ENGLISH Paris police arrest anti-gay-marriage protesters just for chanting; Koran chapter 20 verse 102 says “round up the blue-eyed sinners” for punishment; Kissinger organized Euromed concept in 1973 to flood Europe with muslims; sheriff website

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Arrested in Paris only for non-violent chanting of slogans against homosexual marriage, a new law rammed through by the Jew socialist president of France Hollande, who has an 80% disapproval rating!!

One of the two bottle-blond women at the beginning of the video is Hollande’s mistress.

The police are the feared CRS, the “Republican Security Company” in French, which is specialized in being brutal toward demonstrators.

This police brutality is why we need John de Nugent for sheriff!

Law enforcement under the sheriff system is law enforcement elected by WE THE PEOPLE!


Chad Josiah, the black nationalist who has endorsed me for sheriff, asked me to do a two-hour radio show, and I think it might be very good for the future.

The nasty Canadian Jew troll Andrew White called in too — three times from Manitoba — pretending to be various different people, or from different locations,  and the host shut the troll off each time. In the end, the Jew got on (this whigger calls himself a “Gangsta Bolshevik”) and in his fem-shrill voice screamed that I was “a pussy.” 😉 You can hear it on the show.

Antifa keyboard 😉antifa-keyboard

Here is the two-hour show on psychopaths, the scumbags in all races!


(Just click on the little white triangle to start it playing.)

It was a two-hour show, I think it went very well, and may serve the Cause well. Michael Weaver, the WN who was outrageously railroaded in Georgia and did 21 months in prison for pepper-spraying a black felon who was trying to carjack his car (GREAT ARTICLE ON WEAVER HERE: http://www.totalfascism.com/we-are-all-michael-weaver/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=we-are-all-michael-weaver), was also a guest. WN activist John King was also on. Chad, like many blacks, understands the zionist role and the action of psychopaths in destroying all societies, races and originally decent organizations.




A German friend of mine living in Russia and married to a Russian sent me this. You can see the economic damage of alcoholism, which has to be the only explanation of such driving.

We need a healthy national socialist society where people are not so miserable they drink themselves into oblivion!

=========shocking Koran verse


 “The day when the trumpet is blown; and we shall gather the guilty, blue-eyed, on that day.”

Achilles the Greek, portrayed by Brad Pitt in “Troy”


 Note that in the Koran, Sura 20, verse 102 toward the bottom are accurate translations into English by non-Muslims, which are not “cleaned up” and reveal the real meaning, which is anti-white “racism” and simply outrageous.

 Here are the bogus translations for us “dhimmi” (non-Muslims) to consume:

 “The Day when the trumpet shall be blown: We shall gather all the sinners on that Day. Their eyes will turn blue with terror.”


“The Day when the trumpet will be blown, We shall assemble the evildoers with their bodies and eyes turned blue.” [due to intense fear and loss of sight],”


“the Day when the Trumpet shall be sounded and We shall muster the sinners, their eyes turned blue with terror.”

Fear does not make a person’s body turn blue! Who turns blue from fear? (Cyanide would do that.) Your body might turn pale, but certainly not blue.  Or whose EYES turn blue from fear, for God’s sake?? This is unheard-of nonsense, and a deliberately bogus translation and obfuscation!

Translations like this are designed to pull the wool over the blue eyes of the Swedes, Germans, Brits, Irish — and also of course the Greeks, French and Italians with blue-eyed genes in the family (which includes thus just about all white Mediterraneans; even the president of Syria, Bashar Assad, has blue eyes!)

“Gather the sinful blue-eyed…”

But a website that gives the actual Arabic wording says the correct translation is simply BLUE-EYED.


The word “zur‘qan” means simply “blue-eyed”! (“Zur” is the Arabic word for blue and is the base of our own poetic word for blue, “azure” as in “azure skies and amber waves of grain” in the song “America, the Beautiful.” )

See (20:102:8)


British patriot lets’er rip on muslim hypocrites hiding their hate:

German shepherds get payback for dog-hating Muslims in Morocco (dog-hating, women-hating, non-believer-hating…) Never stone a German shepherd!


As a former Marine wrote on seeing that video:

Look at the filth/garbage all over the streets. Males just wandering around, groups of them, in broad daylight, doing nothing. All races are the same in that regard except the Aryans. You never see packs of us just wandering around aimlessly. We’re usually working at a job or around the house building something. Nope, not them.


Adolf and his loyal friend Blondi



(Verses 105 gets to what happens to them: Allah blasts away their mountains, razing them. What this means is murky but sounds ominous. How lovely: Switzerland, Austria, Bavaria, Italy, Spain and Greece, and the Scottish Highlands, and the Rockies in the US and Canada, all made flat as a pancake like lovely Saudi Arabia, Mohammed’s hang-out. No word as to what happens in this Sura to the blue-eyed wicked themselves. Let your semitic imagination rule. *;) wink )

This point about punishing the wicked blue-eyed people is taken from an article in German (http://derhonigmannsagt.wordpress.com/2013/05/30/der-euromediterrane-prozess-i-von-eurabia-zur-mittelmeerunion-grundriss-eines-tabus-und-der-ursache-der-muslimischen-massenzuwanderung)  about the evilness of Islanm and thus of the new “Union for the Mediterranean” plan, created in 2008 by the Jewish then-president of France Nicolas Sarkozy, and in  which 43 member states of Europe and muslim northern Africa and the Middle East have joined.

Nicolas Sarkozy, French president 2007-2012. (He was replaced by another Jew, Francois Hollande.)  France's President Sarkozy attends a meeting with regional authorities and unemployed people in Chateauroux

Euromed is the new organization the Jews have cooked up to have open borders and end up with EURABIA:


Its member countries


The Union for the Mediterranean meets in this former royal palace in Barcelona, Spain.


The article says that on 15. Dezember 1973 in Copenhagen, Denmark, there was a European Community (now “European Union”) summit conference of European and Arabic leaders.

The Arabs, who at the urging of US foreign minister Henry Kissinger had  not long before quadrupled the price of petroleum (the profits were to be deposited in New York banks, and all oil bills to OPEC worldwide were to be paid exclusively in US dollars), threatened that oil prices would climb still higher (and Europe and American were already in steep recession from the Arab oil embargo and then price hike) unless the Europeans agreed to allow massive Muslim immigration into their countries so as to end the price increases and preclude further oil embargoes.

Thank you, Henry Kissinger, for the result of this muslim tidal wave: millions of rapes of white women.

The Jew, like a tick, first injects an anesthetic so the victim is unaware of the puncture, and then burrows into his victim to suck his blood.


Half-Jew Obama meets his full-Jew master Kissinger in the White House


Thank you, Henry, for the climate of fear on ten thousand European streets.

Thank you for tens of thousands of white men beaten and stabbed to death by muslims.



Daniel Wretström, member of a WN music group, was accosted in his native Stockholm, Sweden in December 2001 by a group of muslims and a white leftist psychopath, hit with a 2″ X 4″ wooden board, kicked, stomped, and stabbed to death.

One muslim got two years of psychiatric counseling, the others got 200 dollar fines.


His muslim killers



Reece Johnson (of near Bolton in greater Manchester in England), slashed by a muslim gang in 2010 as his five-year-old son watched in horror


And thank you, excessively kind and liberal Adolf Hitler (for all your many heroic deeds), for letting the diabolical young German Jew Heinrich Kissinger leave Fuerth in northern Bavaria in Germany peacefully in the 1930s so he could come to America, become a Harvard professor, and then get hired as “National Security Adviser” under President Richard Nixon and then as foreign minister (“Secretary of State”) under both Nixon and his successor, President Gerald Ford.

Hitler convalescing from a serious wound in a Berlin hospital in 1916

adolf-hitler-berlin-october-1916-convalescenceThe world will someday say that Hitler’s greatest crime was “he did not get them all.”

We need another Hitler now who is not a liberal, but MERCILESS.



A Canadian comrade from British Columbia wrote this reaction:


This one clears the air and gives us the truth about Islam’s anti-white teachings. The Koran is anti-white.   

I replied:

How right you are. The Neanderthals ( = Jews and Arabs, Khazars and Armenoids) have hated the superior, creative, noble and beautiful Cro-magnons, who later became the Aryans, for 40,000 years. Now they are trying to get their revenge and take back Europe for the neanderthals.





What do you think of the new sheriff website? I am interested in your opinion of the homepage part that starts with the photo of me as the candidate and “Like no one else in your lifetime”



(It is being worked on now in many areas. A white South African is helping me. It will get new tabbed pages with corroborative details about various issues, such as a short version of my platform. Any German text or banners you might see on it at  the moment will be relegated to a separate page.)

Imagine for this purpose you were a white Tea-Party type (not a hopeless white liberal), say, someone like yourself six months before you became a hard-core WN.

How would you react to it? Please send your constructive critique.

I am working on a specific sheriff video also, BUT I wish to “drive” people to the johndenugent.org video site, so I have some powerful videos on the sheriff site to entice people who are going there to chck out johndenugent.org.


The answer is, as well as you are helping it! 😉

These French comrades — outraged that a Jew president with an 80% DISAPPROVAL rating, rammed through a law permitting “gay marriage” — just up and occupied the Socialist Party headquarters!



“Hollande, démissionne!” [ = “resign”!]


What have YOU done to stop anal marriage by fudge-packers and reverse the death of our freedoms?

Can you stop mouse-clicking around the Net for 60 seconds and DO something besides obsessively READING, reading, reading about the Jews the and minorities?

Send your donation today! Cash, postal money order, or check! Or easily use the authorize.net credit card donation system (top right or left of this blog) as others do!


1 Comment

  1. Congrats on building bridges with the blacks. Most of the white sheeple, however thoroughly
    shorn, are yet to learn that they, too, are victims.

    Some of them even fancy themselves as WW2 victors. What a clever Jewish joke!

    How do the losers that saved the hides of their parasitic blood-suckers get to be the victors? Perhaps by being robbed, raped and murdered in their own streets or their own houses – or, worse still, crippled in yet another Jewish war.

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