ENGLISH Insane White female altruism

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It is so typical of our White females to be so staggeringly, pitifully naive and to be out in some faraway Third-World place helping their own racial enemies. And this is the thanks they get.




This is White liberal compassion gone insane…..

Girls, instead of getting acid thrown in your pretty faces (or were you there kind-of looking or hoping for sex with Black men?? — I know what I have read about White female northern Europeans visiting Tanzania) …

…how about helping the White girls of Britain who have been “GROOMED” by Muslims for a miserable life of drugs and prostitution??

This is why I keep saying that Whites literally have a “Nordic Alien gene” (I am not joking in the slightest — see https://johndenugent.com/the-fourth-reich-and-nordic-aliens) that gives Whites and only Whites a fanatical feeling of “responsibility” for others (altruism) and a kind of insane, love-thy-enemy do-gooder-ism. All Whites have it but especially White females.

We need to create a White Republic where this gorgeous little girl, the daughter of a WN couple in Wisconsin,  will grow up safe and, in turn, can pass HER marvelous genes on for the future of our Folk.


Melissa Naschenweng is a cute-as-a-button young singer from Styria in Austria, singing about loving her guy. 

Oafoch schehn, oafoch du” is Austrian dialect (Hitler’s!) for “You’re just handsome, you’re just you” — this girl is head-over-heels for her feller. 🙂 But you can see that in general women are not cerebral, no matter how high their IQ is. Feelings dominate them and THAT IS GOOD — we need the love, comfort and compassion of women to make our harsh lives bearable and even beautiful! In their role, women are just wonderful!

Adolf Hitler, Mr. “Bad-Ass Nazi Dictator” ;-),  kept a photo of his mother by his bedside his entire life long!


Hitler referred to the profoundly compassionate nature of White women in a speech to the Reich Women’s Federation, saying that he would never allow his own mother to sit on a jury deciding a murder case, because compassion ruled her logic and dominated her life. (He also said that for this reason women should never, ever be in combat. If even men cracked and went insane under the horrors of war, how could he send a tender-hearted woman into the “meat grinder”?)

This is a good video in many ways (especially at 3:08A — READ AND PONDER EVERY WORD!):


The dark truth regarding these two girls may also be (besides altruism) that she and this other girl both may have been looking for “leg,” consciously or unconsciously. I have read too many accounts in Establishment periodicals of Scandinavian, British and German women confessing they go to Tanzibar looking for some “action” with Black men. Well, these two chickadees got some action alright. But again I ask: Where is Dad during all this???


===========NORDIC ALIENS



Here is Dr. Michael Sallas on how President Dwight Eisenhower chose to work with the evil Gray Aliens rather than with the Nordic Aliens, who demanded the US give up nuclear weapons or mankind would be destroyed:  (http://exopolitics.org/Study-Paper-8.htm)

“A race of human-looking aliens contacted the U.S. Government [on February 20, 11954 at Edward Air Force Base]. This alien group warned us against the aliens [the Grays, a small, long-nosed, gray-skinned species] that were orbiting the Equator, and [the Nordic Aliens] offered to help us with our spiritual development. They demanded that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons as the major condition. They refused to exchange technology citing that we were spiritually unable to handle the technology which we then possessed. They believed that we would use any new technology to destroy each other. This race stated that we were on a path of self destruction and we must stop killing each other, stop polluting the Earth, stop raping the Earth’s natural resources, and learn to live in harmony. These terms were met with extreme suspicion, especially the major condition of nuclear disarmament.” 

The more you get up into Scandinavia the more you see this “overly noble” frame of mind, and this comes from the Nordic Aliens, from whom WE descend, and only WE Whites!

All other races are brown and dark in hair and skin, and have only 10% the idealism, or sense of responsibility for others or a search for justice that we have.

Eisenhower chose to work with the Grays to get their weapons technology, and also with a chilling group called the Tall Whites. They are not our friends. http://openseti.org/Hall.html

The Tall Whites are extremely thin, 6-7 feet tall, with chalky-white skin, and they despise humans and are run like a military society. They have a pencil-shaped weapon that can paralyze humans, or cause instant pain or death. Eisenhower chose to work with these people.

Of course he would not work with the Nordic Aliens, who reminded him of the “Nazi” ideal. But these are our natural allies.






8/9 @ 4:14 : Meinersen, DE
8/9 @ 4:14 : Montevideo, UY
8/9 @ 4:14 : Jersey City, New Jersey, US
8/9 @ 4:09 : Brooklyn, New York, US
8/9 @ 4:08 : Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, US
8/9 @ 4:08 : Stavanger, NO
8/9 @ 4:06 : Pasco, Washington, US
8/9 @ 4:04 : Yerres, FR
8/9 @ 4:03 : Visbek, DE
8/9 @ 4:01 : United Kingdom, GB
8/9 @ 3:59 : Lake Havasu City, Arizona, US
8/9 @ 3:59 : Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, US

8/9 @ 3:55 : Memphis, Tennessee, US
8/9 @ 3:55 : Mission, Texas, US
8/9 @ 3:54 : Crestview, Florida, US
8/9 @ 3:51 : United States, US
8/9 @ 3:49 : Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, US
8/9 @ 3:49 : Saint Helens, GB
8/9 @ 3:48 : Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, US
8/9 @ 3:48 : Jersey City, New Jersey, US
8/9 @ 3:48 : Augusta, New Jersey, US
8/9 @ 3:47 : Kaufbeuren, DE
8/9 @ 3:47 : Augsburg, DE
8/9 @ 3:47 : Rehlingen-siersburg, DE
8/9 @ 3:45 : La Seyne, FR
8/9 @ 3:43 : Medellín, CO
8/9 @ 3:42 : Augsburg, DE
8/9 @ 3:37 : Hope Valley, Rhode Island, US
8/9 @ 3:31 : Menlo Park, California, US
8/9 @ 3:31 : Palo Alto, California, US
8/9 @ 3:30 : Vrbas, RS
8/9 @ 3:30 : Dortmund, DE
8/9 @ 3:30 : Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, US
8/9 @ 3:28 : Pompano Beach, Florida, US
8/9 @ 3:27 : Palo Alto, California, US
8/9 @ 3:27 : Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

8/9 @ 3:26 : Woodland Hills, California, US
8/9 @ 3:25 : Cape Town, ZA
8/9 @ 3:25 : Newark, New Jersey, US
8/9 @ 3:24 : Gresten, AT
8/9 @ 3:22 : Tampa, Florida, US
8/9 @ 3:22 : Alton, GB
8/9 @ 3:21 : Calgary, CA
8/9 @ 3:20 : Palo Alto, California, US

8/9 @ 2:59 : Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

8/9 @ 2:57 : Hamburg, DE

8/9 @ 2:54 : San José, CR

8/9 @ 2:52 : New York, New York, US
8/9 @ 2:50 : Memphis, Tennessee, US
8/9 @ 2:49 : Hernando, Mississippi, US
8/9 @ 2:49 : Furlong, Pennsylvania, US
8/9 @ 2:48 : Stralsund, DE
8/9 @ 2:46 : Furlong, Pennsylvania, US
8/9 @ 2:41 : Ashburn, Virginia, US
8/9 @ 2:37 : Deep River, Connecticut, US
8/9 @ 2:35 : Glasgow, GB
8/9 @ 2:29 : Red Deer, CA
8/9 @ 2:29 : Austria, AT


The collapse of my once -promising sheriff race (in a 98% white, rightwing county) proves, not that all Whites are worthless, but that a new way to awaken them needs to be taken.

I need the funds to at least pay my bills while I write the sacred book to awaken the SOUL.

Recent donations:

400 Swiss francs and 70 Australian dollars

And $US 5….. That helps too.



John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4284


On Facebook: John D. Nugent

On Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


Donate via Credit Card


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