ENGLISH Looking for a few good men

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I wrote a comrade from whom I had requested some specific aid:

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In the spring of 2007 my aide in the 1990 Congressional election, Rick Knox of Kentucky (then Mississippi), at my request, contacted a multimillionaire from Nashville, Tennessee, a conservative Democrat, who, back in 1990, when I was running in the Republican primary in the areas south and east of Nashville, had offered to spend thousands on me back in 1990, but I had declined at that time for various sound reasons.

That individual and two other millionaires were again interested in me in 2007 — 17 years later — in funding me as a pro-white candidate, and the first individual of course still remembered who I was.

Knox met with the three individuals on three occasions in Mississippi, where they were riverboat gambling. He drove from Kentucky through Tennessee to Mississippi to do so. The three individuals then paid for extensive, scientific political polling in five states on whether a pro-white candidate with my program could win for Congress: in Ohio (John Boehner’s district), Rhode Island, Virginia, Tennessee and New Hampshire, the “live free or die” state.

The results indicated I could win in two of those five states. I was not told in which two.

Returning from the third meeting, Rick called me by cell phone but sounding very “shaken up.” The Mississippi State Police had stopped him on the interstate, and had searched his car for an hour as his wife and he were forced to stand there on the hot macadam and cars whizzed by. The patrolmen were extremely rude and curt to him and refused to say what they were searching for. Knox asked them if they were aware that he was a licensed private investigator in Mississippi. They shrugged and then announced abruptly: “You can go!” Knox responded: “But you never informed me why you stopped me for an hour. ” The officer said menacingly: “I SAID, you can GO!!”

Rick said his wife was “all shook up,” and that he would contact me later — and then I never heard another word from him. That was the end of all contact with Rick Knox, after I had spent massive amounts of time preparing and facilitating these political strategy sessions.

That “sudden-death” scenario — total incommunicado, a total break-off of all contact  — put all my plans for politics on temporary hold, but it showed that 1) the polling and the political judgment of those millionaires was that I had great potential as an openly pro-white Congressional candidate; and  2) the juze agreed that I was a threat, and thus ordered Knox and his wife intercepted and terrorized. (For all I know, they were contacted subsequenty and terrorized further. Knox would have been my political manager; he lost a lot by this acceding to their terror.)

But another opportunity appeared. In October of that same year of 2007 a conservative Republican congresswoman in northeastern Virginia (not far fom the nation’s capital of Washington, or from our home), Jo Ann Davis, suddenly died (http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-10-06-584541201_x.htm?csp=34), and that rare political event occured, an “open seat” suddenly appeared for Congress.

Wikipedia: [It is] Virginia’s 1st congressional district. The district stretches from the fringes of the Washington suburbs to the Hampton Roads area. It is nicknamed “America’s First District” because the site of Jamestown is located there.[1]

The district was about 85% white, very rightwing — and contains a very large Marine Corps base, Quantico. Since I am a former Marine, and this was a rightwing southern district, I would have been a perfect match — perhaps not to win but to create media hysteria, get out our message, and launch a permanent white political movement. Willis Carto was excited and told his staff at American Free Press that he was favorable to my efforts.

Even better, the TV market for paid political ads for this northeastern Virginia race was the Washington DC market, and under federal law they had to broadcast my ads. This meant that pro-white political ads would be seen by media people in one of the major world capitals, the capital of the United States of America.

I needed to somehow very quickly collect 1000 signatures to get on the ballot as an independent candidate. (The Virginia GOP had a party convention; but there was zero chance I would get their nomination.)

At that time I asked a WN friend if he would be wiling to drop everything and come down and help me get 1000 signatures. He indicated yes, and then, after three days of silence, said he had reconsidered.

I was aware at that time of what a huge opportunity was slipping from our grasp. Had I possessed $3-4,000 I could have gotten paid workers to professionally get the 1000 signatures, but I lacked that money. So I needed one key person to step forward. My friend Ron Doggett of Richmond, Va., told me he had NO volunteers anywhere near there and those he had all worked during the day.

So the deadline came and went for submitting signatures. I still could have run as a write-in candidate, and in fact prepared to do so. On the day I was going to announce that write-in candidacy, at a Council of Conservative Citizens meeting at the Sara Thai restaurant in Arlington, Va., my high-security apartment at the Glebe Housewas broken into using some sort of electronic key-simulating device similar to what the Israelis probably used to gain entry to a Hamas official’s hotel room in Dubai recently.


The people at Glebe House were very nice, and service was always truly excellent. But most of all, I hoped that by paying $950 a month for a studio apartment we would get security. Instead, we had a high-tech invasion by a secret police force.

During the barely 90 minutes that I was out buying a portable podium and other paraphernalia, both my computers were invaded, a critical 156-page document (containing information on juish child ritual murder) was erased off both my Linux-base and my Windows XP-based computers, my announcement speech was erased, and for all I knew, my computers were also infected with child porn images. For all I further knew, listening devices (or additional devices) might also have been implanted at that time in my studio apartment, and our food could also easily have been infected or poisoned, had they so desired. A blood-red paint spray (washable) was sprayed over the carpet at the door, in an “S” pattern, in some sort of mind game.

(In January of that same year, in a first attack, an EMP was fired (an electromagnetic pulse) — probably from close range –at the hard drive on my HP desktop, scorching it and destroying all data.)

I immediately summoned a friend from the C of CC, who drove a long distance to come and erase my hard disks and install new operating systems, especially in case that child porn had been put on them. I found it ominous that my HDs had not been erased, but just tampered with.

I then attempted to give a speech announcing my candidacy, that evening, but I had a bad feeling about it, and it fell flat because the live radio feed to VNN radio for nationwide broadcast, as Mishko Novosel of VNN kept informing me, kept cutting out every five minutes. I kept having to stop the speech and redial VNN on a cell phone. The momentum was gone, my prepared address was gone, and I now felt that something was seriously “off.” I announced therefore only that I was considering the race, and I discussed general racial issues.

I did give a speech in December 2007 at the Phoenix, Arizona Winterfest of the Nationalist Coalition (see videos where I appear in blue lighting, found here: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/video/), proposing a run for the presidency in the election year of 2008. This speech garnered me a standing ovation. and led to a series of videos still found on Youtube and my website and which many enjoy although two of the three video cameras present (the two best ones) malfunctioned. The principal camera, a $2500 piece of equipment, was out of focus for the whole speech.)

In early 2008 Margi and I moved to Pennsylvania, where my father’s people hail from, and a much better place for white politics. (See my blogpost here: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/03/25/english-white-safety-zones) But because I did not fulfil the two-year residency requirement for running for any local office in Pennsylvania, my only choice literally was to run for president as a write-in candidate or not run for anything at all.

When Henrik Holappa came in July 2008, fleeing political persecution in Finland, I then had a full-time helper.

However, I began to have an ominous feeling about my political plans.

The information about Barack Hussein Obama consisted of nine seriously disturbing scandals:

— no birth certificate,
–no college transcripts,
–no college applications,
–allegations by a member of Obama’s church choir that Obama had had a bisexual lover and then had him liquidated after he threatened to talk about Obama being “bi”;
–Obama’s pastor, at a black nationalist church, Jeremiah Wright, being seen on YouTube screeching “God daaaamn America!”


–no articles in the Harvard Law Review that Obama supposedly edited,

and then the incredible information about

–Frank Davis, his possible biological father, a porn-writing, sex-crazed communist writer as well as poet, (https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/01/28/high-pitched-petulant-obongo-flops-at-state-of-union/) then

–his trips to Pakistan and more evidence that Obama was a citizen of a muslim country (Indonesia),
and finally

–the mind-boggling nude photos of his own mother, indicating she was a total white-hating, black-men loving whatever.

Yet the media, which tore Richard Nixon apart and even went after Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, would not touch Obama’s HUGE dirt file with a ten-foot pole. In fact, they had gotten vicious with Hillary Clinton for even staying in the Democratic primary race after Obongo pulled ahead — for not pulling out so Obama could have a smooth coronation at the Democratic presidential convention in Minnesota.

Ditsy Rhode Island girl in ecstasy to meet the black mystery messiah….

The media began glorifying this guy — this total unknown, a first-term junior senator from Illinois with NO executive or business experience whatsoever — to an extent not seen since John F. Kennedy ran in 1960.

I have always listened to my inner voice, and it told me that the POWER of the Internet, which had brought 9/11 so to the forefront that now 50% of the American people think the GOVERNMENT did it, was capable of exploding the Obama presidential campaign if only the anyone-but-Obama movement had a media-savvy spokesman.

Should I be that spokesman? I nojticed that McCain never, ever touched on any of the staggeringly dubious factors listed above about his supposed “opponent.” He never mentioned the brith certificate issue, for example.

McCain, I am convinced, was running so as to lose, just as Thomas Dewey had run so as to lose to Roosevelt in 1940, in this way to hand the White House over to Obama. Sarah Palin, as a hockey mom powered by the Peter Principle (“everyone rises to their own level of incompetence” ;-)), was anything but convincing as presidential timber. For a 70-year-old man (battling bouts of facial skin cancer) to select her as his vice-presidential running mate indicated to me that McCain (that is, McCain’s masters) wanted voters to vote Democrat. He threw the election.

I KNOW that the Republicans knew about the Frank Davis dirt, birth-certificate dirt and the nude-picture dirt, because I spoke with Republican officials here in Western Pennsylvania.

“But the word is we do not go there….”

And we know just who McCain’s masters are. They are the masters his father served. Admiral John McCain evacuated his goofball Navy pilot son (who graduated almost last in his class at the Naval Academy) off the aircraft carrier USS Forrestal after he likely caused the Forrestal fireball disaster (killing well over 160 sailors). (And I say this after considering the specific incident — one link is here: http://www.topix.com/forum/who/cnn/TIPHLLITR99DU2OKV — and McCain’s whole bumbling, hotdog career.)

Watch especially at 53 seconds our brave Navy guys battling the flames and THEN….

It was the same Admiral McCain who also covered up the USS Liberty incident, when Israel assaulted our US Navy ship for over two hours, killing 37 of our men. Admiral McCain, the father of Senator John McCain, was the willing tool that President Lyndon Johnson used to quash any truthful investigation of that atrocity. Admiral McCain was a traitor in the service of Israel. Like father, like son.

I began to sense by the summer of 2008 that something bizarre, even by the standards of American politics, was happening. The juze clearly wanted a black marxist as president and also a man who could be totally blackmailed – a man who, after all, on the most fundamental level of citizenship and eligibility, was an utter fraud.

I knew, however, that based on my showing in Tennessee in 1990 (where I believe I actually won the GOP primary on a $3000 budget as an out-of-state Damn Yankee  😉 from New England [see the Wikipedia article, and scroll 3/5ths down to “1990 Tennessee Republican primary for US Congress”]) , and as my performance on the major media after the James von Brunn/Holocaust Museum incident in June 2009 showed (where I was on ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC, CBC –Canadian — and ARD in Germany, and on the Alan Colmes FOX radio show for an hour — see radio coverage here: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/radio/) and then as my recent performance on the Discovery Channel worldwide showed — see this TV coverage here: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/television-coverage —  I have the experience to handle the juzemedia and get out my message effectively — that is, to my white, rightwing target audience —  and especially in combination with my www.democratic-republicans.us Internet website outreach.

As the expression goes, TV coverage, even if slanted (the Discovery Channel filmed me for four hours and then chose what they thought were the four most negative MINUTES), can still “drive people to my website.”

And there they get a real education on the juze, race and our Solutrean ancestors then and our Solutrean goals for the future.

At that point, as I walked the hills of Pennsylvania with Henrik Holappa, I felt deep within me two things:

1) if I started ripping Obama to shreds, based on what the Net was already buzzing with, the nine scandals, and his poll numbers then began plummeting as a result of these nine covered-up scandals, the ZOG media would be exposed, and the ZOG leaders might have decided to just kill me via a “heart attack” or “car wreck” or “suicide.”

2) if however they did let me rip Obama, then that meant the Power Juze had decided that they had indeed gotten greedy with their lust to see the black man Obama in the White House, that the Internet would undermine Obama, and that they could live just as well or actually better with yet another white male war-veteran PSEUDO-CONSERVATIVE such as John McCain as their puppet.

I then realized that if I ran an active campaign for president, as a write-in candidate running skilled radio ads (listen to them at my radio page, at the bottom), then while I of course would not get even three percent of the vote myself, I would unfortunately and ironically only ensure the election of John McCain to the presidency. And I felt an absolute chill at that prospect.

Here are those ads, and frankly I am damn proud of them ;-):

  • THE MARINE HAS LANDED! (audio message; 5:40 min.)

As the Wikipedia article on me (https://johndenugent.com/jdn/wikipedia-biography-john-de-nugent/) accurately states:

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He was also accused by other white activists of running a very low-key campaign for president in 2008 (he ran only as a write-in candidate), which he concedes, stating that he decided that if he ran vigorously, he would end up attacking mostly Barack Obama, and this would have helped, by several percentage points, to put John McCain in the White House.[85]

De Nugent’s intent, as shown by his website, created in September 2008, was to fully embrace what has been called the “birther” argument that Barack Obama is not a US citizen and not born on U.S. soil, and thus ineligible to be president. Further, de Nugent believes that the question of Frank Davis – a once noted black militant and poet who flourished in the 1930s to 1960s, with strong leftist ties — being possibly the real biological father and also a spiritual mentor of young Obama in Hawaii in the 1970s would be so explosive that it would have ensured the election of McCain.

De Nugent considers McCain to be a pseudo-conservative who would have lulled whites into complacency about America’s future while implementing more or less the same moderate or liberal policies as Obama, such as amnesty for illegal aliens, a pro-Israel foreign policy, “gay rights” and huge federal bailouts for New York banks at the expense of “Main Street.” De Nugent says he decided by the fall of 2008 that Barack Obama in the White House would “wake conservative whites up far more than McCain.”[86]

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Beyond that, my greatest concern of all was that under McCain we would have yet another huge 9/11-type incident, but this time with many more dead. Then the president (MCain) could have declared martial law or at least hate-speech laws, saying that the terrorists had learned how to hate on the unregulated Internet, which is what the ADL said constantly when James von Brunn showed up at the Holocaust Museum. And white male conservatives in the police and military, who now reject Obama by 62-38%, would have been MUCH more likely to obey the combat vet and Republican John McCain…..

They are a lot less enamored of Obongo…..

I got on TV in June 2009 to emphasize on behalf of us all that none of us WNs approved of his deed and that he was a lone wolf, not typical of any WN at all. (The JvB incident could have become a serious situation for us all. VNN’s Alex Linder then wrote that my TV appearances had sent out a positive meme that WNs were intelligent people who did not believe in random violence.)

In any case, my real initial desire was to run full-steam for Congress in 2007. That is what I discussed via the intermediary Rick Knox with those three southern millionaires in the spring of 2007. That is what I intended to do in northeastern Virginia in the fall of 2007, in that hard-core, southern, pro-military 85% white district. But when a key volunteer could not help me get 1000 signatures (and I lacked funds as a Barnes Review writer to pay for the signature-gathering), then, unbeknownst to me, that set back my public political plans by two years. For in 2009 I was waiting for Obama to fail on his own, after he had terrifyingly arrested Henrik Holappa and thrown him for 86 days in solitary in March-June 2009: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/henrik-holappa/

But today I am glad that I moved to Pennsyvlania and that I have let Barack Obama self-destruct.

The next step is for the emergence of the President of the Americans, and an election by whites of an openly white leader demanding white human rights, an end to gradual genocide, the establishment of white safety zones, interest-free banking by banks WE control, and areas where the US Constitution is enforced:

–especially the First Amendment, (freedom of speech and gathering),
–the Second Amendment (gun freedom) and
–the Tenth Amendment (all powers not explicitly given to the Federal government, such as health care, taxes, education, etc. stay with the states or with the people themselves — LOCAL CONTROL OF OUR LIVES).

That is what Thomas Jefferson wanted.

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Comrade, I am going to put this in my blog today.

I think you and I could have had a rendez-vous with destiny in 2007, brother. I would not have won, but I would have become a major political figure, and you would not be working where you are now, with the leadership skills you have.


Behind every major leader there is an excellent staff. History is the record of those who boldly plunged forward into the fray at the decisive moment, and also of those who held back and whose great potential to change the world was never realized.

From Edward de Vere’s famous play:

Conclusion of my December 2007 speech:

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