ENGLISH John Dowland's "Come Again"; Sex Plague by Darkmoon

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John Dowland (1563-1626) was an English troubadour (travelling singer of love songs) who was cutting-edge and a superstar in the courts of both England (time of Queen Elilzabeth I) and Denmark, at Elsinore. (Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dowland)

Here are two versions of his song “Come Again.”

This first setting, by Ward Swingle, shows why this is one of the most beautiful ballads ever written. It is sung wonderfully by Sue Bickley and The New Swingle Singers.

The second is one by a Spanish chorus.

Juan Carlos Lorenzo, Guitarra
Coro de cámara Doinuzahar, de Durango
Director: José Luís Ormazábal
1/12/2007 Church of Santa Ana, Durango


The video below is in German but you’ll get the idea. At the beginning this German vintner, Klaus Reif (http://www.reifwinery.com), whose family founded a grand vineyard in Ontario, Canada, is showing a huge steel pipe that goes 180 feet high. Guess what that is for?

Well, the cold Ontario collects on the ground, since natürlich cold air sinks. So he sucks warmer air down to the vineyard from 180 feet up — where it is a whopping eight degrees Celsius warmer (about 12 degrees F)! The Warmluft comes down the pipe — and he blasts it along the ground across his grapes! (Better than dumping sugar in a white wine that cold weather has made way too sour, which is certainly what Taylor Wines of upstate NY used to do. I know; an Austrian vintner in the Finger Lakes region told me.)

He also makes Eiswein, ice wine, which is grapes harvested literally with frost or ice on them. I have had Eiswein from Austria, way back in 1984, and it as like dying and going to heaven. I can still taste it….. a golden yet light sweetness you must taste to understand.

Ontario, Canada, partly thanks to German immigrants, now makes some of the best ice wine in the world! Here is the video:


=================10 percent of Germans want a new ‘Führer’

Poll says 10 percent of Germans want a new ‘Führer’


10/13/2010 16:12

Germans reportedly want leader to “send foreigners home”; over 58% say “religious practice for Muslims in Germany should be seriously limited.”

Ten percent of Germans want a “Führer,” and one quarter are strongly xenophobic, according to a poll released on Wednesday, reported German news source The Local.

The poll, entitled “The mainstream in the crisis – Right-wing extremist attitudes in Germany,” was conducted by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation for Political Education.

Those who wanted a “Führer,” said that he should “govern with a strong hand for the good of Germany,” and believed that dictatorship is a the preferred form of government.

More than 30% agreed with the statement “foreigners come to abuse the welfare state,” and even more (31.7%) said that when unemployment is high, the government should “send foreigners back home.”

Over 58% said “religious practice for Muslims in Germany should be seriously limited.”

Older and less-educated Germans were more likely to be intolerant, according to the poll.

Study authors Oliver Decker and Elmar Brähler called their findings “an alarm signal for politics and society,” The Local reported. Decker and Brähler also said that right-wing extremism increased during the current financial crisis.


JdN: I consulted my Hitler doll if he would be willing to come bäck. He said: Ja, but on one kondition — this time no more Mr Nice Guy.


Lasha Darkmoon of the Occidental Observer has written another great article (below) on the Jews and their sex tastes, which are way beyond the word kinky. She also recently wrote this:

Unless a miracle soon occurs and some charismatic leader comes to our rescue, an unimaginably bleak future surely awaits us.

By way of proof of the depravity of our Jew masters, Canada’s Zio-government is now considering legalizing prostitution, and this reminds me of what Ernst Zundel wrote around 1992 with German bluntness:

“Never has there been so much sex and so few babies.”

Lasha Darkmoon sent me personally her article below about Freud and other disgraceful, neanderthalic Jews….. The content which she (brilliantly) discusses is, however, so VERY appalling I am not sure how or when to use it or even introduce it….. The word disgusting for the Jewish mind, and the Jewish sexual fantasy-world, is inadequate. Satanic, demonic…. maybe those epithets do it justice. 😉

Gad, after reading it I lost all libido for two days. I almost took holy vows. 😉 (But while I can do poverty, I can’t do chastity or obedience.;-))

Views of my blog may slump for a week after running this nastiness — unless I profusely apologize in advance, and assure readers there will not be soon any repeat! 😉

I would say this, and tell me if I am wrong: if the plan were to create an SS action group, Einsatzgruppe, to exterminate all the Jews, one would only need to show them the article below by Lasha Darkmoon, and they would be ready to roll.

I wrote Lasha that I would NOT run her article. Then I reconsidered, and emailed Dr. Darkmoon the following:

* * *

After three years of blogging and tracking visitor statistics, I know my audience (WN and conservative) and anything as revolting as the subject (I think esp. that photo of the naked hebress pulling that chain of stuff out her vagina) would cause me a severe slump in readership for several days.

However, I then received some really good off-setting things to put in the blog, esp. John Dowland, and some watercolors that were delightful, so I am running it, sandwiched in by items that offer mental relief.

You have to understand the context. You are far from alone in what you wrote about whites in general feeling the emotion of “facing an unimaginably bleak future.” (This applies even more to activist WNs who are on Homeland Security lists, such as myself, where three squad cars came, Homeland Security and the Penn. State Police, and took away my personal assistant in triple body chains to spend 86 days in solitary.)

If one depresses our readers without offering a glimmer of hope, they go into a terrible funk.

To repeat, I found some good offsetting material, so I will in fact run your excellent article. Thanks for sending it!

What our folk wants today is the man, the plan, a world view (neither exactly nazi nor Confederate) to live — and even die for — and a movement going places….and THAT is my endeavor to which I consecrate my life.

Many of our WNs are now fragilized, and almost frantic with worry, and thus what Thoreau wrote 150 years ago is even more true now:

“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.”

We cannot add to their burden, but lighten it. Give them hope and useful activity.

John de Nugent

* * *

So, now, here it is, with my apologies for the crass yukkiness of the content which Darkmoon so skillfully depicts. If it makes you, however, more militant, and more determined to never submit to the Jew boot, then I feel that this article was justified.

[Source: http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/authors/Darkmoon-Sex-Plague.html#LD]

Sex Plague

Sigmund Freud: “Sexual morality is contemptible. I advocate an incomparably freer sexual life….If only Americans knew, we are bringing them the plague!”

Dr. Lasha Darkmoon

October 6, 2010

A recent pamphlet published by the German government contains these chilling words:

Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. The child touches all parts of their father’s body, sometimes arousing him. The father should do the same.

Toddlers are to be encouraged to indulge in “unlimited masturbation.” Their parents are expected to offer practical demonstrations if need be — the better to produce sexual precocity in their offspring. “Children should learn there is no such thing as shameful parts of the body,” the booklet advises. “The body is a home you should be proud of.”

Children, it is suggested, should be taught the movements of copulation as soon as they reach the age of four, giving them what virtually amounts to a crash course in the Kama Sutra as soon as they have learnt to walk.

Depravity, it seems, cannot be taught too early.

In Holland, things have gone further. Here a political party, set up by convicted pedophiles, clamors for the legalization of child pornography and intergenerational sex between children of twelve and adults old enough to be their grandparents. I forgot to mention bestiality. They want to legalize that too. (See here for a full report).

Who is to blame for the sex addictions we see suppurating all round us? This licentiousness, growing by the day, thanks to the internet and the mass media, is far deadlier and more destructive than it was half a century ago, before the sexual revolution.

Those who are responsible for this sickening depravity are clearly the people who started the sexual revolution. They are the people, moreover, who control the mass media.

Who controls the media? Who determines the imagery and attitudes drip-feeding steadily into the minds of the public? Who runs Hollywood? Who contaminates mass consciousness? Who defiles the collective mind? Who pulls the puppet strings of marionette man? Who are the Bad Shepherds leading the sheeple astray?

Who are to blame, in short, for letting the world go to hell in a handcart?

I won’t bother to answer that question. More to the point, I dare not. If you don’t know who owns the media—lock, stock and barrel—you’re wasting your time reading this article.

Art and Sexual Subversion: The Vaginocentric Female Artist

Let me resume here my discussion of sexual depravity which formed the basis of my recent article Sex and the Jews; and let me begin by saying a few words on art, a subject I know something about. (See here and here). And then let me proceed to the subject of pornography and consider its deployment in the systematic demoralization of the masses.

First, ask yourself this question: is there anything intrinsically admirable or aesthetically pleasing about British painter Tracey Emin’s attention-seeking leg-and-vagina paintings?

If you were a man of taste, which of these two depictions of the Eternal Feminine would you prefer: this beautiful woman painted by Botticelli or the ugly feminist icon who appears below?

Botticelli’s Venus

Feminist icon Tracey Emin: “I’ve got it all” {JdN: with my apologies]

Consider only these titles by the outrageously untalented Emin and draw your own conclusions: Everyone I Have Ever Slept With, Fucking Down An Ally(sic), Asleep Alone With Legs Open (several large-scale canvases of her splayed legs and vagina), I’ve Got It All (legs splayed again, clutching banknotes to her crotch), Weird Sex, CV Cunt Vernacular, Is Anal Sex Legal, Masturbating, Get Ready For the Fuck Of Your Life.

With titles like these, Tracey Emin could hardly fail. Her rich Jewish patron, advertising mogul Charles Saatchi, knew he was on to a good thing.

As the Gadarene swine hurtle over the cliff top, Tracey Emin and her kind clearly lead the pack on their way down into the bottomless abyss. These are the dupes of organized Jewry. By doing exactly what appeals to art patrons (almost all Jewish; see below), these infinitely corrupt talentless opportunists know they will become rich and famous.

The sad truth is that so many female “artists” — almost all of them rabid feminists and sexual exhibitionists — have nothing to sell but vaginas.

Here are ten other vagina-obsessed females, apart from Tracey Emin and the notorious Annie Sprinkle (see my previous article), who use sex to sell their “art”: Karen Finley, Hannah Wilke, Carolee Schneeman, Andrea Fraser, Sarah Lucas, Marlene McCarty, Vanessa Beecroft, Malerie Marder, Katy Grannan, and Kembra Pfahler.

Being unable to paint properly or produce objects of lasting value, these exhibitionists like to display their vaginas to the world and call it “art”. Here is one such exhibitionist, Jewish performance artist Carolee Schneemann, pulling a paper scroll out of her vagina:

Carolee Schneemann: “I saw the vagina as enlivened by its passage from the visible to the invisible, a spiralled coil with the shape of desire and generative mysteries….”

[JdN: again my apologies, but we’ll get through this, I promise you…]

Who helps to promote this pretentious claptrap? You don’t need three guesses to answer that question.

In 2001, ARTnews listed the world’s Top Ten Art Collectors. Eight of them were Jews. Ponder these staggering statistics: A people who constitute 0.2% of the world’s population make up 80% of the world’s richest art collectors. Out of every thousand people in the world, roughly two are Jews. To be precise, one in every 457 people are Jews. Yet go to a conference at which 1000 of the world’s wealthiest art collectors have gathered and you will find, to your amazement, that 800 of them are Jewish! Phenomenal, isn’t it? (See here)

Some of the vaginocentric exhibitionists mentioned above, like lesbian “performance artist” Annie Sprinkle, maintain websites blocked by porn filters. The aptly named Sprinkle—a nom de porn in honor of urolagnia — is the lady who douched her vagina onstage in 1991, before lying down and opening her legs so that members of the audience, mostly male, could inspect her cervixwith the help of a flashlight and speculum.

Annie Sprinkle (Ellen Steinberg): performance artist, prostitute, porn actress, feminist icon, and lesbian diva of depravity. Her idea of “art” is to masturbate onstage with sex toys, her legs wide open, and invite members of a predominantly male audience to peer up her vagina with torchlight and speculum. Sprinkle’s show was funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, a mini-empire controlled by the hidden hand of organized Jewry.

If Sprinkle acquired fame and fortune by allowing dirty old men to peep between her legs, Hannah Wilke and Karen Finley sought variations in which the vulva was again put to good use. The Jewish Wilke, being sadly deficient in originality, molded bits of chewing gum into vulvas and stuck them all over her body, much to the delight of the dirty old men who could now examine an assortment of vulvas simultaneously instead of just one. Not to be outdone, Finley smeared her naked torso with chocolate syrup and performed public acts—using a yam—which I won’t describe in detail in case nuns are reading this article. Rape, flatulence and menstruation formed the least offensive items in herrepertoire.

Andrea Fraser, however, deserves first prize for sheer chutzpah. This raunchy performance artist arranged to meet a man at the Royalton Hotel in Manhattan, owned by Jewish hotelier Ian Shrager. Above the bed, an overhead camera played Peeping Tom. The man was persuaded to part with $20,000 for the privilege of helping to create a “work of art” with the frisky Fraser, the said work of art being a pornographic video filming the two participants copulating on a Queen-size bed. This sex video, now available for posterity, is pretentiously called “Untitled”.

It’s not “art” we’re dealing with here, of course. It’s pornography pure and simple.

The Jewish Affinity for Porn

Nina Hartley, Jewish porn star, who is reported to have said, “I’ve yet to meet a Jewish guy who wasn’t a horny rabbit.”

Jews dominate the world’s $10 billion a year porn industry, roughly 90 per cent of which is generated within the United States.

As many as 260 new porn sites go online daily, more than ten sites an hour.

Since Jews are known to dominate the porn industry and comprise only 2% of America’s population, it is reasonable to suppose that most of the new sites being started up every hour are being started up by Jews.

It is even more alarming to note how sex is now deployed by many American Jews as a weapon against Christianity with its socially cohesive and family-friendly values.

Jewish pornographer Al Goldstein’s infamous words — “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks”—surely tell us all we need to know about the bitter hatred felt by so many Jews for the Western countries that have harboured them and given them hospitality for so long.

Al Goldstein: “Christ sucks!”

Jewish hatred for Christianity is legendary spanning the Jewish political spectrum, from the far left to the neoconservative right — can hardly be doubted. It is indeed legendary, as the picture below makes only too clear.

The arrogance and sense of entitlement of so many Jews, whose values Al Goldstein seems to have imbibed with his mother’s milk, never cease to astonish me. “The difference between a Jewish soul and the soul of non-Jews,”Rabbi Kook assures us, “is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the soul of cattle.” Given that Rabbi Kook would be the first to agree that rabbis form the intellectual and spiritual backbone of Jewry, one is tempted to ask what makes a man become a rabbi in the first place. Is it the thirst for God? Is it the wish to save one’s soul and help others along the path to salvation?

Here is Jewish actor Richard Pacheco who couldn’t quite make up his mind whether to become a rabbi or a porn star:

Richard Pacheco (b. 1948). Scion of an orthodox Jewish family from Pittsburgh, Pacheco was attracted from an early age to the rabbinate and to porn in equal measure. Star of over 100 X-rated films and winner of countless awards for his sexual prowess in front of the cameras, Pacheco was lucky to receive the loyal support of his wife Ashley. Managing somehow to juggle a career in porn with a commitment to family life, Pacheco later had sex with Ashley “considerably less often after they had children and AIDS became a threat, but he credits his pornography career for giving him the opportunity to continue sexual encounters for a time without endangering his home life.”

Five years before I got my first part in an adult film. … I went to an audition for an X-rated film with my hair down to my ass, a copy of Wilhelm Reich’s Sexual Revolution under my arm and yelling about work, love and sex, which were Reich’s three principles. These things have got to be in balance or your life is going to be fucked.

Note that Pacheco had signed on to the radical left-Freudian views of Wilhelm Reich—the wackiest and most extreme of the subversive sexual ideologies that emerged from psychoanalysis. Jewish devotees of psychoanalysis typically saw it, first and foremost, as a blow against Christian sexual mores; hence, as a sneak attack on Christianity itself. For Jews, psychoanalysis placed Western culture on the couch. It was an assertion of Jewish contempt for Christian culture—the culture of the outgroup now destined for the dustbin of history.

Pacheco didn’t get the job, but he kept on auditioning, since all he really wanted was to screw gorgeous blonde shiksas—doubtless an atavistic expression of Jewish hatred for the goyim, every act of sex being an act of revenge.

Five years later I auditioned for another X-rated film. That very day, I also interviewed at Hebrew Union Seminary to do rabbinical study.I made the choice that the kind of rabbi I would be, if I became one, was one that could have been performing in sex films as part of his experience. (My emphasis, see here).

Mindboggling, isn’t it? This dupe of the sexual revolution couldn’t make up his mind whether to sing hymns to God or kiss the devil’s ass! In the end, it’s the devil who won out. Pacheco decided to build a career in pornography—with the full blessings, incidentally, of ADL chairman Abe Foxman who said that porn offered American Jews a valid and worthy way “to pursue the American dream.”

Here is Pacheco being interviewed after his retirement from porn:

As a young husband, I had no idea how to ask my beloved wife to be my “fuck-your-ass whore”. Yeah, I wanted some of that kind of sex, some very, very selfish lust with a sex kitten. A “fuck-me-fuck-me” woman. There’d be corsets and leathers, high-heeled boots laced up to crotchless panties, breasts spilling out of nippleless bras in lush bordello bedrooms filled up with sex toys. Like blindfolds and vibrators, handcuffs and paddles. Yeah, and there’d be me with a genuine tarted up won’t-say-no-woman. All the best drugs and oils in the world and plenty of time. And there’d be no “I love you” in any of it! I would meet this X-rated woman at the hotel where they were holding the auditions…and I would have sex with her right there in the hotel elevator! And then I would go home to my wife.

Richard Pacheco (a recent photo). Asked if he still watched adult movies now that he was a Senior Citizen, the former rabbinical student replied: “Not much. Occasionally I’ll toss one on for masturbation if my wife ain’t around.” (See here).

In 1984, Pacheco won the Best Couples Sex Scene (video) with porn star Nina Hartley. In 1999, he was inducted into the AVN Hall of Fame with feminist porn diva Annie Sprinkle. In 2000, along with Sprinkle, he was given a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Free Speech Coalition (FSC), an organization that had given Nina Hartley an award only a few months earlier. (See here).

Note that these three luminaries of lust—Pacheco, Sprinkle and Hartley—are allJewish pornographers and that the impressively named “Free Speech Coalition” is in fact a trade association set up in 1991 to safeguard the interests of “adult entertainers” pornographers who for the most part are Jewish.

The FSC rejects all claims that pornography is addictive; it refuses to consider the possibility that serial killers and rapists could in any way be influenced by inflammatory erotica.

In an important court case in 2002, Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, the US Supreme Court decided in the Coalition’s favour, thereby making it easier for pornographers to demoralize Americans, corrupt their children, and promote a general debasement of values — all this in accordance, incidentally, with theFrankfurt School agenda of producing a “culture of pessimism” designed to foster anarchy and promote impotent anger and despair. (See here and here).

Our new elite is clearly engaged in the business of mind manipulation and mass demoralization, nor will it rest until it has rebuilt the world in the image of a new Sodom and Gomorrah — a dystopic nightmare.
America, 2050

Apocalypse America

I have said it before, and I will say it again:

A great storm is brewing and only a military coup or revolution can now save America. Save it from what? From the spiritual cancer that is consuming it from within, and from the foreign wars into which it is being lured—Afghanistan, Iraq, and soon perhaps Iran—on behalf of another nation and its indefatigable agents in America.

Unless a miracle soon occurs and some charismatic leader comes to our rescue, an unimaginably bleak future surely awaits us: a future in which the only consolations left to us will be mindless entertainment, drugs, alcohol, sexual intoxication—and suicide.

Depravity appears to have no limits, as those who have surfed the Internet have often discovered to their cost. The most appalling sexual addictions now render even children helpless. Many a marriage is blighted and ends in ruins amid these terrifying toxins.

And yet, we are only at the beginning. We have many a slime-green step to go before we reach rock bottom. Abyss yawns below bottomless abyss, and even to peer into these black moral chasms is to make us giddy with vertigo.

There is indeed no end to man’s depravity.

And now…

Things fall apart. The centre cannot hold. The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned.

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born…?
— William Butler Yeats,
The Second Coming

* * *

Dr Lasha Darkmoon (email her) is an academic, age 32, with higher degrees in Classics. She is also a published poet and translator whose verse can be sampled here. “Lasha Darkmoon” is a pen name.

Permanent link: http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/authors/Darkmoon-Sex-Plague.html



=============be worthy

Let us take our rage, transmute it into commitment, and smash the enemy of beauty and truth. Without mercy. As the insane and doomed world of the pale-faced lemmings goes down, rejecting their salvation and their saviors, we must needs become a separate, respected and feared tribe. WE will survive, the Eternal Solutreans.

At the Children’s Museum, Pittsburgh-Northside

* * *

“Come Again” by Dowland, sung by Barbara Bonney


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