ENGLISH Jewsmedia dead silent on Loughner Jewishness; more Puma Punku marvels

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I was reading the Pittsburgh papers today and not one word was in there about the mass-murderous creep Jared (nice Jewish Old Testament name) Loughner being a (neanderthalic) Jew.

I will enjoy rubbing raw (and in real Saul Alinsky-style, Jews, borrowing a method from your favorite agitator-tribesman) both of the following FACTS: 1) the killer was a Jew, his mother a Jewess, and they both and Congresswoman Giffords attended the same synagogue, and also that 2) the media is hiding this huge fact.

This mass murder makes and proves so many of our and my points.

Solutrean spear-points.….and some Solutreans ain’t nice….(scene from “Ice Age Columbus” where an exile seizes a boat he needs to survive.)

Are you ready, Jews, to get the point….?

Jamie Kelso’s excellent article is found at Rense.com http://rense.com/general92/mediac.htm

[Photos and captions added by me (John de Nugent)]

Media Caught Hiding Fact Loughner Is Jewish

This is an amazing story. We now learn that Jared Lee Loughner’s mother Amy Loughner is a member of the SAME Reform synagogue as Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords!

JdN: Congregation Chaverim, tucson, Aruzona, where the murderer worshipped the god of the Jews. Bishop Marcion (first century AD) said the Jews worship Satan.
JdN: The female rabbi of this Reform Jewish synagogue, Stephanie Aaron…leads a “healing” service.. I guess healing would be necessary after one congregation member shoots another….and slays six Christians, including a little white girl born September 11, 2001 (date of another Jewish mass murder). The jewsmedia blathers (I saw this phrase embedded in the photo below) that this shooting was about “extreme political rhetoric”….This is about neanderthalic Jews who enjoy killing.
JdN: …a lovely couple at Congregation Chaverim in Tucson… http://sharonneanddavid.org/ Mazel tov with having beautiful children…..(and see my webpage here: https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites)
JdN: Depiction of a neanderthal; new evidence from the summer 2010 issue of the famous journal Science and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany (and by a Jewish scientist, Svanta Paabo) proves that Middle Eastern peoples (such as Jews, Arabs, Khazars, Armenians, Chechens and Georgians) descend in significant measure from neanderthals, a separate, early, semi-human species.

That means that Amy’s son, who lives with his Jewish parents, Amy and Randy Loughner, is ALSO a member of the same synagogue as his shooting victim, Rep. Giffords.
Why didn’t we hear about this from our super-sleuth national media?
Instead, we hear that a ‘WHITE MAN’ is the shooter. We hear that ‘ANTI-SEMITISM’ is his motive. (Mass Mind Control anyone?)
But now…now…some FACTS are leaking out!
His best friend, Bryce Tierney, who got a “farewell” voice message the night before the shootings tells us that his friend is Jewish. He tells us that Jared Loughner put Mein Kampf down as “favorite reading” to irritate his Jewish mother, Amy.
The story and the coverup of the story gets wilder. The Loughners and the Giffords were members of the same Congregation Chaverim. On the Congregation Chaverim website we learn that this Reform synagogue that was founded in 1973 has 140 families. That’s a very small group. The Rabbi, Stephanie Aaron surely knows every single family member of her congregation on a first name basis! That includes 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner.
So, it is IMPOSSIBLE that Rabbi Stephanie Aaron did not KNOW instantly upon learning that a Jared Lee Loughner had shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords that BOTH people were members of her small congregation!
But does Rabbi Aaron make ANY effort to inform the media, as she takes hundreds and hundreds of media calls from the mass media, of this fact?
Apparently not!
The thread contains good comments and additional material, including this indication that Loughner was a total, arrogant, narcissistic psychopath:

More info on this leftwing-liberal Jewish psycho: http://www.whitenewsnow.com/forums/us-news-white-folks/13368-jared-loughner-jewish-but-his-synagogue-congregation-chaverim-hid-fact-america-5.html#post50385.

A nice Jewish boy….shot the Jewess, and killed the white federal judge John McCarthy Roll (born in Pennsylvania, btw) and five others, all white Christians, NOT a “white supremacist”

The greatest tragedy in the history of Mother Russia was when a Jewish assassin killed Prime Minister Peter Stolypin (on September 1, 1911, right in front of the tsar he loyally served at the Kiev, Ukraine opera house). Stolypin was a brilliant, dynamic Russian patriot who was effectively reforming and modernizing Russia, despite the tsar’s personal limitations, and thus heading off any chance of a bloody, genocidal, jewish-communist revolution.

His Jewish murderer, Dmitri Bogrov. Nobel laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn and others believed that the murder of Stolypin was the greatest disaster in Russian history. To lose one key leader at a time of crisis can in fact mean disaster for a nation. Jews have been assassins, hitmen and poisoners for centuries. (Queen Elizabeth I of England had her own Jewish doctor executed for attempting to poison her.)

Herve Ryssen’s magnificent book (in French) La mafia juive reveals that the so-called “Italian mafia” in the USA was always HALF-JEWISH. The antisemitic Sicilians who wanted to keep the Mafia all-Italian were all gunned down one night in a bloodbath, and Murder, Incorporated, the hitman organization of the 1930s, was almost ALL-Jew.

Here is a poster for Ryssen’s magnificent book, and I was lining up the laser sights on my Walther using it. Ready to go….Come through that door, Jews, and I’ll give you an Excedrin head-ache. And if you don’t, well, I’ll give you an international headache, all across the Internet, until the whole world rises up against you — and all you have nowadays is your disloyal, paid mercenaries. No one loves you any more. And we are sick of your Holo stories, even the liberals who still half-believe them. The famous Republican pollster and strategist Donald Luntz wrote you a memo about this way back in 2003….Americans are tired of hearing about the Holocaust, especially by members of the Jewish community.” What we Gentiles are interested in now, Jews, is learning about holocausts BY Jews.

=========================a comrade slams Christians

I have a very positive view of Jesus, but I at least understand this comrade’s ire.

* * *
post 1

Jews are the root of our problems, but we must share part of the blame. It’s ridiculous that we have allowed Jews to get this kind of control.

*Jews work against the will of God.* White Christians don’t work against the will of God, but they are failing the will of God. It spells disaster for the White Race.

No species of people work harder to destroy other races of people and civilizations than Jews. No people rape the earth of her natural resources more than the Jews. Jews have no regard for Man or beast. Or God. I repeat… _Jews are working against the will of God.

Christians barely notice. Mention Jews and instantly white people are bored or ducking to avoid the subject. They want to think about something else. I can understand they don’t know what to do or how to go about it, but the lack of interest is deadly. This enormous problem of extermination and the dismantling of white civilization is the most important issues of our existence. Jews are definitely destroying us.
Every day. Their purpose is clear. To all except those in denial. There’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it. It must be talked about. Ideas must be exchanged. One cannot solve a problem unless there is interest, the urge to do something about it and hashing over ideas until the solutions come to mind.
We have a duty, whether we like it or not. It’s time to hold our own people’s feet to the fire. Who do they think they are to fail White Christendom? Who do they think they are to cut the ground out from under white children and cheat them of their future in their own culture? Who do they think they are to allow death and destruction and the lost of
genius and invention and all that is good and wonderful and free? Just because of the lousy Jews?
(That’s what it comes down to.)

There is no excuse.

post 2

The White Man-is-civilization. We are the embodiment of civilization. Even if Jews forced us to live on the moon we would do what white people always do – develop civilization. Civilization is the product of White culture. That is who we are and what we do.

Jews may steal our production, throw us out of work, starve us, they can make laws to keep us from producing, but they can’t remove the impossible. That is why Jews want integration so that white people will give birth to non-white
offspring. Interbreeding not only exterminates the White Race, but destroys our natural ability for developing civilization.

Wherever the White Men go white civilization will spring up. White civilization was in Europe. We brought it to America – to Australia and South Africa – and built on it. Doing that was as natural as breathing. Civilization is not Jewish or Black or Arab or Asiatic or Hispanic or East Indian. [JdN: See the next item on today’s blog, about Puma Punku.]

Jews are carrying out a *silent revolution* in America and the western world because Jew revolutionaries can’t be revolutionaries without a great civilization to revolt against. It shows them up for what they are — zeros. They hate us and their hate drives them. Jews are a driven people. We are dealing with a driven people. And too many of us are passive about it. But we need not worry that Jews can stop civilization simply because they are in power as long as we stay genetically white. Regardless of Jewish tyranny, Jewish laws, media control, money and powerful positions in high places civilization is White because we are White.

What we have within us is our safety valve. We can’t be cheated of our inborn selves unless we breed it out of ourselves.

That’s the danger to civilization. That’s why “diversity” is such a huge item on the Jew’s platter. That’s why they try to make us think “diversity” is moral and right. That is why goose-minded white women think nothing of copulating with non-whites and giving birth to Third or Second World denizens. That is why White Men want to excuse themselves for hooking up with aggressive Oriental females – because Chinese are touted as “smart.” They lie to themselves. Anyway they want to cut it, interbreeding is disaster.

No white parent can put something in a biracial child that is not there. You can’t pass the white civilization gene on to non-white children. It is un-natural. God did not set life up that way.

Aliens want the fruit of our cultural out-put like those little dogs yapping for crumbs, but no one can actually take anything from us. Only we can destroy ourselves. Don’t do it. Ever. Jew revolutionaries are giving us as hard a time as they can with lies, deception, distortions.

They are creating misery and suffering for us. But when all is said and done White People will always win and will always be safe as long as we stay genetically white.

* * *

My comment: Bingo! Those were the two last things out of Adolf Hitler’s mouth before his free death at 3:30 pm Berlin time on April 30, 1945:

1) keep the race pure

2) continue the fight against the international Jew

=============German comrade disgusted

A German comrade read the letter a British comrade sent me (on the blog yesterday) about how crime is waking up whites in England, and how he sees their body language changing. He wrote:

* * *

The Englishman walking through Birmingham and `seeing fear´ in the eyes of his English compatriots reminded me of myself. When I walked through the Main Train Station in Cologne [in the Rhineland of Germany] I SAW the fear of the Germans as they eyed the dozens of negroes lording it over the entrances and exits in an obvious show of aggressive hatred.

The Cologne Cathedral at night along the Rhine river

Cologne’s main train station and the Hohenzollern Bridge over the Rhine. I have been there. Why are violent blacks living in GERMANY?

It was disgusting and when I asked a couple why they did not DO anything the answer was a resigned:

`There is nothing we can do. Our own government is against us.´

And when I asked them why they didn´t vote for nationalists, the answer was –

`But they are all nazis.´

I haven´t been back.

Gerry Frederics

* * *

My reply to Gerry:

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Then we have to change their opinion about Nazis. A tough man was loved because he made his people SAFE. The folk responds to a true leader with staying power.



This blogpost is a follow-up to what I wrote here on December 31st, 2010:

JdN: The cross is a very ancient Aryan symbol (the fish was the symbol used by early Christians) and is seen here at Puma Punku, Bolivia. Many key Christian ideas are, at the latest, from the Aryan religion of Zoroastrianism, such as 1) God versus the Devil, 2) heaven and hell, 3) the Messiah (God incarnating) and 4) free will. Zoroastrianism helped the Aryan Persians conquer the Middle East. How did the Aryans of Puma Punku cut these rocks, some of them (not depicted here) 800 tons in weight, made of solid GRANITE, since only diamond can cut granite??

JdN: Here is more on Puma Punku…..the granite city: I found this fascinating website summarizing the Puma Punku miracle: http://hubpages.com/hub/Ancient-Mysteries-Puma-Punku-in-Tiahuanaco In my opinion, there is some huge factor involved here….. All I can speculate about is that there was some kind of “Atlantis”….. some early Aryan culture that was wiped out, perhaps after race-mixing and other moral decadence.

The following, comnrades, is recent text and photos sent me by American comrades T.A. Long and by Louis Beam, a fiery and once very famous white-nationalist leader who for over a decade has been concentrating instead on finding important proofs of great Aryan civilizations in ancient South America.

From an email to me by T.A. Long:

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The [Puma Punku pictures we sent you (d found below!)] are fascinating, aren’t they, considering the antiquity of the site and the fact that very few people visit it or even know about it.

The tourists all prefer to see the much more recent Inca structures like Machu Pichu. The Inca aristocracy also was white, just like the founders of these more ancient sites like Tiahuanacu. We confirmed just that when we were down there.

Note that these huge megaliths used at Puma Pumku, especially, were nearly all lying in disarray, indicating an ancient and geological, cataclysmic disaster in the distant past. Given that evidence, [the German scholar] Poznansky’s estimate for the age of the site and Tiahuanacu too [16,000 BC] is not so far-fetched.

Some Google images of Lake Titicaca, and Tihuanaco http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&q=tihuanaco+titicaca+puma+punku&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=1280&bih=592


JdN: Advertizing for the ancient History Channel? 😉 This stuff is not Amerindian. The Amerindians never invented written language, the sail, the wheel, metals, or soap, and without outside white input no cities; they were slow-talking boneheads and to this day Amerindians have shockingly low IQs. I remember hearing a Peruvian Indian lament about modern times around March 2008 on NPR (National Public Radio): “We want to keep growing potatoes the same way as our ancestors did three thousand years ago.” Sheesh….

Another indication of the antiquity is the weathering of the carvings both at Puma Punku and at Tiahuanacu. Those carvings are all of hard andesite granite and many of them, including the deity on the Gateway of the Sun at the open air temple at Tiahuanacu have beards and they are all weathered almost beyond recognition. The precipitation on the altaplano [“high plain” in Spanish] where these sites are located is minimal so rainfall certainly was a minor factor in their deterioration unless of course Posnansky is right about their antiquity.

Also the ancient port of Puma Punku is now many kilometers away from the present location of Lake Titicacca. The lake is almost as saline [salty] as the sea and very well could have been an inland arm of the sea before the end of the last ice age.

I agree on the existence of a very ancient civilizing influence many thousands of years ago and in fact that is one of the reasons we wanted to see these sites so badly. Charles Hapgood’s two books, Path of the Pole and Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings are mandatory reading on that subject, and, in fact, that is one of the sources wherein I got the reference for Poznansky’s work. Graham Hancock quotes Hapgood extensively.

Hapgood’s basic thesis is that there was a geographic pole shift about 12,000 to 14,000 years ago of about 1800 miles from the viacinity of Hudson’s Bay to it’s present location. I indirectly confirmed with Dr. Phillipa Duc Rodkin of the Canadian Geological Survey in Calgary in 2002 that Hudson’s Bay, Canada was indeed the center of ice sheet propagation during the last ice age. Dr. Rodkin was at the time the world’s foremost authority on ice sheet propagation in Western Canada during the last ice age. I say I indirectly confirmed that information because she told me it was her understanding that Hudson’s Bay was the center of propagation but that her colleague at the Survey was the leading expert on that topic and before I had time to contact him, my computer crashed. She also said that the northern Canadian archipelago was ice-free during the last ice age, also confirming Hapgood’s thesis and the former pole location being at Hudson’s Bay.


* * *

JdN: Even the Jewsmedia are talking SOMEWHAT about the fact that the North Pole is shifting again! By forty miles a YEAR!


Expand this video to read the article: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2TWOh1KWHQ

* * *

[Dr. Rodkin] also was very reticent in talking about the reputed ice-free corridore which supposedly existed about 11,000 BC and facillitated the migration of the alleged Asiatic founders of the Clovis culture. I did get her admission, though under a promise to not reproduce her emails in my correspondence, that the ice-free corridor did not exist until as late as 7,000 BC, much too late to have been used by the Asiatics in forming the Clovis culture [JdN: which I and Stanford of the Smithsonian say was WHITE from Europe, not Asiatic]. Obviously she realized the political implications of being too open on this subject.

Louis Beam and I were down in Peru in late 2008-2009 to investigate the white origins of civilization down there….. Make no mistake: Our ancestors were all over the world in past millenia and not just in North America.

Here are some pictures of us at the very ancient site of Puma Punku, the port of the ancient city of Tihuanacu to the south of Lake Titicacca in Bolivia. Louis is the shorter gentleman and I’m the taller man. Arthur Poznasky, a German engineer, archaeo-astronomically dated the cite in the 1940s to at least 15,000 BC….very ancient.

All the best….and you have a great site by the way. Terry Long

* * *

Thank you, Terry Long and and Louis Beam, for this excellent info and these photos!

John de Nugent

Please keep in mind that only diamond can cut granite. So how did our Amazing Aryan Ancestors cut this granite, perfectly straight, and how did they move 800-ton stones? Jason Salyers tells me that the ancient Aryan Vedas refer to incredible mental technologies, ancient “flying saucers” (vimanas) and even an ancient nuclear war! If this is true, then all these brilliant abilities can return in our hour of need.

And now some of the 50 photos by Long and Beam….

JdN: If we could cut granite then, we can cut through anything now.



I just read your storm-front post dated

02-22-2009, 10:46 AM

…..explaining to a less-well educated nationalist the Good, Bad and the Handsome of Hitler.  Very good writing.

* * *

JdN: This thread, one of the biggest in SF history, reached 200,000 views several months back, though I have been banned there since March 2009, it had 86,000 views when I was banned, and the Jew who runs Photobucket, Rupert Murdoch, deleted the photos that informed all my posts. (I must say that many other comrades made excellent posts on the thread.)

It all started here: http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t469441/

The post of February 22, 2009, just two weeks before my assistant Henrik Holappa was put in shackles and I was defamed and banned, was located around here, but I cannot re-locate the post exactly: http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t469441-132/

* * * (The comrade continues)

We need the Slavs on our side this time. So what if they have a drop of Ghengis Khans’s 1200 AD campaign . The Spanish have a bit of Moor, and the Greeks a touch of Turkish. [JdN: Some American whites are part-Indian.] So what?

It is a crying shame that Stormfront leadership defamed and banned you, one of the best read, best educated, handsome, multilingual, honest, strong, leaders we could have.
Let’s face it, whites come in all sizes and shapes. Many, many, many Americas are fat, or ugly or  stupid. For every great leader potential there are 10,000 key-board-commando nothings, who have zero potential of having any followers.
Yes, we need there numbers, to blog, vote, contribute, and march. But no, we don’t need their character -defaming eensee-weensee nuances distracting and detracting from a good man.
I wish that you and David Duke could form a team. I wish that American Third Position would back you.
* * *
My reply:
Thanks, white brother. but what we need is not to partner with the current crew.
We need a Hitler, but newer, better, more spiritual, both tougher and more compassionate, more relaxed, less stiff, freedom-respecting and truly American.  I can find no partners in this.
I waited 32 years and the other guy, the ideal guy, never showed up. There are good men out there, but if they are big businessmen or generals, they have long since made their peace with the system to get to the top, and they likely are being blackmailed by Washington’s dirt files. They cannot extricate themselves, though they could be great leaders.
No, there is no perfect man. As my father often said, there was one perfect man and they crucified Him.
I gotta do this, without equal partners and without major compromise.
Discovery Channel’s January shot of me in the kitchen.

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