ENGLISH Israeli lecher and CEO dances naked in front of his inferior, goy American employees

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Israeli CEO of US company dances naked in front of disgusted employees: http://rt.com/usa/167364-americal-apparrel-ceo-dances-naked/

Following the unexpected firing of American Apparel CEO Dov Charney, video of…
  • Patrick Tyr, Eve Nicole, Ralf Dörnbaum and 4 others like this.
  • Kelly LewisIllegal alien employers. Very little “American” about them. Them and A&F can go to hell.
  • Michael HaganI heard the story but never knew he was Jewish. I liked the company because their clothes were made by Americans who made decent wages. This is disappointing but not surprising.
  • Kelly LewisThey got busted BIG time for illegals a while back. 2010 maybe? I can’t remember. Been a few years now.
  • Michael HaganDamn. Knowledge is important but, nowadays, it is perpetually depressing.
  • Kelly LewisTrue Michael – I was a lot happier when I was clueless. I almost wish I could fall back “asleep”. I miss my old life sometimes.
  • Peter SabatiniA modern-day Leo Frank -“big shot” business owner with chutzpah, sick perversion, and feels like he can do whatever he wants to against his goyim servants.
  • Eve NicoleThat song is now ruined for me.
  • Serge LaverdureI think the Jews are really losing it. They seem really paranoid and kooky lately. Maybe they know people are waking up, and the stress and disappointment of this is causing them to act more and more bizarre.
    1 hr · Unlike · 1
  • Serge LaverdureOr maybe, Alternatively; they could be getting way too overconfident. And are letting their power go to their heads. This could also explain their suddenly strange behavior. They believe they can do whatever they want and get away with it.
    1 hr · Unlike · 1
  • Serge LaverdureIf their pandora’s box, their “world government” collapses, I expect that they will begin to self-destruct out of disappointment and loss. They probably will end up drinking themselves to death with alcohol abuse. The Jewish communities will go from riches to rags if they fail. If the world wakes up; Jews will become more bankrupt than Sub-Saharan Africans.
    1 hr · Unlike · 1
  • John D. Nugent“Whom the gods wish to detroy, they first make mad.”

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