ENGLISH MI-6 and its Jewish masters murdered Princess Diana; London negro rioters strip white women naked for fun; white Canadian liberals and other haters

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===============TOUCHING STORY

Dog helps scared kids to testify in court against abusers:



A WN woman living with her liberal mother in New England wrote me that her mother threatened to call the FBI if she ever saw me near her house. I replied: “And it is for this woman that you stay there? She is so opposed to your values maybe some day she will call the FBI on YOU!….. Do not underestimate the hate of the brainwashed liberals, once they are on their high horse. You gotta choose between physical family and your spiritual family.

I have had to make the same choice, comrade. My own two daughters have not spoken to me in four years, and I do not even know the names of my two granddaughters. It hurts me like hell, but that is the decision which THEY have made to HURT us DELIBERATELY — because we are loyal to our nation and folk and they are choosing the dark side.

By simply amazing coincidence, they are going with the side that just happens to be the powerful ones, and thus choosing their own selfish, short-term self-interest, no matter with what sanctimonious rhetoric they cloak it.

They are active, persecuting, intolerant collaborators, though supposed “liberals,” with a treasonous system of literal government rapists, child molesters (Franklin Coverup), hitmen, whistleblower-killers (nine Gulf oil spill truthtellers murdered, and now the SEALs who knew they never killed Ben Laden), terrorists, torturers, warmongers, white-phosphorous child-burners in Gaza, liars and Jewish racist supremacists.

I have lived in New England myself for decades, and that applies to YOUR liberal Jew-England area as well. They are supporting with hypocrisy, rage and hate a regime that opposes all their professed and sanctimonious liberal values. Anyone who still sides passionately with ZOG and its media of known liars at this late stage — when the whole rest of the country is on the verge of waking up — is, deep-down, a hopeless loser and traitor…..

And nothing is more despicable than a liberal hypocrite who preaches love and tolerance yet embraces hate and advocates the FBI arrest those who disagrees with them. Get out of your liberal New England burg, girl, and come to Pennsylvania where the whites are right-wing, hate the government and boiling against the system. Or you will die there where you are. As Mel Gibson said in his excellent last movie, “Edge of Darkness,”

“everything is illegal in Massachusetts.”


All WNs who live in in tiny, isolated pockets within liberal-world will be picked up, picked off and literally destroyed in the months and years directly ahead. As Jesus said: “Let him who has ears LISTEN.” Do not underestimate the hate of a liberal. They want all who disagree with them to die. They belong to a death cult.


==========================MI-6 killed Princess Diana

The Jews, most macabrely, are still making money off the beautiful British princess whom THEY murdered….. Thirteen dollars (US) for this glossy magazine at the supermarket checkout counter….

A British lady comrade wrote me:

Read this, John!




Here is a YT video with Annie Machon, ex-MI-5 agent herself, likewise saying that the sister service, MI-6, killed the princess — because she was about to make strong statements in favor of the human rights of the Palestinian people.

(MI-5 is like the American FBI, dealing with security within Britain, and MI-6 is like the CIA, dealing with security outside Britain.)

The spooky (pun intended 😉 ) MI-5 building along the Thames river in downtown London

Yikes! As Dante said, “Abandon hope, all ye who enter here!”


* * * HERE IS WIKIPEDIA ON HER: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie_Machon


Annie Machon (born 1968) is a former British Security Service (MI5) intelligence officer who left the Service at the same time as David Shayler, her partner at the time, to help him blow the whistle about criminality within the intelligence agencies. By doing this, they had to give up their careers, go on the run across Europe, live in hiding for a year, and then spend the next two years in exile in Paris. They, and many of their friends, family, supporters and journalists, were intimidated, arrested, and put on trial.

In 2005, Machon published her first book, Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers: MI5, MI6 and the Shayler Affair in which she offers criticism of the Security Service and Secret Intelligence Service based on her observations of the two whilst in the employment of MI5.

Early life

Machon read Classics at Cambridge University [JdN: one of the most famous universities on earth, right alongside Harvard, Yale, Oxford, the Sorbonne…..hell, I’ll even throw in Georgetown too 😉 ] and after her academic years started a career in publishing.


In 1991 she was recruited by MI5 where she was posted to their counter-subversion department, officially known ‘F2’. It was there she met Shayler. She then spent two years working in ‘T’ Branch, investigating Irish terrorism, before being reposted to the international counter-terrorist division, known as ‘G Branch’. In 1996 she and Shayler resigned to blow the whistle on a series of crimes committed by the spies. These include:

  • MI5 files held on government ministers.
  • Illegal MI5 phone taps.
  • Lying to government.
  • IRA bombs that should and could have been prevented.
  • The 1994 bombing of the Israeli embassy in London, when two innocent people were wrongfully convicted.
  • The illegal MI6 assassination attempt against Colonel Gadaffi of Libya

Drawing on her varied experiences, she is now a intelligence expert,[1][2][3][4] [5] [6] author, journalist,[7][8] international tour and event organiser, political campaigner,[9][10] media trainer, and PR consultant. She is also a recognised international public speaker on a variety of intelligence-related and civil liberties issues.[11]


She is a part of the 9/11 Truth movement and believes that the September 11 attacks were conducted by the US government to provide a pretense for war [13]. She also calls for a new enquiry into 9/11.[14]

* * * Annie Machon on 9/11

* * *

Princess Diana was going to start campaigning for Palestine, according to Annie Machon. Annie Machon is a former MI-5 officer who blew the whistle on a false flag operation. She was involved in surveillance of Princess Diana and would obviously have unique insight into the methodology of the intelligence services. Her views are well worth listening to.


Two different viewers of this video remarked on her smiling:

  • Why does she always smile?

  • Yeah, I noticed that too. Some people smile when they’re feeling uncomfortable. That could be it.

I added my opinion (AND JEWTUBE DELETED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!):

Well, I was in Marine Corps intelligence (I am John de Nugent) and whistleblowers get “rubbed out” all the time, whether on the JFK assassination (DOZENS of them) or the Gulf oil spill. So of course she was displaying a nervous form of smiling. Her whole body language exudes a justified anxiety. And her very topic was in fact someone as important as Diana being rubbed out for speaking out. If a beloved princess (and mother of Prince William, heir to the throne!) can be killed, why not an ex-MI-5 agent?


Princess Diana, leaving a Paris hotel in 1997, seconds away from being murdered by Israhell. The neanderthalic Jew hates everything that is beautiful and noble, and reminds him of what he is not.

John Kennedy, the last president who stood up to Israhell

My video at the NUMEC plant in Pennsylvania shows one of the reasons Kennedy was murdered — he tried to thwart Israel’s atomic bomb program.



Now Israhell has four German-built diesel ICBM submarines so it can destroy the world.

===========================Another nice review of the presidential video:

* * *

“The video quality is excellent and the sound is in synch and very good – aside from all the pausing. You are always so commanding, as befits a good leader, and here on this video more than ever…. I hope some knowledgeable volunteers will assist you in troubleshooting the video presentation and outwitting the hackers. For the record, I never experienced any problems with your videos on YT before. I caught the pixelization on YT, but it did not obscure your strong presence or your muscular message. As London burns, I bid you adieu for now…..”

Btw, YT has now also deleted both spiritual videos one and two off my YT channel.

If I launch this movement, there will be money to remunerate all my webmasters and editors…..but no videos, no launch — it is as simple as that, because the only message that will go out will be from the jewsmedia ABOUT me, claiming that JdN is a dangerous, hate-filled, violent maniac who wants a race war, and a Nazi dictatorship, and to kill everyone who does not have blond hair. (Yes, that too….. I have had WNs from all over Europe, such as Henrik Holappa, and the USA (such as a comrade from Nevada) tell me in plain English that they were taught in school that the Nazis intended to gas anyone with dark hair!!!!

And now that we have had that Anders Brevik massacre, you will see them running his pic day-and-night to associate him with ME, and say in effect. “When you see blond hair, beware. These Nazis like to kill white children, they hate their own white people; they are hate-filled traitors.”

That message of JdN-is-incredibly-dangerous is ready to go out now. THEIR message about ME will be streaming out, but unless things change, MY message will not be streaming out, the truth about me, Jews and race, psychopaths, the fact that all semites are neanderthals, that white people founded America 7,000 years before the Indians (who in fact genocided US), the proofs of both God and reincarnation, or the Solutrean solution of white safety zones and a new, aristocratic form of democracy where the best and most giving in our race form a wise and principled leadership class, not the politicians being bribed, corrupted and blackmailed using sex, money, power and fame.

This is the latest death threat — posted right on my YT channel four days ago — and I cannot post anything on my own YT channel, or even delete this threat, because gmail has deleted both my gmail accounts……:



A comrade has kindly allowed me to use his email service, which allows 500 emails to be sent per hour.

However, it rejected first the allowed amount of 490 emails, then it also rejected 400 emails, then it kicked back 250 emails and then even 100 emails….. I have a 600-name British list of BNP people disgruntled with Nick Griffin and no way at the moment to send out mass emails to them. I can send out 100 emails a day with Yahoo and 200 per day with Hotmail. That is just 300 a day…. when I have 600 Brit names, 700 US names, and 500 German names!

So as you all can see, the Jew hates and fears what the Solutrean movement is doing…he is sabotaging it……and the Eternal Jew is revealing thereby that he is starting to take it very seriously, as well he should.

This is the month when the world economy will begin to melt down — and either we get this thing going or we will see a total Chinese-Jewish alliance to end the white race.

I foresee the Jews betraying every single tech and military secret on which they have their traitorous hands to the Red Chinese, just as they betrayed Visigothic, Christian Spain to the muslim Moors, and then suddenly Chinese troops will be on the West Coast of both the USA and Canada. (The Hong-Kong Chinese already HAVE Vancouver, British Columbia.)

And if white American troops refuse to fire on white American crowds and rioters, as open immigration from China begins, and the US dollar is replaced by the yuan, then the Chinese will have no problem opening up on the crowds. In fact, they will so much enjoy it.

Yesterday, the Chinese launched their first aircraft carrier. An aircraft carrier is a floating airbase for bombing another country, or nuking it.

We read:

Beijing has consistently tried to allay fears about the aircraft carrier, saying it will mainly be used for training and “research,” and that it poses no threat to other countries.

Look at this ugly sucker:


Chinese beat a small white boy from the white ethnic minority, formerly Tocharians, now occupied by China.

===============Unattended white minority child viciously attacked by racist Chinese adults

Yellow-skinned Chinese man looks on heartlessly as white kid is beaten; fish-faced females react the same impassive way….


This is extremely upsetting…. A white boy, around four, and probably a member of the Uyghur minority in western China (descended largely from the white Tocharian Kelts of ancient times: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tocharians) is viciously and heartlessly hit, kicked, and his hands stepped on as he crouches in fear. This video was taken on July 19th, 2011.

While white nations around the world roll out the red carpet for foreigners, this is how white people are treated — WHEN THEY BECOME THE MINORITY — by non-whites as soon as THEY BECOME THE MAJORITY.

As Louis Veuillot, a great legal scholar, observed about non-whites 150 years ago, non-whites ask for freedom because they know that is OUR principle, but when they have the power, they take away the freedom from us — because that is THEIR principle.


The young boy is viciously attacked verbally first,. and taunted on the busy Chinese street. He cries for two minutes of sheer terror, surrounded by sadistic or stony-faced humanoids. Not one of these stony-hearted, white-hating, brown-skinned, fish-faced Chinese intervenes for the one small white boy, crying in anxiety.

His main attacker yells “Go home, white boy” in Mandarin.

But it is the Chinese who are intruders (and now the majority) in HIS area!

Now the Chinese, doing damage control, say he was a thief. But the Uighurs now have to steal to survive in their own country!




20 years ago Aryans created the World Wide Web –a nice series of photos about it and the key founders… .and CERN, which owned it, put it out as a free service in the public domain.

We create, they burn…..


A Canadian wrote me that her nephew had just gotten a job in the United States. I wrote back:

* * *

Glad to hear that he got work….

What appalls me is the level of Canadian hatred being promoted against white Americans. I note that we hire Canadians gladly, no problemo, but What about the reverse?.. I was on Facebook and there was some thread just full of blind, dripping, self-righteous hatred of white Americans…. I mean real HATRED….Yet how is Jew-Canada “better” that Jew-merica? Does Canada really not have the same problems we white Americans do with crime, drugs, police state, degeneracy and immigration?

That is, however, the one form of racism that is totally approved of in Jew-Canada….I read on Canadian websites and discussion forums that

we white Americans are all stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, brutal, uncaring, and again, stupid, stupid, stupid.

Yes, that is how a 14-trillion U.S. economy was built….two world wars won (it is sooooo easy to beat the Germans, after all, it’s like fighting Guatemala!) …..the space program…the Internet…..all that was built on bedrock white American stupidity. 😉

Stupid Americans launch yet another stupid space shuttle, which of course would not work without its “Canadarm” 😉 (Now watch liberal Canadians get offended at the slightest joshing.) But calling us stupid — that is not offensive….

Yes, it is true that the moron Bush was elected twice — but only by Jew-caused vote fraud both times!!! The Israel lobby decided he was their preferred puppet! Was Harvard man John Kennedy stupid, or nuclear engineer Jimmy Carter, or Georgetown-Yale-Oxford grad Bill Clinton?

One Canadian on Facebook was saying (“admitting”) that modern Canada was now horribly liberal — and so he would prefer to go, of all places, to Britain for a better life! To a total police state that is full of violent minorities burning down the cities, gang-raping white girls and rioting and stripping white women naked!


Middle-aged white woman in London, stripped naked by British negroes…..but hey, Canadians, remember to hate the white American, your own blood relative, not the lovely negro stripping your sister, aunt or mother! The negroes now not just rob you in the Jewnited Kingdom but, to humiliate whites, take their very clothes away. An actual photo, and this white bobbie cannot be bothered to chivalrously strip off his own shirt to lend to her…. I think I would rather shoot myself than let a white woman who could be my mother stand there naked on a public street. But this Canadian twit imagines that Jew-negro-muslimized Britain must be much better than that horrid America….an America where at least we have FREE SPEECH AND GUNS…..

Yes, go any place but America.. the land every white Canadian is TAUGHT TO HATE.

And btw, I have been to Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island (my stepmother is from PEI)……

….a lighthouse on PEI

….to Ontario (specifically to Toronto and Windsor) and also British Columbia, and I dated a Quebec girl and was often in both the English and French parts of Montreal. Also, my grandfather’s second wife was from Nova Scotia, my late “Grammy Kay.”

What is scary about this is supposedly Canadian troops, real American-haters, are in the USA right now, and Homeland Security supposedly would use them as troops who could be relied on to obey orders to gun down white Americans….

I do believe, after my experiences in Canada and posting on Canadian threads (I got a blast on

a thread from some Canadians ONLY for the fact of being American, not for my comment or my logic….it was, like, “Get the hell off OUR thread, f—g Yank!” as if that in itself were a crime, in this SUPPOSEDLY ANTI-RACIST COUNTRY, that WELCOMES IMMIGRANTS AND DIVERSITY, and yet I was not criticizing anything Canadian at all, just making a comment (negative, in fact) about how certain things were done in the States…. — but it seems I had no right to make any comments at all, being really a kind of SUBHUMAN….yes, white Americans are subhumans to white Canadians….stupid, uncaring and unfeeling brutes…..yet Canadians are extremely welcome down here in the States…to work here, make money here, be movie stars here, criticize us, marry us, etc.

Peter Jennings of Toronto, Ontario, Canada (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Jennings) was the top newscaster for so many years on our American ABC network…and no one said “What is that damn Canuck doing giving US the American news!?” — just for one example.)

Nor do we boycott Seagram’s whiskey or Labatt’s beer, or Molson’s, or Moosehead….

Yes, flaunt that Canadian maple leaf while behind our backs you racist-ly and hypocritically call us morons.…yet you sure want our money….


Here is a long list of major, household names in US POPULAR CULTURE that are actually Canadians, and we never, ever, object and say “Canadian, go home!” WE LIKE CANADIANS, WE WELCOME CANADIANS AND WE TREAT ‘EM RIGHT. (I am talking about the American PEOPLE, not our tyrannical government, which does not even treat the American people right.)

And no, it is not because we need Canadians. ..NOT because we are so stupid that we could not exist without Canadian help. (Give me a break) …… We simply see Canadians as our brothers — but THEY — that is, Canadian white liberals, and they are the majority up there — are taught, from all I have read online, literally that we white Americans are THE ENEMY.

This is a old ploy, going back to the Jewnited Kingdom’s plan to wage anti-American psychological warfare so that Canada would not be lost to the British Empire and absorbed into the United States, a country so similar in daily life that Canadians play baseball, including Little League, play football, throw horse shoes at picnics, celebrate Thanksgiving (a month before us), shop in malls, eat hamburgers, hot dogs, and corn on the cob — and do a hundred other things in common with Americans.



Here are some of the many Canadians (some Jews) who have become wealthy and famous in the States….because we AMERICANS do not engage in anti-Canadian hatred…..


* * *

Alexander Graham Bell — telephone inventor; became rich in Boston

Scott Abbott and Chris Haney (inventors of game “Trivial Pursuit”)

Dan Aykroyd (movie actor; Elwood of “The Blues Brothers”, played in “Ghost Busters”, and on “Saturday Night Live”)

Bryan Adams (musician and songwriter; Grammy award winner; writer of international hit “(Everything I Do, I Do It for You”)

Pamela Anderson (actress on “Baywatch”)

Paul Anka (singer and songwriter; writer of song “My Way”)

Bachman-Turner Overdrive (BTO) (rock group; writers of songs “You Ain’t Seen Nuthin’ Yet” and “Takin’ Care of Business”)

Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis (co-founders of RIM, developer of Blackberry smartphone)

Frederick Banting and Charles Best (discoverers of diabetes drug insulin, 1921)

Barenaked Ladies (rock group; writers of song “If I Had a Million Dollars”)

Justin Bieber (teen singing international sensation)

Paul Brandt (country singer; CMA 2005 Global Artist of the Year) — note we Americans have NO problemo with a Canadian as our top countrymusic singer!)

Kurt Browning (figure skater; four-time world champion)

Michael Bublé (pop/jazz singer; won 2007 Grammy award)

Genevieve Bujold (movie actress; 1969 Academy Award nominee)

Raymond Burr (actor; star of huge 1960s hit TV show “Perry Mason”)

James Cameron (director of movie “Titanic”and “Avatar”) ….My presidential video starts off with a clip from this Canadian’s movie “Titanic”…..

Presidential Video Part 1:


John Candy (comedic actor)

Jim Carrey (actor; star of such movies as “Liar, Liar,” and “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective”)

Hayden Christensen (actor; Anakin Skywalker in the later “Star Wars” movies)

Cirque de Soleil (acrobatic circus performers)

Douglas Coupland (writer; author of “Generation X”)

Celine Dion (ballad singer; many huge hits including “Where Does My Heart Beat Now”)

Dennis Doherty (musician; founding member of “The Mamas & The Papas”)

James Doohan (actor “Scotty,” the engineer, and William Shatner, “Captain Kirk,” on “Star Trek” — two Canucks we Americans gladly embraced….


Percy Faith (composer and bandleader; initiator of “easy listening” genre)

J.C. Fields (mathematician; initiator of the Fields Medal)

Sir Sandford Fleming (creator of Universal Standard Time, 1879 & 1884)

Michael J. Fox of Edmonton, Alberta (television and movie actor; star of “Family Ties” and “Back to the Future”)



John Kenneth Galbraith (economist; advisor to many U.S. presidents)

Malcolm Gladwell (writer and journalist; author of “The Tipping Point”)

James Gosling (author of Java computer language)

Glenn Gould (classical piano player)

Lorne Greene (actor; star of television show “Bonanza”)

Nancy Greene (skier; 1968 Olympic gold medalist)

Wayne Gretzky (hockey superstar)

Sidney Crosby, captain of 2008 Stanley Cup-winning Pittsburgh Penguins in hockey

Paul Gross (actor; played Mountie Benton Fraser on “Due South”)

The Guess Who (rock band; writers of song “American Woman”)

Monty Hall (host of television show “Let’s Make a Deal”)

Paul Haggis (Academy Award-winning director of “Crash”)

Phil Hartman (comedian on Saturday Night Live)

Douglas Henning (magician, and advocate of Transcendental Meditation)

Gordie Howe (hockey superstar)

IMAX Corporation (group of Canadians that invented the IMAX movie format, 1970)

Kenneth Iverson (author of APL computer language)

Lynn Johnston (creator of “For Better or For Worse” comic strip)

Brian Kernighan (co-author of C computer language)

Margot Kidder (actress; Lois Lane of “Superman” movies)

Margot Kidder

W.P. Kinsella (author of novel “Shoeless Joe”, later made into movie “Field of Dreams”)

k.d. lang (rock/country singer and songwriter)

Avril Lavigne (rock singer and songwriter)

Mario Lemieux (hockey superstar)

Gordon Lightfoot (folk singer and songwriter)

Art Linkletter (TV personality; co-host of “Kids Say the Darndest Things”)

Art Linkletter

Rich Little (voice impressionist)

Guy Lombardo (big-band leader; 1929-62 performer of “Auld Lang Syne” in New York on New Year’s Eve)

Robert MacNeil (U.S. television news commentator; co-creator of The MacNeil/Lehrer Report)

Raymond Massey (movie actor; portrayed Abraham Lincoln)

Marshall McLuhan (communication theorist)

David McTaggart (co-founder of Greenpeace)

Mike Myers (comedic actor; writer and star of “Wayne’s World” and “Austin Powers”)

Lorne Michaels (creator and producer of “Saturday Night Live”)

Joni Mitchell (folk singer and songwriter)

Lucy Maud Montgomery (author of “Anne of Green Gables”)

Rick Moranis (comedic actor; co-star of movie “Ghost Busters”)

Alanis Morissette (rock singer and songwriter; won 7 Grammy awards)

Carrie-Anne Moss (actress; Trinity in “The Matrix” movies)

Farley Mowat (author and conservationist; writer of “Never Cry Wolf”)

Anne Murray (pop singer of e.g. mega-hit “You Needed Me”)

James Naismith (inventor of basketball, 1892)

Steve Nash (NBA basketball star and two-time MVP)

Daniel Nestor (tennis player; two-time Wimbledon doubles champion)

Leslie Nielsen (comedic movie actor; starred in “Airplane” and “Naked Gun” series)

Michael Ondaatje (author of “The English Patient”)

Bobby Orr (hockey superstar)

Ellen Page (movie actress; 2008 Academy Award nominee)

Matthew Perry (actor; Chandler of T.V. show “Friends”)

Oscar Peterson (legendary jazz piano player; won 7 Grammy awards)

Mary Pickford (early movie actor)

Christopher Plummer (actor; co-star of movie “The Sound of Music”)

John Polanyi (chemist; winner of 1986 Nobel Prize)

Jason Priestly (television actor on “90210”)

Raffi (children’s music performer)

Keanu Reeves (movie actor; star of “The Matrix”)

Ryan Reynolds (movie actor; star of “The Proposal” and “Green Lantern”)

Mordecai Richler (author; writer of “The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz”)

Maurice “Rocket” Richard (hockey superstar)

Morley Safer (reporter/correspondent for CBS News and 60 Minutes)

Robert J. Sawyer (science fiction author; Nebula and Hugo Award winner)

Paul Shaffer (band leader on David Letterman’s “Late Night” television show)

Martin Short (comedic movie actor)

Joe Shuster (creator of “Superman” character, 1938)

Hank Snow (country singer; released mega-hit “I’m Movin’ On” in 1950)

Donald and Kiefer Sutherland (father & son acting stars) — Kiefer plays these ultra-American-style cops and we have no problem with that!

Alan Thicke (TV actor, host, and theme song writer)

Alex Trebek (host of television show “Jeopardy”)

Shania Twain (country singer and songwriter) — again, in this super-American kind of music, we NEVER object to Canadians

becoming superstars!

Nia Vardalos (writer and star of movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”)

Gilles and Jacques Villeneuve (father & son champion racecar drivers)

Neil Young (singer, musician, and songwriter)

Robert Young (co-founder of Red Hat linux company)

* * *

A Canadian supporter wrote me after reading my angry comment above:

* * *

I was so appalled by what I have read certain Canadians spew online that I do myself believe that some white Canadians would indeed gladly shoot Americans down just like dogs, based on some of the anti-American hate I have read that was written by Canadians. For a people that is so progressive and liberal and rejects hate, this is the one hate that is officially approved all across Canada.

And I say ENOUGH of this hypocrisy from a nation that is supposedly anti-racist.

* * *

I replied:


The real issue is that 75% of what is bad in the USA, and there is indeed so much that IS Bad, especially since the two terms by George W. Bush, is Jew-caused.….. but it would be “hate speech” to state that important truth.

This is merely yet another tragic case of Jew-caused fratricide.. Our two nations are similar in so many ways, large and small, yet the Jew is aggravating our relatively small differences (compared with any two other countries) and our inevitable frictions as brother peoples into huge, searing, emotional and hate-laden battle issues.

It is a real shock to white Americans to realize that though we really like Canadians (and also the Irish and the Aussies), they are taught among themselves to literally despise, condemn and contemn us. And that racism is perfectly okay and officially approved by the Jew-Canadian government and the Jew-Canadian media. GET THE WHITES FIGHTING.

And I myself have experienced it. 🙁

* * *

A Canadian responded:

That type of propaganda should be addressed as what you have said is absolutely correct and I am afraid of Harper and his attitude and the devils who surround him, and they literally do surround him. They have him by the privates and that is why this type of thinking is promoted. They do not want us to work with our white brethren but want to divide us even further.
The worst of it is that there are people who listen to this and that kind of thinking does sink in. Give them a good earful, John!.

I too, fear that when orders are given that our soldiers would behave in an hostile manner toward our white American kinfolk. This is how they train them.

The hideous, narcissistic and satanically ugly demagogue Pierre Trudeau, prime minister for sixteen years, made a religion out of hating white America, redefined Canadian nationhood from a British-French nation into “we are the defiant Anti-Americans,” rammed through hate-speech laws against white Canadians, and opened Canada up to non-white immigration. Interestingly, he was sort of a white nationalist during WWII, driving around on his motorcycle with German flags, and yet flip-flopped totally, unscrupulous narcissist that he was, when the Allies won, went to Harvard, and became a hard-core, jew-loving, anti-white racist militant. Although a half-Quebecker, he declared martial law against his own Quebec people…… just anything to get reelected…..You want to see Satan? Look at this face….Jewy lower lip, btw…….


============================PLEASE SACRIFICE

White brothers and sisters, I have been in this Cause for 33 years, and I already have the strategy. What I lack is the “beans, bullets and bombs” (Marine expression) — the financial ammunition — to wage this war to achieve a merciless victory.

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road

Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



(or solutrean1@hotmail.com)

Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


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08/10 @ 05:09 : Pyhtää, FI
08/10 @ 05:09 : Trenton, New Jersey, US
08/10 @ 05:09 : Phoenix, Arizona, US
08/10 @ 05:06 : Douglasville, Georgia, US
08/10 @ 05:06 : Brighton, GB
08/10 @ 05:05 : Douglasville, Georgia, US
08/10 @ 05:04 : Chillicothe, Ohio, US
08/10 @ 05:02 : Almería, ES

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