ENGLISH Dead-eye; Kolberg, the Reich's last movie; J-Team fails to ram through DREAM Act for illegal alien amnesty

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I was out practice-shooting the other day, firing head shots as always, and used as a target a cap I got at a Goodwill store for $1.  😉

Why do I use the black German Walther P-22, depicted in the photo on the left below?

The .22 round causes very little kick upward by the barrel, meaning one can rapidly re-aim those sights and get off many rounds accurately. Also, the Walther P-22 bullet flies at very high speed, meaning it goes through most kinds of Kevlar.

In any case, my practice is always in head shots, since no one can see anything or fire with a Kevlar vest draped over his head. 😉

I aimed at exactly the spot where (see the grouping below, the torn-up area) the Jews killed our John Kennedy, above the right ear, throwing a bloody gout of the very brain that composed “Ask not what your country can do for you” backward onto the limousine trunk, where the pitiful and dutiful Jackie instinctively climbed backwards, as a lover would, trying to retrieve it.

So if Oswald (a patsie, set up to go down, just as he stated to reporters) shot Kennedy — someone sure did, and with a rifle, rifle bullets hitting with great power — from behind, as the lying Jew Arlen Specter, who secretly ran the Warren Commission, claimed (he was later rewarded with decades in the US Senate as as a useless, total RINO, a conservative Republican In Name Only) then if the bullet slapped into his head from behind, why did the huge brain fragment from our murdered president not fly forward into the front seat with the driver and Governor John Connally (….whom my father knew, btw)?

Why did the brain chunk jump TOWARD Oswald’s gun, hmmm, Arlen?? A NEW LAW OF Jewish PHYSICS?


JFK is hit, his head jolts backward and a brain-and-skull chunk also flies backward; his bewildered yet also courageous wife gets up out of her seat to go retrieve it, like a mother locating her child”s broken tooth so a dentist could put it back in…..what a scene of absolute horror. Military men reading this: This is the Jews killing the Commander-in-Chief (and a man who served in WWII in combat, unlike the yellow weasel Jew Lyndon Johnson — https://johndenugent.com/english/english-russian-and-american-sailors-prevented-wwiii-in-1967-thwarting-israeli-false-flag-attack-coordinated-by-closet-jew-lyndon-baines-johnson — or the Hollywood actor Reagan).

Johnson, like so many racial Jews, had the genetically neanderthal trait of the head thrusting forward. Here is the murdering, coal-black-eyed s.o.b.’s official White House photo portrait, neck hunched forward. As Pulitzer Prizw-winning biographer Robert Caro reported, this pervert used to harass White House male reporters until they went skinny-dipping with him in the then White House pool, also naked, so he could display to them his huge penis. Yeah, LBJ, you were a real man. At least the Italian mafia had a rule that you never kill a man in front of his own wife or kids. Rot in hell, villain.

A CGI of the bullet from the front, whose power and trajectory devastated John Kennedy’s brain after the first shot had struck the poor man in the throat a few seconds earlier.

The crypto-Jew Johnson, the homosexual part-negro Hoover, and the Israeli Mossad murdered the man who (whatever his womanizing and his other faults) was the last true President of the United States, his boss being the American people, and the last president who was not a slave of Israhell.

I was thinking as I fired of all the bastards who kill our innocent and trusting white people, presidents and police officers, captains and privates, adults and children, male and female, and who all deserve the same treatment of execution by the People through courts that obey US, the people, the masters of America. We are not human federal property of Barack Insane Obongo.

I was shooting one-handed, at night, holding in my left hand a small keychain flashlight, at 9 pm, and at thirty feet of distance….three shots landing exactly where I aimed them, to the left of the center of the cap. (The other shot, striking the bill of the cap, was from the Russian 9mm Makaroff, and was fired by a friend. I am always with my dogs, who bite and rip skin on my command, and an equally armed friend when I walk, dear Jews and your minions.)

Btw, the Walther’s laser sight was off that night. (The switch turns itself on way too easily — and the battery had run down. I have just replaced the two batteries for my angry little red eye of a laser.)

That is the same Walther that the mendacious Jew Olly Steeds, host of his own Discovery Channel series, and his three non-white cohorts, and a worldwide tv audience saw, quite cocked, which freaked Steeds out. No four anything-but-neutral non-whites (or any number of white traitors) can ever come into my house, smirking sideways at each other, and be able to totally relax.

I certainly can NEVER relax; it has been 32 years of tension for me as a white human rights activist.

On my first year in the Cause…..nearly expelled from college, disinherited and murdered


If you are actively pro-white, and making big waves, as George Lincoln Rockwell and Governor George Wallace learned, this regime wants to kill you. Steeds asked me if I was armed and I sure was, with four non-whites just inches away, and, in that snowstorm, no bodyguards who could come to protect me.

We are going to win. I felt it, deep inside, that We as a people will win, as I fired those rounds. I was shooting from that centered, deep-inside place where the marksman is at peace, clear and determined, ready to make the three bulls-eyes.

Inside me, underneath the feeling of war which THEY have declared on our race and its champions, there is peace. A clear grasp of duty does that to any real man, who is programmed by our genes to protect, but beyond that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” and I thank the Lord that our path to duty is so clear.

We know who is evil, and we know what they do to the innocent. They must be stopped before they kill again, taking our last freedoms and then torturing and killing our bodies. They have begun the physical assault now by groping millions of white Americans at airports around the country:

“Be groped or submit to massive radiation shooting through your body. Every white American is a suspected terrorist!”

Merry Christmas, brain-dead Jewmerica.

Dear JFK, as the saying went, “Johnny, we hardly knew ya.” Why did you, an Aryan and antisemite like your father (https://johndenugent.com/english/english-stomping-the-snake-duel-with-foxs-alan-colmes, go down halfway right past JFK Navy photo), trust that lying, treacherous Jew Johnson? In this photo you have just seconds to live, and your kids will grow up fatherless, and your blood will shower your wife.

There has been NO US government since 11-22-63, just Israhell attacking our people…. our sailors, our soldiers, our marines, and our whole nation on 9/11. Look at these Secret Servicemen being ordered to DISMOUNT as the limousine turns into Dealey Plaza!!! (This is to prepare the shot-unprotected-from-behind canard.) Note the agent’s stunned disbelief!


Here is an excellent summary of the key findings in the movie “911 Missing Links” on how Israhell has attacked our nation and our US military. I was born on July 14, 1954, on the EXACT day and at the exact time (seven hours later by time-zone) that the Israelis launched “Operation Susanna” to kill Americans.


Someone quipped: “The Iceman Cometh.” That about sums it up.


For all who donate $100 or more to my Eternal Solutrean launch preparations, I offer this:

We will walk you through encryption, so your emails are safe from snooping Jews.

Encryption, that is, encoding your emails so ZOG cannot read them, is the wave of the future, and we will have none without it. No people ever became free when their enemy knew their every move in advance. This is what Michael Collins of Ireland understood well. Smersh, as the Russians would say, “death to spies.”

I have a special volunteer standing by, who has written a full page with easy screenshots, embedded into this very website, and ready to tell you how to set this EMAIL PRIVACY up.

I am adding a bonus for $100 donors: a DVD of the movie Kolberg.

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road

Sarver PA 16055

Once you set up encryption, send me your real address via encryption — and I will send it to you, or just send it to me by unencrypted email.

I watched Kolberg myself for the first time two nights ago, and then lay in bed for 15 minutes, just tingling, unwilling to fall asleep until I had fully savored the experience and drawn the powerful lessons the movie teaches.

The heroine, played by Swedish actress Katrina Söderbaum, fears the officer Schill will be killed. In fact, he will.

In a nutshell, it is a historical drama based on the real and successful defense of the city of Kolberg, eastern Germany, during four months of artillery and infantry assaults in 1807 by Napoleon’s troops.

Napoleon has defeated all the Prussians except this one city…..KOLBERG!

The dashing figure of the young Neidhart von Gneisenau (below) was what gave the city backbone.

What made it poignant for me was its depiction of three groups, the born heroes that nature gave our race, then the semi-heroes who will do the right thing 100% — if they see others doing so!! 😉 — and then the cowards, who always, ALWAYS put forth a high-sounding, moralizing and even “reasonable”-sounding defense for their yellow-bellied pusillanimity.

(Almost no one — in time of war, when so many are making the supreme sacrifice — ever says: “I’m a coward, a pitiful excuse for a man, and a self-centered jerk who doesn’t want to die. [Who DOES?] Let them rape all the women, pillage the countryside and enslave the whole nation forever — as long as they spare ME.”)

In the movie Kolberg, just as in our time, the slimebags have their “good reasons” for looking out for number one. Given reincarnation, it is the same bunch who never learns that selfishness is the most disastrous course to follow when God catches you.


Kolberg, begun in 1943, was made in Agfacolor with high production values. At a cost of more than eight million marks, it was the most expensive German film of the second World War…..[7]

At a time when the war was turning against German fortunes, thousands of soldiers were used in the film.[8]

Many a lucky Wehrmacht soldier got leave from the front to play a Frenchman!

“N” as in “Napoleon”….

To film scenes with snow during summer, 100 railway wagons brought salt to the set in Pomerania. The film was finally completed at the Babelsberg Studios at Potsdam while the town and nearby Berlin were being steadily bombed by the Allies. Two extras were killed during the making of the film when an explosive charge went off too early.

Swedish actress and leading lady, Kristina Söderbaum, who died in 2001 at age 88, and was married to the Kolberg director, Veit Harlan, gave here one of her many heart-melting performance as a good, solid, decent, German everywoman, who finds her own inner bravery, brushes back the tears of horror and grief (she sees her own brother die), and supports the brave men waging the war for the city’s honor and defense. (Söderbaum had previously played the blonde German girl ravished by the Jew in the movie Jüd Süss, for which crime the Jew was (I won’t give it away).)

Heinrich George, a beloved German film star in the Third Reich, who played the mayor of Kolberg, died of starvation, in reality, a year after the war in a special Soviet death camp at Sachsenhausen.

George and Söderbaum

Here Heinrich George is depicted (far right) in 1939 alongside Ferdinand Porsche (behind the woman, who has just won a raffle for a free car). Porsche was the car designer who carried out Adolf Hitler’s exact instructions to build the People’s Car, the Volkswagen.

The movie filled me with the realization that many of these men in the movie (which opened January 30, 1945, two years to the day after Stalingrad fell and 90 days before Hitler left this world) would themselves soon REALLY be dead, and that it is we, the living, who must carry on what they so nobly advanced.

And by a total rethinking of the strategy, yet in the same spirit of glory, we will vanquish the incautious and boastful, loathsome and ever more loath-ed foe. Soon the whole world will hate the Eternal Jew.


I think the American people had NO idea two days ago the DREAM Act (illegal alien amnesty) was going through and that it passed the House of Representatives Tuesday!!

But the Senate, panicky no doubt at sudden outpourings of outrage, voted the next day to “table” (not consider) the bill! It is dead for now! Hooray for white American anger, expressed and HEARD!!!!

The people assumed that it was a dead letter politically after it already crashed and burned once in 2008. (Cokehead bisexual Bush originated it, and monkeybrain McCain sponsored it in the Senate.)
The paleface goyim further must be assuming that the Dems realize “as decent folks” (LOL) after their electoral hiding in November at the hands of American voters, after the box-ofice debacle of the white-genocide fantasy movie “Machete,” and after the huge popularity of that lady governor, Brewer, of Arizona, that they have NO mandate any more, not in Obama-loathing, Tea Partying America, to transform this nation mudwards any more than they already have done. The age of politically correct silence is wearing real thin. Here in Pennsylvania the anger is palpable.
And as I wrote a comrade, for us Americans it is literally like coming home and finding some aggressive, sullen street people have moved into your house, they are standing there in the kitchen helping themselves to your food, they are sleeping in your children’s beds, and they refuse to leave, unless you pull out your shotgun, hold ’em, AND call the police to alert them that you have a home invasion situation.
As I have often blogged, the number of mestizos who would be legalized is not eleven but forty million murdering Mexicans.
I heard this myself from Virginia Abernethy, professor emerita at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, and former chief statistician at the Census, who said this in her important speech at the 2006 Barnes Review conference in Washington, DC. She stated that the US population passed the 300 mio mark way back in 2001, not in 2005.
And it was these mestizos’ racially mixed gooko-semitic cousins and ancestors who, as Mayas and as Aztecs, even as did their psychopathic Olmecs millennia before, ripped peoples’ hearts out, still today beat goats savagely to death so their meat (the muscle) becomes more tender (just as their Chinese cousins do to pitiful stray dogs before they devour them), and it was the forefathers of these mestizos who genocided the prehistoric white Solutreans.

Suddenly my “Machete” video, which was designed in August to alert people to that movie that came out in September and then flopped badly,  is right back on the front burner again, totally relevant, and more relevant than ever. Kill whitey is the message.

A comrade said this image is too radical. I said in future centuries we will look back and call this time now just “the period before the storm,” before the evil Fenris Wolf of Norse lore breaks his chains and tears loose to devastate our world. It is not I who advocate violence; it is the movie “Machete” (which FOX opened in 2,600 cinemas nationwide) that advocates white genocide using machetes and machine guns. And the Congress almost legalized FORTY MILLION ARMED MEXICANS TODAY. The Mexicans now have FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND GANG MEMBERS IN THE USA. Mexicans, WE invented steel!

It is time for Solutrea to Arise.

I cannot think of any bill in recent years more rejected by the American people, including many Hispanics. They themselves do not want all of Mexico to spill in here, knowing that would just reproduce, if they come en masse, the same chaotic and corrupt Mexican conditions they fled from, risking their very lives and all their money to get OUT of Mexico!

I was flattered that the great new video on the white Americans uses a clip of mine at the end.


==============DEATH THREAT

Here is a typical mind game by the enemy, in this email I just received:

Shaun Cosgriff <shaun@cos-marketing.com>
reply-to Shaun Cosgriff <shaun@cos-marketing.com>
to johndenugent@gmail.com
date Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 7:45 AM
subject I have a question about big johns explosive cashins.
hide details 7:45 AM (2 hours ago)

I was searching online to find more info about an online business called Big Johns Explosive Cashins
and I came across your information.

Can you tell me, are you still involved with Big Johns Explosive Cashins ? If
you are, how are things going for you?

Please let me know.


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I replied:

Heh, heh. I just put your threat on my blog.

And we Eternal Solutreans reflect an eternal force, what the Aryan brahmins called rta, cosmic order. You are fighting the universe, my friend.



  1. John, you say “Mexicans, WE invented steel!”. You couldn’t have put it better.

    We also invented guns. Here in the UK, satan’s robots think we’re powerless because they’ve taken our guns away. They’ll find out in those last few seconds before they’re sent back to their father, the devil. The White Race is nothing if not inventive, which is why they hate and fear us.

    Organised religion has proven to be a great force for evil, with it’s “Thou shalt not kill” and “Turn the other cheek”, and though I agree that it’s wrong to end the life of another human being, except in self-defence, this time we ARE fighting for the survival of our Race, and we should also keep in mind that these creatures are NOT human. If we don’t send every single one of them back to hell, there won’t be a White Race to do it in the future. Collectively they ARE the devil.

    What kind of a world would it be without the White Race? Once they’d destroyed everything WE created, the savages would be living in mud huts and eating each other. Only Whites create, as (true) history has shown. Every other race only knows how to destroy what they don’t have the capacity to understand. God (or Nature if you prefer) made us different for a reason, and it’s our duty to Him to preserve our Race.

    • Please keep me posted on this. To table a bill normally means to get rid of it. Notably, the liberal Democrat senators voted overwhelmingly to “table it.” In any case, tabling a bill represents fear, for whatever reason, to vote on it.

      • From http://www.NumbersUSA.com,

        Senate Vote on DREAM Act Amnesty Likely to Come Next Week
        Updated: Friday, December 10, 2010, 11:03 AM
        The pro-amnesty coalition has bragged that it processed 40,000 phone calls this week into Congress in favor of amnesty. Anti-amnesty Americans who want to protect U.S. jobs for unemployed Americans will need to phone their Senators again today. Yesterday, the Senate tabled S.3992 (Senate DREAM Act), so it can instead consider the version passed by the House (H.R.5281). Please continue to call the Senate at 202-224-3121 and urge a NO on the DREAM Act.

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