ENGLISH Liberals kill women; karma and dharma respecting disappointing relatives

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(source: http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/gesellschaft/0,1518,729961,00.html

This series of photos shows the magnificence of Aryan sailing, using as an example the German Navy ship Gorch Fock, an officer cadet training ship launched in 1958. Just a few days ago I did part of a blog on this ship, which I have visited on board, and somehow once again this seems psychic, because at that very time a second FEMALE officer cadet in a row just fell to her horrible death from the masting.

You liberal scribes and pharisees, HYPOCRITES! How can you take GIRLs and put them into the brutality and endangerment of such military duties? Women are not built for warfare and muscular hardships, but for mothering, soothing, and the gentle arts! The blood of both those girls is on your heads!

I recall a news item about how the US Army was putting female officer cadets through airborne (parachute) landings, and huge numbers were breaking their ankles as they hit the deck, sometimes at speeds up to 25 miles an hour, dainty female foot against hard masculine ground, even rocks! What cruelty!

Here are some photos from the Der Spiegel article about this glorious and yet dangerous male occupation, running a schooner.

The Gorch Fock off the Bremerhaven (North German) coast with other training ships for young officers from other nations, in August 2010. What a sight!

Cadets in the masting. Imagine having to climb up here during a storm, and strike (furl) the sails when this whole thing is swaying wildly….but if you do not strike the sails, the ship will gather dangerous speed, tip sideways in the gale, or the sails will rip. Sailors need great upper-body strength to hoist themselves up, and yet upper-body strength is lacking in most women,. Most young women cannot do even TWO pullups, but a fit young man can easily do ten or even twenty. (As I’ve written, my friend, Major William Fox, USMCR — publisher at www.amfirstbooks.com — does 90 pullups.)

Gorch Fock cadets fall in. You can see a high percentage of Nordic faces in such elite young men, who often also come from northern Germany, which has the North Sea and Baltic coasts.

The shipyard Blohm & Voss in Hamburg built the Gorch Fock and also this little honey in the 1930s, the battleship Bismarck….perhaps the most beautiful warship of all times. It sank the British Empire’s “the Mighty Hood’ on its first outing.

As my pdf (nearly finished, but I put it out in unfinished form because of its importance) on the Normans and their conquest of Germanic (anglo-saxon) and Keltic England points out…..


….the British plutocratic ruling class, a mixture of Normans and Jews, has been psychopathic for centuries. I have read about many Allied war cries, but the most disappointing to me as a man of mostly British ancestry, whose own English grandfather was a true British gentleman, is that the British ship that sank the Bismark ( a very lucky torpedo hit on the rudder) deliberately ran straight over hundreds of German sailors who had abandoned ship and were in the water, with the captain claiming ludicrously that he had heard a German u-boat was nearby and he had to flee.

(Why would a German U-boat sink a British ship rescuing German sailors? The whole world knew about this battle series involving the Bismarck, including all German ships and submarines. The Bismarck was the flagship of the whole German fleet.)

In a horrible war crime, at least 1000 German sailors were left in the chilly Atlantic waters to drown. (Perhaps another 1000 had been killed in the final combat.) Only 100 survived, out of 2,000, and I have seen their testimony on videotape that the British ship stopped all rescue efforts and ran straight through the rest of the German sailors treading water. If you have not yet read my Normans pdf, it will tell you why Great Britain is a land of both magnificent glory in the arts of both war and peace, and such horrors.

The chivalrous Henry Tandy spared the life of Adolf Hitler in WWI, since he refused to shoot a groggy and unarmed enemy soldier, and Hitler had been knocked out. When he came to, he saw the blue eyes of this Englishman meeting his own blue eyes,. Tandy motioned to him to escape. For his incredible valor that day, killing perhaps 20 Germans, Tandy was awarded the highest medal of the British Empire, the Victoria Cross. Hitler never forgot that moment of British chivalry, and perhaps this influenced him (wrongly) at Dunkirk in 1940 when he showed mercy to 300,000 Allied soldiers and let them escape captivity or death. I can only say that Hitler, who had an incredible, photographic memory, would remember forever – and gratefully — and even more than other soldiers — the close-up face of an enemy English soldier who kindly spared his life from certain death, probably at Marcoing, France on September 28, 1918. It so happens the soldier, Private Henry Tandey, won the Victoria’s Cross and became Britain’s most highly-decorated enlisted soldier.

Private Henry Tandey, (1891-1977), chivalrous English war hero, the most decorated enlisted British soldier in World War One.

I agree with Martha Stout, PhD, a 25-year researcher at Harvard Medical School. She wrote the 2005 bestseller The Sociopath Next Door. Four percent of Americans are born — or suffer brain damage that makes them — literally — psychopaths. Perhaps three times that number are influenced by their anti-values, and very many are harmed by their hateful words and deeds.

Below are brain scans taken by Adrian Raine, PhD, graduate of Oxford and now a tenured professor at the very respected University of Southern California.

They show, first, a normal person’s brain (mostly in red) and then the brain scan (mostly in blue) of one member of that tiny minority of psychopaths who ruin it for the rest of us, until we stop them.

A normal person does not derive enjoyment from hurting the feelings or dignity of another, or inflicting physical trauma or torture.

Here is the PET scan of a brain mostly in red, feeling a whole range of normal emotions (compassion, shock, horror, grief, revulsion). The subject is viewing a true photo of a terrible car wreck — with fire, blood, brains, a deceased mother and the lives of children snuffed out.

Below, in mostly blue, the psychopath’s brain on the PET scan is poor in empathy. However, we do see here some red areas that are “lit up.” These are brain areas that experience excitement, amusement and pleasure – a rich and gloating psychopathic enjoyment of the agony and ruin of the innocent.

Martha Stout of Harvard University and U.C. Berkeley, and the late, great Hervey Cleckley of Oxford University, England, later University of Georgia medical school, and Adrian Raine, also of Oxford, have written in great detail that many psychopaths go into politics, CEO positions, military staff and into the mass media.

Dr. Robert Hare of Canada has done tremendous work in defining the problem of psychopaths who infest high leadership positions throughout society — those whom he calls “Snakes in Suits.”

They are by no means “mentally ill,” and they are not “suffering.” They are often happy and successful, living a calculating, sadistic lifestyle as parasites. They are , in effect, a mutant life form, resembling physically a human being, but not psychologically. They feel no compassion for you as they cause your suffering; they cannot feel anything but intense joy at your misery.




=====================relatives who sear our hearts with their rejection

A German comrade responded to my blog yesterday about my daughter Erika…..

Gerry Frederics November 18, 2010 at 2:56 PM

What you write about the broken relationship with your daughter is indeed heartbreaking, even though I could not possibly understand the full depth of your desperation though I do have a similar story.

My very first love was my `cousion´ (around two corners) Sibylle. We loved each other in the passionately akward, beautiful way of all innocents when we were 14 and 13 respectively.

She went on to become a German high school teacher (Oberstudienrat even) with the specialties of French and Political Science, and she married a math professor at Marburg University, a hot bed of academic German communism (which the media hypocritically calls “left-wing”).

BOTH of them are thoroughly anti-German, both of them refuse to read anything except whatever reinforces their warped Jew-created opinions. Sibylle is the only child of a fallen war hero (EK1 [JdN: Eisernes Kreuz Erste Klasse, Iron Cross, first class])) but even though they have `more money than God´, she has never bothered to visit the site of her father´s heroic death way back in 1941, even though the location of his burial place – in a village outside Moscow – is known to her within a few feet (!).

Her son, a PhD in nuclear physics and her daughter, a pastor in a Lutheran church, haver been so thoroughly corrupted that to even speak to them is not possible. The Auschwitz-drenched atmosphere in their house is such that after my last visit there, I decided never to return.



John de Nugent November 19, 2010 at 12:54 PM
Dear comrade, Thank you for this touching anecdote. I can feel your pain as you felt mine.
I react in two ways:
1) We are Bhagavad Gitans. We do not do our duty for applause. We follow Kant’s imperative to do our responsibility as Aryans and citizens, asking always: Is the principle behind my actions one that I would want to become universal? We must understand that we all have many lives, that this planet is a school, and we are learners. Some are slow learners, and others are fast learners. Some of us, no matter how attractive, bright and charming they are, are flunking the moral tests. Our goal is to pass them. We are responsible for OUR score. So we do OUR duty. And as the Bhagavad Gita, that ancient Aryan masterpiece of white life in multiracial India, says, when enough people stop worrying about the outcome and instead focus on their own karmic responsibilities, and work on their own flaws, as I try to do daily, then we will get the outcome we want.
Our victory will come through one key individual at a time who is won over by our example, until the day dawns where we achieve what in physics is called “critical mass.” One key person coming here from Alaska to join my staff, who has had it with drunken Eskimos accosting him on the streets and being told blatantly “We hate white people,” just one key person at the right time, or one key financial donation to buy the exact piece of equipment we need, can save 20 million lives down the road.

2) The Founding Fathers of the United States of America did NOT establish a democracy. That word does not exist in either the Declaration of Independence or the US Constitution. Only demagogues (“mob leaders” in Ancient Greek) preach this thing that Jew TV calls democracy (“mob rule” in Ancient Greek).
Our wise forefathers understood that 90% of the people are morally or intellectually mediocre. Today, Americans read less than one book a year! My webmaster told me that for every SECOND it takes for a webpage to load, I lose 10% of my readers…… I load this blog with photos and videos because people do not want to think….just emote, seek a thrill and flit around. I will quote our brilliant enemy, the criminal Winston Churchill, who made many astute observations (as did, for that matter, Stalin, or the cynical Napoleon.)

“It is easy to believe in democracy until you spend ten minutes with the average voter.” ;-)

This planet, at this stage, is full of mediocre souls. What they are doing is retrogressing, not advancing. We, for our part, do our job, and we seek enough people of elite character to join us and achieve critical mass for victory. The only person who can disappoint me now is my own self. I, that is, my own soul, is being tested. I need to pass my tests, to succeed where Hitler and Robert E. Lee, and Ford, Lindbergh, Rockwell, Pierce, Tyndall and Le Pen failed, and if I flunk, the day will come when I get a failing grade.

“From him to whom much has been given, much will be expected.” — Jesus Christ.

For others, their dharma (in the Sanskrit language of the ancient Aryan rulers of India, “one’s own specific path of duty,” which is accepted by YOU before each incarnation) is to identify the right leader and then support him to the hilt, with money, time, work and constructive, respectful yet forthright critique. Together, we will create something new, a totally fresh approach that taps into the divine slumbering in each of us, that gets up and rides on the immense power of the wave of the universe’s energy, and thus we shall surf in to the shore, as I learned to do at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1972. And we shall unquestionably win, BY GETTING RIGHT WITH GOD.

“Not my will, O Lord, but Thine.”

I dedicate this photo to a fearless surfer on the political wave of life in Perth. This photo is in fact from that very city back in 2008. Irish surfer Fergal Smith shared a nice set with a great white shark estimated to weigh in at 500 lbs. Fergal said he believed the shadow in the water was a dolphin until he got to shore and the photographer showed him the shot. Locals were able to determine that it was indeed a great white shark, and would have been a serious threat to the surfer, who was doing tow-ats some 2 miles offshore, in Perth, Australia.

Canadian geese fly over my village of Sarver, Pennsylvania

The opening scenes from the Third Reich’s great film “Olympia”

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