ENGLISH Mary Phagan — the NEW video; the Big Jews have started their slow retreat on Leo Frank

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As of August 31, 2013 (and Google manipulates this shamelessly, but they were caught off-guard)
In the wake of the release on Thursday, August 29, 2013 of the Mary Phagan video (http://trutube.tv/video/12255/Mary-Phagan) on johndenugent.com and on TheRebel.org in Australia, Google hits on the name “John de Nugent” SOARED from 434,000 (https://johndenugent.com/images/jdn-google-search-aug-29-2013.jpg) up to almost 2.5 MILLION as of 2:24 pm US EDT (Pittsburgh time). A lot of those hits are from WORRIED JEWS, because of this:https://johndenugent.com/english/english-mary-phagan-the-new-video-the-big-jews-have-started-their-slow-retreat-on-leo-frank


Paul Berger of Forward.com attacks open debate

on the Leo Frank trial

to protect the Big Lie of

“an innocent Jew martyred by Southern anti-semites”

by the Curator of http://www.leofrank.org/
on August 30, 2013


You, the ADL, most of the SPLC leadership and others represent spokespersons for “the Jewish People.”

Well, I represent MY people, and I will “never forgive and never forget” being called online a shegets, “a male Gentile piece of meat,” on Libertyforum.org by one of your resident Jewish trolls, a self-named “Spock.”

JdN-brick-wall-shot summer-2009


This is MY message first to MY folk on the Mary Phagan rape and murder by the Jewish B’nai B’rith official Leo Frank, and the Jewish defamation of Gentile Southerners:

First .

Reactions by email: (Chris W., England):

“Brilliant John! As ever outstanding! I don’t know where to begin, because you’ve done so well already.”

Another, from Michael B., Charlotte, NC:

“I just finished watching the movie – very thought-provoking and eye-opening. Overall it was very good. The narrative was excellent.”

Another, from New York:

I just watched your video on the Mary Phagan murder. You have just done one of the things I want it remembered that Americans do: educate our future generations. In the few minutes of your video you have provided that education.

Among other things, you have picked up the ax and held it aloft. You have named the offense. You have named the offender. And you have said the truth, which is that to permit these attacks to continue is not normal, not for us!

Moreover, you have stated they have a genocide program, and you have identified some of its more obvious elements. By doing so in the same breath with which you expose the monster Leo Frank, and praise what the townspeople did in response, you have painted a bold picture of the truth about Frank and the whole situation.

On Facebook, from Ren S., Canada:

That was excellent,John D. Nugent!


An Open Letter to:

1) Jewish scribe Paul Berger ofwww.Forward.Com,

2) to Abraham Foxman, chairman-for-life of the utterly misnamed Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith (since all you do on a daily basis IS to defame Gentiles, and to libel Jewish critics as “self-hating”),


3) to the more than ludicrously misnomered Southern “Poverty” Law Center (average senior management salary: $300,000+ per annum)



Final scene from the 2009 film “A Serious Man” by the Coen Brothers — When Jewry sows the wind, it reaps the whirlwind.


Last week I read several recent articles on theJewish Daily Forwardabout the Mary Phagan-Leo Frank case which has been boiling now for exactly 100 years, 1913 2013.


I saw especially your piece:”Neo-Nazis Use Leo Frank Case for Anti-Semitic Propaganda Push, White Supremacists Exploit Interest in Jewish Lynch Victim”



I have also seen these articles:



Mr. Berger, you wrote: It is impossible to say who is behind most of the neo-Nazi websites. Well, I can tell you!;-)

You know, I was talking with a black nationalist radio talkshow host named Chad Josiah yesterday and his cell phone went crazy on him once again as we were talkingI was telling him we two should do a show on how Leo Frank tried to frame two innocent Black men in the Deep South at the height of the lynching period — and railroad his own two employees toward the gallows for his own crime.. Chad said, as the cell phone began squawking: The ONLY time my cell phone malfunctions is when I call YOU, John.;-) (No , he was not driving through a tunnel. He was at home.)
You staged this show of compassion for Mary Phagan, Mr. Berger, dropping off a few bucks worth of flowers at her grave — but then you rip into the truth tellerswho expose her killer, and defame those who avenged her horrible death and carried out the death sentence that five courtsapproved!
Your article shows only how you and the rest of Jewry love to obsess on ad hominem attacks on Kevin Strom and go into his previous legal controversies . but this is consistent with your over-all policy: strategic diversion, as Sun Tzu would say, he who authored the famousThe Art of War.
Yes, get everyone talking about something else and someone else. We are supposed to glom onto the supposed personality and peccadilloes of Kevin Strom, not on the hard evidence about Leo Frank.
And a century ago, your forbears used the same tactic — they wanted us to glom onto the supposed personalty and peccadilloes of Jim Conley, a Black man who was indeed a drunk and a brawler with other men — but that did not make him guilty of the rape and murder of a little White girl, especially not in a Deep South known for lynching, and where lynching of Black men for rape or murder was at its peak (1880-1920).
Same ad hominem tactic when Jesus Christ appeared on this earth. You (the spokesmen, leaders and PR people of Jewry) did not deal with what He was saying about the wickedness, abuses and hyprocrisy of the Jewish leadership.
No, you defamed Him as being demon-possessed and a blasphemer, and you lied to the Romans that He was inciting revolt against Rome SO AS TO GET HIM KILLED. You also threatened Pontius Pilate with defamation, saying that if this Roman governor did not execute your critic, Jesus, your brethren in Rome would LIE to Caesar that “Jesus is trying to overthrow Rome and become King of the Jews, Pontius Pilate is doing nothing about this new king, and this proves that Pilate is no friend of Caesar.”
Defamation is your game and it always has been!
After years of studying this complex, century-old cold case and writing articles about it with the help of my editorial and research team, theADL,SPLCand the Zionist-controlled media have finally given the website leofrank.org the public attention it deserves. The Jewish Daily Forwardis one of the most highly read media sources for the inner circle of International Jewry, so I consider this a major breakthrough to see The Leo Frank Research Library Archive,www.MaryPhagan.infoandwww.LeoFrank.TVmentioned.

The August, 2013, timing of your publication couldnt be more perfect, being the centennial of Leo Frank orating his admission — on the witness stand — that amounted to a murder confession (see: Leo Frank Trial Statement, Brief of Evidence, August 18, 1913) at http://www.leofrank.org!


I wonder how long the Jewish community intends to continue censoring the incriminating facts of this case and perpetuating anti-Gentile blood libel about Leo Frank being convicted because of anti-Semitism? I also suggest you read the editorial in your own newspaper-website of August 21, 2013 (http://forward.com/articles/182601/the-leo-frank-story/ and also reproduced here:https://johndenugent.com/forward-com-editorial-of-august-21-2013): First, this editorialcasts doubt on Leo Frank’s innocence!


.”Most Jews believe that Frank was innocent, that he did not, in fact, murder Mary Phagan, the 13-year-old girl who worked for his pencil manufacturing business in Atlanta and was strangled and left for dead in the factory cellar. Franks innocence is a sort of accepted truth even though it is more accurately a complicated one. To this day, there are those who arent sure, and the ambivalence doesnt come from only the ranks of Phagans family and the neo-Nazis who use the Frank story to maintain their hateful campaigns against Jews.”


That is quite the retreat!!! Next:


“For Cahan, a Lithuanian-born, Yiddish-speaking, proudly socialist, pro-union editor, it was quite a leap to identify with Leo Frank and take on his cause. Frank was, after all, part of the economic and social elite, a well-educated German Jew, an effete factory owner who was known to exploit and harass his workers.”


Harass, Mr, Berger, harass? In what way did he “harass” his female workers???? Order them to make extra pencils on their free time? Or did he demand they give special treatment on their free time to HIS “pencil”? In other words, just as District Attorney Hugh Dorsey and nineteen female employees said??

Which is part of the reason why ALL THREE JEWS on the grand jury signed the unanimous indictment of Leo Max Frank! What were they –“self-hating Jews”?
Was this “harassing” what caused Mary Ann Phagan, under five feet tall, to beg an older boy, George Phipps, to escort her to and from work, from FEAR of the SEXUAL PREDATOR Leo Frank? Yes, an interesting admission by Forward.com: “…an effete factory owner who was known to exploit and harass his workers.”
The editorial in YOUR paper ends with how the Frank case brought together the feuding German and Eastern European Jews of America. o Or was it cynically used and EXPLOITED, regardless of the facts or the rightness of the cause, to bring together Jews, with “the end justifying the means”?


“The unlikely alliance between Cahan and Frank could show us a different path. As Schulman wrote, ‘These two men, who were as different as any two Jews could be, put aside their German or Russian identities in favor of a Jewish one.'”


In fact, the editorial began on the same note:


[The Frank case] “led to a positive outcome, forging a powerful national Jewish identity that transcended geography, class and lived experience.”


Well, that is all that counts, then, right? It was “GOOD FOR THE JEWS.” It brought about greater Jewish unity, even if it meant defaming the entire, innocent, and, BEFORE THEN, NEVER ANTISEMITIC State of Georgia! An orchestrated newspaper campaign nationwide blasting the people of Georgia for antisemitism when Leo Frank may well have been GUILTY!

GUILTY — as was suspected by the unanimous grand jury tha tindicted him, GUILTY as determined by a jury in a four -week trial, GUILTY as confirmed by the Georgia Superior Court, by the Georgia Supreme Court, by the US Court of Appeals and finally by the United States Supreme Court by a vote of 7-2!
Chamber of the US Supreme Court 1860-1932; former US president William Howard Taft was the Chief Justice

But look at the vile filth your coreligionists spewed, all with the secret agenda of “forging a powerful national Jewish identity.” Your Louis Marshall defamed publisher Tom Watson as a murderer!

August 17, 1915 NY Times You want “hate,” Mr. Berger? Here is HATE!


Your diatribe-filled jews-papers damned the bereaved and wronged people of Georgia as a whole to shame, disgrace, ridicule and infamy! Look at what these Illinois and Colorado papers were saying AT YOUR BEHEST! In fact, your media minions trashed THE ENTIRE SOUTH, re-opening the painful wounds of the Civil War! .

You want more “hate,” Mr. Berger? Here is more HATE, against an entire ethnic group, White Southerners! If some of them were in fact poor and ignorant, it was YOUR financial people who, behind the scenes, instigated the Civil War that impoverished their once booming region in the first place!


But hey, it promoted Jewish unity…. it was “GOOD FOR THE JEWS”! I not only read this article by your paper —http://forward.com/articles/14806/a-partnership-built-on-comedy-and-brisket-/— I went and saw this comedy duo in Alexandria, Virginia. good-for-the-Jews12-25-2008-rob-tannenbaum-david-fagin So who cares if for 100 years you have refused to admit that a Jew raped and strangled an innocent, happy, well-behaved, hard-working, beloved and beautiful 13-year old girl? mary-phagan-looking-down Who cares if you defamed a district attorney who was only doing his job? Who cares if you defamed an entire state and region of the United States? As David Fagin says, all that matters is “IS IT GOOD FOR THE JEWS?”


In the name of aggrandizing Jewish unity and power — good if Jews do it but bad if Germans do it 😉 — your stooge Pierre Van Paasen perpetratred the bitemark hoax in 1963.


You and yours perpetrate the hoax about how Gentiles were shouting “Hang the Jew” “in the courthouse” during the trial. Even the pro-Frank newspapers in Georgia never claimed that! Not one! Not once!


We have published on http://www.leofrank.orgthe entire Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Records on this web site (1,800 pages), so dive into this official legal archive to see — not that you care about the truth, for the truth is NOT “good for the Jews” 😉 — that all your charges are frauds and hoaxes that have CAUSED antisemitism!


This website http://www.leofrank.orgcontains all the juicy details you and yours fear, hundreds of pages of affidavits about the witnesses bribed by the Leo Frank legal defense fund, and never-before published dirt about the most powerful law firm in Atlanta at the time, one that was formed in July, 1913, Rosser, Brandon, Slaton and Phillips — consisting of Luther Zeigler Rosser, Morris Brandon, Governor John Marshall Slaton — the very man who pardoned Frank! — and Benjamin Z. Phillips.

I and my team have spent years of managing and developing The Leo Frank Research Library Archive, and Kevin Strom didnt contribute even a single article to it, and yet you by sly implication give him credit for the whole thing?!


You seek to cause troubles for my domain registration and web hosting company so as to get my web site shut down — because this vast site tells the truth!


You fear The People will learn that Leo Frank sank himself with four implicit murder confessions! And it was his own “friendly” witness (in legalese, “friendly” means a favorable witness), that is, Monteen Stover who finished him off!


Jim Conley was merely the icing on the cake of Leo Max Frank’s deserved doom for sexual harassment, adultery, whoring, lies, attempting to frame two loyal employees for his crimes, perjury, rape (anal and vaginal on an unconscious girl!!), and then her horrific murder by strangulation, and finally defamation of the entire people of the White South.


Your Leo Max Frank is just like the character of Larry Gopnik in the Coen Brothers movie “A Serious Man.” The Jew, be he a little Jew or a big Jew, succumbs to his darkest side and thus the whirlwind again approacheth.


You fear the truth that your B’nai B’rith official Leo Max Frank forced himself on other girls, one of which he bit so viciously on her innermost thigh, adjacent to her vagina, that he scarred her! Why dont you tell everyone what Leo Frank meant when he told the jury —

I might have gone to the bathroom to use the toilet or urinate?

— to explain why his office was empty between 12:05 and 12:10 pm, the exact same time he claimed ia a deposition to the Atlanta police that he was alone IN his office with Mary Phagan?

Why did Leo Frank, in a jailhouse interview published in theAtlanta Constitutionon March 9, 1914, reiterate that he WAS outside his office going to the bathroom next to the murder location when the murder happened? The newspaper is published online.


Please tell us, Paul Berger, about the long strawberry-blonde hairs found on the lathe in the metal room, and tell us about the blood stain on the floor in the metal room. Were they planted there in Atlanta in a vast anti-Semitic conspiracy by the czarist police? 😉 It had to be the czar, because by all accounts there was almost NO antisemitism in the South before this affair! Even the 2009 PBS special “the People versus Leo Frank” admits that!


I and mine spent ten calendar years of my life managing and developing a huge White Nationalist website www.SolarGeneral.com and you and yours hacked and destroyed much of it in October 2011! While your friend Abraham Foxman and the the fruitcake Mark Potok fantasize about Kevin Strom dipped in warm butter, there are actually other people defending Western Civilization who can produce compelling articles because they have the resources, editors, researchers and team to get the job done. Get ready to see us on all the video sharing websites in the coming years. Kevin Strom is not the only intellectual left in the White Liberation Movement. What about Kevin MacDonald? Jared Taylor? And so many others.


My websiteswww.johndenugent.comandwww.SolarGeneral.comexpose the ugly truth about your fellow Jewish co-religionists and their racial supremacist agenda to falsify all of White history and especially this famous criminal case.


You will have to live with the likes of my articlehttps://johndenugent.com/glory-to-mary-phagan-and-the-white-men-who-avenged-her. This is one of my many articles about the murder of Mary Phagan and the vigilante justice meted out to the pedophile B’nai B’rith official Leo Frank. Read it, because more than 10,000 unique visitors have read it as well! Since June 2010, more than 100,000 unique visitors have visited the Leo Frank Research Library Archive thanks to the South-bashing musical “Parade.” When those revelers went home and searched on keywords Leo Frank, or Mary Phagan, guess where they landed? My team has made efforts on this web site (Leo Frank Research Library Archive) to publish links about every source of information concerning the murder of Mary Phagan and the trial of Leo Frank, even sources from members of your own Jewish tribe. You are the cause of antisemitism, and for 100 years you have smeared Southerners as antisemites when you made them that way!


When I joined the US Marines, I did so because I believed in the American dream, and in freedom, the rule of law, and the U.S. Constitution, which our Gentile forefathers gave to OUR nation, sacred things us us Gentiles that are worth fighting and dying for.


It is clear that you, however, are part of the Jewish people, merely living in our country, but I am part of the American people. This is our land, You are on OUR land as guests!


Not one single Jew was involved in founding the United States of America, and I know you resent it and have been subverting it ever since you landed on these shores. Since the first day Jews arrived in every White country, they have done everything within their means to subvert it and agitate for its moral, political and economic downfall. When I took the oath as a Marine to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America “against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” it was a holy oath. Today I renew that blood oath:


On August 26, 2013, at 10 a-m., the centennial anniversary of Leo Franks conviction by the jury under Judge Leonard Strickland Roan, in the Fulton County Superior Court in Atlanta, Georgia, I, John de Nugent, swear to my dying breath and to YOURS, in memory of that martyred girl Mary Phagan, that I will defend the honor, blood, culture and dreams of Magna Europa, of all White men and women, against your hatred, bigotry, and treasonous conspiracy to enslave us. We are the White blood cells whose job is to counter-attack against the cancer of your Talmudic Judaism,your despicable supremacism, and your gradual genocide of our White people in every nation.


On August 26, 2013, the spirit of the Knights of Mary Phagan are reborn in our 21st century Solutrean movement. We are not looking to create a mainstream movement. We seek an elite dedicated to our cause, we seek non-violent and legal restoration of our rights in our own country, and just as you Jews demand a homeland, we Whites too wish for lands where we can be ourselves and no Leo Franks can kill our children.


I hope now that qualified readers will join our content writing, editorial and research teams. They are our best source for recruiting new editors, researchers, writers, video producers and web designers.


My ancestors came here in 1635, to build up and not tear down. The reason why you Jews are hated is because you hate us, you defame us, you impoverish us, you degrade us, you rape us and you kill us.


John de Nugent


The Solar General ;-), former US Marine of the United States of America, founder of the Solutrean Movement.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine


Bookmark my web sites:http://www.JohndeNugent.comandhttp://www.SolarGeneral.com

To all of our readers, we say, stop being spectators and participate in the struggle for our survival and human rights!

I am available for interviews.

John de Nugent 681 Canal Road Apollo PA 15613

Tel: (724) 596-4284 Facebook: John D. Nugent Email:john_denugent@yahoo.com



http://www.JohndeNugent.comthe Solutrean Movement for a White Homeland on U.S. Soil.

http://www.SolarGeneral.comthe Largest White Nationalist Web Site in the Universe. Finally a Kosher Free Media.

Neo-Nazis Use Leo Frank Case for Anti-Semitic Propaganda Push White Supremacists Exploit Interest in Jewish Lynch Victim, Read more:http://forward.com/articles/182404/neo-nazis-use-leo-frank-case-for-anti-semitic-prop/

Leo Frank Case Stirs Debate 100 Years After Jewish Lynch Victims Conviction, Notorious Case Raises Thorny Questions of Race and Hate: Read more:http://forward.com/articles/182399/leo-frank-case-stirs-debateyears-after-jewish/

Lessons of the Leo Frank Case Still Relevant By Abraham H. Foxman August 17, 2005. Abraham H. Foxman is National Director of the Anti-Defamation League and Author of Never Again?: The Threat of The New Anti-Semitism (Harper San Francisco)http://archive.adl.org/ADL_Opinions/Anti_Semitism_Domestic/leo_frank.htm(Abraham Foxmans Hate Crime Hoax)

Last Updated: August 26, 2013, at 10:20 a.m.


==================LETTER TO ABRAHAM FOXMAN


After the Jewish Forward.com in NYC caved in, now the ADL’s obese chairman-for-life Abraham Foxman also sounds the retreat on Leo Frank! My article on the 100th anniversary of Leo Frank’s death sentence seems to be changing the tide of history.



1) Foxman, worried that the ADL is too tied to the question of Frank’s guilt or innocence (and Frank was in fact guilty of rape, murder, planting evidence, bribing witnesses, attempted bribery, corrupting a public official – the GOVERNOR! — and seeking to frame two innocent Gentile employees for his crime and send THEM to the gallows!) now Foxie suddenly is claiming the Frank case was NOT the impetus for creating the ADL.

This contradicts ten decades of saying the opposite!




In 1983 “the word” was that the Frank case caused the ADL to be set up. See the bottom here:






It is very significant that both Forward.com in its editorial and Foxman have both backed subtly away from the thesis of Frank’s certain innocence.

2) Thanks to the work of leofrank.org,


A MASSIVE database of FACTS on the MURDER GUILT of the B’nai B’rith leader Leo Max Frank…..Foxman this time did NOT repeat the usual lie that Leo Frank was “innocent”!

He said only Frank had “a completely biased trial.” That is a small-sounding….. but significant reduction in the accusation!


Claiming “the trial was biased” (not true) … is still not the same thing as saying Frank was innocent! This is a pullback! Yes, the $70 million-a-year ADL is reading our stuff! And this is just the beginning.

For Mary Phagan was our girl, our BEAUTIFUL AND PURE GIRL,


….and your man anally raped and strangled her, and then urinated on her corpse, leaving one of her 13-year-old breasts hanging out, and then YOU, JEWRY, reelected him — AFTER his death sentence — to a second term as head of B’nai B’rith of Atlanta, Georgia!

Mary Phagan was our girl. And it is “good for the Aryans” to keep this alive. No Italian would say it is “anti-Italianism” to condemn Al Capone. But YOU chose foolishly, and against the advice of your own Louis Marshall, to glorify YOUR filthy murderer, Leo Frank,


whom even his own wife shunned for two weeks upon his arrest, and refused to be buried next to, as the vile sex pervert, adulterer, sweat-shop tyrant, rapist, murderer, liar, defamer and pedophile that he was.




I thank a married father of five in Oregon, STRUGGLING WITH MANY BILLS, for sending this donation:







Washington Post article of June 13, 2013: “Whites’ death outpaces births”. For the first time ever, more Whites died than were born in the USA. the average White age is a staggering 42, for Asians 34, for Blacks 32, and for Hispanics 28.

We are a dying race because our soul has died.


Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

This is how you can help financially:
(1) postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to John de Nugent

(2) sending valuable jewelry or gold coins
(3) cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)

(4) PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details)
(5) checks made out to “john de Nugent” (now that I again have a bank account. (in fact, BY STEALTH, I have now two. 😉

I need the funds to at least pay my bills while I write the sacred book to awaken the SOUL.

Recent donations:

400 Swiss francs and 70 Australian dollars

And $US 5.. That helps too, from Tennessee!



John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4284


On Facebook: John D. Nugent

On Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


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