ENGLISH Jason Salyers, Solutrean; white suicides soar

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============================WHITE SUICIDES SOAR


Note here that the white suicide rate is 12.3 per thousand, the non-white 5.5.

The highest states for suicide are the whitest states: among them, Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and West Virginia (98% white).

Military suicides are also way up this year.


Military suicides swell this year

By McClatchy Newspapers Sunday, July 25, 2010

WASHINGTON — Suicides among Army and Air National Guard and Reserve troops have spiked this year, and the military is at a loss to explain why.

Sixty-five members of the Guard and Reserve took their own lives during the first six months of 2010, compared with 42 for the same period in 2009. The grim tally is further evidence that suicides continue to plague the military even though it’s stepped up prevention efforts through counseling and mental health awareness programs.

“Suicides among military personnel and veterans are at an epidemic rate, and it’s getting worse,” said Tim Embree, a former Marine who served two tours in Iraq and is now a legislative associate for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, an advocacy group.

The Army recently announced that 32 soldiers, including 11 in the Guard and Reserve, took their own lives in June, a rate of one a day and a level not seen since the Vietnam War, according to the military. [….]

* * *

I’ll tell you WHY — these soldiers and marines feel betrayed, lied to, manipulated and exploited. They learn that our government is evil  and that their stress, their wounds and the deaths of their buddies were for a hidden agenda.

My father felt betrayed after the Korean War. Fifty percent of his OCS (Officer Candidate School) class was killed or wounded in Korea, including his best friend, Ed Flanagan, and for what? North Korea’s psycho-communist government is still in power 60 years later, still crazy, still dangerous — and thus still  “justifying” having US troops in South Korea.

Every no-win war “justifies” keeping troops overseas in yet another country.

And every war kills off our best and brightest while enriching the Wall Street billionaires.

THAT’S WHY our troops commit suicide. The most sacred of motives — defending our country with our very lives —  has been used to trick us, in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and now Aghanistan. I must regretfully say as a former Marine myself that our brave boys are not overseas to defend America, and spread freedom, but instead to enslave countries for the New World Order. And deep-down, the troops sense this.

=====================JASON SALYERS

About two months ago, 20-year-old Jason Salyers came here to work as my personal assistant. If you call, you may hear his young but serious voice.

Jason at a tributary of Buffalo Creek, Sarver, Pennsylvania

Here is his Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000677230440&ref=ts

Jason fulfills a vital role in enabling me to finish my book and start the Solutrean tribe. He was a personal assistant to the distinguished physicist and lecturer Dr. John Hagelin in New York City: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hagelin (Hagelin was born in Pittsburgh, btw, and he and I are also just a month apart in age.)

Jason recently at Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa. He will be 21 next month.

Jason was born in 1989 in Portland, Oregon and raised both there and in the small city of Prineville in the rural center of the state. He is of Norwegian and German descent. (The name Salyers, however, seems to harken back to some Huguenot or Norman ancestry.)

Jason on the quadriceps-press weight machine at the local gym, lifting the max — 200 pounds.

My blogposts a few days ago discussed the ancient Aryan mind training called meditation, which Jason has been seriously practicing for several years now. (I learned it in 1993 at the Himalayan Institute in Honesville, Pa.)

1) https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/07/18/english-transcending-dysfunctional-jew-world/

2) https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/07/23/english-white-canadian-lets-er-rip-meditation-a-danger-or-aryan-treasure/ (Scroll down three quarters to “REACTION TO MEDITATiON BLOG”)

Jason was an advanced meditator at Maharishi University of Management (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maharishi_University_of_Management), and it certainly seems to have made him highly focused and effective, especially for a young person in an age when so many young people are dysfunctional, drifting, and in serious trouble with drugs, binge drinking and sexual misadventures.

When I was around his age, back in 1970-75, my mother had custody of me and influenced me to join Jehovah’s Witnesses.  While I broke away in 1976, I still appreciate the discipline this group gave me and how it kept me away from the troubles afflicting young white Americans which I mentioned above.

Jason’s experience with Maharishi University (as in the famous Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 1914-2008 who taught meditation to the Beatles; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maharishi_Mahesh_Yogi) was basically very positive, and he speaks highly of this school and staff.

Like many American high school students, Jason had found his high school years frustrating and unfulfilling, and he had some minor scrapes with the powers-that-be. I was speechless to learn form him that his almost all-white high school in Prineville had up to SIX cops patrolling the corridors! Again, this is a WHITE high school!

I had heard from other WNs of the police-state atmosphere in today’s high schools, massive numbers of kids being put on Ritalin for “ADD,” and recently of a parent being fined five hundred dollars because her kids took three days off from school for a special family trip to Washington DC. (I guess the schools should just declare the kids AWOL like soldiers and send them to Ft., Leavenworth.)

And “Social Services” is always hovering in the background to seize kids away from their parents on the slightest rumor of “abuse.”

In Canada it is the same, and one parent told me additionally tgat her kids became very ill after they were pressured into taking vaccines.

In Jason’s case, every minor fight resulted in going to COURT (for various misdemeanors) but he was shocked that as a student he found himself before a JUDGE instead of a vice-principal. And these misdemeanors on his record prevented him from joining the Marines or the Army…. All I can say is that given Jason’s disciplined and determined nature, he would have made a great warfighter.  The NWO’s police-state measures have apparently accelerated drastically over the last few years; when I was substitute-teaching back in 2003, you certainly never saw six cops in a WHITE high school. (In fact, when I was in white high schools in Rhode Island and Massachusetts in 1969-72, we had NO cops on duty.)

In any case, Jason began searching for answers to life’s dilemmas and to his own issues, and found the ancient Aryan mind training called meditation via Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Being in addition a white nationalist, he was however concerned by the large number of Jews at MUM (Maharishi University of Management) — about 15%, he estimates — and the way that non-whites were benefiting from this most Aryan of sciences while most whites in the West continue to live in confusion, indolence and strife.

I myself have seen as a substitute teacher the avalanche of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Kids are unfocused, undisciplined, and given to tantrums of every kind. Rather than give them the drug Ritalin, which can make things actually even worse, why not try the mind discipline of meditation?

Jason sent me this email:

* * *


Here is that Jew who would drool over those MSAE [Maharishi high school] girls: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBrMvApOHVQ

Here is a page on TM and ADHD: http://www.adhd-tm.org/videos.html

and a good video:


To be a true TRIBE, the Solutreans must have spiritual unity, discipline, purpose and above all high morals toward each other. Some of the ancient Aryan methods of meditation will be part of healing us from ZOG-world and making us into a healthy Folk. And we will need trained minds with steely willpower to WIN.


  1. Mr. de N-

    While we may disagree, I thought you might like to read this, as it impinges on your vision of a ‘white homeland’ in PA.


    “”Everyone is selling up the little they have and leaving,” said Villasenor, 31, who is headed for Pennsylvania. “We have no alternative. They have us cornered.”

    AZ may get a respite from the mestizos, but if the other states don’t say ‘NYET’ as well, what diff does it make? I don’t want MY state overrun like CA and AZ. I LEFT CA twenty years ago, for that very purpose!


    • Yes, and I was shocked, He did some months in jail, was released, and is paying fines. He left in October 2011 and this shoplifting happened in the summer of 2013.

    • After two years of fine work, four months of which were at my large house, he returned to Los Angeles. I think he was discouraged by the slowness of my progress in this Jew-ruled, zombyized world.

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