ENGLISH Mini-Ice Age; To be French, Greek and Canadian; gunfight instructor's sermon

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There will be no Nativity Scene in Washington this year!

The Supreme Court has ruled that there cannot be a Nativity Scene in the United States Capitol this Christmas season.

This isn’t for any religious reason.

They simply have not been able to find Three Wise Men in the Nation’s Capitol.

The search for a Virgin continues.

But there was no problem finding enough asses to fill the stable.


=================ICE AGE COMING?

A British comrade just wrote me:

“…the library’s been closed for days, we’ve had a few feet of snow, and Britain’s come to a standstill. (Pathetic, really).”

The article below is ominous.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/nov/29/climate-change-gulf-stream-hollywood (Shown below)

It is perhaps omitting two causative factors, however:


2) the CONTINUING Gulf Oil Spill from BP (Rothschild)

I continue to suspect that what we are facing is a NWO conspiracy to depopulate the planet, to go underground in the array of subterranean military bases that already exist and are stocked, as the cataclysm happens, and permit just 500 million wretched slaves to survive for the Jew elite to live off.

This article claims the ice age could come in just months. With your help, the Solutrean Solution will arise.

A German comrade produced this video. I welcome the Solutrean flag in various colors, just as here, with the old German colors of black, white and red as well as Solutrean blue. We represent ALL Aryans: of east and west , north and south.



There’s a mini ice age coming, says man who beats weather experts

December 21, 2010

Footprints remain after people walked on the snow-covered beach at    Weston-Super-Mare, England.

Footprints remain after people walked on the snow-covered beach at Weston-Super-Mare, England.

Piers Corbyn not only predicted the current weather, but he believes things are going to get much worse, says Boris Johnson, London’s mayor

The man who repeatedly beats the Met Office at its own game

Well, folks, it’s tea-time on Sunday and for anyone involved in keeping people moving it has been a hell of a weekend. Thousands have had their journeys wrecked, tens of thousands have been delayed getting away for Christmas; and for those Londoners who feel aggrieved by the performance of any part of our transport services, I can only say that we are doing our level best.

Almost the entire Tube system was running on Sunday and we would have done even better if it had not been for a suicide on the Northern Line, and the temporary stoppage that these tragedies entail. Of London’s 700 bus services, only 50 were on diversion, mainly in the hillier areas. On Saturday, we managed to keep the West End plentifully supplied with customers, and retailers reported excellent takings on what is one of the busiest shopping days of the year.

We have kept the Transport for London road network open throughout all this. We have about 90,000 tons of grit in stock, and the gritters were out all night to deal with this morning’s rush. And yet we have to face the reality of the position across the country.

It is no use my saying that London Underground and bus networks are performing relatively well – touch wood – when Heathrow, our major international airport, is still effectively closed two days after the last heavy snowfall; when substantial parts of our national rail network are still struggling; when there are abandoned cars to be seen on hard shoulders all over the country; and when yet more snow is expected today, especially in the north.

In a few brief hours, we are told, the snowy superfortresses will be above us again, bomb bays bulging with blizzard. It may be that in the next hours and days we have to step up our de-icing, our gritting and our shovelling. So let me seize this brief gap in the aerial bombardment to pose a question that is bugging me. Why did the Met Office forecast a “mild winter”?

Do you remember? They said it would be mild and damp, and between one degree and one and a half degrees warmer than average. Well, I am now 46 and that means I have seen more winters than most people on this planet, and I can tell you that this one is a corker.

Never mind the record low attained in Northern Ireland this weekend. I can’t remember a time when so much snow has lain so thickly on the ground, and we haven’t even reached Christmas. And this is the third tough winter in a row. Is it really true that no one saw this coming?

Actually, they did. Allow me to introduce readers to Piers Corbyn, meteorologist and brother of my old chum, bearded leftie MP Jeremy. Piers Corbyn works in an undistinguished office in Borough High Street. He has no telescope or supercomputer. Armed only with a laptop, huge quantities of publicly available data and a first-class degree in astrophysics, he gets it right again and again.

Back in November, when the Met Office was still doing its “mild winter” schtick, Corbyn said it would be the coldest for 100 years. Indeed, it was back in May that he first predicted a snowy December, and he put his own money on a white Christmas about a month before the Met Office made any such forecast. He said that the Met Office would be wrong about last year’s mythical “barbecue summer”, and he was vindicated. He was closer to the truth about last winter, too.

He seems to get it right about 85 per cent of the time and serious business people – notably in farming – are starting to invest in his forecasts. In the eyes of many punters, he puts the taxpayer-funded Met Office to shame. How on earth does he do it? He studies the Sun.

He looks at the flow of particles from the Sun, and how they interact with the upper atmosphere, especially air currents such as the jet stream, and he looks at how the Moon and other factors influence those streaming particles.

He takes a snapshot of what the Sun is doing at any given moment, and then he looks back at the record to see when it last did something similar. Then he checks what the weather was like on Earth at the time – and he makes a prophecy.

I have not a clue whether his methods are sound or not. But when so many of his forecasts seem to come true, and when he seems to be so consistently ahead of the Met Office, I feel I want to know more. Piers Corbyn believes that the last three winters could be the harbinger of a mini ice age that could be upon us by 2035, and that it could start to be colder than at any time in the last 200 years. He goes on to speculate that a genuine ice age might then settle in, since an ice age is now cyclically overdue.

Is he barmy? Of course he may be just a fluke-artist. It may be just luck that he has apparently predicted recent weather patterns more accurately than government-sponsored scientists. Nothing he says, to my mind, disproves the view of the overwhelming majority of scientists, that our species is putting so much extra CO? into the atmosphere that we must expect global warming.

The question is whether anthropogenic global warming is the exclusive or dominant fact that determines our climate, or whether Corbyn is also right to insist on the role of the Sun. Is it possible that everything we do is dwarfed by the moods of the star that gives life to the world? The Sun is incomparably vaster and more powerful than any work of man. We are forged from a few clods of solar dust. The Sun powers every plant and form of life, and one day the Sun will turn into a red giant and engulf us all. Then it will burn out. Then it will get very nippy indeed.

The Daily Telegraph, London

=======================MIDDLE EASTERNERS

A comrade wrote me a message on my Youtuybe channel asking what I think racially of Middle Easterners. “Does Caucasoid mean white?” I replied:

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Middle Easterners are a mix of two racial elements:

1) Old Mediterraneans, capable of civilization (Egypt, Minoa, most of the modern French and modern Greeks); they do not have neander features such as curved noses and everted lower lips, or weak chins or drastically sloping foreheads, just the dark hair and eyes.

Those of us who are Nordic, Scandinavian-looking whites, the blond-haired, blue-eyed types, are an offshoot of the Old Mediterraneans that arose in the Ice Age. Thus Old Mediterraneans are our blood brothers.

Robert E. Lee was an Old Mediterranean. Note the skull shape…Old Mediterraneans are just brunet Nordics, or, conversely, Nordics are blondized Old Mediterrreaneans.

Also Old Mediterranean is the distinguished and very important WN and revisionist publisher Willis Carto, in a picture from his younger years. A descendant of one of Napoleon’s generals, he looked about like this when I first worked for him back in 1987.

2) the other Mideastern group consists of part-neanderthalic semites (Arabs and sephardic Jews) who — as a group, whatever the behavior of individuals — have a long historical record of great violence, tenacious aggrssiveness, hatred and oppression of women, intolerance toward other views, treachery, extreme negative racism and clannishness, and desire to dominate and enslave others.

Classic physically neanderthalic features are found on “shock jock” Howard Stern (who has, however, been courteous on air to WNs)

Racially related to the semites, in a geographic area which part-Jewish author Michael Bradley calls “the toxic lozenge,” are the Caucasus mountain peoples whose languages were not semitic: Turkish Khazars (who converted to Judaism after AD 700 by the decision of their khan, Prince Bulan), Armenians, Chechens, Georgians (not all of whom are neanderthalic), etc.

Of course, anyone who becomes a Christian Zionist and Paulinian is SPIRITUALLY part of neanderthalism, regardless of their physical features. They serve the Jews and come to act and think like them, after the Christian Zionist poison slowly, over and over, takes over their mind. In my opinion, Christian Zionist whites, esp. employees of the Washington terrorist regime, are the greatest danger our race faces, because they, zombie-like, fight for the Jews, even having a semi-good conscience about it, yet we lower our guard around them because they look like us and can even act friendly to get what they want.

When the FBI came to my door in June 2009 in the wake of the James von Brunn incident, they sent one wide-faced, short-skulled, somewhat neanderthalic-looking agent, who scowled at me and spoke gruffly (he may have been a Jew or part-Jew), and another who was very Nordic-looking, long-faced, seemingly introverted, and cordially polite. (Both acted professionally and courteously, however. I of course did not admit them to my house, but spoke to them outside, armed with special weapons and with armed witnesses watching.)

I studied my own differing reactions to those two men in real time, and found myself feeling the sentiment that the Nordic-looking fellow was likeable enough.

Yet I realized rationally all the while that both were there on the same mission, that of ZOG. Whether they grasped it or not, because they are all indoctrinated, the mission for which the Hidden Hand has trained them is the destruction of the Constitution of the United States and annihilation of the very freedoms which they had sworn as federal employees to uphold.

Thus they tragically serve treasonous masters. As the great freedom-loving Roman senator (and enemy of the Jews) Marcus Tullius Cicero said:

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly.

But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor—he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.

He rots the soul of a nation—he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city—he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.


(source: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-georgians-from-the-caucausus-and-other-part-neanderthals/)

A comrade sent this interesting reaction:

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Interesting stuff, I must say. Reminds me of books of A. Ludovici, an Englishman from that era…. Btw we would be much better off now if we followed Ludovici’s advice “Marry your like” (marry a person from within your tribe)…now our girls are banged by whoever…

It is probably off-topic. but as I read this website, I wonder if you know that in Kamasutra, in a partner-selection chapter, is found a recommendation “do not marry a girl with a sloping forehead”.

I think it explains a lot. I think the Aryans of India were well aware that a sloping forehead is a sign of a (morally) lower human. My personal observation is that people with sloping foreheads are, for example, dangerous drivers. (The more sloping the forehead and the darker the skin. the less the emotions are inhibited.) I think it comes from the fact that these people have too much hormones and too small frontal lobes to have control over what they do.

I think a better world is only possible through careful partner selection, and by overcoming our primitive and unconscious preferences, such as the female tendency to be attracted to selfish jerks and anyone who displays super self-confidence [JdN: such as certain blacks].

I think young white people need a practical guide on how to improve their self-confidence (by training in the martial arts, for example), how to chat up a girl, and how she should look like, and vice versa for women seeking a good man.

I have nothing against minorities, but certainly we Europeans have some value. We are an end-product of thousands of years of suffering. Cold adaptation was a painful process (most of us came from Eastern Africa and we were a tropical species), and many of our would-be ancestors died out. So out of gratitude to these poor men and women we should be careful about who we marry.

I think we have right to say foreigners: “Sorry, but you cannot marry my daughter because she has our precious recessive traits, which helped us to survive the horrors of the Ice Age, and we simply don’t need mutations that are, for example, supposed to digest water from the Ganges River, or make us able to fight degenerative illness from eating human brains in Oceania.” ;-)

We will surely look look like idiots, but it can work :-)


=======Greek, French and Canadian

A comrade who is Greek by his father, French by his mother and Canadian by upbringing wrote and asked me my views on all three nationalities.

I replied:

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The entire white race needs eugenics — including Greece, France, Canada and the USA (just look at our fat, dumbed-down, herdlike “Walmart people”!) — and our race needs the best and most heroic and intelligent elements to reproduce and have big families.

A photo from an American Walmart checkout line….

Though Greece racially today is not what it once was in classical times — a half-blond, half-brunet people — there are still excellent Greek comrades today, and the Golden Dawn movement in Greece is huge, putting 5,000 militants on the street in downtown Athens.

One of my best, closest and most courageous and intelligent friends — for nearly five years now — is Pete Papaheraklis, a Greek immigrant to America, successful businessman, generous donor to white rights causes (back when he had a booming business), and white human rights activist, artistic painter and now writer. You can see him on video (in a blue Hawaiian shirt) and read about him being harassed by a leftist white psychopath right at his suburban home, and yet not giving in, here:


As for Canadians, yes, some are very “tamed,” but some of my very best and bravest supporters are Canadians. I have been there many times (to Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI and British Columbia),

Notre-Dame Basilica, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, which IMO has the most beautiful church interior on the planet earth

I have also dated some bright, courageous and beautiful Canadian ladies, and my stepmother is from the province of Prince Edward Island. I have had wonderful times on that Atlantic island, a true jewel in the sea….

A scene from the wonderful Canadian movie “Anne of Green Gables,” about a red-haired orphan with a gift for writing and romantic imagination….


From the second movie, where Anne is dating.,..


Eternal Solutreanism means large families and the best elements rebuilding our race, with all its valuable Mediterranean, Keltic, Slavic and Germanic elements. The fact that Hitler and many other great white leaders had dark hair proves we should not be obsessed with the Nordic look.

Nordics make good leaders, but they often lack the sheer warmth and charm of the southern branches of our race. I experienced the French in 2004, and found them absolutely delightful. (Of course, I made the effort to speak French out of respect and courtesy to the French in their own country, and I spoke it well. Many Anglos barge into France and demand to be waited on in English, which if one reversed the situation would outrage us as well. Imagine a Frenchie walking into a store in Cincinnati, or an airport in Atlanta, demanding to be served in French!)

In Plato I once read: “Dark-haired men we say are manly, and the fair-haired the children of the gods.”


Drill Sergeant Joe B. Fricks Rules For A Gunfight
Memories of Basic Combat Training at Ft. Benning with Drill Sgt Joe B. Frick


1. Forget about knives, bats and fists. Bring a gun. Preferably, bring at least two guns. Bring all of your friends who have guns. Bring four times the ammunition you think you could ever need.

2. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammunition is cheap – life is expensive. If you shoot inside, buckshot is your friend. A new wall is cheap – funerals are expensive

3. Only hits count. The only thing worse than a miss is a slow miss.

4. If your shooting stance is good, you’re probably not moving fast enough or using cover correctly.

5. Move away from your attacker and go to cover. Distance is your friend. (Bulletproof cover and diagonal or lateral movement are preferred.

6. If you can choose what to bring to a gunfight, bring a semi or full-automatic long gun and a friend with a long gun.

7. In ten years nobody will remember the details of caliber, stance, or tactics. They will only remember who lived.

8. If you are not shooting, you should be communicating, reloading, and running. Yell “Fire!” Why “Fire”? Cops will come with the Fire Department, sirens often scare off the bad guys, or at least cause then to lose concentration and will…. and who is going to summon help if you yell “Intruder,” “Glock” or “Winchester?”

9. Accuracy is relative: most combat shooting standards will be more dependent on “pucker factor” than the inherent accuracy of the gun.

10. Someday someone may kill you with your own gun, but they should have to beat you to death with it because it is empty.

11. Always cheat, always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose.

12. Have a plan.

13. Have a back-up plan, because the first one won’t work. “No battle plan ever survives 10 seconds past first contact with an enemy.”

14. Use cover or concealment as much as possible, but remember, sheet rock walls and the like stop nothing but your pulse when bullets tear through them.

15. Flank your adversary when possible. Protect yours.

16. Don’t drop your guard.

17. Always tactical load and threat scan 360 degrees. Practice reloading one-handed and off-hand shooting. That’s how you live if hit in your “good” side.

18. Watch their hands. Hands kill. Smiles, frowns and other facial expressions don’t (In God we trust. Everyone else keep your hands where I can see them.

19. Decide NOW to always be aggressive ENOUGH, quickly ENOUGH.

20. The faster you finish the fight, the less shot you will get.

21. Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet if necessary, because they may want to kill you.

22. Be courteous to everyone, overly friendly to no one.

23. Your number one option for personal security is a lifelong commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and de-escalation.

24. Do not attend a gunfight with a handgun, the caliber of which does not start with anything smaller than “4”.

25. Use a gun that works EVERY TIME. “All skill is in vain when an Angel blows the powder from the flintlock of your musket.” At a practice session, throw you gun into the mud, then make sure it still works. You can clean it later.

26. Practice shooting in the dark, with someone shouting at you, when out of breath, etc.

27. Regardless of whether justified of not, you will feel sad about killing another human being. It is better to be sad than to be room temperature.

28. The only thing you EVER say afterward is, “He said he was going to kill me. I believed him. I’m sorry, Officer, but I’m very upset now. I can’t say anything more. Please speak with my attorney.”

Finally, Drill Sergeant Frick’s Rules For Un-armed Combat.

1: Never be unarmed.
2: If you have your hands, your feet, your mind and your spirit as an American Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine or Coastie, you are never unarmed.

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