ENGLISH Jewgle attacks Bristow; book progress; Solutrean Ahnenerbe

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From Wagner’s Tannhäuser


(Law student Kyle Bristow, who did that excellent Solutrean novel White Apocalypse,……

….is getting website problems from Google:
Kyle Bristow website is


But try accessing it and you’ll get a strange request from THE JEWGLES, Brin and Page.

Wonder if they’re limiting access to his site by creating ‘fishing’ expeditions…(i.e. you must fork over some personal info in order to access it).

* * *

I wrote Kyle:

Hi, Kyle!

I would suggest you switch over to WordPress software AND have SolarGeneral (WN-owned and run) host your site. They do great work.


==============progress on Solutrea Arise

We now have an all-Linux house, encryption, 20-meg DSL download and 1-meg upload, and quite an array of sites:

1) http://johndenugent.us

2) http://johndenugent.us

3) http://www.johndenugent.net

4) http://johndenugent.us

5) http://www.jasonsalyers.com

YT channels

6) http://www.youtube.com/johndenugent (34,000 views)

7) http://www.youtube.com/jasonsalyers (27,000 views)

and my “Solutrea Arise” videos are the key: (scroll down here one-quarter to “spiritual videos”) https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking

To them I will add other, supporting videos by various WNs, truthers and birthers, and also a .pdf with the best of my blogs. (That is the easy part.)

I am just about to launch my Solutrean Movement now, using ten (very compressed 😉 ) videos on one free DVD to hand out (since it contains copyrighted material i cannot ask any fee) to announce a new cause and go door-to-door, like Jehovah’s Witnesses or the Mormons.

Jason Salyers is doing great work around here, with his stern German-Norwegian side, and very strong military leanings, a kind of Himmler-like rigor.

(He is doing a blog on the great Icelandic gothi — Asatru leader — Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson.)

Here is a fascinating piece on facial metrics and nordic genes from his Solutrean Ahnenerbe blog:


Here are again the two video segments done so for for Spiritual video number nine (my interview with Jason Salyers of the Solutrean Ahnenerbe (pronounced “ON-an-AIR-buh, almost like “on an Airbus” but without the “s” ;-)):

Part ONE of spiritual video nine: my interview with Jason Salyers….



* * *
John = N (de Nugent)

Jason = S(alyers)

N …Jason, greetings! This is Jason Salyers, of the Solutrean Ahnenerbe, eager to talk about his work, his research into European and European-American heritage, and the great contributions our stock has made to the world.

N…Jason, I appreciate very much that you came to headquarters in 2010 …from Fairfield, Iowa…I had never heard of you before…. and you have been a tremendous support in so many ways, not just video editing, but writing articles…..but one of the most exciting things is to re-create the Ahnenerbe which existed in Germany 60 to 70 years ago…This was a think tank 70 years ago….Let me just say this, can you tell us first about your life? You were a star cadet in the Junior ROTC [high-school level] in the reserve officers training program (ROTC) for four years …

S…I was a cadet in the naval ROTC program in my junior year…

In my senior year, I was awarded the most outstanding cadet of my class…This award is given once a year to the most outstanding cadet in the class… That’s a pretty big honor…


N..Good…then you decided to go to college…which university did you register in???

S…I attended the Maharishi University of Management..

I majored in Vedic sciences ….and I decided I didn’t really want to pursue a degree…It’s basically a worthless piece of paper anyway [for me]……I was more interested in spirituality, and what I did instead was I joined the “Invincible America” program, which is basically a course for spiritually-minded people to meditate eight hours a day …They pay you eight hundred dollars a month and give you housing and you are developing to become a better person.

N…I know as a former high school teacher (a long-term substitute teacher) that there are so many kids in society ..white, black, brown, everybody, who are so messed up in high school. Usually the parents’ marriage has broken up, others come from fatherless homes…and they lack direction. Sometimes they join the Marine Corps, although they don’t find a lot of idealism [there] but they do find a father figure ….who wants to turn them into a killer! … and they do a good job at that! 😉

And so you [too] were looking for direction…something spiritual…now, as for the Maharishi University of Management ….was that the famous Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who was the mentor to the Beatles in the 1960s??

S…[Yes,] he was…

N…We have had some Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish…scandals, in the Catholic Church… There have been many scandals with different religious and spiritual groups and leaders…[because] a spiritual leader is in a position of authority and trust…

Some twenty-five years ago we had a bad guru from India…Rajneesh…he had 25 Rolls Royces, and he had sex parties, yet to the best of my knowledge there’s never been any scandal connected with Maharishi…

S…Well, there have been one or two… But basically they have been revised. There was one with Mia Farrow where he wrapped his arms around her at the end of meditation…which is basically a token of respect…basically love , and she took it the wrong way and ran out of the cave, and told the Beatles and they took it the wrong way, and that turned into a big uproar…that was one…

N…Of course, that was 45 or 46 years ago…that’s not too bad” One scandal every forty five years!….We should all be so lucky. 😉

S…I mean, the movement…[Maharishi] was very modest…Maharishi’s movement is estimated to be worth about 15 billion dollars in total assets….land and so on, but he didn’t drive around in Rolls Royces, or live in luxurious palaces, and he basically spent it on bringing meditation to his schools throughout the world. So his mission was a very honorable one.

N…One thing was that he had a lot of programs to get a lot of serious professional meditators together, meditating all together, believing he could create a kind of auric field…and that this field could send out a peaceful frequency, that that could somehow reduce the rate of crime in some major US cities…..

* * * [embedded video footage]

[TV news report]…[narrator] People came from all over the world and joined together from some 60 to 70 countries. Organizers expect some 5000 meditators to join in the two-month experiment, sitting with their legs crossed; their minds at rest… The nation’s capitol was being invaded by a quiet army of meditators to tackle the problems of the nation’s capitol, to try and drop the crime rate of murder and rape by 20 % and with staggering crime rates they were willing to try anything. He predicts it will take more than mental harmony to reduce DC’s crime rate by 1/5th.

“We could use [otherwise] about 20 inches of snow to keep people [criminals and victims] off the street…”

Dr. John Hagelin: “The collaborators and authors of this study found the results actually showed a 25% drop in violent crime in Washington, DC, which we could predict on the basis of 48 previous studies.”

The University of Michigan followed 14o of the school’s ten-to-fourteen year-olds. “They found that they felt happier and more connected and peaceful and calm.” Other studies showed higher self-esteem, positive well-being…

The county is distraught over staggering crime rates….and they are ready to try anything….

It is used today in a school as a stress buster..

Meditation was first used in San Quentin and Folsom Prisons, two of the toughest prisons in the United States. One St. Louis judge wants to force prisoners to meditate.

The African nation of Senegal, with 11,000 inmates and 900 correctional officers were taught how to meditate.

Only 20% of the inmates who had been released came back to prison.

“The square root of 1% of a population can have an astonishing effect on the rest of that population.”

* * * [end of embedded footage]

N…Jason, in mentioning the Maharishi event…I think a lot of people who see Indians today don’t really see the connection between India and the rest of the world, including [white countries such as the] United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia,

… they see some brown-skinned people and women with a little dot on their forehead, and they see just an exotic culture, but that’s really not true. It is thought it originated in Hinduism…

S…No, basically it originated from the Aryan culture…

N…What does the word “Aryan” mean??? Does it mean people with blond hair and blue eyes???

S…Fundamentally it means …”noble”…anyone with noble character, not necessarily expressing it physiologically through blond hair and blue eyes, so fundamentally you could be black, or even Jewish, and be noble of character…it’s basically what we express inside our souls which goes into our outer environment.

N…Can you define the word “noble”??? For example, Prince William just married Kate…Are they noble??? What does noble mean in the spiritual sense???

S…I would say nobility is the difference between a young soul and an old soul, a person who is a natural-born aristocrat… There is a hierarchy in souls. The difference is basically that an old soul has gone through many more life experiences than for example, a young soul who might for example just be coming out of his animal stages, who might just be coming out of his animal phase…. and who is in some ways, part-animal.

N…I do see people whom I could just imagine that they were a rat, or a pig, or a goat, or a dog, or a snake in a previous life! ,-) You can feel almost the animal energy ; there’s not a lot of conscience, there’s not a lot of caring about other people. The Germans use the term “elbow tactics” (Ellbogentaktik). They are just pushing their way forward, they are ready to run right over you, like a wild animal would….. So, in reality, the spiritual path of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, was the ancient Aryan path, so, how did white people come to be in India??? Today it is mostly a brown-skinned country; it’s hot, sticky and tropical.

What actually happened there???

S…It’s a good question it; it’s a long story; to be honest; we can begin with Hyperborea, otherwise known as Thule. Thule was the ancient homeland of the ancient Aryan or white people, and the civilization existed where the north pole is right now. There is no land at the north pole currently because a pole shift occurred which shifted the land mass further south. That basically caused an ice age, and the ensuing migration of the Aryans was going south, bringing their intricate technologies to India, such as meditation and spirituality, and even things such as UFO’s. They were called vimanas. They could use, I guess you could say “magic,” in a way…to maneuver these vehicles around their environment, air and outer space.

N…So the Solutrean Ahnenerbe is a “think tank” and you are studying possibilities of ancient history, and of our own times.

I’ve seen on the History Channel, massive, massive reports from formerly active-duty military officers, and from just regular Americans and Brits, nd Australians, and there is clearly some phenomenon going on. And you’re saying that there had been sightings in ancient times of these unidentified objects.


N…you showed me some fascinating woodcuts from Germany in the area around Nuremberg in the Middle Ages around 1500 — it’s flabbergasting to me — and here you can clearly see what looks like several different kinds of space ships in a battle against each other; some are crashing; some are flying all over. And some of these spacecraft look like the kinds of craft being sighted 500 years later… People all over the world are sighting them, and we are also finding military radar and radar at civilian airports that are picking up these readings.

S…I want to go into this a little bit further… Throughout history we have found correlating images describing UFOs, and one of the main ones we have seen quite often are “cigar-shaped spaceships”….Cylinders. made out of metal, like aluminum….

They were very high speed. For example, in the woodcuts, that I showed you earlier….

End of this video nine, segment one…

* * *

Part TWO of spiritual video nine:


Right after we filmed the raw footage in downtown Pittsburgh for the spiritual video number nine, we came across this MANHOLE COVER on the street, offering a striking resemblance to the Black Sun symbol of Wewelsburg, the castle of the SS!

The black sun at Wewelsburg…..(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sun_%28occult_symbol%29)

(from http://www.scrapbookpages.com/WewelsburgCastle/SSGeneralsHall.html)

The black sun embedded in dark green in the center of the hall of generals (Obergruppenführersaal) in the north tower of Wewelsburg Castle.

The hall of generals

Here is a jewsmedia video depiction of the SS Ahnenerbe, full of inaccuracies and half-lies. For example, right at the beginning: Hitler did not “seize” power in 1933. He came to power peacefully, by a perfectly democratic vote, as the head of the largest party in Germany, and he was apppointed chancellor by the president of the country, Paul von Hindenburg, under the constitution of the Weimar Republic. (In fact, Hitler never abrogated that constitution!) And Hitler also obtained his dictatorial emergency powers, under the Ermächtigungsgesetz, by a legal and legitimate vote of the German Reichstag (the parliament). He had also VERY openly advocated and publicly promised the end of parliamentary democracy in a hundred speeches during the Weimar Republic. So Hitler in no way, shape or form “seized power.”

But since the number of lies in this documentary is infinite, I will nearly leave it at that, except to also object to their translating the word Germanen as “Germans.” Hitler, Himmler and all the NS leaders believed that the whole Germanic race (including the Dutch, Scandinavians and Anglo-Saxons) were gifted for leadership, inventiveness and organization, certainly not just the “Germans”! (Germanen means all Germanic people, and Deutsche means only the modern nation of Germany/Austria, which ironically represents genetically the LEAST Germanic blood in the whole Germanic family, due to being located in the crossroads of central Europe.) Every idiot knows the Germans are not all blond-haired, blue-eyed Nordics!

Nevertheless, the photos and film footage in this documentary are of benefit.

But Jason Salyers, in addition to his Ahnenerbe chairmanship, also selflessly does humble work such as cutting much of the lawn on our 2.5 acre tract! (inside the white outline below).

213 Ekastown Road, Sarver, Pennsylvania — three buildings

A lady comrade is now here again from another white country and is cleaning, cooking and driving, as well as transcribing the interview-type videos for closed captions for non-English native speakers.

John King of Indiana, a former Army lieutenant and husband and father of two, has become a superb help with information, advice and help at HQ and with making contacts for me.

At the spectacular West End overlook of Pittsburgh (where, btw, many wedding pictures are taken and even weddings performed)

This is a powerful blog John King recently did, using also his language skills to translate from the German:

“Strategies of the New Jew World Order for exercising & maintaining their power”




Thanks, Clark!…………..

Clark Lightbridge recently returned to his home city of Los Angeles after four months of selfless, excellent, UNPAID service here at HQ: website management, video editing, and many humble chores as well such as shopping. Thank you, Clark!

We have an opening now for another volunteer for video editing, computers, websites, security, etc.

I have a very fine comrade from the British isles who is a computer expert, has donated 200 euros so far, and wishes to be a webmaster for me. What I would like is to have two webmasters so any and all hacking on the three sites can quickly be countered.

* * *

SOLUTREA ARISE PROJECT. I can completely understand the frustration various good supporters have expressed over my not “finishing the book.” But now that the video “book” is 90% done AS A VIDEO, many are saying it was worth the wait. It is conceived 100% as a way to take the huge Tea-Party feeling, the Ron Paulist, down-with-the-Fed, pro-Constitution feeling, the pro-gun forces, and also the 9/11 truther, Obama birther and Alex Jones feelings, and the anger at illegal immigrants, a giant step further, into open racial and Jewish truth.

(We certainly cannot count on Ron Paul, a congressman down in Texas, who, I suppose because of the massive Mexican influx into his district, says in his recent book that he is not opposed to illegal-alien amnesty!!)

The video concept is designed to recognize three facts:

1) this is an audiovisual age, where people are dumber and dumber and read less and less books; this is especially true of some working-class whites (who were also Hitler’s backbone in his National SOCIALIST German WORKERS Party), and the white working class will be our mainstay as well, since the NWO agenda hurts them the most, and they are the least mis-educated by books and the most confronted by realities on the street;

2) as Hitler said, every turning point in history comes from a speech to whip up a people or nation with PASSION for a new idea. No matter how many times I rewrote my book, it was still factoids. My videos are a kind of speech.

3) by giving people ten hours to see my videos, they can form a fairly certain opinion for themselves if I look and act like a national leader.

I will never forget that old WWII vet who stood up after a speech I gave in the 1980s and asked: “Well, this all sounds good, but who is going to lead this thing?” That is the big question whenever a nation needs change, and the videos give the answer that no book could have done.

4) in videos 1-8, in the fireside-chat style, I felt I was able to gently yet firmly, like a family friend, steer people to shocking and scary truths without their “horror filter” kicking in.

Now there is just number ten to go…..and with the help of Jason and others it is getting done. The enemy will be hitting me with everything, including the kitchen sink of every vile character defamation, and my three websites must stay up so I can defend myself against character attacks and continue on the OFFENSIVE.


============donate so we can eat lobster

A Michigan comrade sent me these two pix, found outside a supermarket. First, the big pic and then the close-up….



Yes, send donations, otherwise we must go on foodstamps (and be forced to eat lobster and steaks. ;-))

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)

(To the best of my knowledge there is no other “John de Nugent” on earth, for which the Jews say “Thank God!” 😉)

Donations: Cash in an envelope or a Blank money order except for $ amount

MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”) 


What will people say 100 years from now about us and our time?

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