ENGLISH Katyn, lest we ever forget

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Whites (Slavic Russian soldiers)

forced to kill other Whites (Slavic Polish officers)

at the Katyn Massacre — as Jewish and Georgian Bolsheviks laugh and celebrate


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A Serbian-American comrade wrote an email to me:

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The Katyn Massacre of 1940: the info below proves that the Germans never did it….We Serbians always knew it. Unfortunately, Americans did not care at all what was going on in Europe. They were occupied with getting overtime pay and watching baseball.
As a child in elementary school [in Serbia [in the then Yugoslavia], I was reading the German “SIGNAL” magazine in our Serbian language where there was shown in detail,  without the shadow of a doubt, that only the bolshevik anti-human monsters could have done it.
One of the inspectors in the Katyn forest, the medical doctor Svetislav Stefanovich, by the way, a famous Serbian poet as well, was liquidated on the spot when the bolsheviks occupied Belgrade on 20 October 1944.
Six thousand of the Belgrade elite were liquidated by New Years Day 1945, in two months. The Germans did not manage to liquidate that many in four long years of their occupation of Belgrade. And those the Germans executed were mainly hostages taken because of communist bandits who were shooting German soldiers from ambush, not any targeting of the elite of our society.
Of course, some Germans did atrocities, and the English, Americans, and Japanese did atrocities too…..
….BUT in such a cold-blood, industrial processing of humans from life to death, only Bolsheviks could do that and NOBODY ELSE.
ALWAYS ONLY ONE bullet hole in the back of the skull! Efficiency to perfection, a unique bolshevik specialty. Spread the word.
If those Poles were a danger to the Soviet Union, why did they not put them in forced labor camps so that they earned their food? No way!
The only goal was GENOCIDE, EXTERMINATION — the industrial, conveyor-belt way.
This is the essence of the Bolshevik genius!
And there are still those who talk with admiration about communism!
Only people who does not understand bolshevism can criticize Putin, an experienced former KGB official. He knows that ALL the old guard in Russia were/are wolves in sheep skin and they would devour him or anybody else who would openly expose the monstrosity of Bolshevism.
I guess he is waiting for them to die out and a new generation to replace them. But still, Russia accepted that Katyn was a bolshevik crime and it was exposed as such.
Why in our USA has it never been exposed? All we hear is German crimes!
Another Slavic comrade wrote:

Good. This Polish movie shows that the Germans never did it, just as Gorbachev said to the German government in 1990. The archives are opening up.

This is sickening: After each officer [the best Poles!] another man is shunted forward, the blindfold removed. The same ritual. Another bullet whistles through another brain. Then another. And another. The gruesome procedure is repeated until the hole fills with the bodies of hundreds and hundreds of innocent men.


This is the harrowing scene of a devastating new film, Katyn. It takes its name from the village in western Russia where the bodies of more than 4,000 Polish prisoners of war were dug up in 1943.

Gruesome: A scene from the new film shows a Russian soldier shooting a Polish officer in the back of the head before another pushing his body into a mass grave

But these bodies were by no means the only ones to be disinterred. Near the Soviet city of Kalinin, now known as Tver, another 6,000 bodies were unearthed. Near Kharkov in Ukraine there were 4,000.

In all, more than 22,000 Poles  –  roughly two-thirds of them officers and policemen, the rest political prisoners – suffered the same appalling fate: to be executed, without trial or even warning, and thrown like carcasses into mass graves.
Their murderers were the NKVD, the Soviet secret police. Indeed, the chief executioner of the NKVD personally pulled the fatal trigger no fewer than 6,000 times in just 28 days.
JdN: I am now writing constantly about the new scientific PROOF that some modern humans are really descended to a large extent genetically from the violent neanderthals of the Stone Age.
https://johndenugent.com/jdn/neanderthals-and-semites (This webpage is full of powerful information not yet in final edited form.)
These descendants of neanderthals hate all other subspecies of the human race, and especially the white descendants of the Cro magnons, because the Cro magnons expelled them from most of Europe.

The area once totally dominated by neanderthals, whose brains were as large as those of Cro magnons
A typical neanderthal

The immensely powerful media mogul in the United States, Sy Newhouse

The NKVD director who proposed the genocide of Polish officers to Stalin, the neanderthal Georgian Lavrenti Beria
The fellow Georgian and part-neanderthal Josip Djugashvili (who later called himself Stalin) as a young bank-robbing Bolshevik and murderer; Stalin immediately approved Beria’s suggestion that the Polish officers  should be annihilated as “stubborn enemies of Soviet power.”

The most dangerous psychopaths on earth are the semitoid part-neanderthal peoples: Jews, Turks, Khazars, Georgians, Armenians, Chechens, Arabs and many other muslims who have Arabic-semitic genes through rape by Arabic conquerors and the spreading of Arabic conqueror genes via the institution of harems

Another depiction of a Stone Age neanderthal
The modern neanderthal and Pakistani citizen recently tried to explode a car bomb in Times Square, New York City. Faisal Shahzad, a naturalized U.S. citizen, LOOK!!!!!, has a big (i.e. an everted, thrusting-out) lower lip, a sloping forehead, big brow ridges, and a big, curved-down nose…..

HE’S A NEANDERTHAL! How much closer does the correspondence have to get?


An American comrade me that in the old days the police commissioner of Düsseldorf in Germany had a collection of the heads of executed murderers from his area, and overwhelmingly they had neanderthal features.

Now look at this modern German police photo of a kidnapper and possible murderer the police are searching after in the abduction of Maria Bögerl, a banker’s wife. (The image is actually a computer graphic based on eyewitness descriptions of the suspect entered into special criminal facial-ID software.)

A historian, Mark Weber, who took over an institute that was set up to fight the Jewish gas chamber lies and Holocaust fraud, and instead caused its steep decline and began teaching, as of January 2009, that the Holocaust did happen.

The first genocide of World War II has since become known as the Katyn Massacre. It took place in April 1940, 21 months before the Nazi regime devised the Final Solution at the Wannsee conference in January 1942.
The whole world knew that a large group of Polish officers had mysteriously disappeared soon after the Soviet annexation of eastern Poland on September 17, 1939.
The invasion came after the infamous Molotov-Ribbentrop pact which allowed Germany and the Soviet Union to carve up Poland between them. But the fate of the officers remained unknown until the bodies were discovered after the German invasion of the Soviet Union.
Even as the Nazis were liquidating Jews in the Warsaw ghetto [sic], Goebbels’s propaganda machine trumpeted the atrocity as evidence of Bolshevik brutality. Stalin counterinsisted that the mass murders had been committed by the Nazis.
Churchill knew the brutal truth, but it made sense to keep quiet. Stalin was our ally in the epic fight against Nazism, and his nose was not to be put out of joint. British silence remains one of the worst stains on our country’s war record.
Even by the grisly standards of the 20th century, the Katyn Massacre was a crime of appalling enormity: a concerted attempt to wipe out an entire stratum of a great European nation. Behind the slaughter was a grisly piece of forward planning.
Stalin’s long-term intention was for Poland to become a friendly neighbour under the Soviet sphere of influence. The fewer bourgeois enemies of Communism to oppose him, the better. So he started liquidating those Polish officers who, in long, punitive interrogations, could not be coaxed into taking a pro-Soviet stance.
The butchery of the cream of Polish manhood was characterised by a breathtaking lack of fuss. In the Katyn forest, the soldiers were frogmarched to deep, open pits. As his blindfold was removed, each officer would have seen the corpses mounting at his feet, and then heard the trigger.
In other locations  –  POWs from camps at Starobilsk, near Kharkov, and Ostashkov, near Kalinin, the extermination took place indoors.
One by one, the officers were dragged to a prison cell, their hands tied behind them with wire, and then shot from behind. To drown out the noise, the cell door was lined with felt, and the drone of loud machines masked the incessant sound of gunshots-The bodies were unceremoniously lugged out through another door to a line of waiting trucks.
On that first night of killing, the NKVD butchers managed to dispatch 390 men. In subsequent days they confined the nightly tally to 250.


Devastating: Andrzej Wajda’s movie dramatises the events of 1939 in Russia

[…] no one has ever stood in the dock for their part in the Katyn massacre.
The new film is the work of the great Polish director Andrzej Wajda, whose father, Jakub, was one of the murdered officers. As well as telling the story of their deaths, Katyn dramatises the aftermath of the war when, in communist Poland, it was forbidden to mention the dead officers.
For those who did, prison awaited. As a result, ignorance of the crime spread throughout Poland over 40 years. For decades, it fell to emigré Poles to keep the name of Katyn alive.
Among them are British Poles for whom Katyn remains a wound which refuses to heal. It’s not just that their fathers were murdered  –  the officers’ families also felt the blunt instrument of Soviet oppression. As part of Stalin’s larger plan to weaken Polish opposition to Communism, 1.6 million Poles were deported to far-flung corners of the Soviet Union.
One of those British Poles is Andrzej Polniaszek. Now 81, he was 12 in 1939 when his father Franciszek, a doctor of law and an officer, was captured when the Soviets moved into Poland.
Soviet documentation has revealed that his father was taken to the camp in Starobelsk, where, over a long, bitterly cold winter, he would have been subjected to intense political agitation.
By March 5, when Stalin signed his execution order, he had been condemned to death as one of 22,000 ‘hardened and uncompromising enemies of Soviet authority’.
By April 13, Andrzej’s father may well have been already dead. It was on that date that the young Andrzej, with his mother and sister, heard a knock on their apartment door.
‘At three in the morning the soldiers came. We had an hour to pack only the things we could carry. They even warned: “Take warm clothes. You’ll be there for some time.” ‘
Meanwhile, in the Polish countryside, Waclaw and Janusz Gasiorowski, aged ten and seven, were rounded up with their mother and sister.
Their father Tadeusz, a lieutenant in the Pomeranian infantry, had been taken prisoner the previous September, and they feared the worst. ‘There had been regular letters from our father,’ recalls Janusz. ‘And then it abruptly stopped. Not only our correspondence, but that of everyone who had someone in those camps.’
Andrzej Polniaszek ended up in Kazakhstan –  ‘a godforsaken part of the country with a Siberian climate’. When Waclaw and Janusz got off an overcrowded train carriage after 27 days, they were in Uzbekistan, 100 miles from the Chinese border.

Genocide: Polish officers await their fate in the new Katyn film which is out now

They were sent to live in stables spattered with manure, which was the only source of fuel. Waclaw still has the cheerful advice of a Soviet soldier ringing in his ears: ‘Don’t worry. You will get used to it. And if you don’t get used to it, you will die.’

The boys were lucky. Their aunt was a dental surgeon whose skills were valuable. ‘If she pulled out the tooth of a Russian, she got half a kilo of butter, a chicken or a bag of potatoes and this kept us going.’


Others were not so lucky. Of the 1.6 million Poles deported into far-flung outposts of the Soviet Union’s gulag system, approximately a million died of cold, starvation and disease.
There was a seismic mood swing when news broke of the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941. The Soviets suddenly needed their captive Poles, so they were freed to join a Polish army mustering under General Anders, who was released from the Lubyanka prison in Moscow, where he had been tortured, to fight with the Red Army.
For young Polish deportees, the only problem was how to join up. Railway carriages were clogged with wounded Soviet soldiers, permission to travel was hard to secure and distances were unimaginably vast.
Anders made things harder by taking the first wave of volunteers to Persia. Among them were the Gasiorowski boys, who travelled through Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. On the way, Andrzej was separated from his mother and acknowledged that it had known all along who had been the true perpetrators of the Katyn Massacre.
Most, though not all of the graves in Ukraine, have since been exhumed. In 2000, Andrzej went to Kharkov to see the opening of the mass grave where his father was believed to have been buried. The bodies there had been buried in clay and failed to decompose.
To hide the atrocity, the NKVD returned to the grave with massive drilling devices and punched holes in the ground to aerate the grave and encourage decomposition. In the process, they destroyed the bodies.
‘You can imagine how I felt when it was opened,’ says Andrzej softly. ‘The only way they could tell how many dead there were was by counting the skulls which had remained intact. Out of the 4,500 buried in Kharkov, we were only able to find 150 bodies. The rest was a mess.’
Andrzej has spent more than 60 years in his adoptive country. He married an Englishwoman and had three children who speak only pidgin Polish. He thinks he survived the hell of two Siberian winters because ’someone above decided that I could do something useful’.
Twenty years ago he founded the Association of Katyn Families Abroad, which has about 2,000 members. Now that the mood is changing towards the dark Soviet style of old in Putin’s Russia, it becomes ever more certain that the murder of thousands of men such as Franciszek Polniaszek. Tadeusz Gasiorowski and, indeed, Jakub Wajda will go unpunished. So the task that remains is clear.
‘One of the last things we have to do,’ says Andrzej, ‘is to keep the memory of what happened to our fathers for future generations. With my son and daughter I went back to Kharkov where my father was killed.
‘In the cemetery there is a big bell half-submerged underground, so when it rings the sound goes into the ground where they are still buried. My son and I rang it and listened. And both of us cried.’
And as he recalls the knell clanging dolefully among Polish bones, Andrzej Polniaszek cries again.

My comment:
Let us be also cynical: American Jews have totally taken over Poland and its media after the 1991 end of the Warsaw Pact, and the purpose of this film is to create anti-Russian hatred.
In reality, there are psychopaths among all peoples and races  — Russians, Slavs, Germans, Africans, Aztec Indians, Swedes and Swazilanders. The key is the psychopaths in each society who make life hell for the decent majority.
The fact is this: that Russia under Vladimir Putin and his successor Dmitri Medvedev are slowly, prudently, step-by-step, liberating Russia from the Khazar Jewish grip.
We must NEVER blame the Russian people as a whole for the crimes of the Bolshevik Jews, Georgians and Latvians and others, or of certain psychopaths who ethnically were true Russians.
The reason why Hitler lost the war was he forgot this great and victorious principle of the unity of all the Aryan white nations. All Slavs, all Germanic peoples (the English, Dutch, Germans and Scanfinavians), all Keltic and Old Mediterranean whites are our blood brothers — and we all face the common foe:
1) the psychopaths in our own race (such as the Clintons and Bushes and Cheneys) and
2) the Jewish psychopathic leadership caste in New York, Los Angeles, London  and Tel Aviv.
It is pan-Aryanism, it is Solutreanism, that will save our race, that is, those individual whites who choose not to be doomed.
Solutreanism is a separate, international tribe, like the Jews but for whites, for all those whites who break free of brainwashing and become 100% committed, even at the cost of persecution of losing their job, their marriage, their health or their very  life,  to the survival of the best of our people, the best of our white genes and the best of our true western civilization.
They are building a separate society within each captured and enslaved white nation that is not ruled by psychopaths.  It is not a rightwing movement or a leftwing movement, but conservative about keeping the good of the past and liberal in being compassionate toward our own suffering people and in aiding all of other races who struggle against what rules this whole planet — a psychopathocracy.

Here is a chilling example of an individual Russian psychopath, an Aryan who killed tens of thousands of his fellow Aryans personally for his Georgian and Jewish masters:

Wikipedia ends its article this way:
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Blokhin was forcibly retired following Stalin’s death [in 1953], although his “irreproachable service” was publicly noted by Lavrenty Beria at the time of his departure.[6] After Beria’s fall from power (June 1953), Blokhin’s rank was eventually stripped from him in the de-Stalinization campaigns of Nikita Khrushchev. He reportedly sunk into alcoholism, went insane, and died in February 1955 with the official cause of death listed as “suicide“.[7]
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What this might indicate is that the man was only a “borderline” psychopath — perhaps a disadvantaged psychopath (who had been abused as a child) who DID have some remnants of a conscience. But that did not help his victims. What a genetic loss for Poland to lose its officer corps!
Officers are a special combination of education, training, IQ, character, leadership and a willingness to fight and even die for their country’s survival that every society urgently needs.
It will take decades of eugenic promotion of large families among our gifted whites  citizens to repair the damage our gene pool has been suffering now for decades.
As an enlisted Marine, who was encouraged to go to Officer Candidate School, and the son of a Marine officer who fought in Korea, I could easily see the physical and psychyological difference between officers and “the men.” In a meritocratic society, officers are a cut above the average Joe. Their intelligence and command presence make them into natural leaders of men. They are among the precious treasures of our race.

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[source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1195342/The-genocide-Britain-hushed-A-new-film-tells-terrible-story-Stalins-Final-Solution–Churchills-shameful-complicity.html]


The genocide Britain hushed up: A new film tells the terrible story of Stalin’s own Final Solution – and Churchill’s shameful complicity

By Jasper Rees


Last updated at 12:43 AM on 25th June 2009


A blindfold is ripped from a soldier’s eyes. Looking up to get his bearings, he notes that he is in a forest. Looking down, he sees a long, deep pit, its floor carpeted with dead bodies in khaki uniform. He has moments left to live. He feels for his crucifix, but a bullet interrupts the conversation with his Maker. His lifeless corpse topples into the hole in the ground.

=============My comment:

Yes, the various white nations have done terrible things to each other, especially 70 years ago. But it is psychopaths in each nation that instigate war and get rich off hatred and blood.

This is why my webpage is so important:


There can be no white unity, and no world cooperation, until we see it is a small psychopathic minority that takes power in every country — and THEY cause 90% of the problems within each nations and the wars between the nations, so they become even richer — as the best young men and the future leaders are killed off, and our finest genes destroyed.

As the distinguished rabbi Simon bar Yohai says in Hebrew in the Jewish sacred book, the Talmud, in the section “Sanhedrin 59”:

“Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog.” Translation: Even the best of the gentiles [those gentiles who like and who aid the Jews] should be destroyed.”

You must read this article if you have not already done so. Othwerwise you will be unable to understand this totally different mindset, based totally on hatred, a psychology that is nothing a decent person can imagine to be possible. Here once sees that a kind of separate subspecies of the human race exists., motivated by the exact opposite of the wishes and dreams of the majority of humankind, whycih are peace, prosperity, friendship and enjoying life, not hate. https://johndenugent.com/jdn/psychopaths-in-power/

It is the psychopaths that rule every nation, and the worst of them is is organized Jewry. Let me point out that a seminal work about psychopaths in power that I utilized for that article is this book Political Ponerology (http://www.ponerology.com) by the Polish psychologist Andrew Lobaczewski.

Yes, there are irritating things in every white nation. There are dumb Poles, arrogant Germans, hypocritical Brits, loud and ignorant Americans, sex-mad Frenchmen, cowardly Italians, brawling Australians, crooked Greeks, brutal Russians, tame Canadians, unfriendly Finns and drunken Irishmen. And they harm the honor and reputation of their nations.

In fact, (and I have to laugh), the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said it best:

Every nation ridicules other nations, and all are right. 🙂

There are also excellent and famous virtues in each of these white nations:  brilliant Poles,  reliable and efficient Germans, unflappable Brits, sensitive and cultivated Americans, charming French, loving Italian families, friendly Australians, generous Greeks, compassionate Russians, outspoken Canadians, brave and honest Finns, and Irishmen who will fight injustice and defend the “underdog” and the downtrodden with their own life and to their dying breath.

But today is a time to contemplate more the good in each other, to open our minds and hearts and enjoy the beauty in each white nation,  like many separate sparkling gems in a crown……

The coronation crown of Charlemagne in 800, destroyed by Illuminati Jews in the French Revolution a thousand years later. Each white nation is a different beautiful jewel in this crown of white power and unity.

…and for the sake of white unity in this time of danger we must forget the anger of the past, however justified, and come together — against the great foe of us all, the psychopathic networks at work in the government, media and economy to create the New World Order global dictatorship.

And at the core of this NWO tyranny is just one group: hate-filled, organized Jewry.

A Polish Jew in America wrote a bestselling novel in 1969 that became famous here (because of course Jews in the newspapers promoted it as a work of genius) called Portnoy’s Complaint.

The Jews are always complaining about something….. 😉 Like being attacked by a peace ship.

I remember that my father, who was not antisemitic, bought it and then threw it out, muttering once briefly to me (he is a former Marine Corps officer and not a big talker) as he was driving me to high school :

“There are some pretty sick people out there, John.”

Basically, as the Catholic writer E. Michael Jones has written in his The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit (on page 985), the novel (Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portnoy%27s_Complaint) is about this:

Portnoy, the comic Jewish Messiah, conquers America by corrupting the morals of American women. “What I’m saying, doctor,” Portnoy tells his psychoanalyst, “is that I don’t seem to [JdN: please pardon me for quoting directly, but remember that this bestseller is “a work of genius”] stick my dick up these girls as much as I stick it up their backgrounds — as though through fucking I will discover America. Conquer America — maybe that’s more like it.”

A friend of mine returned not long ago from a trip to Poland and reported that a Polish expert had told her that the Polish government had been spending huge amounts of money rebuilding areas of Poland which had stayed destroyed and in ruins since the last war. And remember that Poland  is not rich. It was devastated in WWII and then strangled economically by Jewish-Georgian bolshevism from 1944-1990.

So the Poles rebuilt finally these devastated areas.

Then guess who shows up?

New York Jews.

They express no thanks.

Just: “Listen, this was Jewish property before the war, so now that you rebuilt it you must give it back to us.”

(This avoids the question of HOW the Jews grabbed all these huge areas of Poland…. And the Jews also have moaned from 1939 to today:  “The Germans took all our Rembrandts, our Picassos, our cellars of champagne, our gigantic factories and our palaces.” ….But WHY did such a tiny minority HAVE all these treasures, in the first place, that the genius and sweat of white, Christian people of EUROPE had created?)

Now, other areas of Poland devastated by the war and by communism had not yet been rebuilt, because Poland is not rich enough to rebuild al the damaged areas all at once.

The New York Jews showed no interest in reclaiming or rebuilding any of the ruined areas.

But the message is: “Poles, rebuild it and then we New York Jews will claim it.”

So, of course, the Polish government has stopped rebuilding these destroyed regions! What would be the point, when a rich Jewish billionaire from New York has his lawyer write to demand it from the poor Polish people!

Below is another atrocity involving Poland, but this affects the whole white world, not just our white brothers and sisters in Poland.

This one Polish Jew — protected during the war from arrest by the Germans by a merciful, white Catholic Polish nanny, Bronislawa Kurpi, who lied that he was Catholic and Polish, and then that he was Lithuanian — is now Abraham Foxman.

This same Jew went to New York, and now he terrorizes the whole world with his bully organization, “The Anti-Defamation League.” And this, it seems, unmarried man also promotes “gay pride” and “homosexuality is normal.” (Yes, on a planet run by these highly intelligent Jewish geniuses [sorry for my bluntness], the penis is supposed to go into the anus…………)

Abraham Foxman (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Foxman), the picture of fat arrogance

Look how his “ADL” in the logo’s symbolism straddles the world as a man sits on, and rides a horse. Or are the legs of the “A” like clamps? Like a vise? A nutcracker?

It is time for white unity. It is time for Solutrean social nationism. It is time to see all that makes us brothers and sisters, OUR glories as a race in Europe and America, and stand as one family — against the bloodsucking economic vampires and the culture-destroyers who are coming like locusts all over Europe, America, Canada, Australia, white South Africa and indeed the whole world.

Now we have a Jewish world — where blacks rule the streets and even the White House, and Islam is rising.

And no white girl is safe. This is negroes in France.


Negroes in Tennessee in America:


Negroes in South Africa (After Rothschild’s media power and economic presure ended the white government of South Africa)


This negro deliberately infected ELEVEN white Polish women with AIDS….. after Jew-owned newspapers had purred daily about the “poor victimized blacks and the evil racist whites who do not tolerate the valuabl immigrants.” Look at his cocky expression, even in court.

[source: http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=68&art_id=nw20080719133256973C370647]

Warsaw – A Cameroonian poet and activist living in Poland as a refugee since 1999 went on trial Friday [2008] in Warsaw charged with having “knowingly infected” 11 women with the HIV virus, his lawyer said.

Held behind closed doors to protect the identity of the victims, the trial of Simon Moleke Njie, 34, also known as Simon Mol, is expected to last “at least a several months,” defence lawyer Mikolaj Pietrzak said.

Polish police detained the suspect in January 2007 after one of his victims filed a criminal complaint against him.

Mol told investigators he had not known he was HIV positive and that he had tested negative for the virus in 1999. But Polish police investigators found that several of his partners told him they had tested positive for the disease after having had intimate relations with him.

Mol became a darling of Poland’s liberal press [WHO OWNS THIS LIBERAL PRESS?] for organising vocal campaigns against racism and supporting the cause of refugees in Poland.

The women allegedly infected by Mol range in age from 20-25. Mol is believed to have initially asked them to translate his articles and poems into Polish.

The charges carry a maximum penalty of 10 years behind bars.

Mol is also suspected of infecting two other women, currently residing outside Poland.

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It is time for white pride again.


It is time for the Eternal Solutreans.


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