ENGLISH If Hitler had been a man for all people the Russian people would have joined his crusade

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A comrade wrote:

John, the analysis you provide in your latest post is, as usual, brilliant! At this point, it should be joyously obvious to every member of this forum, and to every White Nationalist world-wide, that we now have our long-awaited Leader.

Yes, I feel my time has come. And the Republican dwarves are all gone. McCain is gone, Palin, Romney, Christie, all the fake-conservative, pro-Israel, tax-cuts-for-billionaires RINOs, the Republicans In Name Only.

The only man who will stand up to Frank Davis Junior, the Black Knight, is I. And I have awaited the full crisis to make my move.

The book to electrify the masses and recast our whole struggle in its spiritual dimensions — that is now the key. Do our souls live on if we perish fighting for liberty and our dignity as a race?

People will have to know these things before they face the awesome material power of ZOG. And the answer is in my book.

An Australian comrade wrote, having read my favorable review of the Tom Cruise movie Valkyrie [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valkyrie_%28film%29]:



I hope to do some interviews with the Russian community here, John, and I will keep you informed. One guy, a former member of Vlasov’s Russian Liberation Army has some interesting things to say. He tells of how they were 200,000 strong and keen to destroy Bolshevism, but Hitler would under no circumstances allow it. Even Goebbels was begging for them to be used, yet 180,000 half-Jews etc. were allowed to serve in the armies of Germany but not the Russians?Hitlers Jewish Soldiers…..I see Saddam Hussein and Adolph Hitler in EXACTLY the same light –both worked for British/Jewish interests, both went their own way, and spent their own people, and so BOTH had to go.If you have time, please send me your views.

You raise, as always, some thoughtful points, brother Brendon. I think that my record of loyalty to this great man’s values is unmatched, and he was NOT an agent of the British or Jewish network. But that does NOT mean I agree with all his decisions and choices.

The issue is this:

Did Hitler offer to liberate the Eastern Slavs or did he plan to subjugate them?

andrei-vlasov-soviet-general-uniformDid he several times reject Russian general Andrei Vlasov’s plan to set up a huge Russian National Liberation Army — until late 1944, when it was far, far too late?

Unfortunately, comrade, this Wikipedia article on Vlasov is accurate: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrey_Vlasov

If Hitler did not like Vlasov, why did he not then work with General Peter (Pyotr) Krasnov, a “White” general who actually became a member of the NSDAP in the early Munich years? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyotr_Krasnov)

“White” ( that is, anti-Red and anti-communist) generals Anton Denikin (left-center) and Pyotr (Peter) Krasnov (right-center)


Did he intend a free Russia that would be a partner of Germany postwar — or a slave colony where only certain individual blond Ukrainians and Russians would be taken as children to Germany and “germanized”?

Pregnant Russian married women expecting their next baby, a delightful picture.


Did Hitler ever renounce his Lebensraum policy of seizing giant swaths of Russia and Ukraine for the Reich as agricultural bastions? I am amazed at those who have never read Mein Kampf –– as I have twice, in German and in English, and cover to cover — and yet claim to me Hitler never said this when he did!

In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote:

In an era when the earth is gradually being divided up among states, some of which embrace almost entire continents, we cannot speak of a world power in connection with a formation whose political mother country is limited to the absurd area of five hundred thousand square kilometers.[65] …Without consideration of traditions and prejudices, Germany must find the courage to gather our people and their strength for an advance along the road that will lead this people from its present restricted living space to new land and soil, and hence also free it from the danger of vanishing from the earth or of serving others as a slave nation.

The National Socialist Movement must strive to eliminate the disproportion between our population and our area—viewing this latter as a source of food as well as a basis for power politics—between our historical past and the hopelessness of our present impotence.[27]

The acquisition of new soil for the settlement of the excess population possesses an infinite number of advantages, particularly if we turn from the present to the future … It must be said that such a territorial policy cannot be fulfilled in the Cameroons, but today almost exclusively in Europe.[63]

… For it is not in colonial acquisitions that we must see the solution of this problem, but exclusively in the acquisition of a territory for settlement, which will enhance the area of the mother country, and hence not only keep the new settlers in the most intimate community with the land of their origin, but secure for the entire area those advantages which lie in its unified magnitude.[67]


And that massive country next door to settle was Russia. Yes, Hitler did a preventive war to prevent  Stalin’s own attack, as Russian scholars themselves have revealed in their discussions of the Soviet plan called “Operation Icebreaker” [http://www.amazon.com/Icebreaker-Who-Started-Second-World/dp/0241126223] Hitler did indeed hit Stalin before Stalin could hit Hitler  — attacking Russia in June of 1941 before Stalin could attack Germany in July of ’41 — but Mein Kampf, advocating that Germany take land from Russia, had come out way back in 1925, 16 long years before Stalin’s “Icebreaker.”


A cartoon from 1939 when Stalin and Hitler signed their Non-Aggression Pact


A Russian tank commander in WWII — not blond enough? (from the movie “White Tiger”)


A Russian higher officer


an ad during Soviet times


Yes, Hitler and the Germans were right, some Slavs (Russians, Poles, Ukrainians, etc.) do lie, steal and get drunk. But as we see now, when the full effect of degenerate Jew TV, drugs, divorce, abuse and corruption are everywhere, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic and Keltic people do all these things as well, and this always happens when morality is destroyed by the Jews, when the family is broken up into feuding individuals, when the man is no longer the respected breadwinner and head of the family but instead becomes a ridiculed, irresponsible buffoon, and when total moral anarchy reigns!

And some, some Slavs have a bit of Mongol blood but western White people are mixed too with all kinds of genes! How many Americans have some Amerindian blood, which is also Mongolian?!

The fact is that the reason so many German officers turned against this great leader, who had been brilliant from 1933, when he came to power, until 1941, when he invaded Russia, was that he continued a policy of subjugating the Slavs even AFTER Stalingrad.

Hitler had been invincible until Russia, and had fully earned the indescribable gratitude of his German people. He had lifted them from defeat in WWI, political chaos and the Great Depression to wealth, power, honor, freedom and victory.


…..JUST A FUN VIDEO: GERMAN GIRLS after the staggering military victories of 1939-40

But come WWII, his own German officers who had fought on the eastern front understood how much the Slavs whom they were fighting also hated communism and the Jews and could be their natural allies. But the most Hitler would do is let the Slavs work behind the lines — as farm or factory labor or as anti-partisan troops, not however as front-line infantry or tank forces directly fighting the Soviets. After a while, he let a relatively small Ukrainian SS arise. But he did not want to arm the Slavs because he intended that the Russians have no say in postwar affairs in their own country. If they did not fight for Germany, they could not have a seat at the table.

What Hitler said to Leon Degrelle, a Belgian volunteer who wanted to hear pan-Europeanism, and what he did are two different things. Léon Degrelle asked him if he felt more German or more European. Hitler answered: “I am a Hellene.” This meant he identified with Ancient Greece and the highest expressions of European culture. But that did not include the Slavs.



Tragically, this entire page from our white brothers at VHO in Europe (affiliated with Germar Rudolf) is accurate, on the topic of

New Aspects of Andreij Vlassov
The Russian Army of Liberation (ROA) · Corrective Revision by Russian Historians

by the distinguished writer Wolfgang Strauss, and especially this quote:”The reasons for the delay [in setting up this Russian Liberation Army], he tells us, were the crassly differing and often diametrically opposed views of Third Reich leaders regarding their Eastern policy. Until the turning point in the Fall of 1944, the ROA [Russian National Army] consisted almost solely of individual Russian units in the Wehrmacht. It was not until the catastrophic military situation on the Eastern Front had become clear to everyone, that the decision was finally made to create a politically autonomous Russian central command and organize powerful Russian combat units under Russian commanders.”And this quote is also accurate:”Drobjasko describes the ROA’s heavy weapons in detail: heavy artillery, anti-aircraft artillery, as well as the training schools for officers and noncoms, the training camps, even press relations (there was no German censorship). Colonel Meandrow served as commander of the officers’ school. When he was captured in August of 1941, interrogating officer Herre of the German General Staff asked his opinion about whether Soviet resistance would soon collapse. Meandrow, Chief of Staff of an entire Soviet corps, replied:

“I have the highest regard for the Wehrmacht. Nevertheless the German army will not be able to defeat the Soviet Union unless they are able to mobilize the Russian people against Stalin.”

Mobilize the Russians against Stalin! At the end of 1944 it was already too late.”

I, and resolute national socialist such as Roy Armstrong, Manfred Roeder of Germany and others with decades of sacrifice, veterans of street battls and even prison, all acknowledge that Hitler was anti-Russian, anti-Slav and that he “blew” his one chance to defeat the Jews and Stalin by his overreaching goal of winning the war without arming the Russians — because he wanted their land.

The Russians are a white people. Hitler’s choice was morally wrong and strategically wrong.

One can, and I do, admire to the supreme level the genius, altruism and vision of Adolf Hitler in his social policies and pan-Aryan values.

But when he left the solid foundation of pan-Aryanism and retreated into narrow German nationalism, he lost the war.

I for one was disappointed in his Political Testament, because it spoke ONLY of ‘Germany this’ and ‘Germany that.’ What about the rest of us Whites, facing after 1945 a world that would be totally Jew-ruled?

I say all these things to you, comrade, with unspeakable sadness.


If a new Hitler arises for our race, he will learn from the mistakes of the past, and have the broadest possible pan-Aryan vision. And he will SEEK an alliance with the great white nation called Russia.

And so in answer to your question, Hitler was absolutely sincere, and never a tool of the Jews or Wall Street. But in the East he was very wrong. Nevertheless, who can match what he DID achieve against all odds? He was an incredible, brave, visionary Aryan genius. If there is any chance of “reincarnation,” then he will come back chastened.

As I wrote on Facebook:

It is sad to see this: “The Russian Lower House has approved a bill that provides up to five years in prison for denying the facts set out in the Nuremberg Trial, rehabilitation of Nazism and distributing false information about the actions of Russia and its allies during WWII.” http://rt.com/politics/154332-russia-nazi-rehabilitation-ban/

BUT as I have often written, this is the latest bitter fruit of Hitler’s slavophobia. Had he invaded the USSR to liberate its peoples in 1941 from the Jews, Georgians and Bolsheviks….

Two Georgian Bolsheviks, Stalin and Beria (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavrentiy_Beria), in 1936. They both used Jews as their main human weapon of mass murder to annihilate every Russian with any intelligence or backbone.


…..he would have gotten the support of 100 million suffering Slavs. Twice Hitler rejected the proposal of General Vlasov to create a 5-million-man “Russian National Liberation Army” — even after the disaster at Stalingrad. https://johndenugent.com/…/russian-women…

No one is more pro-Hitler than am I, and I have proved this in literally HUNDREDS of blogs, essays, and speeches. But Hitler went into Russia to conquer it for Germany, exactly and precisely as he stated in “Mein Kampf” 17 years before, to take “Lebensraum” for GERMANS from it — and not to liberate Russia and make this gigantic nation Germany’s ally.

So, to this very day, even very, very pro-German Russians like Putin do not like Hitler or his movement. And thus this legislation is being passed. I say today that the new national socialism must be for all races, white and non-white, and all peoples around the world that are threatened by Jewry. And this is the only way we can win, and this is how we WILL win! The whole world now hates the Eternal Wall Street, bloodsucking JEW!


Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere! No man is free if another is a slave!


  • Not just Hitler, but most Germans and even many Anglo-Saxons disliked Russians or saw them as brutal semi-barbarians, so Hitler was a creature of his times, his generation and the mindset of his era. Also, he feared the pan-Slavic movement, which was a real threat to Germany, and led the Russian tsar foolishly to end his alliance with Germany, which Bismarck had wisely created to the benefit of both countries, and the tsar allied his nation with France and Britain to seek war with Germany in WWI.
    The pan-Slav goal was to push the Germans behind the Elbe River, and reverse 1,000 years of German history of eastern expansion, that is, restricting them to western Europe. British and French intelligence funded this movement heavily as a means to pit Russia against Germany and Austria-Hungary.
    The goal of the last tsar was to push Germany back westward to the year 1000 and unite all the Slavs of Europe.
    So Hitler was not “crazy” as a German leader to fear pan-Slavism — it was a huge movement and fundamentally anti-German.
    But in the struggle against Bolshevism he should have changed course, because “the enemy (Slavs) of my enemy (the Jews) is my friend.” As we know, the outcome of the war was not Germans in Moscow but Russians in Berlin.
    Russian soldier raises Soviet flag over the Reichstag in Berlin in 1945
    German woman wanders about devastated after being raped by Soviet troops; two million German women suffered this horrific fate.

  • John D. Nugent And as the Americans showed after 1945, via NATO, a “liberating” superpower can bind the countries it has liberated to it, and not even with open brutality. Germany could have liberated Russia and yet 1) installed a pro-German elite atop the new Russia and 2) integrated the German and Russian economies and 3) cultures so that Russia would never turn anti-German again.
    Russians admire Germans anyway for their hard work and brilliant organization, and not only that — there would have also been tremendous gratitude by Russians toward Germany for ending the genocidal nightmare of Bolshevism.
    I translated for The Barnes Review magazine almost the entirety of this 55-page monograph by German historian Udo Walendy on Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s 700-page book of suffering, Two Hundred Years Together, volume two, which was on how the Jews treated the Russians under Bolshevism. Every Russian family suffered disappeared relatives; Solzhenitsyn says 60 million were murdered.

    Russia and the Jews (I translated 90% of the main article.)

    Here Solzhenitsyn is greeted by President Putin at his home. Putin awarded him in 2007 the highest medal of Russia. This was the second visit by Putin to Solzhenitsyn’s dacha (country home) outside Moscow.
    So a liberated Russia would have been a pro-German Russia.
    My view of Putin: not an angel, not a devil, nor a great visionary or world leader, but a noble gangster, a clever man, who does the right thing when he can afford to, but does not want to openly confront the Jews, at least NOT YET, and end up as Hitler or Khaddafi did: https://johndenugent.com/?s=putin

…..Eternal Solutreanism

…..What is Eternal Solutreanism?


Eternal Solutreanism:

1) it is not enough to be white; you must become Aryan, or NOBLE — service to others, not service to self; altruism and radiant idealism, not narcissism, egomania and psychopathy

Arno Breker, The Calling


2) This world is a testing ground for your soul; God is real, and so is reincarnation and life after death. https://johndenugent.com/about-john/videos-of-jdn-speaking /(See God videos at the top.)

3) Psychopaths are literal human devils, born sadists with no conscience whatsoever, torturing animals as children and setting fires. They come from especially vile worlds on the other side, and form 4% of the earthly population. Another 16% are near-psychopaths, with almost no conscience.


4) The task of the Eternal Solutrean is to battle and destroy evil, and then create a wholesome world.We offer to help guide the human species for the benefit of all races.

5) The Jews of today descend from the Neanderthals, an animalistic, borderline-psychopathic and brutish clan who then became the roving apiru, from which comes the word “Hebrews,” a horde of migrant criminals and outcasts in the Middle East. They even practice incest on their own children, making them into inbred psychopaths. https://johndenugent.com/pages/video_player_page10.htm

As Neanderthals they have been at species war with us, the Cro-Magnons (the name for early white people) for 40,000 years. They have the upper hand now and it is literally now us or them, survival or genocide. They are about to get their revenge for being driven from most of Europe 20,000 years ago by a beautiful and superior race.




Scientific depiction of a Neanderthal — sloping forehead, protruding mouth, and weak chin — and a Cro-Magnon — erect forehead, recessed mouth, and strong chin

An almost perfect brunet Cro-Magnon, French movie star Alain Delon, with a strong, upright, square forehead

Child actress Dakota Fanning, Irish and German

Croatian woman who founded the Vril Society, seeking contact with other life-forms in the universe for Germany

Depiction of a Neanderthal in the “Neandertalermuseum” in Germany

Former entertaiment mogul Aaron Russo, a Jew who turned courageously against the NWO

Neanderthal skull contemplated by Jewish scientist Svante Pääbo, who, after fighting tooth-and-nail the idea that Neanderthals still exist at all, turned around and confirmed this fact of Neanderthal survival in a major 2010 study for Science magazine. But then eh lied that all races (except Black Africans) have neanderthal genes in equal amounts. No — the Middle Eastern peoples have far more! (Only Black Africans have none.)

Soviet mug shot of Menachem Begin in 1940

A French Jewish synagogue official

Larry Silverstein

Henry Kissinger and Shimon Peres

A neanderthalic Pakistani and muslim fanatic, Faisal Shahzad, who tried to blow up Times Square


Because the Jews, as well as Arabs, Georgians, Chechens, Armenians and the various Muslim peoples, have a huge amount of neanderthal blood, they are programmed to hate White people as the descendants of the Cro Magnons. Our beauty, talents and achievements set their teeth on edge.

Bolsheviks decapitated a statue of a local white hero and hanged this White female teacher from the statue’s arm in front of a church. Jesus said in John 8:44 to the Jewish leaders: “You are from your father, the Devil.”


Read my “the Jewish War on the Kennedys” https://johndenugent.com/the-jewish-war-on-the-kennedys

lbj- jfk- death-stare

and then


See my two videos on the infamous NUMEC scandal: https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking

and https://johndenugent.com/the-jewish-war-on-the-kennedys/lyndon-johnsons-jewish-mother-and-the-1967-israeli-attack-on-the-uss-liberty

34 Americans killed and 170 wounded in a two-hour Israeli attack on a US Navy ship



But we must always remember that the Jews are nothing, just 1/4 of 1% of the human race, without the Gentiles who treacherously betray their own to collaborate with them to get rich, powerful and famous.

The entire history of England can be understood ONLY in terms of the Norman Conquest of 1066 — when White aristocrats sold their souls to the Jews for the money and power to conquer, enslave and tax the people of England and use them as their cannon fodder!


6) We believe in forming a new white tribe and creating white safety zones that we will guard as the corrupt and judaized world collapses. And we will help the good men and women of all races who choose to help us! We must ally together to defeat the Jew!





The ideal locations for American whites: https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/race/white-safety-zones



7) If we are with God, God will be with us. Hope is not lost. In fact, the White race is on the verge of a huge comeback, in alliance with other species in the galaxy and other races here on earth that also are suffering under the Jews. THEY are the chief enemy of all mankind!


Actual film footage in 1952 as UFOs buzz the US Capitol

Actual headline in the Washington Post newspaper


The most incredible story you can image — the Third Reich, to survive (like the Jews in AD 70, when they lost Palestine and their temple), retreated according to a careful plan (laid down after the catastrophe of Stalingrad) to move their most elite scientists and troops to South America, to underwater bases, and to the Antarctic, during the final war years of 1944-45.

The Second World War between the Reich and the Allies thus continues but “in the back alleys” and to this day.

Over 50 of the most advanced German U-Boats are still listed as having never been sunk by the Royal or US Navy or as having ever surrendered. And the Germans were highly advanced in anti-gravity technology and also had rudimentary atomic weapons (but at that time, featurng mostly giving off radioactivity and heat, and not producing enough blast — at that time — to destroy a city).

But all that has changed. Both the Allies and the Reich, for opposite reasons, are keeping this continuing war low-profile. But the Reich idea was never just about Germany — it was about the survival of ALL Aryans, of ALL Whites around the world, and of all good men and women of all races in the face of the Eternal Jew!



Waffen-SS general Leon Degrelle asked Hitler if he felt more German or more European. Hitler, who constantly built architecture that was Greco-Roman, answered: “I am a Hellene!”


A Spartan swordspartan-sword






What we now understand is that our race colonized this earth, but was long ago separated by a cataclysmic nuclear war from the home planets. The stories of the gods reflect actual visits to earth by actual, highly evolved relatives of ourselves. The “ancient aliens” theory being promtoed now non-stop on TV (by the Jews who own the TV networks) is partly valid, but the Jewish media refuses to highlight the huge role of the Exonordics, and focuses instead on the Grays and the Reptilian species, because the Jews themselves are allied with THEM. Earth is just one battlefield of an ongoing war in our entire Milky Way galaxy between the Exonordics and the Reptilians.

And this is why the low-budget 1980s movie “‘They Live” resonates with so many people.

8) All greatness comes from sacrifice and is born in love — a passion for our folk, a glorying in heroism, and an obsession with beauty.


Arno Breker, Apollo and Daphne







Others have been making big sacrifices.

I just received $50 from FRANCE. Merci beaucoup, camarade!



How about you?

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

This is how you can help financially:


Or, if in the US, just buy a MoneyPak at any Walmart, Kmart, Rite Aid, CVS or other drugstore, put money on it and send me the amount and PIN number on the back (scratch it of like a scratch ticket) by email or phone call!



postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent”




sending valuable jewelry or gold coins
cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)




PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me….)

checks made out to “John de Nugent” now that I again have a bank account, in fact, via STEALTH, I have now two. ;-)



John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284


…..Kudos for my essay on “Neanderthals and semites”

Rave review of my “Neanderthals and Semites” piece on Jim Stone’s website. (Stone is a major Fukushima exposé blogger.) http://jimstonefreelance.com/ 1/4 down: a rave review of my neanderthal material — 300 hits today….

Excerpt: “Paul wrote:

Jim, you linked to a blog yesterday talking about neanderthal dna… [https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and…]

It’s going to take a while for me to process that info in my own head because it’s as if I now have to rearrange a bunch of stuff in there in order to make room for all the new pieces of the puzzle, like this one…

I saw a documentary a while back about Hitler and the Nazis traveling the world and going to remote areas and researching the isolated people there, like asking them questions about their history, measuring their skulls, faces, bone structures, etc. That fits right in with how a lot of neanderthal bones were found in Germany and the surrounding areas… they were trying to gauge the similarities between modern races and neanderthals. At the time they didn’t have advanced genetic testing like now, but they still made the connection through observation of similarities and realizing the diminished frontal brain capacity… that’s why some people were targeted and some were not.

All this is making so much sense now.

I have a LOT of research to do to learn more about this aspect of history. If you have links you’re saving up, please post more soon.

This answers the biggest questions I have about how some people can be so cold, calculating and evil while the bulk of humanity is live-and-let-live for the most part.”

A comrade on Facebook wrote me:

The question I have, John, is how long have trolls been depicted as Neanderthal-like creatures? When looking through Wikipedia, some of the earlier depictions seem to be more demonic creatures, no doubt inspired by the idea of devils and demons. It seems that the portrayal of trolls as primitive hominids is a fairly new development, becoming popular after the discovery of the Neanderthal specimens in the middle of the 19th century. What do you reckon? 😉

I replied: Interesting….. but in my world view, which posits a multiverse, neanderthals came from dark dimensions to incarnate on the earth — They ARE violent, hate-filled, predatory, treacherous beings who on earth take on the neanderthal form. We are basically good souls, learning through battle with evil souls to be brave, to care, to become heroes — innovating, fighting and prevailing against the psychopaths among us in all races, peoples, religions and political movements.

Ultimately, there are only two kinds of people, the altruists in service to others and the psychopaths in service to self. Everyone who helps us take down the Jew is welcome to this struggle!

Myself recent with an African-American advisor and friend who is about to step forward.


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    • I just read it in some history book, and assumed it was accurate! Now that I read the link to the article you posted, I understand much better the scenario that took place! Thank you for clarifying it for me.
      Also what I don’t understand is that in the 70’s & 80’s & 90’s most Jews in America (California where I grew up), I noticed that the majority were driving Mercedes Benz cars all of the time! I wondered about that. If they have such hate to the Germans, why drive their cars & import them??? Just an observation when I was growing up???

  1. A comrade wrote via email:

    John, I agree with most of what you say, especially about this life being a testing ground and about reincarnation.

    I remember at least one life previously, and that having real total recall I do remember that God exists and that I didn’t want to come here as you are shown what you have to go through and I wasn’t too happy about it. But looking back on my life, I have learned and am a lot wiser now.

    There are many times in my life when I should have died but I realised that dying too soon I would not learn what I was here to learn.

    So God kept me alive so that I could suffer those things. I wasn’t an evil person in the past life but I didn’t look after my health; I abused my good health and was a bit thoughtless of other people as regards the consequences of my actions. I also didn’t regard the suffering of the poor. I know better now, having lived it. I have had many religious experiences and what some would say “occult” occurrences so I don’t get the impression that God “hates ” me, only that I needed guidance. I can assure you that as you say there is another life — and people should not be scared to die. I have experienced the absolute love of God that was sent to help me, and it strengthened me so that I could carry on.

    God isn’t expecting perfection from a person, only that they try to be good. There is no pain in the afterlife, and you have the most spiritual feeling, enough that you could shout for joy with the freedom from suffering in a body. Is there spiritual pain ? Yes, if you are very evil person. It is better to suffer in this life than than experience it, as it can be soul-destroying. We aren’t the equivalent of Jesus — we all need several, if not many reincarnations to learn, exactly as you learn at primary school to speak and count. As above, so below.

  2. Another comrade wrote via email:

    No chance at higher office with either of the insane jew parties we have now.
    Either come up with a new party, taking mega-money, and add tremendously
    influential people to help you. Otherwise, this battle is up a steep slope that is
    intractable. Impossible. With the extant power structure, chances are slim to none.
    Probably closer to none.

    The time has not come and it cannot be easily orchestrated. You’d have to be a
    total genius to pull the rabbit out of the hat.

    Lots of good ideas, don’t get me wrong. The 8-ball casts a huge shadow.

  3. I TOTALLY AGREE with what our comrade said about Hitler’s MINDLESS POLICY of OPPRESSING and DESPISING the Russian people, and all the Slavic Peoples in general. The sinister Heinrich HIMMLER(a probable MONGREL, with clearly a heavy admixture of far eastern ASIATIC BLOOD in him, who looked strikingly similar to the Japanese Emperor HIRO-HITO!…)and also the mindless, mysoginic/woman-hating Alfred ROSENBERG(most probably a CLOSET JEW!)were both of the same ilk!
    I would even add that probably, from a strictly racial standpoint, MANY JEWS are indeed recuperable, and could easily assimilate in the White/Nordic Gene pool. Over a THIRD, if not HALF of Young Israely women serving in the Israeli Defense Forces are strikingly beautiful, with almost no trace of semitic traits or appearence. A very sizable proportion of them being Blonde-haired, blue-eyed. I have personally met in Thailand a Young Israeli girl, who had just finished her military service, who was an absolute Nordic Beauty! Tall, with long straight very light blonde hair, and an absolutely PERFECT Nordic face, without a single trace of Near eastern or semitic traits… You would easily have mistaken her for a full-blooded Swede or a Norwegian!
    I will further add that among the YOUNG Israeli generation, a very large number are actually FED UP with JUDAISM, and consider themselves as secular or agnostic. Many of young Israelis are very interested in HINDUISM, and many, many of them who travel to India become converts! It has become to a point that the rabbinical authorities in Israel are becoming quite worried about it!
    So, in all Racial matters, any superficial generalization is essentially counter-productive, and each individual should be considered in a CASE by CASE BASIS.
    I really hope that someday, AMERICA, EUROPE, CANADA, RUSSIA, NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA become a SINGLE UNITED WHITE NATION, with of course a careful preservation of all local languages and cultures. I am convinced that this is the KEY to our very survival!!

    Yours for the preservation and advancement of our Great Nordic Race!

    Marc de Logères

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