions of not-so-gorgeous Aryans who do not look like Chahlize Therrrrrron or Nicole Kidman.



My reply:

1) dysgenics — The best and brightest do not have enough kids, and here is a memorable stat for you: 42% of woman 42 or older with a master’s degree are childless.

2) bad karma — They got arrogant when they were all-too-beautiful in an earlier incarnation; it went to their head, they scorned others, and forgot that God is the source of all beauty — they did not make themselves! So they need to do a life as a homely person and excel by deeds, not looks.

3) they just came out of the animal stage, and look — and still have the nature of — those animals that they were. They are humanimals!

Go here to 26:00 to 28:14 (link: http://trutube.tv/video/13450/John-de-Nugent-Presidential-Video-1B)

(summary of this whole video)

White girls in the West taught interracial sex while Israel makes it illegal for Jews.
Religion the most practical way to straighten out a nation.
Shameless behavior is the proof of actual atheism.
Religion provides structure; Christianity not really believed in by most Western males.
Beauty reminds us of a higher, spiritual world; angels are no myth; life as challenges and tests.
Vedanta the original white religion; young souls that rose recently from the animal stage, look animal-like and are oblivious to anything higher.
Why some experience God, and others not; old souls; four key God topics.
We are eternal spiritual beings, deliberately taking challenging human journeys.

Hope this helps, John



For my sophisticated videos on reincarnation, go here:


A great short summary of one of the most incredible recent reincarnation cases, discussed heavily in my videos:



The uncanny case


of Carl Edon

— the Luftwaffe German who

became a Yorkshireman

. .
[source: http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/2002/01/15/the-uncanny-case-of-carl-eden-84229-11540818 in Yorkshire, England, land of my maternal ancestors.] [source: http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/2002/01/15/the-uncanny-case-of-carl-eden-84229-11540818 in Yorkshire, England, land of my maternal ancestors.]
Jan 15 2002

The uncanny case of Carl Edon


[source: http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/2002/01/15/the-uncanny-case-of-carl-eden-84229-11540818 in Yorkshire, England, land of my maternal ancestors.]

Jan 15 2002 Mike Blackburn

For years before he was brutally murdered Carl Edon tried to convince his family that he was reincarnated. Today his astonished parents believe they have been given extraordinary photographic evidence.


Young Middlesbrough dad Carl had spoken since he was just three years old of vivid flashbacks to a former life as a Nazi airman killed when his plane was shot down in 1942.
Now startling new photos, unearthed after dogged detective work by a local historian, reveal a chilling resemblance between Carl and a German airman, Heinrich Richter, buried in a Thornaby cemetery.
Richter, a turret gunner, perished when his Dornier bomber crashed onto a South Bank railway during a raid exactly 60 years ago today… January 15, 1942.

============ON THE DORNIER


It was a thin, fast, maneuverable light bomber meant to take out specific military-industrial targets, not “carpet-bomb” civilian cities like Allied bombers (which thus were committing a war crime under the Hague rules of land warfare.)

File:Dornier 17 3D ExCC.gif


The wreckage of the Dornier, damaged by anti-aircraft fire before hitting a barrage balloon, was discovered in 1997 buried off Tilbury Road – only a few hundred yards from the spot where Carl was stabbed to death two years earlier.

When the bomber was dug up with Richter’s remains inside, Carl’s parents, Jim and Val, shuddered as they recalled their son’s eerie tales of reincarnation.
Val Edon

But only now – as the Gazette reveals for the first time what the airman looked like – are the Coulby Newham couple looking at their son’s claims in a new light.
“It’s got to be him,” said a stunned Val, when shown a photo of the German in full uniform shortly before the crash over Teesside.
“The resemblance across the eyes and the nose is uncanny.
“Maybe this is the final piece of the jigsaw,” she said.
The striking picture was obtained after Guisborough historian and author Bill Norman tracked down Richter’s relatives in Germany for a new book.
An uncanny likeness between the two young men and the fact that they share the same scene of death more than 50 years apart are just two of the strange coincidences which have spooked Carl’s parents.
During the excavation of the German bomber it was discovered that Richter’s leg, still inside a flying boot, had been severed in the wreckage, explained Val.
“Carl used to say he lost his right leg in the crash,” she said. “And he had a birth mark at the top of that leg.”
On the day her rail worker son was murdered – by Gary Vinter, later jailed for life – he had been to Skinningrove to collect train carriages.


Carl Edon and (black-and-white photo) double Iron-Cross winner, Luftwaffe pilot Heinrich Richter

“The day the Dornier crashed it had bombed Skinningrove first and flew on to Middlesbrough following the railway line,” said Val.
Carl and Richter had made the same journey the day they died.
“There are just too many strange coincidences, and I think if Carl was here he’d be saying ‘Do you believe me now’?”
One of the country’s leading researchers into psychic phenomena admitted he was amazed at the details surrounding the two deaths.

“We research a lot of reincarnation cases, but not many as remarkable as this one sounds,” said David Christie-Murray, member of the Society for Psychical Research, founded in 1882 and now based in London.
“It seems to me to be a fascinating case, and one I’m sure the SPR would certainly be interested in investigating if the family wanted to.”
Carl’s experiences are already detailed in a book called The Children That Time Forgot by Peter and Mary Harrison, and on a US TV show. They’ve also been well documented in British and German newspapers, including the Gazette when Carl was just nine years old.
But his parents said he suffered taunts at school as a result of his ‘past life’ claims.

“When that started happening Carl didn’t like talking about it any more,” said his mum.

“But he always believed it.”

His dad told the Gazette he was cynical at first. “I was sick of Carl going on about it,” he said. “But I probably believe more in reincarnation now.”

The Dornier’s three other crew were buried in Thornaby after the crash in 1942, but Richter was not laid to rest alongside his colleagues until the plane was ‘rediscovered’ 55 years later by water board workers.

Val and Jim joined nearly 300 mourners at a moving funeral service for the fourth German airman.

Standing at Richter’s grave afterwards felt “eerie”, said Jim. “It was like we were re-burying Carl again. Maybe now this will be the end of it.”

Richter, who won the Iron Cross medal twice and had been wounded in action, was 24 when he was shot down and killed. Carl was just 22 when he was murdered, leaving behind heartbroken fiancee Michelle, and their two young daughters Carla and Sophie.



The detail about the birthmark is significant. In the vast compendium of reincarnation studies at the University of Virginia (see this article about Ian Stevenson, MD: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Stevenson), children who reincarnate quickly after a traumatic death often have a birthmark at the spot where they were stabbed, shot or otherwise injured.

Here is a video featuring Dr. Jim Tucker, a child psychiatrist who has continued Dr. Stevenson’s work:

Here is an accurate article about Tucker’s major book:




A fair Amazon.com review of the book:


What strikes me about Tucker, a medical doctor, is that he never, ever, ever leaves behind the scientific method or spirit. The scientific method is have a hypothesis, then gather hard facts and from them develop a theory to explain them — and provide other scientists with your methods and data and a means to do their own experiments to verify or disprove your findings…..

The book is anything but dogmatic — or full of New-Age-y flower-power assertions. The reason why the founder of Xerox Corporation (inventor of the photocopy machine) funded Ian Stevenson, MD and then Jim Tucker, MD at the University of Virginia was their rigorous scientific work.

The following book, still available only in German, is the most brilliant work to date on the subject for those who already accept the concept as being possible and want to know more details….

Die Spirituelle Welt (“The Spiritual World”)

It is appropriate for those who already accept the possibility of reincarnation but still have very reasonable and nagging questions about who, what, when, where and why. Winkler, whom I know from correspondence and reading his blog, is a former computer programmer who awoke to pro-white issues and became a commentator on the Internet on German and European affairs.

This particular book is barely racial in tone (which anyway would be ILLEGAL in Germany), except inasmuch as our karma affects what race we are born into. It has a strong ring of truth to it, deep in your gut, and nothing is sugar-coated or Baby-Jesus-Will-Save-You from your own folly….. In that sense it is very German — but Winkler has a delightful sense of humor and a light, easy writing style as well that I as an American loved.

This book changed my life. It is nearly finished being translated from German into English by me and my team. It was very, very real and yet inspiring to me.

Here are the first two chapters of this masterpiece:





I thank all who have recently sacrificed and donated to me:

John de Nugent

306 S. Steel St.

Ontonagon MI 49953


On Facebook: John D. Nugent

On Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)


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