ENGLISH Marines committing suicide; hay from white farmers can clean up BP oil disaster; African-American decries liberalism

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The oil spill continues to spread, and this means it will soon drift via the Loop Current around the southern tip of Florida — and then drift UP the East Coast of the United States, and then spread across the Atlantic Ocean and into Europe.

This is a hole in the crust of the earth! And an oil VOLCANO is belching forth a river of oil to the surface!

I have already covered this NWO-caused catastrophe here:


There is the potential of it killing some of the major oceans of this world!

And then when the oceans are dead, the great die-off of the world begins.

Those who read my blog know that this talk of the New World Order….

…as openly advocated in stone by the “Georgia Guidestones”…..

or in Latin this NWO is called the Novus Ordo Seclorum [“New Order of the World,” with the word Saecul in the meaning of “secular” or “worldly things,” not in the other meaning of “ages” [I took Latin for years]; “ages,” that is, periods of time, cannot be “ordered,” but secular or worldly things can]…

…Look at the sinister design that crypto-Jew Franklin Roosevelt inflicted on OUR American dollar in 1934….with that intimidating EYEBALL of the secret government….

…This Novus Ordo Seclorum has proclaimed repeatedly its goal of cutting the world population by NINETY PERCENT.

I have also often blogged about the infamous Georgia Guidestones, which pompously proclaim the genocidal and tyrannical goals of the pseudo-elite of world bloodsuckers. (This DEPOPULATION is what Dr. Johndron, Obama’s National Science Adviser, also proclaimed in a 1970s paper.)

Note the topmost “principle”:

“Maintain humanity under 500 million”…..

Well, we are at seven billion population now, so first we would have to ….


Here is one of my blogs on this heap of wicked rock: (scroll down halfway, but do pause as you scroll to “enjoy” FOX whore Bill O’Reilly’s wicked expression on that “youth magazine”)


And as I have written:

The Georgia Guidestones are just like the totally jew-produced movies “The Matrix’ or “V is for Vendetta” — the government is numbing us down by stating its goal of global dictatorship in such a way that it gradually loses its SHOCK value. They want us gradually to get used to being slaves so there is no revolt, so we just shrug our shoulders and say “you can’t do anything about it. Nobody’s fighting it.’ Bull. The Eternal Solutreans is what we will do about it.

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The patriots at Brasscheck sent me today this story. I think it has great merit. And I believe this problem of the Deep Horizon/British Petroleum mega-spill CAN be solved, but the Novus Ordo Seclorum wants a depopulating disaster.

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[source: http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/844.html]

It’s easy to make fun of these guys – and that’s exactly what the mass media is doing (to the extent that they’re paying any attention to them at all.)

But here’s the reality:

1) Hay was used successfully to sop up a major oil spill off of Santa Barbara in 1969

2) At a minimum, it can use used to help clean up the beaches

3) Hay is non-toxic, bio-degradable, renewable, and in good supply


1) What exactly is the substance BP is currently spreading to “bind with the crude and sink it”

2) Is it biologically safe?

3) What does it cost? Who makes it?

Here are some answers from the New York Times:

“So far, BP has told federal agencies that it has applied more than 400,000 gallons of a dispersant sold under the trade name Corexit and manufactured by Nalco Co., a company that was once part of Exxon Mobil Corp. and whose current leadership includes executives at both BP and Exxon.

Another 805,000 gallons of Corexit are on order, the company said, with the possibility that hundreds of thousands of more gallons may be needed if the well continues spewing oil for weeks or months.”

But according to EPA data, Corexit ranks far above dispersants made by competitors in toxicity and far below them in effectiveness in handling southern Louisiana crude.

Of 18 dispersants whose use EPA has approved, 12 were found to be more effective on southern Louisiana crude than Corexit, EPA data show.




the-free-american-hour MAY 14 2010


[JdN: In the Marine Corps you learn the combat mindset, to keep mentally tough, thinking clearly under extreme stress, and not giving in to despair whatever the horrors you will face.

The Marine Corps base at Quantico is not only where ALL Marine Corps officers are initially trained (such as my father in 1952, before he went to Korea to fight) …..

Gunnery Sgt. Shawn D. Angell [JdN: I am descended from Angells, which btw is a Norman name] is a drill instructor at the Officer Candidate School aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico, Va., dedicated to training, educating, evaluating and screening the many candidates who go through the course and turning them into Marine leaders.

…..but also the location of a magnificent new, multimillion-dollar Marine Corps Museum (http://www.usmcmuseum.org) which my father (who also fought at Iwo Jima, Tinian and Saipan in WWII) has visited and pronounced “fantastic.” The Quantico Marine base is located an hour south of Washington DC (which is right off the top of the map right here below).

Quantico Marine Killed in Base Housing

May 11, 2010

Knight Ridder/Tribune

QUANTICO, Va. — A 20-year-old Marine was accidentally shot and killed Sunday at Marine Corps Base Quantico.

Lance Cpl. Kevin P. Grant, of Harvey, Ill., was shot inside base housing. He was taken to Mary Washington Hospital in Fredericksburg, where he was pronounced dead, according to base officials.

The circumstances leading up to Grant’s death are under investigation by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

Grant’s family has been notified of his death, officials said.

This marks the third death in the past two weeks at Quantico.

The body of 32-year-old Staff Sgt. Nigel Castor from Orlando, Fla., was discovered in a home on the base May 2. Officials have not said how Castor died.

The incident happened the same day a 20-year-old Marine was discovered dead by the railroad tracks along Henderson Road on base.

An autopsy showed Lance Cpl. Lucas Gary Lowe was struck by a train, Prince William County police said. Police are investigating his death as a suicide.


david garcia

May 13th, 2010 at 12:13 am · Edit | Delete | Spam

Hail comrade,
The invasion of Normandy was simply an invasion of the Continent, of what is now the Eurozone — Churchill always opposed the alliance between France and Germany even after the war, thus such a bloody war to see France and Germany, or rather the whole Continent in the EEC was a real pain in the neck for the Drunkard.
The invasion of Normandy is just what was done in Irak and Afghanistan by the Anglo powers driven by the Jewish Zionist hatred of the antisemitic Nazism and later of the antisemitic Muslim countries.

I took this from the Internet:
Even the hallowed D-Day invasion is not untainted. About 3,000 French civilians died on D-Day – about the same number as American soldiers killed in the invasion. All told, hundreds of tons of Allied bombs were dropped during the “liberation” of Normandy, destroying fields and livestock, obliterating towns and villages, and killing 20,000 civilians.
The conduct of American forces during the war, and in some cases after the war, was sometimes shameful. After the D-Day invasion, some members of the “greatest generation” engaged in drunkenness, carousing, vandalism, petty thefts, looting, seizing property as trophies, robbery, trafficking in stolen military goods, wasting scarce food and drink, billeting themselves in private homes, sexual assault, rape, and gang rape of women of all ages, and mistreating, assaulting, and otherwise abusing their power over those they liberated in France, Belgium, and Germany.

Venereal disease and prostitution were rampant, as you can imagine. None of this matters, of course, because we were fighting Hitler.
But after we were done fighting Hitler, American soldiers participated in the forced repatriation of hundreds of thousands of Russian POWs to the Soviet Union, where many were killed or sent to the gulag, and the mistreatment and neglect of German POWs.

Churchill the smoking drunkard.
I got the following from: http://www.welcomearmenia.com/main.php?lang=eng&page=armeniainformation&sid=19
It was in 1945 when a special 50 degree cognac “Dvin” was produced in Armenia for the Yalta Conference [February 4-11, 1945]

Stalin was getting the, as he knew,  alcoholic Winston Churchill drunk on Armenian cognac. Three mass murderers, of whom two, Churchill and Roosevelt had already planned to roast three hundred thousand German civilians and refugees alive at Dresden in central Germany between 13 February and 15 February 1945. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Dresden_in_World_War_II]


[source: http://www.welcomearmenia.com/main.php?lang=eng&page=armeniainformation&sid=19]

Sir Winston Churchill asked J. Stalin for a batch of cognac. With a thoughtful look, Stalin answered: “The Soviet Union has a full supply of Armenian cognac, so it may as well be sold”. Since then the periodic delivery of “Dvin” to the British Prime Minister was supervised by the “Father of Nations” personally.

In his written requests for subsequent batches Churchill persistently called the cognac by Shustov’s name, while the Russian side [JdN: Soviet, not Tussian; Stalin was not ethnic Russian at all but a neanderthal-descended Georgian!]  patiently corrected: “former Shustov’s cognac”.

The legal delivery to England continued until the beginning of the cold war. Afterwards, the Russians refused to supply Churchill with that dainty. However, Churchill’s passion for cognac turned out to be stronger than his political ambitions. Only God knows how he continued receiving his favorite drink. And when aged Churchill was asked about the secret of his longevity, he answered without hesitation: “Never be late for dinner, smoke Hawaiian cigars and drink Armenian cognac!”


(Common sense, politically incorrect newsletter to 14,552 subscribers)

By Chris W. Bell, Detroit freelance writer, February 18, 2010

[source: http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/02/king_had_a_dream_but_blacks_no.html]

When was the last time you heard anyone express outrage over the fact that up to half of the black kids in major cities are high school dropouts?

Black America is in a state of crisis, and not only are we being ignored by those for whom we vote, but we are also being ignored by the press and the “civil rights movement”.

For the last seventy years, liberals have asked blacks to elect and empower them so that they could defend us from racist conservatives who were trying to keep us down. They said that without them, we would be relegated to an inferior education, lower-paying jobs, and the sorrow of institutional racism. (And it has happened, but with a different cause.)
But after all this time in power, how has liberalism benefited us? It seems incredible that in the 21st century, we could be backsliding, but the facts don’t lie.
The black unemployment rate is 89% higher than the White rate (8.7% versus 16.5%). This is after nearly seventy years of the solid black vote for liberals. At each election, liberals say that blacks need
protection from conservatives, but there are no conservatives anywhere near us. The only thing that all of the people who set the policies that affect us have in common is that they are all liberal. Our cities have been under liberal control for decades, and they are also where the black economic and social indicators are the worst; and the mainstream civil rights movement that claims to represent us never questions whether or not liberalism is partially to blame.
The high black unemployment rate is partially explained by the fact that the high school dropout rate in major cities is close to 50%, with some as high 75%. What employment prospects can we expect for a generation of men without high school diplomas? Liberals run the school systems, but their philosophy is not held liable for the tragic circumstances we find ourselves in. They lower standards in the name of fairness to the underachievers, and then they fight vouchers that would allow us to take our scholastic business elsewhere. The result is kids who are less prepared for college than those they must compete with.
It’s incredible and saddening that in the 21st century, amid all of the marvelous technology that we live with, there is a whole class of people who do not have the education required to take advantage of our new high-tech workplaces; they have 1950 skills. It is even more saddening that the policymakers whom we have entrusted our votes to still receive our solid and unwavering support even though their actions have made our situation worse.
Look at the state of the black family; the black illegitimacy rate is near 70%. Coupled with high divorce rates, it’s a pretty good bet that any given young black lives with his mother [JdN: and no father]. Beginning in the 1960s, liberals told us that we didn’t need marriage to enjoy our sexuality.
They said that marriage was cramping our style and that a woman needn’t be “dependent” on a man to help with the family. They said she could do it all. Liberals encouraged us not to consider being married a prerequisite for having kids — so we didn’t, and look what it has caused: millions of single women trying to earn a living while raising kids and running a household alone, while burdened with the crushing weight of disciplining our young men and instilling virtue in our young
Our cities are infested with crime. Blacks [JdN: 11% of the US population] make up 49% of all homicide victims and 35% of state and federal prisoners. The liberal solution to crime is to look for racial discrimination in law enforcement and criminal sentencing.
Welfare is a good example of a liberal policy that has devastated us. The last generation grew up with unrestricted welfare, and its effects are still being felt. Unrestricted welfare meant that anyone could receive welfare at any time and would never be kicked off. I can recall men in my neighborhood in their thirties who were dropouts and had never held a job. Yet with all of that spending, liberals could never find the money to lower lower crime, increase business, and lower costs.


The crypto-ju Lyndon Johnson (look at the sinister look on his face, which made millions of Americans deeply distrust him; ONLY the murder of John Kennedy could put him in the White House) started massive financial payments to blacks — white-to-black financial transfers — during his “War on Poverty” and “Great Society” program….

Johnson used to quasi-force male reporters at the White House to join him for a skinny-dip in the White House swimming pool so he could flaunt his long penis. (This is taken from the liberal, juish author and Pulitzer Prize Robert Caro’s mostly POSITIVE three-volume biography of the ultra-liberal  Johnson).

In fact, every time they run low on cash, liberals do an early release from the prisons — releasing those hoodlums right back into our community. Liberals don’t have to live alongside the thugs they let loose in our neighborhoods.
And through it all, nearly 90% of blacks loyally vote for liberal candidates. This has got to stop before we are a permanent underclass. Blacks must abandon their blind support of liberals and support candidates who will focus on lowering crime, improving schools, and encouraging commerce. These priorities are mostly found with conservative candidates. It’s ironic that now that we have the freedom to vote for whomever we like, almost all of us vote for one type of candidate — the kind that’s the worst for us.
It’s time for black voters to elect candidates who will reverse the ambition-numbing effects of seventy years of liberals. If we did nothing else other than vote against liberals, we would be far better off. We would see immediate and incredible advances toward the society that Martin Luther King, Jr. dreamed of instead of this hellish nightmare that keeps getting worse.
Our very first step must be an end to all support for liberal candidates in the same way we shunned segregationists in the ’60s. When we were faced with segregation, we rallied to remove those who approved of it from power. We did this even when faced with water cannons, attack-dogs, and worse.
Whether it is through discrimination, as it was, or lack of education, as it is now, the result is the same: a large percentage of blacks are not able to live the American dream. But if we don’t fight,
who will? No one will take this struggle more seriously than we do.


We all have our moment when we realize that the average white liberal is unaware of the true agenda that he is promoting.  Maybe the liberal himself will be assaulted, raped or killed.

Then he or she realizes that those at the very top who promote this are the NWO, and the effect of liberalism is misery, violence, hatred, ignorance, sickness, fear and slavery.

As for African-Americans, first it was the juze and the monarchs of England who brought blacks to American against their will …..

……and it is the juze who run liberalism. And they destroyed Marcus Garvey, who wanted, not “integration,” but true and no-nonsense black self-rule. https://johndenugent.com/jdn/for-african-americans

One of my wake-up moments was learning about the Allied bombing of Dresden. If Roosevelt was such a liberal, why would he not obey the rules of war, refuse to massacre the civilians of Germany, and after a clean mililtary victory then “liberate them from the Nazis” and teach them “democracy”?

Why would he hate and burn alive hundreds of thousands of the COMMON PEOPLE of Germany?

Because he was a crypto-Jew and he HATED Germans (as “antisemites”) even more than he hated Americans.

We simply HAVE to understand what a psychopath is!


Many liberals are fine and intelligent people, whose white genes forged in the Ice Age have made them highly altruistic and responsible. They need to seek the Solutrean solution: building up the survival of OUR oppressed white people and protecting them from the hate-filled, racist, violent, intolerant, imperialistic, prejudiced death cult of talmudic jewry.

And we must offer our help to sincere conservative blacks who want true black self-rule, law, order, families, and discipline. We will help any black who wants to be free of the neanderthalic Jews (https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/05/09/english-israelis-test-more-genocide-viruses-on-americans-finland-investigates-criticism-of-multiculturalism-as-a-hate-crime) and fight in alliance with us against the psychopathocracy that sadistically ruins all races.


  1. A source of mine (a Czech nationalist) told me that Stalin´s name `Dugashvili´ means Son of a Jew” in the Georgian language. As far as the numbers of dead at Dresden goes, the only reliable source for that would be Field Marshall Keitel’s authorized investigation, which was spirited out of Germany and is todays someplace in the USA, the UK or possibly in Russia. All other sources are hopelessly handicapped by the wildly differentiating numbers which have been bandied about since the disaster. Ger

  2. My own sources say that Djugashvili does not mean that.

    And I think world jewry preferred Stalin over Trotsky because he was not juish and thus could operate more freely to do their bidding.

    But the whole point about neanderthals is that all these “Caucasian” peoples have psychopathic tendencies. It is NOT necessary for Stalin, or Beria, to have been juish for them to have worked with Jews and other psychopathic foes of our race.

    That is the significance of the work of Michael Bradley. All these neo-neanderthals are dangerous to us!

  3. Hail comrade,
    Our lost war against alcohol and the rest of the conscience-altering drugs is a defeat in the war against Evil.

    This is a chart of the the drug consumption by race.

    * * *
    In Spain there are 650,000 to 700,000 Gypsies, half of them in Andalusia (5% of the population) and 1,6% of the Spanish population. However, the female gypsies constitute 37% of the female jail population in Andalusia, and 20-25% of the female jail population in Spain; the male jail population of Gypsies in Spain is 20%.

    I think abortion is a crime in our societies, I also think that having a baby is good for women, not only physically but mentally inasmuch as it is the natural thing to do, and generates hormones for their well-being.

    Before the Feminist Revolution women tended to their children, home and husband; after Women’s Lib they work for a stranger for eight hours. This is “fufillment”?

    It is just a funny kind of eye-opener how the day-to-day reality of the two sexes stays different; here in Spain 90% of the time when you see a male and a female in a car, the male is doing the driving. We cannot go against our natural instincts by gender, so all the equality and sameness obsession is failing.

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