ENGLISH Indians and Aryans; Savitri Devi

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Heinz-Christian Strache, a handsome pro-white Austrian, just led his Freedom Party, with his anti-muslim immigrant message, to a breaktrough with almost 34% of the vote in the capital of Vienna. The murder by car accident of governor Jörg Haider of Kärnten (Carinthia) in Austria has not slowed the progress of the “white wing.”

Almabtrieb, when the cows are driven down in the fall to the village from the mountains. It is a good excuse for a parade. 😉

Austria is full of villages by the lake with an alpine backdrop. It has been called “the isle of the blessed,” and the national anthem says it is “graced with beauty” (begnadet fuer das Schoene.)

An Austrian alm, that is, meadow. My first wife, a Tyrolean, once joked: “Oh, I wish I were a cow and could eat that grass!” 😉 The beauty of Austria surely explains Adolf Hitler, a thoroughgoing esthete in everything he did.

A chalet overlooks a valley beaming with green and blue colors. But now mosques are going up in the Austrian Alps, and hate-speech laws imposed by Jews make it a felony to criticize this.

How can you top this? The Austrian Germans took God’s beauty, the landscape, and added even more beauty, the beauty within the Aryan mind.

The Austrian who became chancellor of Germany designed the Wehrmacht and SS uniforms, along with Hugo Boss. Here is a pic of General Sepp Dietrich. Even as a former Marine….. I gotta say: “Wow.”

I thank a Canadian comrade for sending me these beautiful Austrian photographs! I thank all who help me face poverty, danger, defamation and possible death with courage, and especially the Canadians, our white brothers and sisters in the north. Help me to speak up for you from this country, the USA, that has no hate-speech laws, to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom,, Ireland, and to Germany, France, Spain, Scandinavia and white South Africa, and to the whites of Latin America. I speak all these languages! Not David Duke!

And help me restore my constantly hacked website! Look at this webpage: https://johndenugent.com/wikipedia-biography-john-de-nugent Stripped! My volunteers work for hundreds of hours for free, and no one contributes, except one quarter of one percent. I work the phone to get donations to stay afloat when I should be finishing my book!!!

Preparing to speak on video, wearing my first new suit in 20 years (thank you, Canadians!), from Mount Washington, overlooking Pittsburgh. Will our future be bright or dark? It is you who by sacrifice will decide. I AM GIVING EVERYTHING I HAVE. My karma is clear.

A Canadian sent me this incredibly perfect summary of the financial chaos master plan of the Jews (and btw, both Palast and Stiglitz are themselves Jews, but belong to the decent minority, and I say to them: PUBLICLY RENOUNCE JUDAISM!).



Clay Douglas, my genuine pot-smoking, ornery biker buddy. I have often appeared on his www.freeamerican.com radio show; the shows are found here: https://johndenugent.com/radio

One day a biker dies and finds himself in hell. As he is wallowing in despair, he has his first meeting with the devil…

Satan: “Why so glum?”

Biker : “What do you think? I’m in hell!”

Satan: “Hell’s not so bad. We actually have a lot of fun down here. You a drinking man?”

Biker : “Sure, I love to drink.”

Satan: “Well, you’re gonna love Mondays then. On Mondays, that’s all we do is drink. Whiskey, tequila, Guinness, wine coolers, Tab, and Fresca. We drink ’til we throw up and then we drink some more! And you don’t have to worry about getting a hangover, because you’re dead anyway.”

Biker : “Gee that sounds great!”

Satan: “You a smoker?”

Biker : “You better believe it”

Satan: “All right! You’re gonna love Tuesdays We get the finest cigars from all over the world, and smoke our lungs out. If you get cancer – no biggie, you’re already dead, remember?”

Biker : “Wow…that’s awesome!”

Satan: “I bet you like to gamble.”

Biker : “Why, yes, as a matter of fact I do.”

Satan: “Good, ’cause Wednesdays you can gamble all you want.? Craps, blackjack, roulette, poker, slots, whatever. If you go bankrupt, it doesn’t matter, you’re dead anyhow.”

Biker :? “Cool!”

Satan: “What about Drugs?”

Biker : ” Are you kidding? Love drugs! You don’t mean…?”

Satan: “That’s right! Thursday is drug day. Help yourself to a great big bowl of crack or smack. Smoke a doobie the size of a submarine. You can do all the drugs you want. You’re dead so who cares.”

Biker : “Wow! I never realized Hell was such a cool place!”

Satan: “You gay?”

Biker : “No…”

Satan: “Ooooh, Fridays are gonna be tough….”


I thank all who have sent me generous contributions, of money, useful ideas and computer skills.

Someone wrote me the other day that we must all support David Duke, PhD. I replied that Duke — whom I have known for 21 years, and whose very endangered and harassed 2008 EURO conference I supported by driving there for 900 miles and all three of us (Henrik Holappa, Margaret Huffstickler and myself) giving speeches there — does fantastic work and he has also grown greatly as a human being, especially since his year in prison almost a decade ago. There is a deeper, humbler, more selfless David Duke that emerged from that prison cell, a far cry from the superstar of 1989 when he won for state representative and rocketed to world fame.

Duke is talking of running for president, yet keeping the beard, hmmm 😉 …… A presidential campaign could help him get out our message, esp. using his incredibly good videos, which are moderate, clear, fast-paced, interesting and factual. But with electronic vote fraud and a population that is only 55% white, he has zero chance of victory. As Stalin quipped, “It’s not the votes that count, but who counts the votes.” I found that out in 1990 when I ran for Congress, and discussed it in a ten-part video analyzing my campaign’s surprising successes and tragic electronic sabotage/ But this video hacked a few weeks ago. (See instead “Tennessee Campaign” here: [well, this link now also has been hacked.] You see whom the Jews hate?

But I do not see how David’s moderate, reasonable equal-rights-for-whites approach will turn the tide, now any more than in previous decades. What David is doing is waging a valiant fighting retreat, like the Germans after Stalingrad. But we all know how that ended, in the ruins of Berlin, and rape and mass murder.

I believe that Eternal Solutreanism is the answer. We will not be saved unless we embrace a new religious faith and become a separate tribe, determined to survive whatever is coming, and become a feared, respected and even, for some, an appreciated minority, high-tech Amish.

We will survive and thrive in a hostile or apathetic world into which we categorically refuse to be submerged. And we must ally as a powerful force with all those other powers that hate the khazar neanderthalocracy as we do.

If you wish to support me 1) so that I can finish my book and launch a movement based on a new spiritual and economic approach, and a white tribe that will survive the end of this age of the Jews, and 2) you understand that only something radically new can work, then you can contact me here: https://johndenugent.com/contact

A comrade suggested to me that I be aware of a government method of slow-killing of dissidents by inducing cancer. I replied:

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Yes, well, the Soviets supposedly x-rayed dissidents over and over to do this (in “medical exams”), such as the Czech leader Alexander Dubchek. And Ted Gunderson, the former top FBI official and now whistleblower, whom I know personally, claims the CIA has some sort of radioactive disk like a DVD that they stick in the rafters or floorboards or wall of your house to bombard you with lethal, carcinogenic rays.

My radio show with Ted Gunderson (http://www.tedgunderson.net/), FBI station chief in Houston and Los Angeles:


Ted Gunderson, proud Norwegian-American and FBI official, once interviewed to succeed J. Edgar Hoover

When I have the money, I need to get a Geiger counter and check out this house. I do not have that money, nor staff to make phone calls all over to get someone out here for free.

When the Discovery Channel was here in January for four hours, they set up shop in my basement as their “studio,” and were totally unsupervised, since they showed up almost unannounced during a snowstorm, on the wrong day, when both my volunteer bodyguards were at work.

This collection of unknown male individuals in my house (one of them a 6’4″ male of Middle Eastern appearance, called “Egyptian”) is one reason, however, why I wore two pistols during the interview and displayed them, knowing this would also cause a TV sensation. And with two unknown whites and four non-whites within a few feet of me, I was taking no chances. The whole crew could have been undercover FBI.

As Richard Scutari, now doing 60 years in a federal super-max prison, wrote me: “If you are about friends, you are not about security.” A pathetic white liberal wrote me: “Oh, yeah, you are that guy who waved the pistols about.” I wrote back: “You show me where I waved any pistols about. I think I am more respectful and familiar with firearms as a Marine than you, a ball-less liberal wonder who gets hysterical at the sight of an armed white man.” 😉

But I did the interview anyway, a two-edged sword in every way because they edited down the four-hour interview to just the four minutes of material they thought would hurt me. But it doubled views of my website and brought in many new supporters. There is just some prestige attached to being on the Discovery Channel and in fact the trailers for a whole week before the February 24, 2010 show (which was exactly the 90th anniversary of the founding of the NSDAP…) actually featured me and only me: “You’ll meet a real Aryan man.” 😉

Still, I am concerned about being poisoned/stroked/cancered/heart-attacked/accidented at all times. The house is manned 24/7, lit up like Las Vegas at night, indoors and outdoors (and I have to pay that big electricity bill, in fact, in four days), and two people are up working all night while I sleep, one of them the 6’5″ former Marine Corps major William Bates Fox, who does 90 pullups for fun, and who has been outraged at the government’s behavior ever since he was the subject of an investigative hearing for discussing the USS Liberty when a reservist, in private, and off-duty!

You never need a ladder to change the light bulb in the garage when Bill Fox is around. 😉

I sleep in an alarmed house, inside a double-locked, dog-guarded bedroom with a Makarov and a Walther on either side of my pillow. The first and possibly the second one who comes in through that door will pay with their life, with head shots. I shot expert with the Colt .45, and that was at sixty feet.

Now is a time for heroes.


[JdN: Many Indians do not hate white people at all, but others, conscious that ancient India was once Aryan-ruled, that is, ruled by an outside blond race, and feeling that their own appearance reflects the darker Dravidian subject peoples, do resent anyone blond and fair-complected. Partly this also reflects the cruelties of the white-administered Rothschild Empire in India, which is wrongly known as the British Empire, which used the blondish Brits as enforcers to economically exploit India in some very ruthless ways. India today represents both the most excellent and the most horrible sides of humanity. My own world view is strongly shaped by Vedanta, the highest form of Hinduism (not a religion, but a metaphysical path based on the book called the Upanishads), and I studied meditation at the Himalayan Institute (of Honesdale, Pennsylvania) under the followers of a famous swami from India in 1993-1994. And what I learned there animated this webpage: https://johndenugent.com/reincarnation-evidence I do find it very ironic, in view of the below, that in personal ads in Indian newspapers, anyone of light complection (which reflects their distant Aryan ancestry) routinely, no, ALWAYS mentions their light skin as a sign of attractiveness and higher caste!]


Row over blonde-haired, blue-eyed Miss India beauty contestant … who ‘doesn’t look Indian enough’

By Daily Mail Reporter
13th October 2010

Her stunning looks won her a coveted title in New Zealand’s Miss India contest.

But Jacinta Lal, 21, was today at the centre of a huge row after she was accused of not looking Indian enough.

The blue-eyed blonde, whose father is Fijian-Indian and mother a New Zealander, was booed by spectators when she won the Wellington leg of the MissIndiaNZ contest.

Jacinta Lal (half-Indian, half-white) raised eyebrows at the Wellington leg of the MissIndiaNZ contest where some of the audience accused her of not being Indian enough.

Organisers later confirmed that there had been ‘two or three’ complaints about Miss Lal’s eligibility.

The row comes just days after the Indian government protested to New Zealand about alleged racial slurs by TV host Paul Henry.

Miss Lal told the New Zealand Herald she had heard people say that she was not ‘Indian-looking enough to win the pageant’.

‘But despite those small-minded people that made those comments, there were many Indians who encouraged me to enter.

‘So just because some narrow-minded people make a comment like that we can’t assume that all Indians think the same way.

‘There is no difference between what Paul Henry is saying and what those select few Indians were saying. They are all wrong and should not say things like that…’

Miss Lal (left) is one of two runners-up in the Miss India contest: She branded her critics ‘narrow-minded’

Organiser Dharmesh Parikh said that he had also had complaints when Miss Lal took part in the MissIndiaNZ finals in Auckland in August and became one of  two runners-up.

‘People said: “Oh my God look at this blonde girl coming to Miss IndiaNZ, what is she doing here?,” he said.

‘Whoever these people are, they are a very small part of it.

‘This event is called Miss IndiaNZ, with an N-Z, and I strongly emphasise that this event is not an Indian event, it is a Kiwi-Indian event, so you must have New Zealand residency, New Zealand citizenship and you must have some sort of Indian background.’

‘It is a little bit sad, but it is unfortunate for Jacinta as well because she should be accepted into this Indian world as well because she is a beautiful Indian girl.’

Comments (168)

Here’s what readers have had to say so far.

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Just because she is blonde does not mean that she doesn’t have Indian blood in her system. It only shows that her mom’s gene is stronger then her dad’s, that is all.

– H.Vangchhia, US of A, 14/10/2010 12:07

Click to rate Rating   35

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For the first time in a long time – I have to agree with majority of the “best rated” comments.

– Mohammed, London, 14/10/2010 11:48

Click to rate Rating   11

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If you Google this young lady, you will see she had brown hair before and has dyed it for the competition. Her skin was also darker.

– Bill the Builder, Bristol, 14/10/2010 11:32

Click to rate Rating   9

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Mrs Sonia Gandhi is one of the most powerful women in Indian politics. She is 100% ITALIAN. It is only a small minority of jealous people who might object to Miss Lal being crowned Miss India.

– Monty, Leeds, 14/10/2010 10:56

Click to rate Rating   28

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There sure were some beautiful women seen at the Delhi games on tv

– Paul, Norwich Once Great Britain, 14/10/2010 10:30

Click to rate Rating   12

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I don’t blame the Indian people for being irate. What an insult for her to run.

– Lyda, Oregon, 14/10/2010 3:07

How on EARTH can it be an insult to Indians?!!

There would be chants of ‘RACISM’ if it was the other way round … i.e. ‘Sorry, you can’t enter the competition because you’re too dark.’. ..

Get real!

This is the result of years of ridiculous ‘P.C. rules’ ..

Anyway, it’s the judge who needs his head examined .. and done for racism against white people!

The poor Englishman/white person have been ‘muzzled’ for far too long …

============Nelson1805 on Savitri Devi
[JdN: The below is a contribution by New Zealander Nelson1805. I myself take a more charitable view of Christianity and especially of Jesus Christ. But the article is very interesting.]


Seed of the new Kingdom

Savitri Devi is the purest link between the eternal Aryan world-view and our temporal struggle – White Nationism:

“Once, when I was ten, I was sitting
in the corner of a tramcar in my native town, with a book in my hand — Poèmes Barbares, of Leconte de Lisle, which I was bringing home — and I was sobbing. The words I had just read were those put by the French poet in the mouth of an old bard deploring the end of the Heathen world and the coming of Christianity, the religion of the meek:

“. . . . the axe has mutilated the forests;
The slave crawls and prays, where swords once clattered,
And all the Gods of Erinn have gone away. . . .”

And I, — the future Nazi — was sobbing because the old Heathen world of the strong, of the proud, of the beautiful, — ancient Aryandom — had been obliterated, and because I thought I could do nothing to bring it back.”

June 1918 Lyons, France

“I evolved my present religious outlook from the earliest days of my youth, and I can say that I spent my life regretting that my country — Greece — ever left off worshipping her old natural and national Gods (Apollo in
particular, the fairest of all) to turn to a doctrine imported from Palestine. I went to India precisely in search of a civilisation as entirely free as possible from Judeo-Christian influences of any sort.”

Probably from the early 1930s. Exact date and location unknown

““I too, am a worshipper of the Sun.”
That answer was rigourously accurate. In my mind, I recalled my years of struggle in faraway India; my lectures against the Christian ideology of equality, false meekness and false humility, in the shade of banyan trees, before white-clad crowds. And before that, my struggle in Greece against the monkeyish mentality of a levantinised “intelligenzia,” in the name of the eternal Aryan ideals which in those days — twenty-five years ago — I still called “Hellenic.”
“All my life, I have indeed fought for the same truth. under that same age-old holy Sign,” thought I. And the prospect of being arrested — which had never worried me — suddenly became almost attractive in my eyes. True, I would lose the little usefulness I might have had. But what a splendid culmination of my whole life history it would be, to suffer — at last! — a little of what so many thousands of my comrades have been suffering for the last four years at the hands of our persecutors!”

Ruins of Germany

“I knew the abysmal ignorance of most Europeans who pretend to understand “Indian philosophy.”
“Gandhi does not represent India,” I replied. “He has himself admitted that the two great influences that count in his life are that of Jesus Christ and that of Tolstoy — one of the most Christian-like figures of modern times. The fact that, soaked through and through in such foreign philosophy, he has acquired great fame and played a
considerable role in India, is just one more blatant sign of India’s decay from the high level of wisdom to which the ancient Aryans had attained there…

1 Belonging to one of the merchant castes, — that of the “Modh-Bania,” in Gandhi’s instance.

The topic was unusual at the Police Headquarters of Cologne; and every man present was listening intently, including the Oberinspektor in his armchair. I only hoped the Germans knew enough English to grasp the full meaning of what I was saying, — for the tall man had addressed me in English, and I had answered him in
the same language. I pursued, as though I were delivering a public lecture: “I do not know how far unconditional non-violence was practised by the civilised people of the Indus Valley, before the warrior-like Aryans poured down from the North. If, as some maintain, it was, then, I am all the more right in declaring that India’s
historic civilisation — Sanskrit civilisation — is not a product of the Tropics, but a Nordic civilisation stamped upon a tropical land, which is not at all the same thing. It is the outcome of the genius of ancient invaders whose spirit was practically the same as ours. You will not find a trace of that bold spirit in Mr. Gandhi’s pacifism — nor in the great philosophies of escape from life, products of lassitude and disillusionment and despair, more consistent than his, that sprang in Antiquity from the minds of Kshatriyas who had renounced the duties and the privileges of power. But you will find it in all its purity in the Bhagavad-Gita, the Book that proclaims that “there is nothing more welcome to a Kshatriya than a righteous war,”1 and that tells the warrior: “Slain thou wilt obtain Heaven; victorious, thou wilt enjoy the earth; stand up, therefore, O son of Kunti, full of resolution, and

1 The Bhagavad-Gita, II verse 31.
2 The Bhagavad-Gita, II verse 37.

Swastika – symbol of ancient Aryan India

“But . . . I heard that the Bhagavad-Gita also preached nonviolence,” said the man.
“No,” answered I. “That is the mistake of those who read it with an incurably Christian mentality. The Bhagavad-Gita, written for warriors, preaches violence in a detached spirit — utmost violence (if necessary) with perfect detachment; the action which is duty, according to each one’s natural role in the world, performed
thoroughly, but without passion, and never, never for personal ends; the selfsame thing which we National Socialists preach — and live —today; and that we are the only ones to live, in this degenerate world.”
The tall, elegant man found it advisable to drop the topic.
Perhaps he regretted ever having brought it up, thus giving the Germans who were present the opportunity to know — if they had not suspected it before — how ancient, how eternal, Hitler’s spirit is, and how indissolubly linked with every awakening of Aryan consciousness.”

““I am told that you come from India and that you write books. Have you written anything about India?” the M.I.’s wife asked me.
“Yes, a book in French, and two others in English, long ago. But my other books are on other subjects.”
“For example?”
“For example: the Religion of the Disk — a particularly beautiful and pure form a Sun worship, put forth by a Pharaoh of the early fourteenth century before Christ, King Akhnaton, one of the greatest historic figures of all times.”
“How interesting! And how did you come to choose such a subject?”
“Just because I too, am a worshipper of the Sun, the Source of all life and health and power,” said I.
“Are you, really? So you don’t believe in Christianity?”
I smiled. The question seemed almost absurd to me. How could anyone indeed believe in Christianity and
have our ideals? But I was contented to answer: “Certainly not,” without further explanations.”

“He sat down, and so did the typist, and so did I. And again, for the safety of Democracy, the gentleman peered into my past — to the extent I was willing that he should peer. And again, the things I said seemed strange to him, in spite of his long experience with “political cases,” — the truer, the stranger.
“When did you decide to go to India?” he asked me among other things.
“In 1932.”
“And what attracted you there?”
“I wished to see with my own eyes, and to study, a civilisation uniting many separate races, for thousands of years, under a social system founded upon the idea of natural racial hierarchy — our idea.
It appeared to me that the sight of India could suggest, in some way, what our New Order extended to the whole world would look like after six thousand years of existence.”
“And you did not become a little sceptical about the value of your principles when you saw real India, with its filth and misery?”
“No, on the contrary, never was I so strongly convinced of the necessity of a rational, worldwide caste-system — the purest Aryans forming the highest castes — if the world is one day to become worth living in. But the sight of India’s ‘filth and misery’ as you say so well, did teach me (or rather, strengthen in me the conviction) that the ‘live and let live’ attitude of the Indians — and of most Westerners — is no good, and that our future worldwide organisation should impose that which the Indian system has failed even to stress, namely, limitation of breeding among the inferior races, along with our well-known sterilisation of the unfit, and elimination of the dregs of humanity of all races.”
“Did you not go to India for any other reason?”
“Yes, to find there, in the religious rites, customs and beliefs, something of a living equivalent of the old Aryan cults of Europe — both of Greece and of the North; of my Europe in its entirety — which Christianity has abolished.”
“And what did you do, mainly, all those years you were there?”
“I fought Christianity — and Islam, the two international religions of equality, whose adherent any man of any race can become; the two great lasting delusions, rooted in Judaism, that set up the Jews as a ‘chosen’ people, as the channel of divine revelation, in the eyes of untold millions in the East and in the West. I fought them — both — with passionate tenacity, using any platform that was offered to me, speaking, and sometimes writing, in the name of the traditions of India, but in reality in the name of my — of our — life-centred philosophy; of the eternal Philosophy of the Swastika, not because it is ‘Indian’ in any way, but because it is mine — ours. Indeed, I did nothing else.”
“How is it that you remained there so long?”
“I did not intend to, at first. I meant to come back to Europe after a couple of years. Then, I got interested in my struggle there —which was, in fact, an aspect of our struggle. I thought myself useful — perhaps making thereby a mistake. I felt I was preparing in the distant East the advent of our world New Order. And had we won this war, I must say that, perhaps, my humble efforts would not have been entirely wasted.”

The typist only wrote down those of my answers that seemed to be of some interest in connection with my coming trial. I often had the impression that Mr. Hatch asked me a great deal of technically useless questions, out of sheer personal interest in the history of a non-German National Socialist — a relatively rare specimen.
“To sum up,” said he, after an hour or two of conversation with me, “it is your own philosophy of life, your essentially aesthetic attitude to religious and social problems, and your interpretation of world history that made you a National Socialist?”
“Nothing made me a National Socialist. I always was one, by nature, by instinct, and could not have been anything else even before I knew what to call myself. But it is true that the factors you mention — and others too — have helped me to become more and more conscious of my Ideology.”
“What ‘other factors’, for instance?”
“My awareness of the Jewish danger on all planes, and not merely in the economic sphere; my strong sense of Aryan solidarity; my inborn hatred of moderate views and of half measures.”
When the typist had gone away, Mr. Hatch came back to me with another man, a Jewish-looking sort of fellow, before whom I repeated some of the things I had said concerning the historical foundation of my Nazi convictions.
“Personally, I like your ancient Greek stuff well enough,” said that other man, “your Spartans, and your Olympic games and what not. But couldn’t we have that without National Socialism?”
“No. It is impossible.”
“But why, impossible?”
“If you cannot yourself see ‘why’, it just means that you grasp nothing at all of the real Hellenic spirit, or nothing of National Socialism — or perhaps nothing of either,” I replied.
On that remark of mine, both that man and Mr. Hatch walked out. I watched them go. The former was crude, the latter refined —English, and gentlemanlike. But they were both average men. A certain admixture of Jewish blood, probably, in the case of the former, and a successful Judeo-Christian education coupled with vested interests, in the case of both, could never allow them to see things as they are. And never, perhaps, since those horrid days of 1946 that followed my landing in England, had I felt so keenly that we are the misunderstood minority — the only one — that bears the torch of eternal truth in this hateful, decaying Western world, we National Socialists, we, the modern Aryan Heathen. And once more I longed for the divinely ordained general crash — the end of “Kali Yuga,” or the “Dark Age” — when that world would sink into nothingness while
the survivors among us would organise upon its ruins the new earth, the Golden Age of the following Cycle in time, the worldwide New Order.”

“Who wishes to live, let him be a fighter, and whoever refuses to fight in this world of eternal struggle does not deserve life.”

““But surely you would not have done yourself some of the things the Nazis did,” said the naive lady.
“I undoubtedly would have — and worse things than you can imagine — had I only been given an opportunity,” answered I, with the fire of sincerity, knowing I was right. “And I am prepared to act in the same manner, if ever I get a chance to . . . next time. But of course, as far as possible, always in a detached spirit. I would brush aside all personal feelings including my hatred for anyone who hates my Führer, and consider the sole expediency of the measures I would apply — nothing else.”
“You refuse to have a part in the murder of innocent animals, you say, and yet, you would send any number of human beings to their doom if you or your superiors judged it ‘expedient’, i.e. if it suited your ideological ends!”
“Most certainly.”
“I fail to understand you. You baffle me.”
“Animals are not anti-Nazis” said I, so calmly and so spontaneously, — so naturally — that, in spite of her fathomless naivety, the woman recoiled a little. But she clung to her illusions as though her confidence in life depended upon them. “I can’t believe you!” she said. “I do not want to believe you; you look so sweet!”
“What you, and I, and a thousand other people might believe or want to believe has absolutely no importance. Facts alone count,” answered I, in a tranquil voice, with a happy smile.
There was an unbreachable abyss between the usual man-centred outlook of that soft-hearted woman, brought up in a Christian atmosphere to the influence of which she had responded, and myself, and us all. I recalled the words by which Monsieur Grassot, the Assistant Director of the French Information Department, at Baden
Baden, had characterised our merciless consistency: cette logique effroyable — that appalling logic. And once more, as on the 9th of October 1948, before the desk of that official, I thought: “The degenerate world that exalts the Christian values (with what appalling hypocrisy!) will never be won over to our point of view. It will have to
perish wholesale before we can build our world. Let it perish! Then the surviving young Aryans of all lands shall follow us.””

Religion of the Strong

This short film is well worth downloading – it summarises the struggle brilliantly:



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It was one of the greatest honors of my life that Martin Kerr of the old NSWPP told me that Savitri Devi wanted to meet. me. She had read my 1980 article “Go Tell the Spartans.” Tragically, she went blind and fell ill just before her planned trip to America, then died, But I know we will meet… some day.

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