ENGLISH Ivo Sasek in Switzerland lifts white people up without obsessing on the faults of minorities

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This Swiss leader with the unusual name of Ivo Sasek (probably originally Czech or Croatian) is a Christian lay preacher (a former car mechanic) with 10 nice kids and a nice wife….

….and he has a huge organization now (well, at least 1,500 followers 😉 but 2 000 and more come to his meetings, often not knowing where they will be held due to harassment), based on a mix of his take on Christianity and what the enemy calls “conspiracy theories” (NWO, Monsanto, etc.) and he seems to be discreetly 100% on our side, but just has to watch what exactly he says or how he says it due to hate-speech laws. It is all in German so far, but I will explain as much as I can.

Ivo Sasek’s meme is that he is running an “Anti-Censorship Coalition” — a very clever slogan, especially in the land of William Tell and the supposed love of freedom. Who can be FOR censorship? He allows persecuted and ignored people to speak out on various alternative themes.
He also has an Organic Christian Community, his own church.
But of course what both help create is the feeling of Volksgemeinschaft, the folk community, vehiculed by his defense of free speech AND his flexible brand of Christianity, and he is not attracting skinheads and haters but NICE PEOPLE! His meetings are incredibly well-organized and the feeling is wonderful at them.


Here he is introducing our Sylvia Stolz (with English subtitles):

Here is his video site (like my own http://wwww.johndenugent.org)  where his volunteers speak in several languages,  including here in English (with a slight Swiss accent ;-)) http://www.klagemauer.tv and report on important news stories. It is called Klagemauer.tv, which means “Wailing Wall” TV. In other words, this video channel talks about the scandals the public must know about.

Here is an example: http://www.klagemauer.tv/index.php?a=showportal&keyword=englisch&id=1055&autoplay=true#video

(The terrifying first story is about how the Chinese communists arrest all activists of the Falun Gong spiritual movement, and kill them for their organs, which they sell for transplants!)

Here is one of his volunteer news readers in French! http://www.klagemauer.tv/index.php?a=showportal&keyword=franzoesisch

And this is in Lithuanian! http://www.klagemauer.tv/index.php?a=showportal&keyword=litauisch

One of my German correspondents alerted me to Ivo Sasek. (The site is in German but you get the idea, and you can put the URL into translate.google.com to get a decent rough translation.)


This guy is a flourishing reality right now: buildings, meetings, marriages, raising children right in today’s world, marriage and drug counseling, you name it.

He is also obsessed with promoting Big Families with 4, 6, 8 or ten kids!


See down on the right panel! Here is a Google translation….


Here is a cute video where his eleven kids clean up the table, wash all the dishes and put them away in under three minutes! Compare this with the human material out of which I now must try to get anything at all: 1) the drooling WN cowards, defamers, misers and gossipers and 2) the bovine local people. These kids hop to it and are happy doing a good job! Just go to this link and push the blue Play button on the left….
He lets speakers talks about aliens, zero-point energy, reincarnation and other topics that rightfully fascinate people, and his take on Christianity is that Jesus is God BUT the Almighty has spoken through other men and women since then as well. This keeps everybody happy.  *;) wink
Here (in German) is his video on karma and reincarnation, proving he starts with regular Christianity but takes it further:

This is what I too was born to do, not be a demagogue flattering the demotic couch potatoes and nose pickers ;-), but a leader raising the common people UP again! THEN such a leader can send his hand-picked people into the penetration of politics, business, police, military, etc. and you actually have the money to do needed projects, not mere blog-readers who are beggars, divorced, weird and hate women!

Now is the time to do this myself and stop casting pearls before both “WN” and local swine. This is an organization designed to transform people in ways that have worked for thousands of years. This man is the proof.
My message will be somewhat different for several reasons (among them is the fact that in the USA we have no hate-speech laws and we do have guns) but the effect will be the same: to create a new white nation like a Phoenix from the ashes as our old white nations that refuse to stand up to the JEW crash and burn.

John de Nugent


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