ENGLISH Mattapan mayhem shows blacks need white managers; Aryans love precision and discipline

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[being composed and edited]


I thank all who have stood by me while this main website was down. And my deep thanks go to the webmaster in Texas who created the mirror site www.johndenugent.ORG in good time, so that when the main site did go down, as I predicted it could, readers were able to continue reading my blog over there.

I am also grateful that views of this website have just hit an all-time high. It is only 2,100 views, but that is a far cry from the 400 some months back. This website is hardcore WN, white nationalism, and it contains advanced ideas that require thought to assimulate — especially on the topics of

1) prehistoric Solutreans settling ancient North America,

2) on psychopaths in power throughout our society,

The Jew president of France, Sarkozy, and the white traitress Merkel, chancellor of Germany, who are fiercely hauling in millions of non-whites over the protesats of thier contrymen into their respective countries and imprisoning dissidents for years of confinement — amongst dangerous Third Worlders

<a href=”https://johndenugent.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Degrelle-orating-1936.jpg”><img title=”Degrelle orating 1936″ src=”https://johndenugent.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Degrelle-orating-1936.jpg” alt=”” width=”467″ height=”264″ /></a>

3) on how today’s hostile and aggressive semites being descendants of the violent, clannish neanderthals of the Ice Age, and

Mark Weber, who captured the once-flourishing IHR in 1993 and ran it into the ground while publicly renouncing Holocaust revisionism in a January 2009 statement

<a href=”https://johndenugent.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Degrelle-orating-1936.jpg”><img title=”Degrelle orating 1936″ src=”https://johndenugent.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Degrelle-orating-1936.jpg” alt=”” width=”467″ height=”264″ /></a>

4) on the massive scientific evidence, yes, EVIDENCE, for reincarnation.

Who was Ian Stevenson., MD and why did the founder of Xerox Corporation, inventor of the photocopy, give the University of Virginia millions to study reincarnation?

Thus this website is obviously not for everyone. In fact, if you want simple ranting over and over about the jews, blacks, mexicans or muslims, then there are many sites where you can learn to your heart’s content 😉 about the latest way minorities stomped on us yesterday. 😉

If that floats your boat, keep Netsurfing around for more atrocities, so you can feel even more despair, Eventually you will drop out.

But this blog and this site are the embryo of Solutreanism. You are here — and your support means there is hope for white survival. And not just survival but power, joy, and large, wholesome white families, and that means sturdy, admirable white husbands, strong yet feminine white wives, and a bumper crop of white children — growing up in moral and physical safety. A future for our uniquely beautiful folk.

Why not make a serious financial sacrifice now so this blog can become a mass movement with my book’s completion? I would like especially to pay back a college student who lent me money to pay urgent bills. I truly HATE being forced to borrow from the young while older people with money sit there. The karma is yours.

* * *

A comrade wishing to help financially wrote me:

Subject: address for walmart money grams



I replied:

Hi, white brother. No, you do not.

Thanks. first, for your desire to help financially and your useful question, which I will add to the blog today because it is of general interest.

Yes, a MoneyGram (which is a “wire”) requires my address and my name, which are on the Contact Page (top of this homepage) and on my blog today below, and they are John de Nugent, 213 Ekastown Rd, Sarver PA 16055).

No specific Walmart store address is needed, however. You do have to show your ID as well to send a MoneyGram, fedZOG’s rule.

You also can, to avoid showing them ID, send a totally and completely BLANK Walmart money ORDER (that is, a piece of paper, a regular money order like at the post office, not a “moneygram,” which is basically an electronic “wire” just like Western Union or a bank wire, though you have to fill out some paperwork there).

Here is an example, but filled out…..I found these posted online on Bing Images…..

If you go the money-ORDER route, please do not fill in any of the blanks. Just put it in the mail to my address, “as is,” unfilled-out, and I will fill in the rest when I get it — to pay utility bills and rent, or repay some poor college student comrades who have lent me money (in addition to performing hundreds of hours of volunteer work for the Solutrean mission).

God bless you, brother!

And if your gift is for $100 I will send you the Degrelle DVD, autographed, and a big color photo!

John de Nugent

* * *

I wish to salute the pan-Aryan comradeship that makes this website possible and enables me to finish my book, Solutrea Arise. Where would I be without my Texan, my Albertan in Canada, my farmer out in Idaho, my graphic artists from Hungary and Germany, my one-man think tank from New Zealand, or my website designer from threatened white South Africa? And let us never forget my non-white volunteer in California. While “Aryans” sit on their hands and their wallets, he has spent hundreds of hours in volunteer work and also sent generous donations — while in college — to me. If “Aryan” in Sanskrit means noble then HE is the Aryan, more than many of my readers who have merely pale skin but are not Aryan in deeds. There is nothing MORE NOBLE than a non-white who aids our folk, out of love for our people and its achievements, and a conviction that white survival is good for all God’s children.

Don’t you love it?


For each $100 donation to John de Nugent, 213 Ekastown Road, Sarver PA 16055 (money orders, cash or PayPal) I will send you an autographed copy of this special DVD I produced in 2005 (Technical reasons prevented the series from continuing until now, but it should be continued. There are 30 Degrelle videos!):

This is an informal lecture by former Waffen-SS general Leon Degrelle, the most decorated of the 400,000 foreign volunteers in the Waffen-SS, who spent almost five years on the Eastern Front, showing who REALLY invented the concept of the blitzkrieg and what it meant — shock, awe, brutal yet choreographed attack by three different forces, at incredible speed — and then humane mass-surrenders, not a ‘meat grinder’ strategy that killed hundreds of thousands unnecessarily. Hitler hated the horrors of trench warfare, which he suffered through for four long years in WWI. It was routine when Hitler attacked for five hundred thousand men to surrender at once to Hitler’s Wehrmacht! He lost only 14,000 men in conquering almost all of Western Europe — the sign of a man who hated any warfare between Aryans.

Leon Degrelle had already known Hitler very well when both were politicians, he in Belgium and Hitler in Germany. (He won one MILLION votes in the 1936 election.) After the war ended he escaped to Spain in 1945, crash-landing there as his plane ran out of its last kerosene fumes, and from exile he defended Hitler to his dying breath as a great genius and hero of our race ((though of course, like all men, flawed).

In fact, the original title in French for his memoirs was defiantly Hitler pour mille ans, that is, “Hitler for a thousand years”! 😉

Degrelle received the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves from Adolf Hitler, spring 1944.

This DVD is my careful dubbing into clear, simultaneous American English of Leon Degrelle speaking. (You can hear him — at low background volume — speaking in his original French.) I have added dozens of illustrative photos which were carefully selected, maps created by me or improved so that Americans and other non-European whites, and all who are not conversant with military arcana, can understand the battlefields of faraway Europe and how Hitler and General Heinz Guderian conceived der Blitzkrieg (“lightning war”). This talk was originally filmed in 1983 in Degrelle’s beautiful home in political exile in Malaga in southern Spain.

Legion Wallonia SS: come to us!

(Degrelle, outrageously, had been sentenced to death by a treasonous Belgian postwar regime under Jew control despite no one claiming, NOT EVEN JEWS OR SOVIETS, that he ever committed any war crimes whatsoever. After years of hiding underground, he became a successful businessman and building contractor under General Franco, even bulldozing landing strips for US Air Force bases in Spain. ;-))

Degrelle founded a Walloon (French Belgian) regiment within the German Wehrmacht for the struggle against bolshevism, then switched over to the Waffen-SS. He refused an officer’s commisson, and thus a man whose party, the Rexists, had gotten one million votes in a 1936 Belgian election, humbly started out as a lowly private under an experienced Belgian officer. After that commander’s heroic death in 1944, Degrelle, by then a colonel, assumed command and led a key breakout at Cherkassy from a Soviet surrounding attack, storming straight through Soviet lines westward in desperate courage and a hail of accurate gunfire.

A Chicago comrade suggested I use these DVDs as a needed fundraiser and it is a great idea, YOUR VALUE FOR MY VALUE.

A German newsreel of Leon Degrelle and his fear-surmounting men, on April 1, 1944, being greeted by a rapturous crowd on a trip home to Brussels, the Belgian capital.


I have known two Belgian Waffen-SS men, both quiet, both sincere, both aging — but still SUPERMEN. Their honor was, and is, loyalty to our Aryan race.

Degrelle, bareheaded on the right, follows behind the coffin at the funeral of his brother Edouard, murdered in cold blood by communists while he was on the front.

Here is part of my 12-part translation of Leon Degrelle’s memoirs, My Revolutionary Life, translated alongside Margaret Huffstickler.


Scroll down one-third to the center to the magazine cover entitled “Degrelle Remembers.”

The broad-shouldered proud papa, Leon Degrelle, walks his daughter down the aisle at her wedding in 1960, in sunny Spain, displaying courageously for the first time since 1945, and after 15 years of low-profile life, his staggering collection of medals, all from the legendary Eastern Front. He had been appointed an officer in the Spanish Army reserve, and this is the Spanish dress-white uniform bearing his blood-earned, snow-frozen German medals. After translating the 120 pages of his memoirs, I just love this guy, watching us since 1994 from Valhalla (or however warrior heaven is called for the brave Frenchies ;-), perhaps “the Elysian Fields” and serving wine, not mead, from the hands of Brigitte Bardot, not Valkyries?).

Degrelle with his Knight’s Cross, around age 75, on June 15, 1976, in a photo inscribed to a comrade, saying in French:

“Good feet, good eyes. Never will we cede to them!”


Here you see what we in the Marines used to call snap, crackle and pop, and it is a group of our white Army brothers showing how they can dismantle and rebuild a jeep in seconds with incredible teamwork, precision and speed. These are classic attributes of our Aryan race, and they enabled our survival back in the Glacial Maximum of the Ice Age, when the first Solutreans arose. We are alive today because Solutreans in 17,000 BC worked together, survived together and had families, passing on the great genes that made you and me.




I lived twice in the Boston area, 1972-75 and 1993-2003, and black Boston is the subject of the story below. (The magnificent movies Edge of Darkness produced and starring Mel Gibson, Mystic River, produced by Clint Eastwood, and A Perfect Storm, starring George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg — the latter a native of Boston — resonated powerfully with me. I strongly recommend all three movies. In a deep sense, to understand who I am, I am a typical, feisty, authority-questioning New Englander like my colonial ancestors going back to 1635.)

The story below is about the tragedy of the black community in Mattapan, in the southern area of the city of Boston. ELEVEN MURDERS ON ONE STREET in recent years, and now three naked, murdered blacks, all shot, and one a kid, found literally sprawled out, their clothes stripped off, on a street. My thought, over and over, and expressed in detail in my massive webpage here (https://johndenugent.com/for-african-americans, still being dehacked,but here is part of it in blog form: https://johndenugent.com/news/webpage-for-african-americans) is that the best future for African-Americans is NOT with the hypocritical white liberals, nor with the Jews, who hate them as they hate all other races. It is not with the Jews who ran the slave trade and caused its most horrific abuses. It is with decent whites who are non-psychoapths, and who have the talents, order and discipline to enable blacks to have a good life here in North America.

I am profoundly convinced that with the horrors that are now approaching, an economic. physical and moral collapse of the Jewnited Snakes, many blacks will accept the fact that it is NOT best that they totally rule themselves, because that will lead to chaos, corruption and crime that will make their lives a living hell.

I offer that just as we will build Solutrean white safety zones, we will also offer to help blacks to manage black communities who accept the realistic principle that whites are, and for thousands of years have proven to be, more gifted than they are at such virtues as order, discipline, organization, honesty and management.

Yes, the time will come when we must dispense with all illusions about ourselves and others. Or die.

Now here is the story, and the irony in all this is the Jewish connection. The Jews settled originally in the Roxbury section of Boston. But then the BIG JEWS decided on abolitionism and the (misnamed) “Civil War,” which resulted in a flood of blacks from the Deep South into the Jewish Roxbury. That drove the LITTLE Jews out of said Roxbury, who then fled to Mattapan. In the 1960s, however, came the big ‘civil rights’ movement, and then the forced school busing and forced integration of the Boston public schools, and a black crime wave that terrified whites. All this resulted in chaos, and part of it was Roxbury blacks flooding into Mattapan, fleeing the OTHER Roxbury blacks, and this had the effect of driving the Jews out of Mattapan as well.

(Now the jews live in Milton, across the city line in the suburbs, and in Stoughton and ritzy suburbs such as Brookline, etc. For all their professed love for the blacks, and their support for busing in the 1960s and 1970s, the Jews, utter hypocrites who preach interracial love yet practice segregation, flee from blacks just as much as the supposedly ‘racist’ Irish, Lithuanians, WASPs or Italians.)

Now here is the story, and I can say from local experience that these blacks obviously, by the appearance and the accent, are Haitians:


What is also sickening is that Boston still has the same hack mayor it had when I left the city in 2003, the pug-nosed Thomas Menino whom you see in the video, a man who clearly has both negroidal and neanderthal genes himself like some other Sicilians.

(The race-mixing Roman Empire, whose economy was built on the moral and and genetic idiocy of slavery, and later the conquering Muslim Arabs, brought in many non-white genes into Sicily. Italy, to which Sicily belongs, is however one of the greatest of all the white nations, as it proved through the achievements of Rome and later the poet Dante, then the glories of the Renaissance with Michelangelo and Da Vinci, and now the many great Italian musicians, scientists and artists of modern times.)

Here are Antonio Vivaldi’s “The four Seasons,” conducted by Herbert von Karajan (a former member of the SS) with the Berliner Philharmoniker. The violinist is Anne-Sophie Mutter, who by the way LOOKS Italian although German. We must never forget that all of southern Germany, Austria and German Switzerland — for 400 years — were provinces of the perfectly organized and, for all its cruelty in a cruel time, highly advanced Roman Empire!


We need Solutrean white safety zones, where white of all nationalities can unite, rebuild and re-ennoble our race.

Incredibly, the vast realm of Rome for centuries was run from this one simple, stark building, the Roman Senate building, the Curia Julia.

Hitler said that young future leaders of Germany need study only one foreign language, Latin, and study only one history, that of Rome, to understand the world.

The Roman Empire in AD 117. Next to “Germania Magna,” that is “Big Germany,” the major part never conquered by Rome, were the Germanic-blooded Roman provinces they called Noricum, Rhaetia, Germania Superior and Inferior, and Belgica (today’s Belgium, Alsace-Lorraine, Rhineland, southern Germany, Switzerland and Austria). The dark-haired Hitler, Himmler, Hess and Goebbels were ALL from the Roman-German area.


Except Liberia was started by white Americans using former negro American slaves as the new ruling class….. but once the whites left, things went downhill….. Now they are at the bottom of that hill.


Remember Degrelle, to whom Hitler said “If I had a son I would want him to be like you.” Degrelle in 1941, before he swtiched from the Wehrmacht to the Waffen-SS, where his chest filled with medals. He was appointed a Waffen-SS general by Himmler in April 1945 as a salute to his total commitment and valor.

Degrelle stood in the open on a trench line under direct Soviet enemy fire in August 1944 and dramatically rallied totally exhausted and despairing Estonian Waffen-SS volunteers to his own Belgian troops and German units, preventing a total and disastrous buckling of the Eastern Front in his area. Hitler flew him to Berlin and awarded him the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves, the Close Combat Badge, the German Cross in Gold, and for his seven wounds, the “Purple Heart” in gold.

Degrelle with French movie star Alain Delon, playing Zorro.

Caption: Leon Degrelle was sure to visit his friend Alain Delon when he was filming “Zorro” in Spain

Alain Delon

A tall young comrade, Koen Dillen, with the general in Malaga, Spain, on his balcony. The torch is passed to the new generation. Koenraad Dillen is now in the European Parliament, representing white Flemish Belgians. But Europeans have no guns and no freedom of speech. If they just say the word “Jew” or race” they are arrested and imprisoned.


IT IS WE WHO MUST NOW SAVE THE WHITE WORLD, TOGETHER WITH OUR FRIENDS IN MIGHTY RUSSIA. Germany (and certainly tiny Belgium) were too small for this job.


    • @ Andrew

      There is no question that without whites, blacks would have gone extinct long ago. However, that in itself does not obligate us to carry them on our backs for the rest of our existence. Whether they “need” us or not is immaterial; we have primal, existential right to remain a distinct, racially intact species; a right that simply transcends the faux morality of modern human social constructs.

      There will never truly be absolute freedom for whites to realize our biological destiny, unless there is permanent physical separation from contact with non-white races.

  1. Blacks need white supervision, no doubt; but we sure as hell don’t need them! The parasites have always been far more trouble than they are worth, and with all of the machinery Aryans have produced, they have become completely obsolete & useless. We should treat them exactly the way they treat whites or members of other black tribes when they get the upper hand.

    • Comrades, I have been a hardcore WN for 32 years and please be assured that I know all about black behavior. However, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

      Hitler lost because he had no good allies. Nor did the Confederacy.

      We will trust in ourselves, and yet seek to neutralize or turn other groups in our favor. It is about OUR survival, the logic of survival.

  2. Is it my browser (the hated FireFox) or is this site three miles wide today?

    I’m exaggerating, but it’s three or four times the width of my monitor. I had to copy the text into Notepad to avoid endless side-to-side scrolling.

    Just a minor point. The main thing is that zog hasn’t beaten you John. Keep spreading truth for as long as the internet lasts.

    • Thanks for the feedback, but on Firefox it looks okay to me — the proper width. It also looks fine on Google Chrome and on Opera…..And ZOG shall never beat me. Their cockiness is our salvation.

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