ENGLISH Liberals yes, leftist psychopaths no

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[being composed and edited]

================Auld Lang Syne from Norway




A white man from north of the border wrote me:

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Hello Mr. de Nugent,

I came across a few clips of you speaking on YouTube….


….., and thought that what you said was interesting. I thought I would write to you in confidence and add my own observation – living as I do in Canada.

I was born and raised in rural [], I’ve spent all my life among rural folk – invariably white. This is the point I wish to make: Although we are being flooded by immigration from Asia and the Mid-East/India etc, very few, if any, of these new immigrants choose to settle outside of our major cities. None of them take up rural occupations, none of them engage with our historical culture. I was a farmer and still live in the country working as a cattle inseminator.
I work exclusively with farmers in the country. I do not see ONE person of color from one year to the next in my line of work. Farmers here are white Irish, Scottish, English, French and other European ancestry. What this says to me is that to survive in a hostile climate, to endure a cold and harsh winter and to work hard while maintaining a civilised rural community etc is not something these immigrants understand or appreciate.

This country of Canada was built by the French and then the British. What have the recent immigrants brought us but urban crime, unemployment, racial tension, and gang related problems?
These Muslim immigrants do not have any interest in anything but their own welfare, they have no interest in meeting the white people who provide the food they consume, who farm the land, who cleared the land, and opened the mines and logged the forests.
I also find it annoying that these newcomers congregate in large cities, and in doing so are able to sway the votes at election time, due to our electoral system here.
Whoever wins the GTA seats basically runs the country, and it is in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal etc that these newcomers settle. Out here in the country you can go months and never see an Asian, or an Indian, or a Muslim, except perhaps in the summer (when we see tourists on sunny days). Yet these people’s votes carry far more weight than do ours just because of the Riding [JdN: British-English parliamentary word for election district] they live in – and so the laws passed in Parliament reflect the selfish interests of these entirely urbanised special-interest groups.
Where I live the white people are perhaps a 99% majority of the population by percentage, yet we must bend to the will of legislators whose Ridings are 99% black or Asian or Pakistani. It seems unjust.
The frightening part is, of course, that very few of the white people I know realise the fact they are a minority whose rights and freedoms are threatened. We are very isolated here in the country, or so it seems. How long this situation will last none can tell. It is my feeling that as long as country life involves hard cold winters, a farming life, and a rugged constitution, it shall remain the domain of the white people. This is my observation… so much more one might say, but shall close by wishing you well in future endeavours.

A mainly Irish/French/Polish Canadian with about 5% Loyalist Mohawk…..

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I replied:

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I was delighted to hear from you and I care a great deal about Canada. I have many strong supporters there, because they comprehend that since we have not “hate speech” laws here in the USA I can really let’er rip, and use this freedom — which God gave us and the US Constitution specifically confirms in the First Amendment — to comment on what is going on in Canada and what is being unjustly done by pushy and ungrateful minorities TO the great white Canadian nation. You are our brothers and sisters in so many ways.

I have traveled to PEI, Nova Scotia, BC and Ontario many times and dated a French Quebecker too (speaking fluent French). My stepmother is from Summerside, PEI.

I plan a big outreach to Canadians, because I grew up sort of liberal myself and I like people who are not into “hate” per se. they just have to remember to love their own kind too!

My grandfather had a 200-acre farm in Rhode Island, with dairy, asparagus and corn. It was in the family for 250 years. In the Depression times got tough and he also became an auditor, so TWO full-time jobs!

Guess whom he audited in the 1950s? Wernher von Braun and the US space program in Huntsville, Alabama! (Later, I got to know his son David Scott von Braun, son of his mistress; the great von Braun was a very handsome devil ;-)), and my daughter Ingrid played with his grand-niece Amrei von Braun at the German School in Potomac,Maryland, near Washington, DC.)

I agree with you that these brownies hate hard work, cold weather and chipping in, too. They are in it for themselves! I believe that psychopaths are the key issue, not race, per se, but the percentage of psychopaths is much more elevated in non-Aryans.

Here is my absolutely key article on this issue:


I am just about to finally launch my movement, the Eternal Solutreans. I was filming the spiritual video today…..

We will win this by both toughness and reaching out to the good white compassionate people of Canada and America, to cherish THEIR OWN.

You can contact me via my website, or call any time and if you would enjoy contributing any donation of time or money, that would be most deeply appreciated.

Long live the honor of farming and the growing of our two nations’ food!

John de Nugent

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He replied:

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Dear Mr. de Nugent,
Thank you for your reply, I was not expecting one.
I suppose my main interest has always been a search for the truth, in all areas, and making my life decisions based on evidence, facts, and “proving all things” as the Bible suggests.


Have you heard of Bishop Richard Williamson? He is an inspiration for me in this regard (I’m also a traditional Catholic).
My concerns are not so much with those of other races who immigrate here [to Canada]. Rather it is with the problems they cause. Some may argue that the two are inseparable. Perhaps this is so. I am the product of immigrants; all of my ancestors came from somewhere else originally; so I am humbled by this, yet my ancestors were willing to adopt the ideals and dreams of the place to which they came; they did not ghetto-ise themselves or demand special treatment from government: they were Canadians.
The moral and spiritual decline of the white West is more of a problem to me than the influx of other races. If there was a resilient and dynamic and distinctive cultural awareness amongst white Westerners, then perhaps the racial tensions would seem less serious. Everyone is free to come and live here, and I respect this freedom.
What especially interested me was your reference to the migration of white Europeans to the Americas during the last Ice Age – preceeding the migrations from Asia and Siberia by several thousand years. This I found fascinating and have tried to look around the web for more information. It does lay to rest the broken-record pleas of the Indians regarding their never-ending Land Claims.
Frankly, my own Mohawk ancestors on the maternal side were all eager to marry whites and leave the Reservation. My great-grandmother (100% Mohawk) married a white Englishman, my grandmother (50% Mohawk) married a white French (Acadian) man, and my mother (25% Mohawk) married a 50/50 Irish/Polish man. The Loyalist Mohawks who left their homeland for Canada at the time of the American Revolution have always been more British than anything else since then. They were generally a handsome strain and white men fell for them easily. (I have pictures of my grandmother as a young woman and you would never guess she is half Mohawk, it is only in very old age that her Indian complexion became noticeable. My own skin is fully white, my hair dark/medium brown/now greying, beard a reddish tinge, with hazel eyes and my maternal grandfather’s French facial features, but thoroughly Polish names).
It is only recently that the “Native Land Claims” bandwagon has garnered much support from the majority of off-Reservation Indians…most of whom could care less about them. If the evidence proves conclusively that these self styled “natives” were simply invaders who through sheer numbers and viciousness killed off the earlier American settlers….. then on what basis do they make their particular claims? The claim being of course that the Indians own everything from sea to sea to sea, and we evil whites stole it all away via treaty. Naturally, the Treaties themselves were a scandalous thing, the Indians not being familiar with notions of legal documents and perhaps not even knowing what they were signing – who knows? It is a sorry affair that will never be laid to rest.
There is lots of room for all of us here in Canada. It is the harping and complaining of those who seem reluctant to help themselves – looking for handouts – that I find annoying. If people would simply live their lives in peace and be content, so many tensions would melt away. My Irish and Polish ancestors all left their homelands due to economic and political struggles, wars, famines, etc. And we know why the Acadian French had to flee to Louisiana or be deported to what is today Nova Scotia and P.E.I. [JdN: Prince Edward Island, a small island province of Canada off the atlantic coast.]
Conflict has shapedwho we all are to a greater or lesser degree. Humility, gentleness, self-sacrifice, and charity are the means of achieving peace in homes, neighborhoods, even nations and the whole world. Empire building and war and slavery are the fruit of pride and arrogance.
I think if the white peoples of the world would recover some sense of their destiny to guide and lead the other races into the ways of peace, then that would be a starting point.
Bishop Williamson has made this point numerous times. The abdication of white people in this respect is part of the problem. The Message of Fatima given by the Blessed Virgin Mary to the Church in 1917 singles out Russia as playing a pivotal role in the bringing about of this world peace. We can infer from this that Our Lady has a special interest in the destiny of the Russian people. God chooses certain instruments to accomplish things on earth, and He has assigned Russia the central place here. The fact the Church has dropped the ball and refused to do ITS small part in this matter by failing to perform the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is what has lead to the long hiatus/the Cold War/the general decline all over the world. While Rome fiddles the world goes down in flames.
Some would say the Jews and Freemasons have prevented this particular Consecration of Russia. They may be right. Russia is like a giant waiting in the wings. How much better to channel all that tremendous potential to world-building and peace-making than to see it expended furiously in destruction and war-mongering. Any society, any civilisation…any man for that matter, can only be called truly good and truly great based upon how it, or he, treats the weak and helpless, the vulnerable, the ill, the elderly, the poor within its, or his, domain. Love and kindness, patience with those who are slower/weaker/frailer than us, are the way to go in my estimation.
How this will play out in the future one cannot hazard a guess. Those who are strong, or who ought to be strong, must look out for the weak – no matter our skin color – for we are all human, and shall someday give account of our deeds, good or evil. I always reflect on the Parable of the Good Samaritan… who is my neighbor?
I will go to the links you sent. Thank you, sir.

* * *

I answered:

I like your second email very much also, and I plan to put both emails on my blog, minus your name, of course, or any specific location.

I have the highest respect for Traditional Catholics and know very many of them. I also have friends who know Mel Gibson, the most well-known Traditional Catholic alongside Bishop Williamson. I have attended the Latin mass at the Pius X congregation in Carnegie, Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh. I see a lot of nice white families and well-behaved kids there who seem to be getting lots of love and appropriate discipline. I feel a good energy and that God is with you. I am not a Traditional Catholic myself,but like Benjamin Franklin, I support all the good paths to God.

Most of all, I remember this verse from Jesus Christ:

By their fruit shall ye know them.”

John de Nugent



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Top shrink says Leftists are mentally ill*

‘Strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions’ cited by veteran forensic

psychiatrist, Lyle Rossiter [His website: http://www.libertymind.com/]

His book


Just when liberal-leftists thought it was finally “their time” to lead center-right America, kicking and screaming, into a stifling socialist “utopia,” a veteran psychiatrist is making a powerful case that the “hope-and-change” ideology motivating them is actually a mental disorder.

For more than 40 years, Rossiter has diagnosed and treated over 1,500 patients as a board-certified clinical psychiatrist and examined more than 2,700 civil and criminal cases, both state and federal, as a

board-certified forensic psychiatrist retained by numerous public offices, courts and private attorneys. He received his medical and psychiatric training at the University of Chicago.

Rossiter explains with great clarity why the kind of liberalism being displayed by Barack Obama can only be understood as a psychological disorder. (Me: Can we say “narcissism”?)

“Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded,” says Rossiter. “Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.”

“A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity — as liberals do,” he says. “A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal

appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population — as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which overregulates and overtaxes the nation’s citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state — as liberals do.”

Dr. Rossiter says the liberal agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority in the population by:

* creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization;

* satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation;

* augmenting primitive feelings of envy;

* rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordinating him to the will of the government.

“The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind,” he says. “When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.”

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I responded:

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I would however rather say “leftists” than liberals. Leftists want to force people all the time, not persuade them, into adopting their agenda. Many of them are hate-filled, certainly toward WNs. Often their statements online show hatred toward the white race in general, and white self-hatred. Not a few are violence-prone or even violent. The bolsheviks, the Chinese and Vietnamese communists, the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and the antifas (“antifascists”) in the US and Europe are perfect examples. Their websites constantly glorify “direct action”, that is, beating and hurting those who disagree with them.

Just look at the One People’s Forum website! A big red FIST!

Their members even engaged in terroristic threats against hotel staff so as to shut down Jared Taylor’s 2010 American Renaissance convention in downtown Washington DC, and their ilk did the same for David Duke’s November 2008 conference in Memphis, Tennessee (where I, Margaret and my personal assistant Henrik Holappa of Finland all spoke despite the atmosphere of leftist terror and threats). David Duke even found himself escorted out of his own hotel room by the manager and a police officer!

That is not soft, compassionate liberals doing this, the kind you see at Democrat grass roots meetings; that is the hard-core, hate-dripping, violent leftists at work. And they are simply PSYCHOPATHS.

In the period 1999-2004 I spent a lot of time with liberals. My second wife was liberal. In fact, her parents fought in the French Resistance against Hitler dès la première heure, “from the first hour.” (Her late father was a tough guy and had been the goalie of the French Olympic hockey team before the war, in 1936.)

Liberals can be very sincere, caring, and personally responsible people. (Most white Canadians are like this.) In fact, some of the best WNs are former liberals and former “racial moderates.” My own father sponsored the first two Jewish members ever into his two country clubs. But that was the 1960s — when white liberals and moderates were hopeful that minorities would settle down and become good Americans if we just met some of their initial demands.

But now, in contrast, that Sixties kumbayah optimism has gone by the board for most whites. They see more and more the minorities as whining, irresponsible, ever-demanding and even dangerous. (See my next items!)

Thanks. I will definitely use this.



A Florida comrade wrote:

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I loved the Nature video. I am glad that nature is so beautiful. I hate the so-called “Conservative” viewpoint that makes fun of protecting the environment. I can’t stand that about Rush Limbaugh.

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My response:
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Right-wingers are overboard on yang, yet not understanding Taoism or the Jungian concept of animus and anima, or Mars and Venus, MOTHER Nature is something they despise. They call anyone who wants to stop clear-cutting our beautiful forests, a horror which I have seen near McMinnville, Oregon, a “tree hugger.”

Their whole energy is lopsided.

This is the same bunch that on VNN starts a thread entitled “Are white women niggers?”

I saw this also in the National Alliance, an emphasis on intellect, facts, tech, masculinity and conflict. These are all part of Aryan life and necessity at this stage, but if you emphasize ONLY that, well, you end up with a 90% male membership, which is what I discovered to my horror in 1984 when I was the emcee (MC = master of ceremonies) of the NA National Convention in Crystal City, a section near the Pentagon of Arlington, Virginia.

In my book I go into the necessity of both masculine hardness and feminine softness. We must integrate both energies if we are to attract good men and women, found a white TRIBE (not a website like mine, or a forum, like VNN or Stormfront), and win a struggle that may take generations.

No women, no children,
No children, no tribe.
No tribe, we die out.


==============Rap star Kanye West makes video where he kills white women

We all remember the obnoxious fool Kanye West for interrupting the blond white Pennsylvania girl Taylor Swift as she was getting a major music award.

(This video got 13 million views! See this misogynistic, racist negro go crazy at 0:38-01:06…and the video that follows below in this blog shows that West is violence-prone, a big-time white hater and anti-white-women.)


Well, Kanye is back ….in the video that follows, once again ultra-hostile to WHITE WOMEN………….

[I thank a German comrade, Gerry Friedrichs, for this item.]

Two of the biggest black celebrities in the world got together to make a video glorifying violence towards women (in which almost all the women are white; the one negress wears a blond wig). The images are shocking, especially considering the close connections between one of the rappers and Barack Obama.

The song will appear on Kanye West’s new album titled “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.” Based on the video, his fantasy appears to be to kidnap, rape, and murder white women. The initial cover art, which has already been rejected by Walmart, features a black man holding a beer bottle in a sexually explicit pose with a naked white woman.

In 2005 the NAACP presented him with an award for “most outstanding black male artist.” It remains to be seen if groups like the NOI and NAACP will denounce the video, which seems to re-enforce the most negative stereotypes about black men.

Kanye West is depicted holding the severed head of a white woman in his new video. The video also features Jay-Z, another big name, who campaigned with Barack Obama.

West’s CD’s are released by Rick Rubin’s Def Jam, a subsidiary of Universal Music Group. MTV recently named Kanye West its 2010 Man of the Year.

The video shows dead white women hanging from the ceiling and several images of women being held captive.

The black girl in a blond wig (being punished for “acting white”??) is about to be tortured by the negress who is “real black.”

In one scene Kayne West is in bed with two dead white women …..

In another scene West holds the bloody, severed head of a white woman.

Sample of the Lyrics…

Conquer, stomp ya, stop your silly nonsense

None of you n*****s know where the swamp is

None of you n*****s have seen the carnage that I’ve seen

I still hear fiends scream in my dream

Murder murder in black convertibles

I kill a block I murder avenues

Rape and pillage a village, women and children

Everybody wanna know what my Achilles heel is

LOVE I don’t get enough of it

All I get is these vampires and blood suckers

All I see is these n*****s, I’ve made millionaires


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It’s not about blacks, Jews, homos or Hispanics. It’s about PSYCHOPATHS, and the high levels of psychopathy IN those races and breeds. But we whites have our share too.

Eternal Solutreanism is about understanding that the battle is between psychopaths and altruists, between lower and higher souls.

And one can only conclude that demonic spirits are incarnating at this time…..for BATTLE.

A lady comrade in Maryland wrote me a quick reaction to the Kanye West story:

ere’s one white woman he could NEVER kill: ME; because, I’d kill him first – with just one mighty blow with the palm of my hand up his nose that would send the broken pieces into his brain. This is part of martial arts training (mainly self-defense).

In martial arts training (whether judo, kung-fu, karate, etc.), the main elements are self-defense and discipline. Discipline is something of which ne’er-do-wells such as Kanye West have NO conception; neither do they have any courage.

Only COWARDS target the weak and helpless; the courageous target only adversaries EQUAL to them.

When it comes to survival in the human population, brains nearly always trump brawn. The negrid race(s) are – unfortunately – doomed, mainly due to their low IQ. Kanye West’s IQ isn’t much higher. The majority of white women are too intelligent to fall for this bull****; it’s the lower IQ’s among them that must be persuaded to avoid negrids at all cost. As studies showed, women have a strong tendency to marry UP; not DOWN.

I am delighted that Joe Fields, a Traditional Catholic of Irish and Croatian-Slavic stock, who co-organized the embattled yet successful “No More Wars for Israel” conference in southern California in October 2007, is about to join me here at HQ to make the Eternal Solutreans work. A burly six-footer, Joe has consummate political gifts and for years ran the Nationalist Forum in Los Angeles. He also did an important outreach to black nationalists who understand that the Eternal Jew is the common foe, the psychopathic mind cult that is dedicated to the enslavement of blacks, whites, hispanics, asians — of all decent mankind.

Volunteer Jason Salyers of Alaska varnishes my 80-year-old wooden desk for a key speech found on my audiovisual book, Solutrea, Arise.

Jason likes to make things shine. He was the outstanding cadet of 2008 (and the “chief”) of Naval Junior ROTC at Prineville High School in Prineville, Oregon. Now he is helping me gear up for the launch of the Eternal Solutreans. Downloads have soared to over 9,600 on his new YouTube channel “JasSalyers“: http://www.youtube.com/user/JasSalyers, where many of my important videos are found.

Are you ready to RUMBLE?

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