ENGLISH Jewbama fills adminstration with the Tribe; vaccination catastrophe — a mother reports

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All 20 posts on this thread so far are positive about the four YouTube videos (SEE YESTERDAY’S LOG: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/07/27/english-youtube-videos-jdn-versus-fox-host-alan-colmes/) of my fiery debate with Alan Colmes.


[source: http://alethonews.wordpress.com/2010/07/26/obama’s-philosemitic-network-reflects-the-new-establishment/]

Obama’s philosemitic network reflects the new establishment

By Philip Weiss on July 26, 2010

Maureen Dowd points out wisely that the Obama administration is too white. There are only two blacks in the administration, she says.

unlike Bill Clinton, who never needed help fathoming Southern black culture, Obama lacks advisers who are descended from the central African-American experience, ones who understand “the slave thing,” as a top black Democrat dryly puts it.

The first black president should expand beyond his campaign security blanket, the smug cordon of overprotective white guys surrounding him — a long political tradition underscored by Geraldine Ferraro in 1984 when she complained about the “smart-ass white boys” from Walter Mondale’s campaign who tried to boss her around.

That “smug cordon” that Dowd astutely describes is also a philosemitic one. Israel lobbyist Mitchell Bard points out all the Jews in the Obama administration.

David Axelrod (2009- ) Senior Advisor to the President; Jared Bernstein (2009- ) Chief Economist and Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President; Rahm Emanuel (2009- ) Chief of Staff; Lee Feinstein (2009- ) Foreign Policy Advisor; Gary Gensler (2009- ) Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission; Elena Kagan (2009- ) Solicitor General of the United States; Ronald Klain (2009- ) Chief of Staff to the Vice President; Jack Lew (2009- ) Deputy Secretary of State; Eric Lynn (2009- ) Middle East Policy Advisor; Peter Orszag (2009- ) Director of the Office of Management and Budget; Dennis Ross (2009- ) Special Advisor for the Gulf and Southwest Asia to the Secretary of State; Mara Rudman (2009- ) Foreign Policy Advisor; Mary Schapiro (2009- ) Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission; Dan Shapiro (2009- ) Head of Middle East desk at the National Security Council; James B. Steinberg (2009- ) Deputy Secretary of State; Lawrence Summers (2009- ) Director National Economic Council; Mona Sutphen (2009- ) Deputy White House Chief of Staff

I think Bard may be missing a Shapiro (I’m guessing the asst secy of State is Jewish), as well as Stuart Levey, the Iran guy in Treasury, and czar Cass Sunstein. My impression is that Obama’s philosemitism outstrips Clinton’s and Bush’s. And the lesson is that Obama is a conservative person temperamentally who has a keen sense of where American power lies. Originally an outsider from a scattered family in the west, he gravitated unerringly toward the east coast Harvard establishment; and the American establishment today has a prominent Jewish component…

The WASPs are over; none are on the Supreme Court today. The significance of these numbers is the effect on Middle East policy. And of course, along with that, the absence of Arab-Americans; and the fact that people like Rashid Khalidi, Chas Freeman and Rob Malley (yes, a Jew, but a progressive one) are exiled from this braintrust.

* * *

It is essential to add the fact that it is highly likely that Obama himself is at least 1/4 Jewish via his maternal grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham.

====================IS OBAMA JEWISH?

Several antizionist or anti-obama websites are now running the following photo…..and frankly, having grown up among Jews in Providence, Rhode Island, and seen many a Jewish face, YES, I agree — in the photo (below) Barack Hussein Obama’s grandfather (the one the FBI admits it destroyed the communisty-party file on) DOES look VERY Jewish.

At this link here to the Jew-turned-Christian and antizionist, Henry Makow of Canada — http://www.savethemales.ca/is_obama_literally_americas_fi.html — we see photo evidence that Obama himself, paternally, is at least a quarter Jewish!
I do NOT always agree with Makow, and I do not see a closet ju under every rug as he seems to.
(I have already disproved the nonsensical lie that Hitler, for example, had a Rothschild grandfather:
Yet, here I do agree with Makow — based on what my own research has led me to believe:
Stanley’s mother Ruth ( which is a common Jewish name) Lucille Armour committed suicide when Stanley was eight-years-old. His father abandoned him and his brother to their grandparents. What would cause a mother of two boys to commit suicide?

[JdN: Jews haven an enormous suicide rate, based on incest. Hervé Ryssen, a Sorbonne graduate and distinguished WN author over in France, has written extensively on this. Here were my September 2008 blog articles translating Ryssen from French (and adding photos, which the Rupert- Murdoch-owned Photobucket deleted without notice from my PAID account; I will try to restore most or all of them today, because I need these passages anyway for my book):







In the last post, I add:

When one enters the search terms “Jewish” “incest” “victims” in a typical search engine, one gets 53,000 webpages. (One gets more for just “incest’ and “victims,” of course.)

But we are dealing with SUPPOSEDLY God’s Chosen People…… All I can say is that “the god of this world chose them.”

Here is a shocking statistic about the possible “normality” of incest among Jews (from the book Secret Trauma: Incest in the Lives of Girls and Women (1986) by Diane E.H. Russell, called by the Jewish physician Judith Lewis Herman, MD, author of Trauma and Recovery, “a definitive work that will be a point of reference for years to come.”

56% of Protestant and Catholic girls left their religion after incest
14% of Jewesses left their religion following incest

What explains this gigantic difference? Fanatical devotion to Judaism the “religion” — or a fanatic loyalty to the tribal Jewish people, even if it literally is screwing them?

Perhaps the latter. Perhaps also: Incest is “less shocking” to Jews, because it is more frequent and thus seems more “normal.” Only one Jewish girl in seven leaves her “faith” after incest…………………………..

Here is a website (http://www.jewishsurvivors.blogspot.com) of Jewish sexual violence survivors with many cases of incest, rape by rabbis and rampant homosexuality in yeshivas.

A comrade wrote me:

* * *

As for what Xaviera Hollander said (in your post) about Jewish men constituting the majority of the sex maniacs she was involved with, I remember my older brother once saying,

“When a Jewish man turns 50 he gets a hairpiece and a boyfriend.”

Anyone whose watched MSNBC’s “To Catch a Predator” series has to remember the icky rabbi who was busted in his attempt to hook up with what he hoped was a thirteen-year-old boy. He also turned out to be the most violent of all the duped pervs, lunging at Chris Hansen before being restrained by the camera crew.

* * * (back to Makow)

As a furniture salesman, Stanley was described as

“gregarious, friendly, impetuous, challenging and loud…could charm the legs off a couch.”

Obama at his 1979 graduation from a high school in Hawaii; with his grandmother Madelyn nee Payne, and his grandfather,, Stanley Armour Dunham.


Stanley Dunham and his wife Madelyn (not Jewish) raised Barack from age 10 in Honolulu in the 1970’s. Although Madelyn didn’t have a university degree, she became Vice-President of a bank. Madelyn and Stanley are described as “Methodists.” But Barrack was raised as a “Unitarian” which like Freemasonry and Judaism, doesn’t require members to believe in God. It is yet another stalking horse for the NWO.

Obama’s mother, “Stanley Anne” [JdN: yes, dear readers, Obama’s mother’s first name was STANLEY], became a Communist and fought the “Establishment,” not realising the Communists ARE the Establishment. She allowed a Communist degenerate Frank Davis to take pornographic pictures of her, which are on the Internet. (Google Images)

Davis boasted of bedding white women …….

* * * [JdN]

Davis’ lovely porn nove, Sex Rebel: Black…..where he describes orgies, urination sex and a Midwestern girl named Ann…..

* * *

…..and some believe Davis is Obama’s real father. Certainly Barack Obama Sr. didn’t waste any time abandoning mother and son. [JdN: Normal negro procedure….]

Barack Obama, “senior” — a jet-black-skinned African from Kenya, who died in a drunk-driving accident in Kenya in 1983 and had no communications gifts, unlike Frank Davis.

Frank Marshall D0avis, writer on porn, politics, communism, black nationalism and hate-whitey….whom Obama admits was his dashiki-clad mentor in hate-whitey-ism in Hawaii….

Barry Soetoro, illegal alien currently squatting in free government housing in Washington DC, and fiddling while a gigantic oil slick pours into our oceans. In physical features and in skin color, he seems much more like Davis’s son.

* * *

“Stanley Anne” was an “idealistic” part-Jewish woman who got her Ph.D. and worked for [JdN: former NY Fed director and current Treasury Secretary] Timothy Geithner’s father in Indonesia at the elite Ford Foundation. Some suspect she did double time for the CIA.

[end of Makow article]

* * *

In any case, the photo speaks for itself.

This Oct. 26, 1944, photo, provided by the Dunham family, shows Stanley Armour Dunham while serving in the U.S. Army somewhere in France during World War II. [JdN: Really? GIS went to French studios to have their picture taken during the war? Wel, I guess a Jew serving WAY behind the front lines might be able to…..] Dunham, the man whom Barack Obama would one day call Gramps, was a 26-year-old supply sergeant [yep, a soldier kept WAY, WAY behind the lines] in the Army Air Force when the Allied invasion of Normandy at last began. (AP Photo/Dunham Family Archives) And note the neanderthalic short forehead and everted lower lip.
As I have stated often, I am of almost pure British Isles ancestry, and grew up in New England, seeing many a British Isles face. I am Norman-English-Irish-Scottish, and 1/16th German.
THAT face there is Jewish. The dark, wavy hair, the imperious look — add all that to all the rest we know about this character….. Communist and black-militant friends, slut daughter who studied Russian in the Cold War….. the list of indications goes on and on.
Obama’s mother’s father was visibly, with a very high degree of probability, a Jew.
The Jews in the US federal government would thus have to be pretty bloodthirsty to kill one of their own, even if it were for a “worthy cause” (for their agenda) — using a “Manchurian Candidate” to kill Obama, intending thus to provoke a race war and martial law — and then blame it on a Tea Party person, a white militia member or on a WN who had read “hate speech” online. NO WHITE NATIONALIST WANTS TO KILL OBAMA, WHO IS THE GREATEST BOOST TO OUR CAUSE SINCE ROOSEVELT.
If Obama is considered by the top Jews as a fellow Jew, not just as a shabbaz goy, a useful gentile, then I would think they would stick with him.
Great! Our illegal alien, communist “president”…..is thus also
…..a BLACK hates us as whites
…and a JEW ….who hates us as gentiles.
Then give that lovely humanitarian a Nobel Peace Prize! (Oh, I forgot, he really, actually, already received one…….)
And thus we have yet another part-neanderthal part-Jew in the White House….
And this is what it means when Jews are in power:
* * *
On the Jewish author and activist Maurice Samuels:
He was actually employed by the American Zionist Congress, from 1922-1928. He was an aide to Weitzmann on his U.S. visits and wrote many books,two of which have acquired some notoriety as exemplifying Jewish chauvinism or more bluntly racism. It is interesting how jews rush to deny his existence and his prominence; he is the ghost-writer Weitzmann used for his autobiography. He died in Occupied Palestine in 1972. His book You Gentiles contains the following:
“We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build.” (p. 155).
This was actually published by a mainstream publisher in 1924, followed by another book on the same hate-mongering theme in 1928 called I,the Jew, which must have been worse since today it is essentially impossible to locate a copy.
He doesn’t mention either book in his 1963 autobiography, the appropriately titled Little Did I Know. As hateful as You Gentiles is, it remains popular with jews and has appeared many times in paperback since 1924.
Samuel,Maurice. You Gentiles. New York: Harcourt and Brace,1924.
* * *
As a comrade wrote me:
The Jew is the gunner, multiculturalism is his gun, non-Whites are his bullets and Whites are the target.

So Obama is both gunner and bullet.

=======================FLAGS OF OUR NATIONS

Here is an image (pixlelated just on this website, but very sharp for another use I have) of the national flags of the twenty most important white nations, created by the gifted graphic artist “Supralicious”. Can you recognize these flags — and will these countries still exist in fifty years? I predict that the Solutrean flag will eclipse all these flags — the banner of the whites who are not doomed. These are the whites whose birth rate will prevent Boomsday, the catastrophic reduction of white numbers that would otherwise result from the die-off of the 75 million white American Baby Boomers born 1946-64.


A Canadian mom wrote me:

I am opposed to vaccines in general because of my experience with vaccinating my own children when they were babies.  We were told that to vaccinate the children would be beneficial for their long-term overall health.  My first child, a son, developed ear infections around 9 months of age and was put on an antibiotic “diet” until he was 2 1/2 years of age.  The ear aches were almost continuous during this time and the doctor advised that if one antibiotic did not work, then try another.  Nothing helped and with many sleepless nights, this truly became a living nightmare for him and for me, his mother.

At the age of 2 1/2 an ear, nose and throat specialist pressured us to have the child’s tonsils removed and even though we objected, they continued to pressure us telling us that the surgery had to be done.  The child was in the hospital for one day, after which he was sent home, almost like a limp rag.  He could not eat or drink anything, not even water.  Fortunately, I spoke to a European woman who advised me to give him camomile tea, which I did.  I believe the cammomile tea saved his life as that was the beginning of his healing process.

Why did this healthy child suffer from ear infections for so long and why was there no relief from the infection?  I believe it was totally the result of vaccinations as his little body could not handle the toxins from the vaccinations, which resulted in the poisons manifesting themselves as ear infections.  At this time, I had not yet connected the problem with vaccinations.

My second child, also a son, had a different reaction, in that he developed extreme diarrhea for 6 months.  He would experience fiv e or six large, loose bowel movements per day, and even the pediatrician was baffled and could not pinpoint the problem or offer a solution.  Fortunately, the child overcame this affliction.

Some years later, I began to hear about the dangers of vaccinations and began my own research and study.  Over the years, more information became available about the dangers of vaccinations and I became convinced that it was precisely the vaccine toxins injected into their little bodies which caused these problems.

When my eldest son’s children were born, they were NOT vaccinated and I am happy to report that they have rarely been ill, and if they develop a problem, it is very minor and they overcome it quickly.  Why???  I believe it is because their immune systems were never damaged by vaccinations.  They are now teenagers, in extremely good health and are rarely ill.

There are a number of books available about the dangers of vaccinations; here are three titles to get you started on your own research and study:

1. The  Poisoned Needle – by Eleanor McBean (available on line)

2.  How to Raise a Healthy Child In Spite of Your Doctor – by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn

3. Immunization – the Reality Behind the Myth – by Walene James.


  1. Mr. de N-

    Very interesting info on the Dunhams, and Stanley’s background. Did you know (did Jew know?) that the Orthodox Church clearly says that the Antichrist will be born of the fornication of a whoring Jewess, from the tribe of Dan?

    “he birth of the Antichrist is described by the Fathers as being from an unclean woman of the tribe of Dan. This is the teaching of St. Irenaeus of Lyons , St. Hippolytus of Rome , St. Hilary of Poitiers, St. Ambrose of Milan and Blessed Jerome in the West, and of St. Narses of Armenia , St. John Chrysostom , Blessed Theodoretus of Cyr and St. John of Damascus in the East. In the Synaxarion for Meatfare Sunday, the Sunday of the Last Judgement, we read: “The Antichrist will come and be born, as St. Hippolytus of Rome says, of a polluted woman, a supposed virgin, a Jewess of the tribe of Dan”. -http://www.orthodoxchristianbooks.com/articles/205/genetics,-ufos-birth-antichrist/

    I considered his ‘Obamaness’ to be merely the ‘shabbas n*g’ ‘ of the PTB- but this light, makes one wonder…which means, as a Christian, I trust him even less!

  2. One of my best friends here in Chile is a retired medical doctor (gynecologist), chemist, classic-jazz clarinetist, historian and linguist (no, I am NOT kidding). During one of our many discussions he told me to avoid vaccinations for the most part since only a few appear to really be worthwhile. He agrees with a vaccination against polio for example, but against any strain of flu he is opposed since viruses change constantly. He is also opposed to any artificial vitamins; only in the case of malnourished people such as refugees would he recommend a dose of Vitamin B-12 and vitamin C. As far as the porno pictures of Obama´s mother go, I see nothing porno in the one shown. Now, as far as her other habits go, that is a different story, but you cannot blame Obama on the obamanations of his parents. Gerry Frederics

  3. Actually, it was I who put the white box over Obama’s mother’s nipples. 😉 There is a whole series of her in various poses, fully nude. They are nude glamor shots, early Playboy style, in high heels and with a come-hither look. I do not blame Barry Soetoro for his mother’s craziness. My own mother had problems. But we need to know everything we can about the early life of a man who right now is sitting in the White House with his finger on the nuclear button and with the ability to declare martial law and order the arrest of millions of white Americans. You can never know enough about the working of the mind of a president of the United States, given the power that office possesses. And this nude sexual posing by his mother is just one more piece of a very interesting and appalling puzzle. It goes with Obama’s own membership in the “Man’s Country” homosexual club in Chicago. I do NOT want a pervert in the White House, or a man raised by a pervert,

    Here are some of the pix: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_4YFhK87NXPE/SamoRZtXPvI/AAAAAAAACTE/oGKw7G4HUnU/s1600-h/AnnDunham.png

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