ENGLISH Gordon Duff says ISRAELI-RUSSIAN WAR HAS BEGUN; JdN interview with Leitheft; 3-5 years prison for a law-abiding Texan driving through New Jersey toward Maine with legal guns

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==============breaking news

Gordon Duff is a former Marine officer and editor of Veteranstoday.com. His story corroborates that of investigative journalist Jim Stone (http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/donate.html) to whom this website links.


This war began at 2:30AM on May 2, 2013 with the sinking of an Israeli-manned German Dolphin submarine that was supporting commando infiltration off the Syrian coast. The sub was spotted, submerged to 150 meters and was hit by a sophisticated guided torpedo.


Syrian helicopters remained over the site of the naval disaster until a Russian flotilla arrived, escorting a salvage ship to secure the nuclear-tipped Tomahawk cruise missiles onboard.

In retaliation, Israel began an artillery bombardment of Syrian positions outside Damascus on May 4. During that bombardment, an Israeli submarine off the coast of Lebanon launched a nuclear cruise missile. High resolution video from fifteen miles away clearly identifies the massive flash, the telltale mushroom cloud and the lightning, leaving no doubt that this was a nuclear attack.


The explosion was picked up by American Vela satellites and confirmed.

source: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/05/31/306374/1st-supergovernmental-world-war-begins/



A New Yorker wrote:

Hello.  Only remembered Chad’s show a couple of days after the fact and downloaded it.  Your usual excellent job.  How nice to hear Margi’s voice, as I have previously seen her talk and sing on your Web site.  A wonderful lady who I liked immediately, which I expect is the typical reaction.

Chad Josiah, the black nationalist who has endorsed me for sheriff, asked me to do a two-hour radio show, and I think it might be very good for the future.

The nasty Canadian Jew troll Andrew White called in too — three times from Manitoba — pretending to be various different people, or from different locations,  and the host shut the troll off each time. In the end, the Jew got on (this whigger calls himself a “Gangsta Bolshevik”) and in his fem-shrill voice screamed that I was “a pussy.” ;-) You can hear it on the show.

Antifa keyboard ;-) antifa-keyboard

Here is the two-hour show on psychopaths, the scumbags in all races!


(Just click on the little white triangle to start it playing.)

It was a two-hour show, I think it went very well, and may serve the Cause well. Michael Weaver, the WN who was outrageously railroaded in Georgia and did 21 months in prison for pepper-spraying a black felon who was trying to carjack his car (GREAT ARTICLE ON WEAVER HERE: http://www.totalfascism.com/we-are-all-michael-weaver/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=we-are-all-michael-weaver), was also a guest. WN activist John King was also on. Chad, like many blacks, understands the zionist role and the action of psychopaths in destroying all societies, races and originally decent organizations.



06/04 @ 10:52 : Lichtenstein, DE
06/04 @ 10:51 : Columbus, Ohio, US
06/04 @ 10:46 : Kandos, AU
06/04 @ 10:44 : New York, New York, US
NYC in early 1975; I lived near the Brooklyn Bridge 1974-75 when the WTC was completed
06/04 @ 10:42 : Perth, AU
06/04 @ 10:41 : Atlanta, Georgia, US
06/04 @ 10:41 : Northampton, GB
06/04 @ 10:40 : Seoul, KR
06/04 @ 10:32 : Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, FR
06/04 @ 10:30 : Switzerland, CH

06/04 @ 10:16 : Roissy-en-Brie, FR[ANCE]

06/04 @ 10:15 : Roissy-en-brie, FR
06/04 @ 10:15 : Cergy, FR
06/04 @ 10:09 : Champagnole, FR
06/04 @ 10:08 : Easthampton, Massachusetts, US
06/04 @ 10:07 : Nürnberg, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
A girl in the Bund deutscher Mädel at a Nuremberg Rally
06/04 @ 10:04 : Santana Do Livramento, BR
06/04 @ 10:04 : Kaufungen, DE
06/04 @ 10:04 : Mcallen, Texas, US
06/04 @ 10:02 : Paris, FR
06/04 @ 10:02 : Warren, Michigan, US
06/04 @ 10:02 : Simpsonville, South Carolina, US
06/04 @ 10:01 : Lyon, FR

06/04 @ 08:24 : Dayton, Ohio, US

06/04 @ 08:24 : Dresden, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]

06/04 @ 08:23 : Mountain View, California, US

06/04 @ 08:22 : Karlsruhe, DE
06/04 @ 08:22 : State College, Pennsylvania, US
Penn State University football stadium
06/04 @ 08:22 : Roeselare, BE[LGIUM]
06/04 @ 08:17 : Mount Rainier, Maryland, US
06/04 @ 08:14 : Palma De Mallorca, ES [SPAIN]
06/04 @ 08:13 : Paris, FR[ANCE]
06/04 @ 08:09 : Dayton, Ohio, US
06/04 @ 08:06 : Berlin, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
06/04 @ 08:05 : Lörrach, DE
06/04 @ 08:04 : Klofta, NO[ARWAY]

========magazine honoring the SS interviews me

(contact: info@leitheft.org)

Interview by Leitheft magazine– Freedom fighter and Freedom Advocate in Amerika
Interview with John de Nugent

John is an advocate for freedom of speech and transparency in the US  Government. He is also a candidate for Sheriff in his community.


What does being an NS mean to you?
It means living for the ideal of a beautiful world where all Whites form a huge, loving, protective family.


What benefits do you see in being an NS over other political systems?
NS is a balance between yin and yang, animus and anima (Car Jung), male and female, Mars and Venus. It is both liberal and conservative, leftist and rightist, compassionate to the deserving and harsh to the wicked, and thus unites all the cosmic energies. This is why it was so incredibly successful 1933-45, because it works with the way the universe really is, a balance of two great forces.

When did you start to believe in NS?
At five I discovered a framed picture of Adolf Hitler and was somehow transfixed by it. I moved to Austria at 21 on my own, looking for “something.” In college, at Georgetown, I majored in German and at 24 read Mein Kampf. Within two days of reading a key passage, I went to visit the NSWPP founded by George Lincoln Rockwell across the Potomac River.

Was there an event in your life that highlighted your views on becoming an NS? How old were you when this event happened?

I believe in reincarnation and that I was a national socialist in an earlier life. The seeing of a framed Hitler picture (it was actually a framed letter stamp of the German Reich) somehow stirred something to life in me that was already there. Hitler_Stamp_DR_1943_Adolf_Hitler

I would add that in 1974 I visited Europe and as I worked my way from north to south, from Scandinavia southward, I saw more and more litter, dirt, dishonest people and ugly buildings.

How are you living the virtues of the NS?
As a full-time NS activist, and now running for sheriff of my county. (http://johndenugentforsheriff.com)

Who is the beacon for you in your life?
I believe in brahminism, or Vedanta. I seek my higher self, and we all have a higher self. When I meditate and listen to that inner voice, enlightenment comes. We each must be in charge of our own life. Greatness is in everyone.

What do you see the movement turning into?
At the moment there is no “movement.” Hitler had a movement; we have only a Cause, but it is a sacred one. I see a movement arising that will rule America after WWIII.

What does the phrase, “Meine Ehre Heisst Treue” [German: “My honor is loyalty”] mean to you?
It means forgiving and appreciating all true comrades, forgiving them their human frailties, and defending them against the slanders that pullulate in our COINTELPRO-infested Cause. Never be eager to uncritically believe and embrace lies about another comrade. Give him every chance to defend himself against accusations which could be coming from the Enemy of our Cause!



Reason #7,452 to Stay out of NJ – TX Man Transporting Unloaded Firearms Through NJ Doing 3-5 Years in Prison

May 21 2013

A Texas man who was in the process of moving to Maine, made a very simple mistake, and never made it to his new home. Dustin Reininger is serving a 3-5 year prison sentence in the Garden State because he made a mistake — he stopped to take a nap in NJ during his multi-day drive from Texas to Maine.


Police approached Reininger’s car when he was taking a nap near a bank in Readington, NJ.

Police then searched the suspect’s vehicle after seeing gun cases laying in the back seat and found the man’s personal gun collection, which was being transported in the car. This included 14 rifles, 4 shotguns and 3 handguns along with hollow point ammunition (which is extremely illegal to possess in public in NJ). Reininger was arrested, convicted and sentenced to 5 years in prison, with a chance for parole after 3.

Reininger would not have been arrested if his guns were simply in locked cases, or if he possessed a NJ Firearm Owner’s Identification Card, which not being a resident of NJ, he obviously did not possess.

Reininger’s attorney has serious issues with the way the search was conducted on his client’s vehicle and he is also upset that jurors were not told about a federal law which allows people who are traveling to transport guns through states which may have more restrictive gun laws. Although the transportation exemption also requires guns to be locked and inaccessible.

Based on the source article it is unclear if Mr. Reininger was unaware of New Jersey’s extremely strict gun laws.

Reininger’s case is in the news once again because he just lost his appeals case. The only further step he and his attorneys can take is to petition the New Jersey Supreme Court.

According to lehighvalleylive.com via the AP Reininger’s attorney made the following statements,

“All the officers saw were cases,” Nappen said. “The court is essentially saying the plain view of a gun case is a basis for a warrantless search. That means every law-abiding gun owner in New Jersey is subject to warrantless search if they transport their firearms in a gun case.

“My recommendation to all gun owners is to transport all firearms in guitar cases,” he added.

“If he’d had [a firearms owner ID card], he wouldn’t have been guilty of this offense,” Nappen said. “He didn’t have one because he didn’t live here. He was in transit and all the guns were lawfully his. So you have a situation where he is, in effect, turned into a criminal by New Jersey’s gun laws”

As if you you need any other reasons not to visit NJ, even in passing, here you go. An otherwise law abiding American citizen has had his life ruined due to the draconian gun laws of a single state.


What do you think of the new sheriff website? I am interested in your opinion of the homepage part that starts with the photo of me as the candidate and “Like no one else in your lifetime”



(It is being worked on now in many areas. A white South African is helping me. It will get new tabbed pages with corroborative details about various issues, such as a short version of my platform. Any German text or banners you might see on it at the moment will be relegated to a separate page.)

Imagine for this purpose you were a white Tea-Party type (not a hopeless white liberal), say, someone like yourself six months before you became a hard-core WN.

How would you react to it? Please send your constructive critique.

I am working on a specific sheriff video also, BUT I wish to “drive” people to the johndenugent.org video site, so I have some powerful videos on the sheriff site to entice people who are going there to chck out johndenugent.org.


The answer is, as well as you are helping it! 😉

These French comrades — outraged that a Jew president with an 80% DISAPPROVAL rating, rammed through a law permitting “gay marriage” — just up and occupied the Socialist Party headquarters!


“Hollande, démissionne!” [ = “resign”!]


I seriously need cash to win for sheriff.

How do WNs expect me to make any progress in this eminently winnable race with no donations?

Do they think reading some more about minorities will get us power?

Send your donation today! Cash, postal money order, or check! Or easily use the authorize.net credit card donation system (top right or left of this blog) as others do!


I wrote a businessman who sent me an email about how bad the Muslims were:

Thanks for that info, but I am tired of people sending me yet more free information about the enemy when I am running for sheriff in a winnable race.

Even the cheapest Jew, and they are the cheapest of all (I grew up with Jews),  donates regularly to the Democrat party to ensure Jewish power.

Donations to a viable political race and to a proven WN candidate are investments in white survival.

It is not just you, it is all my readers who read me regularly and send nothing. And like Jesus, I am saying: “look deeply inside yourself.” Can you really not afford ten dollars?

If just a pitiful 5% of my regular readers sent ten dollars, I could be making headlines right now for our Cause. Can you see why I am frustrated?

Can it be that I am an unknown quantity? https://johndenugent.com/about-john/wikipedia-biography-john-de-nugent

Am I too ugly to win ;-), too uneducated ;-), too inexperienced, or is my message unclear? Do I lack age and political experience?

I am just not cut out to pretend, my friend, that I buy your excuses about your mom dying when our race is facing extermination under this president, Barack Hussein Obama. The FEMA camps are open and ready, Homeland Security is buying two billion rounds of .40 caliber ammo, and 2700 tank-like APCs.

And you are on the arrest list, and hundreds of thousands of others. They will not just grab the high-profile WNs, but all of us.

I am going to come out with a radical new message. It sure seems logic and reason do not cut it, or even charm. 😉

In the meantime, do not ask me hypocritically how the sheriff race is doing as if you really cared. Political campaigns run on money, not emails about muslims. 😉


===========FIRED UP

I am very fired up as I do my powerful new videos by an incident yesterday.

I had been reading an article by Jim Stone about autism and now it has skyrocketed among non-Jews. Stone says the autism rate has held steady at 1 in 20,000, however, for Jews.

http://therebel.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=649985:in-appreciation-of-the-cia&catid=173:jim-stone&Itemid=1314&acm=474_240 <http://therebel.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=649985:in-appreciation-of-the-cia&catid=173:jim-stone&Itemid=1314&acm=474_240>(Here Stone is directly addressing the CIA.)

Can you not see something strange in the fact that the non-Jewish community is now suffering autism at a rate of 1 out of 50 children, with the remaining being rendered stupid as hell, all the while all the Jewish communities are having autism rates of 1 in 20,000, the same rate non Jewish children had 20 years ago? Is it not fishy that amidst this new storm of autism that Jewish children are as bright as ever while living within the exact same NON JEWISH populations that are so badly afflicted?

Anyway, I was walking on the trail to get a break from the office, and there ahead of me I saw a woman pushing something.

As I passed by, being a fast walker, there it was, an autistic child in a wheelchair. I talked with the mom, a nurse. What a beautiful boy he was, with blondish hair and blue-green eyes, just perfect, sculpted features like a little movie star. His name is Jonathan. He smiled at me shyly, and I squeezed his shoulder as his mother urged him to say hi. He stayed silent and did one of those weird autistic heads movements but gave me his hand and such a radiant smile.

It just transformed me. It was as if to say: John, save the children!

And my second feeling was: We must get these sadistic, vile, child-harming Jews!

Then I got this email:

Most don’t realize the danger we’re all in! No one can watch these videos and not realize we’re being sprayed!

Please show your friends this radio broadcast

with *Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock MD* as he talks about how chemtrails are causing autism, Alzheimer’s Disease, Cancer, and other illnesses and see this article by Dr. Blaylock titled CHEMTRAILS, NANO ALUMINUM & NEURODEGENERATIVE & NEURODEVELOPMENTAL EFFECTS. http://www.thenhf.com/article.php?id=3298

Let them know they can protect themselves from all the toxic heavy metals being sprayed on us by drinking sulfur water! <http://www.sulfurforhealth.com/How-do-Detox.html>

Friends, did you ever meet anyone with advanced Alzheimer’s disease who is so cognitively impaired that they can’t even remember their own name or the names of their children? It’s one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen, and I realize that chemtrails, with all the aluminum oxide and other heavy metals being intentionally sprayed on us are a big reason for the sudden escalation of Alzheimers’s disease, and also Cancer, Morgellons disease, Asthma, Allergies, Mental Illness and other diseases and I wonder what we can do to warn people?

We’re not defenseless! http://www.sulfurforhealth.com/BUY-SULFUR.html Organic sulfur has 16 electrons and protons in its outer shell. Its one of the most reactive elements on the periodic chart <http://www.webelements.com/>, and iodine is about the only thing it won’t combine with.

Sulfur combines http://www.sulfurforhealth.com/How-do-Detox.html with all the /*aluminum, arsenic, barium, strontium, cobalt, and other toxic heavy metals*/ being sprayed on us to form a sulfate of all of them and since its a mineral that can’t be stored in the body, it safely pulls these toxins OUT of us so they can’t hurt us! http://www.sulfurforhealth.com/BUY-SULFUR.html


  1. > I get all fired up too, when I read about chem trails and what they are
    > doing to us. As I talked to a lady this morning, she told me that she
    > thought “they” are spraying for mosquitoes. Be informed that “WE” the
    > people are their “MOSQUITOES.” Why on earth would we need high powered
    > planes flying over every nation on earth, pouring out tons of chemicals
    > to spray mosquitoes?????? Let’s do some research and find out what chem trails are; what they do to us and how we can counteract these negative effects of the poisons being
    > sprayed on us.
    > I would suggest that we make a copy of information on chem trails and
    > hand it to people as we go on our daily journey so people have something
    > in their hands to take home and a reference which they can use to access
    > this information on the computer. If we just tell them but do not give
    > them something to take home, they will forget.
    >Take Action….It’s long overdue….

  2. What these psychopaths are doing is premeditated capital murder, whether it’s by spraying highly toxic chemicals out of aircraft, or launching false flag operations, and they must all be arrested and prosecuted for their heinous crimes against humanity; then, either execute them or lock them away for life.

    This evil must stop. Period.

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