ENGLISH Jew who persecuted Brendon O’Connell was with Verint, Israel’s espionage telecommunications giant

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========racist black taunts wrong disabled white man

I have a feeling this white man had the right mindset in advance and so when the verbal attack and then physical attack by the black punk happened—– he did what for any white man should come naturally.

BAAMM– right in the kisser.



“Discipline one, educate a hundred.”


Ice Age Clarkumbus!

Clark Lightbridge at Harrison Hills Park. Clark is a volunteer of Egyptian and northeast African heritage, all smiles for the camera on this overlook of the mighty Allegheny…..a major river that starts in north-central Pennsylvania, snakes through NY State, then shoots south toward Pittsburgh to form the Ohio alongside the Monongahela, which comes north to Pittsburgh from West Virginia. The French, the first modern white settlers here, called the Allegheny La Belle Rivière, “the beautiful river.”

Clark, the son of an ARAMCO engineer and former engineering student himself in Los Angeles, is running my website, the switchover we recommend to the Linux Fedora 14 operating system, and the encryption program for those who who do not want Jews at VERINT (see below!) reading their emails. (We will get you up and running on that for a $100 donation, of course unless you are fine with a Tel Aviv Jew knowing EVERYTHING about you, you private life, your family, your job, your views and your movements about town and about the country.)

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Email Encryption (read the left column, then the right column) [source: ccrjustice.org/files/CCR_If_An_Agent_Knocks.pdf]

I repeat: if you donate $100, we will IMMEDIATELY walk you by the hand through abandoning Windows, getting into Linux, a profoundly secure operating system that has been out for a long time, invented in Finland, and getting secure emails.

We have detailed written instructions and screen shots, but we will PERSONALLY guide you along the process of getting a Jew’s long nose OUT of your private life.

Irving “Scooter” Libby (Liebowitz), Dick Cheney’s chief of staff, Israeli citizen, and porn novelist who writes in The Apprentice (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Apprentice_%28book%29) about adults having sex with animals and with under-age girls; pardoned by Bush for blowing the cover of a top-secret agent (Valerie Plame) because her husband proved Saddam had no WMD plans. People like him READ YOUR EMAILS.

Someday it could SAVE YOUR LIFE.

$100. Is your life worth that? 😉 Maybe it’s not. We blue-eyes like to think everyone is as honest and straighforward as we are and we have nothing to hide, but oh yes we do.

* * *

Clark, like everyone else here, also pitches in with cooking, cleaning, walking the dogs, shopping and other errands. No one is special; everyone is a WORKER; everyone serves with both their hands and their brains. Clark and I cleaned out cat litter boxes yesterday. (I think every leader should do menial work every day alongside his regular brothers and sisters.)

A comrade commented on the photo above:

Nice pic of Clark!

With regard to Los Angeles, whence he comes, I saw this on a post:

*Re: La Raza a real racist hate group .*
I’ve lived California for 45 years, and worked in Los Angeles for 10. Trust me when I tell you to be frightened, to be concerned, and not to believe that all is well.

There is an seething undercurrent of hate and loathing for whites and all that we have brought the world in this state. A massive race riot right is quickly approaching. It is an unavoidable storm conjured by our own altruism and complacency.



An illegal immigrant picks up a hooker. “Hey, how much you charge for da hour, sister?” he asks.
“$100,” she replies.
In broken English, he says, “Do you do immigrant style?”
“No” she says.
“I pay you $200 to do immigrant style.”
“No,” she says, not knowing what immigrant style is.
“I pay you $300.”
“No,” she says.
“I pay you $400.”
“No,” she says.
So finally he says, “OK, I pay $1,000 to do immigrant style.”
She thinks, “Well, I’ve been in the game for over 10 years now. I’ve had every kind of request from weirdos from every part of the world. How bad could ‘immigrant style’ be?”
So she agrees and has sex with him. Finally, after several hours, they finish. Exhausted, the hooker turns to him and says, “Hey, I was expecting something perverted and disgusting. But that was good. So, what exactly is immigrant style?”
The illegal immigrant replies, “You send bill to Government.”

======================USING PAYPAL

So far no donations via PayPal.

When the book comes out, then the WN scrooges will switch to a new objection.

What will happen is that money will come in from regular whites outside our WN ranks, those never poisoned by VNN, Stormfront and the post-Pierce National Alliance, which prevented the Swedish singer Saga, despite my offer of a thousand-dollar fee, from singing the Solutrean Anthem, which would have been a superb ending for my AV book, “Solutrea Arise.”

Saga’s superb rendering (a feminine voice but with an edge) of “Ode to a Dying People”

All the mini-führers hate my guts. One told me he was a leader and I had no right to talk to him the way I do. All I did was remind him that he accepted $300 in August, a donation from a housewife and thus SACRED MONEY, to come here immediately, but he did not come ‘because I am a well-known megalomaniac’……

That is okay. I seek the masses.

God runs the whole show, and I was born with or acquired (and the force that gives karma and dharma lent me for a wise and unselfish use) the looks, attractive kids, military resumé, Republican Party background and personality to be a political leader, speaking to the masses, not a sect leader and squabbler with the failed WN mini-führers.

From my 1990 Congressional campaign….


With God’s help and my staff’s it now is coming together rapidly. And some day I vow to do a Stonewall Jackson on those who bring shame on our race and back-stab its warriors in the hour of need.

Laugh now….you won’t later.

As for sincere WNs, look to the one being attacked from every side: government, media and the infiltrated WN groups.

John de Nugent


“Lieblich” means “lovely” in Yiddish, and here is the leader of the Jews in Perth, Australia who railroaded my friend Brendon O’Connell on January 27, 2011 into a three-year PRISON term for objecting to VERINT….Mr. Steve Lieblich

Note the usual Jewish smugness.


Note the phrase “actionable intelligence.” That is a term DIRECTLY from military intelligence (which I was briefly in 1977-79) and from law enforcement.

So why is this Israeli telecom peddling that it provides “actionable intelligence”?

The ACTION is to know everything about YOU. So they can better arrest, indict, imprison, blackmail or bribe you, or kill you.

Brendon said to me:

“THE KEY TO TAKING THE JEWS DOWN IS VERINT. John, tell the world about Verint! Even the selfish whites do not want to lose their business and home!”

If you donate, by the extreme physical exertion of clicking on this button, I can attack them soon.

A comrade asked:

John, if white people do survive into the far future, here is my question.

How will white people look in 20,000 years? How will we look in 50,000 or 100,000 years?

Can we Aryans keep our good looks? Or will we become some space creatures?

Miss Iceland 2007, Johanna Vala

The reason why I say this is because the earth’s environment will not stay the same forever, and if whites go to space, that too could affect our appearance.

The environment over time, John, affects how we look. We are mutating still. As we evolve our looks could change over thousands of years.

My response:

We could already genetically modify our race in any positive way we want right now.

We can be incredibly handsome, bright and healthy — if WE have access to genetic technology and use it wisely and ethically.

No environment such as outer space need play any role in how we evolve. Aryans MASTER their environment; they are not mastered by it. We are nobles, not lackeys.

We thrive in hot, dry Australia, hot, humid Florida, in frigid Alaska, Siberia, Iceland and Finland, in the plains of Alberta, Canada and the mountains of Switzerland and Austria.

The environment will bow to US.


Depiction of a warship in deep space


A Google rough translation of great photos and caption from DER SPIEGEL in Germany of the Egyptians rising up against the Israelis’ sock-puppet, Mubarak



A German lady comrade, writing in English, sent me this heartfelt protest of my blog approving of the Southern general Thomas Jackson shooting deserters:

* * *
Dear John,

I just read your article on Stonewall Jackson and traces of events during the civil war. Coming from a family that endured two major world wars with all its ugliness, and growing up with the few family men that survived it I have come a long time ago to the conclusion that war is not for every man, being called, drafted, forced, or volunteered into. What I also do not believe in is that a young man forced to join and fight a war because he is being ordered by the country’s leader should be executed because he deserted. I personally listened to the horror stories told by the men in my family and looking at the photographs of disfigured, burned, crippled, mentally destroyed, and lost souls of men who returned from the war.

These damned wars destroyed not only my family but took everything we ever owned, including our land and farm. When my father returned from Russian prison emaciated, severely injured, and barely alive, he came back to his bombed and burned-out Berlin, finding my grandmother, his mother, in part of the old apartment, and learning that his father, my grandfather, had died in a makeshift field hospital after he had been found on the steps of his government office — brutally beaten and shot by the Red Army that had entered Berlin.

I also learned of soldiers in his unit that had suffered severe breakdowns or had deserted because of horrid shellshock experiences, to be found and then executed because they did not stay with their unit. These soldiers did not betray anybody; they had reached a point of no return. My Father lived with these terrible memories for the rest of his live. He understood what had happened to these brave souls and did not condemn them at all. My father silently suffered severely for the rest of his live, and I can’t forget this.

There is nothing glorious about war. Sir Richard Lancaster, Col. ret. once said to me, “When you have been in one war, you have been in all the wars; all wars are the same.”

I believe in defending myself and my family to protect our lives if I have to, and if there is no other way around it. This would be on the grounds of self-defense. I do not believe in taking someone’s live because the leader of my country orders me to do so. I also know that we can turn our world around without waging war by being engaged individually, by starting right here in our community. I know what the globalists are up to, but peaceful demonstrations en masse, voting the bad guys out of office, forcing them out and replacing them with representatives who care for our people and live by the law of the land as intended by our Founding Fathers — that is the path. The same applies to every other country in this world. The true power lies within the people. I do see an awakening happening everywhere, and citizens are taking actions.

Every bloody revolution has a vacuum effect with terrible consequences. So does every major war. Nobody benefits except the money-lenders and their cronies. Let’s work together exposing, and dethroning these evildoers, for they have been waging havoc on this planet for the past 7000 years.



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I replied (first in German, then in italics in English):

Liebe Gisela,

Dear Gisela,

Ein guter Brief, Ich bedanke mich dafür, und ich möchte ihn morgen im Blog veröffentlichen, natürlich mit veränderter Namensangabe.

A good letter. I thank you for it and I wish to publish it tomorrow in my blog, of course with the name modified.

Auch mein Vater kam aus dem Koreakrieg, so männlich, tapfer und stark er auch war, mit schrecklicher Traumatisierung zurück.

My father too came back from the Korean War, as masculine, brave and strong as he was, deeply traumatized.

US-Soldat (soldier) in Afghanistan

Andererseits kämpften die Südstaatler gegen die totale Vernegerung des Südens nach der Hals-über-Kopf-Sklavenbefreiung, und der damit einhergenden Vergewaltigung von Millionen von weißen Frauen. (Die ostdeutschen Frauen wissen was Niederlage und Befreiung 1945 für SIE bedeuteten!)

On the other hand, the Southerners were fighting against the total negrification and overnight liberation of the slaves in the South and thus against the rape of millions of white Southern women. (East German women know what defeat and liberation meant in 1945 for THEM!)

Auch hatte die ganze Region demokratisch für die Unabhängigkit vom Washington-Regime gestimmt. Sie kämpften somit auch für die echte US-Verfassung und gegen Zentralgewalt!

Also, the whole region had voted democratically for independence from the Washington regime. They were thus fighting FOR the true US Constitution and against centralized power.

Trotzdem ist jeder Krieg schrecklich, zumal wenn Psychopapathen ihn vom Zaun brechen und er aggressiv und sinnlos ist.

However, every war is horrific, especially when psychopaths cook them up and they are aggressive and pointless.

Meine Erwähnung der Erschießung von Deserteuren zielt auf bestimmte Personen, die mich in allerletzter Zeit charakterlos verraten haben. Ich kämpfe, der Staat bedrückt mich, der Secret Service und FBI kommen, und gleichzeitige bestehlen mich gewisse “Kameraden”. Darauf kenne ich keine Gnade.

My mention of the fire-squads for deserters is directed at certain persons who in their lack of character have betrayed me in recent days. I am fighting at the front, the regime is pressing me, the Secret Service and FBI are coming around, and at the same time certain “comrades” have stolen from me. I know no mercy for such acts.

Ob wir es wollen oder nicht, wir befinden uns jetzt schon in einem allmählichen Vernichtungskrieg, der auf uns längst abgezielt hat.

Whether we want it or not, we find ourselves in a war of gradual annihilation, which has targeted us for ages.

Alles Gute, Gisela,

All the best, Gisela.



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