ENGLISH Indigo children stand out amongst the white doomblobs; expedition to Nordic Iceland

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=============Jews in space

Jews in Space

[source: http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/jews-in-space.html]

DateWednesday, August 31, 2011 at 6:51AM AuthorGilad Atzmon

I mentioned before that the ‘Jewish national state’, is not such a bad idea but planet Earth is probably not the right place. Here is Mel Brooks’ take on the subject.

* * *
Note that Brooks refers to the Hebrew RACE……. 😉

Hey, Mel, I thought race was just a social construct? That’s what YOU teach US!



John Kaminski found this article: http://jewishlifecenter.org/2009/10/why-jews-are-like-vampires/



I wrote this comment (and let us see if the good rabbi approves it):

Thank you, Rabbi, for saying — of course slyly, humoristically, gently, and between the lines, with a knowing smile — that Jews play the role of vampires, of seductive, eternal bloodsuckers who destroy their fascinated, foolish victims.

There are, however, those Aryans who are not seduced at all, and who prepare the end of the millennial vampirocracy.




A comrade asked me why he had “not heard from” me.

I replied:

Well, a lot of people have been going to my website without “hearing from me.”

Here are recent visitors from all over the world:

09/02 @ 08:14 : Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, US
09/02 @ 08:14 : Amadora, PT
09/02 @ 08:13 : Pyhtää, FI[nland]
09/02 @ 08:13 : Fort Worth, Texas, US
09/02 @ 08:13 : Newport, GB
09/02 @ 08:11 : Amadora, PT
09/02 @ 08:10 : Amadora, PT
09/02 @ 08:10 : East Aurora, New York, US
09/02 @ 08:09 : London, GB
09/02 @ 08:09 : Hacienda Heights, California, US
09/02 @ 08:07 : Jerez, ES
09/02 @ 08:00 : Tunisia, TN
09/02 @ 07:59 : Zushi, JP [Japan]
Zushi Beach, 50 minutes from Tokyo, with a view of the glorious Mount Fuji….
Japan is reeling from the triple attack caused by the NWO of March 11: a HUGE tsunami, HUGE earthquake and HUGE radioactive explosion. Polls show that 80% of the Japanese people believe (correctly) that the government is lying about the full damage and WHO caused this. The Jews are attacking Japan because 1) it insists on keeping its racial purity, and 2) it keeps developing cars that run on water and air, not Jew-controlled gasoline. This car, invented by a French engineer but developed in Japan, runs on compressed AIR: http://www.keyframe5.com/air-pressure-powered-car
Haku Zynkyoku’s national-socialist view of the Tohoku disaster


09/02 @ 07:58 : Villiers-le-bel, FR
09/02 @ 08:05 : Villiers-le-bel, FR
09/02 @ 07:50 : Kinderhook, New York, US
09/02 @ 07:26 : Mehoopany, Pennsylvania, US
09/02 @ 07:21 : Romano, IT
09/02 @ 07:16 : Nashville, Tennessee, US
I ran for US Congress in 1990 near Nashville and nearly won, or maybe I just did win…….


09/02 @ 05:48 : Mollet Del Vallès, ES
09/02 @ 05:48 : Glendora, California, US
09/02 @ 05:46 : Liverpool, GB
09/02 @ 05:46 : Grenada, Mississippi, US
09/02 @ 05:39 : Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, US
09/02 @ 05:37 : Bicester, GB
09/02 @ 05:37 : Beltsville, Maryland, US
09/02 @ 08:13 : Toledo, Ohio, US
09/02 @ 07:26 : Mehoopany, Pennsylvania, US
09/02 @ 06:14 : Västerås, SE
09/02 @ 05:05 : Jiddah, SA
09/02 @ 04:51 : Limoges, FR[ance]
Limoges is famous for its porcellain and gold silverware
09/02 @ 04:15 : Colorado Springs, Colorado, US
09/02 @ 04:01 : Netanya, IL
09/02 @ 03:19 : Brooklyn, New York, US
09/02 @ 03:04 : Brampton, CA
09/02 @ 02:14 : Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US

Slater Mill in Pawtucket, my home state, built in 1793 by Samuel Slater, an English immigrant (http://www.slatermill.org) was the first successful water-powered, cotton spinning mill in North America, and this made Pawtucket, Rhode Island the true birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution. The conniving Jews who, via the City of London, have controlled Britain since establishing the private Bank of England (Wiki: “The Bank was privately owned and operated from its foundation in 1694”) had prohibited the building of any industries or factories to the Americans, even the making of window glass! Those Jews wished to keep Am,ericans as totally dependent colonies, and denied three million British-Americans (Britain itself had only about seven million inhabitants in 1776) any voting rights whatsoever in the British Parliament. It was the greed and tyranny of the London Jews that broke America away from the mother country of Britain.

A high school girl from Pawtucket sent me a donation of $40 — If I am teaching you valuable things, can you match what a high school junior can afford to send? 😉
I have been blogging every other day now for months, and now I blog in four languages! I have done ten major videos in eight months! All on my website!
Is it so darn hard to type in for yourself j-o-h-n-d-e-n-u-g-e-n-t-.-c-o-m ? 😉

Ah, you mean you have not gotten mass emails from me since August 8.

I have no means currently to send out mass emails. Yahoo, gmail and Hotmail all cancel or block me when I try to send out more than thirty emails at a time.

Another service, which boasts one can send out 500 emails an hour, nevertheless rejects each and every mass mailing BY ME, even to a mere ten recipients, saying it had found that ONE email address was faulty, but refusing to inform me which one….(and yet gmail and Hotmail permit that same exact list of ten to go out…..)


–YouTube mutes my videos, throws the sound out of synch, or deletes them.
–Hackers delete my photos,
–Wikipedia deletes its article on me,
–FOX Cable News interviews me for 45 minutes and runs nothing
–the biggest conservative national newspaper in Japan interviews me for 90 minutes and runs nothing
–the Discovery Channel interviews me for four hours and then runs four minutes
–the Secret Service comes by,
–Google reduces the number of hits on my name by 90%,
someone at the phone company pushes a button on a keypad somewhere to block my phone conversations with my video editor by sheer noise
–and yesterday someone once again messed with my IP address so I could not access one of my three mirror sites, democratic-republicans.us.

I am the one the Jews most hate, and I relish their demonized hatred. I know then that I am doing my job.

Still, it amazes me, comrade, that you say you have not seen my blog for months, or any of my ten videos. I am amazed that WNs find my work that boring. Is survival boring?

Are you a real white NATIONALIST?

No, young brother — you are just a racist.

Do you not prefer a steady diet of deadening quickie news about “how the Jews f—d us today,” your MONTHLY DUKE VIDEO, not who will lead us and how we will survive?

But I soldier on, because it is the minority in the the Tea Party that will respond, not the so-called WNs with whom I have spent 33 frustrating years, who want to talk about Jews, blacks and now also mexicans all day long to each other, not about US.

They are sooooo socially isolated that they do not have ONE relative or non-WN friend to whom they can show my videos, which however are designed for angry white conservatives! for the fifty million angry Tea Party whites!

But white nationalism means building a white NATION, not talking day-and-night about THEM.

In fact, we would still need to focus on building a healthy white nation, a folk community, even if we were completely alone on this planet.

Or we would begin waging war on each other. And then, LOL, if not Jews, then some other “aliens” ;-), maybe the “grays,” 😉 …..

….would come in and divide and conquer us, if we had not already exterminated ourselves, misusing for destruction the latest Aryan-created high tech.

White nationalism is nation-building, comrade — not talking about minorities, as “fun” as it may be to young souls to rag all day on the faults of others. Eternal Solutreanism is thus true white nationalism.

But what most (wrongly designated) WNs are is simply racists.

And that means simply that they dislike the people (the non-whites) who dislike them.

But as Jesus asked:

“What merit is there in loving those who love you and hating those who hate you?”

Every animal can do that. Mere racism (knowing about and resenting racial differences) is the obsession of whites who are young souls and not really morally all that much higher than the very jews, blax, mex, muslims, chinese and queers whom they hate. They take, they lie, they gossip and they sponge off others.

They are themselves merely the pale-skinned segment of the humanimal majority that now peoples this planet, and ragging on minorities is their true obsession.

And they are the ones who find my work BORING.

“Just gimme some quick jew-bashing!” 😉

“Your blog is so loooooooong, John. I just look at the photos and videos to see if there is something new.” 😉

As Jesus said:

.”Let the dead bury their dead.”


You will see what boring is when you are worked to death, under a negro supervisor, in a FEMA camp. 😉 And you will be begging me for gas money to get to Pittsburgh after it is too late.


They are already grabbing your balls and your breasts at the airport.

Do you think they won’t grab the rest of you?

Yes, and all the money you never sent me you will give to Obama.

…..so he and his female can take ten-million-dollar vacations while you work as a slave inside his FEMA gulag.


Someone said I am rough on my readers. I replied: “What benefit do I get from ‘readers’? These are the inert spongers who will be begging ME to help THEM if the economy collapses and a race war is then instigated by ZOG to justify martial law.

They are mere racists who hate n—rs. I am looking for nation-builders.

And now some quotes from a true Aryan and old soul from the great and heroic early period of America.

Experience is a dear [expensive] teacher, but fools will learn from no other.
Benjamin Franklin

Ben Franklin, a brilliant scientist, politician, businessman, publisher and author, with an IQ now estimated at 200, was a hard-core nordicist, who wanted only blond immigrants into America and objected for that reason even to the hard-working and honest Amish then immigrating into his beloved Pennsylvania. The Amish were German Christian pacifists from southwest Germany, Switzerland and the Rhineland, and were (and still are) very brunet in eyes and hair. (See http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/documents/documents_p2.cfm?doc=233

“America as a Land of Opportunity”

>Author: Benjamin Franklin


Year: 1751


Type of document: essay


And since Detachments of English from Britain sent to America, will have their Places at Home so soon supply’d and increase so largely here; why should the Palatine Boors [the Germans of the once Roman-settled Rhineland; Boor comes from the German “Bauer,” meaning “farmer”]

Josef Goebbels of the Rhineland

be suffered [allowed] to swarm into our Settlements, and by herding together establish their Language and Manners to the Exclusion of ours?

Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion?

JdN: Petula Clark, English vocalist, in her 1965 “Downtown” — but try going downtown for fun without a bodyguard in muslimized England today!


“Don’t sleep in the subway, darling”


Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth.

I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? Why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red [rose-complected, the solutrean haplogroup of H1b]?

From a children’s book in the 1890s in America….

* * *

God helps those who help themselves!!

[The Bible does not say this, not in one single Bible verse, and I have read the Bible literally four times, in English French, German and in ancient New Testament Greek, but it ain’t in there. Yet Christians who are so boneheaded that 70% think this quote is from the Bible, yet NEVER READ THEIR OWN HOLY BOOK, need to be set straight: this great quotation is from Ben Franklin!]

Benjamin Franklin

Honesty is the best policy.
Benjamin Franklin


On reincarnation:


I look upon death to be as necessary to our constitution as sleep. We shall rise refreshed in the morning…..Finding myself to exist in the world, I believe I shall, in some shape or other, always exist.”
Benjamin Franklin

I should have no objection to go over the same life from its beginning to the end: requesting only the advantage authors have, of correcting in a second edition the faults of the first.
Benjamin Franklin

Many people die at twenty five and aren’t buried until they are seventy five.
Benjamin Franklin



Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today. [Like sending me a mere ten-dollar donation… ;-)]
Benjamin Franklin

Nine men in ten are would-be suicides.
Benjamin Franklin

Haste makes waste.

Benjamin Franklin

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin

Those who govern, having much business on their hands, do not generally like to take the trouble of considering and carrying into execution new projects. The best public measures are therefore seldom adopted from previous wisdom, but forced by the occasion.
Benjamin Franklin

Time is money.
Benjamin Franklin

We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately [as “traitors,” if Britain crushed the Revolution”.
Benjamin Franklin


Where liberty is, there is my country.
Benjamin Franklin

Who has deceived thee so often as thyself?
Benjamin Franklin



On July 4, 1776, he proposed this phrase to Thomas Jefferson and John Adams as the national motto of the United States:


“Rebellion against tyranny is obedience to God.”




A comrade loved the ninth spiritual video, my interview with Jason Salyers of the Solutrean Ahnenerbe, and wrote me on Facebook….


All the videos with Jason are found here:


(All the ten videos of the Solutrea Arise series done so far are found here: https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking)

I like it!! Great stuff!

But why the red uniform for Jason?


I replied (and my answers are in italics):

The uniform is the classic SS uniform, but with the silver trimming replaced by red. This change was Jason’s idea and I welcomed it, because it symbolizes that Eternal Solutreanism is NOT a clone of the NSDAP, which for all its valor and initial successes, ultimately failed.

Yes, I love the old symbols — but I see the need for the difference. They can come back once things change 🙂

I don’t know anyone else in the Cause out here [Pacific Northwest] who thinks like us, who sees the spiritual angle.
I think you have a good voice for it. Oratory and style are very important, and AH is a tough act to follow, esp. in English.
You have, John, what the NSM [National Socialist Movement] has failed to understand.
Well, comrade, if you are unencumbered, you should just come out here to Pittsburgh (https://johndenugent.com/white-safety-zones) and help me win this thing, because defeat this time means personal and racial annihilation.

I am single, yet for me $$$ are an issue right now, but I am not opposed to being where I need to be.

Well, let me tell you something, young white brother.
Esp. after the eighties the indigo children began coming back.
Many of them served in the Third Reich.
They feel like a fish out of water in the Jew-S-A
But they are here, they have incarnated in our time, not for fun and games, but on a mission.

They were born NS, deep in their hearts
They embraced it as soon as they encountered it: “Finally, the truth!” —
Now they want the new and true version for our times, to serve it and experience a radical, stupendous VICTORY.

============JASON SALYERS BLOG — expedition to Iceland

Jason, the Solutrean Ahnenerbe director, now has a beard to go with his responsibilities and spiritual quest.

His goal: ICELAND




Jason has been serving here selflessly and without any pay whatsoever for a year now, and is eager to begin a major video documentary on the revival of the ancient Nordic religion of the Eddas in Iceland. I fully support his mission.

If you are just a racist, say ho-hum, but if you want to build a white nation, then the spiritual underpinnings are vital. When I left Dr. William Pierce (on good terms) in 1984, it was because I KNEW that we, like the Jews, our great enemies, must become a racial-religious TRIBE, not just a horde of individuals with racist resentments, which then were being expressed in tiny meetings or in magazines and now are being spouted online to each other using pseudonyms. 😉 (I bet THAT has the Jews shivering in their boots. 😉 )

I will add that Jason is so important to the Solutrean cause that he will have a bodyguard while there. While white racist thumbsuckers do not “get it,” the Jews DO get it how much a threat ETERNAL SOLUTREANISM represents — a racial-religious tribe that fiercely defends its members.

Money is again very short.

But I was amused and grateful that a German comrade sent me six gorgeous lead-crystal wine glasses, in the Bordeaux style, from the Eisch company in Bavaria, Germany…..

Here I am, drowning my sorrows. 😉

But we cannot pay the urgent utility bills or the rent with this six marvelous wine goblets. 😉

I need both volunteers and donations — and I need them NOW.

The clock is ticking towad the gulag, which in the Jew-S-A is called FEMA CAMPS.

Obongo and his Jews have never been more scared and hence more dangerous.

Now is the time to review your unfulfilling life, working for the Jew-Man….watching the clock tick toward your destruction…..storing up treasures on earth, as Jesus said…. “where moth and rust consume, and thieves break in at night”…..
I need volunteers HERE for many things. We are almost ready to launch.


video editors,





self-defense instructors,




Prior military with good-conduct discharges…..

Will you work just for pocket money, and for food, joy, meaning, camaraderie, fun, and the salvation — not of all whites, for most do not deserve to survive and will not — but the survival and POWER of the truly worthy representatives of our race? The building of a mighty Solutrean Ryk?
Can you show good faith NOW by at least donating $10?

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]

Hitler said just before he died: “Das letzte Kapitel schreiben wir!” (“It is we who will write the last chapter!”)



(or solutrean1@hotmail.com)

Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

–Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)



Some white ninny sent me an email “Putin for President!”

Oh, good grief!!!!

Young souls love fantasies…. that while a real American leader and former Marine, with roots in this nation going back to 1635, arises in America, some Russkie will want to come over and save us from ourselves!

Look, at least for the pictures and the video at the end, at this quick Google translation of my latest blog in French:


I wrote a French comrade (translated accurately here below by yours truly) (in French first, and with the translation in italics):



John de Nugent September 2, 2011 at 24:29 PM

Je parla avec un Russe et professeur de la langue russe à mon université “alma mater” de Georgetown (située dans la capitale, Washington DC:).

I spoke with a Russian-born professor of Russian language at my “alma mater,” Georgetown (located in the capital, Washington DC).

Une semaine avant sa retraite, il discuta avec moi franchement de sa Russie natale.

A week before his retirement, he discussed with me frankly his native Russia.

Sur Poutine il dit:

Regarding Putin he said:


“C’est un très bon homme, et il a arrêté la chute économique, sociale et militaire de la Russie en 2000 qu’avait provoqua la marionette Eltsine.

“This is a very good man, and he stopped the economic, social and military collapse of Russia in 2000 that had been caused by the puppet Yeltsin.

Mais la corruption continue, l’insécurité, l’invasion des immigrés musulmans et caucasiens….

But corruption continues, crime in the streets, and also the invasion of Muslim and Caucasian [Georgian, Chechen, Armenian, etc.] immigrants….

Malheureusement, Poutine seul n’arrachera pas les étoiles du ciel.”

Unfortunately, Putin alone will not snatch the stars from heaven. “

La belle Charlize Theron, d’ascendance francaise mais née en Afrique du Sud parmi les Afrikaaners,

The beautiful Charlize Theron, of French ancestry but born in South Africa among the Afrikaners,

…..se suicide quoique mère et épouse, dans son désespoir profond, dans le film sur la fin du monde de 2009 au nom “La Route” (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Route_%28film%29)
...kills herself, although a mother and wife, in her profound despair, in a film about the end of the world entitled “The Road” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Road_%28film%29)

(Click to skip the trailer for another movie.)


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