ENGLISH Maine Republican convention WARNS Obamanation; Israeli therapist says Israel sick; Rachel Corrie ship sails for Gaza despite Neanderthal Israel

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It’s “tea time” for the Maine GOP…..

Adopted by the Maine Republican State Convention on May 8, 2010


This is the real Republican Party of Maine

Executive Director
Christie-Lee McNally
Email: Christie-Lee

Administrative Assistant
Michelle Dale
Email: Michelle Dale

Maine Republican Party
9 Higgins Street
Augusta, Maine 04330
Phone: (207) 622-6247
Fax: (207) 623-5322


In the course of a nation’s history, it is natural that political philosophies will evolve which run contrary to the original principles evident at the time of that nation’s founding. A nation founded in tyranny will by its nature spawn sentiment in direct opposition to that tyranny. Conversely, a nation which is dedicated to protecting the rights of its people, and seeks to bind the excesses of power which naturally accrue to governments, is subject to the evolution of factions which strive to throw off those shackles of restraint and gather power and influence over the people. Freedom is not a pre-existing condition into which everyone is delivered. Freedom and personal liberty are conditions of existence which are hard fought for and once won, must be maintained. Each generation must be taught anew the importance of eternal vigilance against those who would disregard the limits imposed on government, and usurp powers not granted to them by the people.

Today this state and the nation are in crisis precisely because we as a people have failed to maintain that vigilance. We have failed to pass down from one generation to another the critical knowledge and lessons that history provides. We have let rot from within, the foundation upon which freedom and prosperity must be built for it to survive.

This election cycle is unique in the history of both this state and our nation. We are presented with a situation in which WE THE PEOPLE, must re-educate ourselves and our neighbors, and put the knowledge of liberty to work in the elections this November. Years of neglect have allowed factions detrimental to the core principles of this nation, to entrench themselves in both political parties, and undermine the education of Constitutional principles vital to the survival of the republic.

The Tea Party movement is reminiscent of the principled revolt that led to the birth of the Republican Party in 1854. In June of that year, Horace Greeley referred to the newly formed Republicans as “…united to restore the Union to its true mission of champion and promulgator of Liberty…”. This year it is incumbent upon those Republicans who strive to protect and defend our Constitution, to reclaim that heritage.

It is within this context that We, the citizens of Maine united by free association as Republicans, dedicated to seeing the principles which brought forth the birth and ascendance of this State and these United States once again made dominant and pledge our unwavering allegiance, not to a political party, but to the Constitution of the State of Maine and the Constitution of the United States of America. The Republican Party is the vehicle through which we seek to better unify and promote those in pursuit of these goals.

The principles upon which the Republican Party was founded, to which we as Citizens seek return, and to which we demand our elected representatives abide, are summarized as follows:

  1. The Constitutions, both State and Federal, are the framework to which any and all legislation must adhere.
  2. State sovereignty must be regained and retained on all issues specifically relegated to the States by the constitution.
  3. National sovereignty shall be preserved and retained as dominant over any attempted unconstitutional usurpations of such by international treaty.
  4. It is the responsibility and duty, of “We the People”, to educate both ourselves and others; to demand honest elections free of corruption, and to hold our elected officials to the highest standards of honesty, integrity and loyalty to the constitution.


In pursuit of these principles we endorse and shall promote the following initiatives.

  1. To Form a More perfect Union
    1. All legislation must adhere to the restrictions outlined in the Constitution to protect the individual from intrusive government.
    2. Direct the State of Maine to join with other states in asserting our 10th amendment sovereignty rights which protect us from unconstitutional federal government intrusions.
    3. Insist on strict adherence to our 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms.
    4. Pass a “Read the Bill” act, to insure clarity, and eliminate the corruption associated with side issues, earmarks, pork or riders.
    5. Oppose “Localism and Diversity”, the Fairness Doctrine or whatever else such attempted restrictions are labeled. Any restriction on speech is by definition NOT free speech.
    6. Reject the Employee free -choice Elimination- act, as an unconscionable affront to the right to a secret vote.
    7. Restore integrity to the electoral process:
      1. i. Prohibit any public funding of advocacy groups such as ACORN, no matter what it or its affiliate organizations rename themselves; New York Communities for Change, New England United for Justice etc.; Conduct thorough investigation of their activities and voter fraud and prosecute violations.
      2. ii. Eliminate motor voter and other voter fraud mechanisms; institute secure voter registration and identification systems.
      3. iii. Reject any effort to give foreign citizens the right to vote in the US in any situation or capacity.
  2. Oppose any and all treaties with the UN or any other organization or country which surrenders US sovereignty. Specifically:
    1. i. Reject the UN Treaty on Rights of the Child.
    2. ii. Reject “LOST” the Law Of The Sea Treaty.
    3. iii. Reject any agreement which seeks to confiscate our firearms.
  3. Restore the process of assimilation of immigrants to preserve the benefits of an advanced educated and prosperous society. Rescind Maine’s sanctuary State status. No amnesty, no benefits, no citizenship -ever- for anyone in the country illegally. Arrest and detain, for a specified period of time, anyone here illegally, and then deport, period.
  4. Pass a Congressional reform act which includes the following provisions:
    1. i. Term Limits: 12 years only, in any capacity.
      1. Two Six year Senate terms
      2. Six Two year House terms
      3. One Six year Senate term and three Two Year House terms
    2. ii. No Pension
    3. iii. Congress participates in Social Security under the same rules as the general public.
    4. iv. Congress can no longer vote themselves a pay raise.
    5. v. Congress participates in the same health care plan as the general public. No preferential plans or treatment.
    6. vi. Congress is subject to and must abide by all the laws they impose on the general public.
  1. To Establish Justice:
    1. Restore “Constitutional law” as the basis for the Judiciary.
    2. Reassert the principle that “Freedom of Religion” does not mean “freedom from religion”.
    3. To Insure Domestic tranquility:
      1. Promote family values.
        1. i. Marriage is an institution between a man and a woman.
        2. ii. Parents, not government, are responsible for making decisions in the best interest of their children, whether disciplinary, educational, or medical.
        3. iii. We recognize the sanctity of life, which includes the unborn.
        4. To Provide for the Common Defense:
          1. Discard political correctness, make public the declaration of war (Jihad), made against the US on 23 Feb 1998, and fight the war against the United States by radical Islam to win.
          2. Seal the border and protect US citizens along the border and everywhere, as is the prime directive of the Federal Government.
          3. To Promote the General Welfare:
            1. Return to the principles of Austrian Economics, and redirect the economy back to one of incentives to save and invest.
            2. Cut spending, balance the budget, and institute a plan for paying down debt. Proclaim that generational debt shifting is immoral and unconscionable and will not be tolerated!
            3. Pass and implement Fed bill #1207 (Introduced by Ron Paul), to Audit the Federal Reserve, as the first step in Ending the Fed.
            4. Return to transparent and honest reporting of economic statistics free of gimmicks and distortions.
            5. Require the government and all its agencies adhere to the same GAAP accounting rules that businesses must follow.
            6. Restore the provisions of welfare reform removed with the stimulus bill.
            7. Defeat Cap and Trade, investigate collusion between government and industry in the global warming myth, and prosecute any illegal collusion.
            8. Freeze current stimulus funds, prohibit any further stimulus bills, and apply all unspent funds towards the debt they created.
            9. Promote energy independence aggressively by removing the obstacles created by government to allow private development of our resources; natural gas, oil, coal, and nuclear power.
            10. Institute Zero based budgeting on all programs.
            11. Espouse and follow the principle: It is immoral to steal the property rightfully earned by one person, and give it to another who has no claim or right to its benefits.
            12. Clarify that healthcare is not a right. It is a service. As a compassionate society we will aid those in need. However, the government takeover of healthcare is not only unconstitutional, but detrimental to the entire healthcare system. Only market based solutions will solve the problems.
              1. i. In the state of Maine:
                1. Remove the restrictions on health providers, (as was done in New Hampshire), to increase competition, drive down the costs, and increase the options available.
                  1. Bring Maine standards in line with national average.
                  2. Allow purchase of insurance across state lines. LD 290
                  3. Enact tort reform as exemplified by Texas.
                  4. Eliminate Dirigo
  1. To Secure the Blessings of Liberty:
    1. Restore a vigorous grounding in the history and precepts of liberty, freedom, and the constitution to the educational process. As Thomas Jefferson said, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”
      1. i. Eliminate the Department of Education and restore schools to local control as specified in the constitution.
  2. Repeal and prohibit any participation in efforts to create a one world government.

==================EUROPEAN GENOCIDE

=========================WHITE BEAUTY



I gained great benefit from counselling for being molested as a kid, and so I decided to look carefully at what this Jewish woman, a professional psychotherapist and obvious critic of Israel (so critical she moved away to Australia), would say in view of her professional background.


Born in Israel in 1964 and grew up in Bat Yam. In 1982 Avigail served her compulsory two years in the Israeli army, where she first trained as a platoon commander [JdN: !!] and later worked as a draftsperson in the army’s central headquarters in Tel Aviv. She finished with the rank of Staff Sergeant. Her army experience turned her into a pacifist.

She studied two years at Bar Ilan University [JdN: the Orthodox religious university where Ariel Toaff was a professor and wrote his explosive Blood Passover, which confirms that certain Jews HAVE committed ritual murder of whites, both children and adults] in the combined program in the social sciences. This program combined majors in sociology, political science and economics. She chose Bar Ilan because it required students to take units in Jewish studies in addition to their major subjects. She wanted to know and understand more about her culture and history. Growing up in a secular family meant that she knew very little about Jewish religion and law. She has a Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Macquarie University, Sydney, 1995, Graduate Diploma in Individual Psychotherapy and Relationship Therapy, Jansen-Newman Institute, Sydney, 1999. Certificate in Gestalt Counselling, Illawarra Gestalt Centre, Wollongong, 2000.

Since July 1999 Abigail has her own private practice in Fully Human Psychotherapy and Counselling Services which has been running successfully ever since. She is Canberra director of Deir Yassin Remembered.

Israel’s Growing Insanity

– 25. May, 2010 in Commentary/Analysis, Israel, Palestine

By Avigail Abarbanel

Benzion Netanyahu and Benjamin Netanyahu

I wrote this on 9th February 2009, the day before Israel’s election, after seeing an interview with Benjamin Netanyahu’s father on Israeli TV. Benjamin Netanyahu’s father—described as “sharp as a razor” at the ripe old age of 99—gave a rare interview to Amit Segel of Israel’s Channel 2 to support his son’s election campaign (Channel 2 website. 7 Feb. 2009).

At some point in the interview Professor Ben-Zion Netanyahu said, “Today we are facing plain and simple, a danger of annihilation. This is not only the ongoing existential danger to Israel, but a real danger of complete annihilation. People think that the Shoah (Holocaust) is over — but it is not, it is continuing all the time” (My translation from the Hebrew).

The views of Netanyahu Senior do not represent a lunatic fringe, but the Israeli mainstream. When I was growing up in Israel, things were much the same. I and everyone I knew believed in earnest that we were always at risk of annihilation. Fear of annihilation is at the heart of Jewish, not just Israeli culture and it pre-dates the Holocaust. But the climate in Israel today is far more extreme than it was in my time, as Israel on the whole moves further and further to an irrational, fanatic position.

[JdN: !! They were expecting annihilation back in the good old days and now they are MORE extreme?]

When a person’s perception of reality is completely out of touch with reality itself, we begin to get an uneasy feeling that something might be wrong with his or her mind. Where is the evidence that the Jews, right now are facing a “real danger of complete annihilation”? Where is the evidence that the Holocaust, a systematic and deliberate plan to eliminate all Jews during the Second World War, is still being carried out?

I would even argue that saying this is an insult to the victims of the real Holocaust. Israel is rumoured to have one of the most powerful military forces in the world but Israelis still believe that they are right now being annihilated. This is insanity.

Someone is indeed facing a risk of cultural, economic, political and even physical annihilation, but it’s not Israel or Jews, it’s the Palestinians, and the annihilator is Israel itself.

Our politics and our economics are both a product of our psychology, not something separate. We make political and economic choices based on who we are and what we feel and believe. Many rational people search for a rational analysis—often political or economic—for what is happening in Israel-Palestine. But the only way to interpret Israel’s behaviour during the past 61 years is through understanding the psychology of its society and its leaders.

To ignore Israel’s psychology is dangerous because it means that any intervention based only on political considerations, will miss the mark and risk being irrelevant. Indeed if you look at the history of diplomacy and `peace negotiations’ in the region, it is quite obvious that they have achieved nothing at all. Things seem to be progressing on a trajectory determined by something that…..

to someone in my profession, looks more like a mental illness than a political plan,

……bearing no relation to any rational diplomatic efforts, `roadmaps’, peace plans or truces.

Israel’s behaviour is a direct product of its psychological struggle with the implications of Jewish identity, which in turn determines Israel’s very reason for existence. In his book Alternative to a Psychotic State [JdN: !!] Akiva Orr asks if Israel is a `Jewish state’ or a `state for the Jews’. Since it is clearly not a Jewish state—Israeli state law is indifferent to religious law—then it must be a state for the Jews. And this begs the question of `who or what is a Jew’, and to that there has never been a satisfactory legal answer.

Israel has no constitution precisely because it cannot resolve the question of who or what it wants to be. The de-facto, modern secular Zionist definition of a Jew is someone who would have been considered a Jew by Hitler.

[JdN: Under the Nuremberg Laws, under 1/4 Jewish you did not have to be considered Jewish.]

Effectively Jews are allowing themselves to be defined by those who hated them and sought their annihilation. In other words, this identity was formed as a reaction to a particular set of circumstances.

But what happens if the circumstances change? What does that do to this identity? In other words, if the world is now safe for Jews and is no longer what Jewish people thought it was, then Jewish people no longer know who they are, in which case either Jewish identity needs to change, or you make sure that the world is back to what it was when the Jews were persecuted. That way there is no need to go through the difficult process of self-examination or live in a world that doesn’t make sense.

[JdN: She is saying a mouthful here — that Jews need and crave persecution. This is called masochism in psychology.]

The reason for the existence of the state of Israel is a direct result of Jewish self-perception as victims of persecution. Israel was created to offer a safe haven for Jews from persecution. I could be wrong, I might be naïve, but I don’t believe that Israeli leaders are conscious that they are now hyping up more traditional forms of anti-Semitism—that is to say, I don’t think that they are consciously plotting to do it. They are operating without awareness and they probably believe in their own explanations for what they are doing, for example that they attacked Gaza to weaken Hamas. But we must look at the real consequences of Israel’s actions in Gaza and three years ago in Lebanon for example, to understand Israel’s real motivation.

If Israel’s actions lead to an increase in fanaticism and in anti-Jewish sentiment, this is because this is what Israel wants to achieve, albeit unconsciously.

But why does Israel need more fanaticism and antisemitism? An increase in real anti-Semitism and attacks on Jews would bring current reality into line with the outdated imaginary reality, and would help keep Jewish identity unchanged. The reality is that Jews have not been victims, certainly not of a genocidal regime for over sixty years—the Holocaust is not happening now and there is no attempt by anyone to annihilate the Jews.

The fact that Jews live in safety everywhere and are not persecuted makes Israel uncomfortable. If the Jews are doing well everywhere, then Jewish identity is being put to question, and so is the very reason for the existence of Israel. The very state that was created to save the Jews from persecution, now needs them to be persecuted again so that it can continue to exist. Escalating the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians is one of the means to achieving this end.

[JdN: Yiddish expression: “Start a fire, sell a fire hose…..” Or as David Icke would say: “Create a problem and create a solution”….]

The Palestinians, who are desperately trying to understand what has been happening to them, are caught in this madness and are the victims of it. It’s not because of who they are or something they did, that they are suffering. It’s because they had the misfortune of living on the land that a neurotic Zionist movement was determined to take for itself regardless of cost.

[JdN: “neurotic: a nervous condition from believing two opposite ideas”]

I think many Palestinians are beginning to recognise this but the world leaders still believe Israel’s racist propaganda, which says that there is something inherent in the Palestinian people that means that they deserve what they get.

This is why it is essential that the world intervene decisively. I do not trust Israel to suddenly develop sufficient self-awareness to understand what it’s doing and put a stop to it. Israel’s growing delinquency demonstrates the exact opposite. The Palestinians do not have any more time to spare.


Rachel Corrie, American peace activist crushed by an Israhell bulldozer donated by the sellout US government

Rachel in fifth grade…..

Rachel as a young woman….

Crushed coming and going by a steamshovel blade on purpose after several minutes of her defying the neanderthalic bulldozer driver to save a Palestinian home from violent destruction. Blood is streaming from her nose from fatal internal injuries, March 16, 2003. YOUR US taxpayer dollars bought Israhell that bulldozer. (Gee, why do the Arabs hate us so much?)

MV Rachel Corrie heading for Gaza: Flotilla rejects Israeli intimidation

category national | rights and freedoms | news report author Saturday May 15, 2010 01:50author by Fintan Lane – Freedom Flotilla (and IPSC)author phone 087 1258325 Report this post to the editors

The MV Rachel Corrie, a 1200-ton cargo ship, part of the eight-vessel Freedom Flotilla, is on its way from Ireland to the Mediterranean Sea. There, ships from Turkey and Greece will join her, then sail to Gaza.

The MV Rachel Corrie, which is now on its way to Gaza
The MV Rachel Corrie, which is now on its way to Gaza

In the past week, reports from Israel have indicated that the Israeli authorities will not allow the Freedom Flotilla to reach Gaza with its cargo of much-needed reconstruction material, medical equipment, and school supplies. According to Israeli news sources, clear orders have been issued to prevent the ships from reaching Gaza, even if this necessitates military violence.

The Free Gaza Movement, which has launched eight other sea missions to Gaza, confirms that Israel has tried these kinds of threats and intimidation tactics before in order to try to stop the missions before they start. “They have not deterred us before and will not deter us now,” said one of the organizers.

Ship to Gaza — Sweden, a Freedom Flotilla coalition partner, together with parliamentarian Mehmet Kaplan (Green Party) yesterday asked for an audience with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Carl Bildt, to discuss what measures the Swedish government and the European Union will take to protect the Freedom Flotilla’s peaceful, humanitarian voyage. Earlier this week during a meeting with the European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza – another coalition partner, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyib Erdogan expressed his support for “breaking the oppressive siege on the Gaza Strip…which is at the top of Turkey’s list of priorities.“

Coalition partners, Ship to Gaza – Greece and the Turkish relief organization IHH, stressed that the ships, passengers, and cargo will be checked at each port of departure, making it clear that we constitute no security threat to Israel.

Israel’s threats to attack unarmed civilians aboard vessels carrying reconstruction aid are outrageous and indicative of the cruel and violent nature of Israel’s policies towards Gaza. The Freedom Flotilla is acting in line with universal principals of human rights and justice in defying a blockade identified as illegal by the UN and other humanitarian organizations. Palestinians in Gaza have a right to the thousands of basic supplies that Israel bans from entering, including cement and schoolbooks, as well as a right to access the outside world. The Freedom Flotilla coalition calls on all signatories to the Fourth Geneva Conventions to pressure Israel to adhere to its obligations under international humanitarian law, to end the lethal blockade on Gaza, and to refrain from attacking this peaceful convoy.

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition is comprised of: Free Gaza Movement (FG), European Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza (ECESG), Insani Yardim Vakfi (IHH), Ship to Gaza Greece, Ship to Gaza Sweden, and the International Committee to Lift the Siege on Gaza, with hundreds of groups and organizations around the world supporting the effort.
www.freegaza.org www.savegaza.eu www.ihh.org.tr
www.shiptogaza.gr www.shiptogaza.se

For interviews and/or further information on the MV Rachel Corrie and the Freedom Flotilla, phone:

Caoimhe Butterly: 087 6114553

Niamh Moloughney: 085 7747257

Fintan Lane: 087 1258325

Named in memory of Rachel Corrie, who was murdered by the Israeli  army
Named in memory of Rachel Corrie, who was murdered by the Israeli army


'Freedom Flotilla': the name taken by the fleet heading for Gaza
‘Freedom Flotilla’: the name taken by the fleet heading for Gaza

Final cargo is loaded last Wednesday
Final cargo is loaded last Wednesday


VERY RARE, ALBINO PEACOCKS…..Into this harsh world full of battle and strife, God throws some beauty to re-inspire us and show us His love.

And here are some more of my favorite white creatures…..

Little islands of genetically white people across West-Central Asia…..They are all haplogroup R1a, like the Slavs, white-skinned (unless tanned by the sun),…..whereas western Europeans tend to be R1b…..and more pink-skinned.

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