ENGLISH More evidence ancient humans of all races mated with subhumans

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…..Why do humans act so primitive?

[This is a new addition to my essay on the Fourth Reich and Nordic Aliens: https://johndenugent.com/the-fourth-reich-and-nordic-aliens]

Various alienologists have claimed that the major races (White-European, Black-African, East Asian, etc.) of today result from various advanced races colonizing the earth, but then being stranded by a galactic conflict that went badly.  Humans were, in their version, nearly destroyed and thrown into the Stone Age.

Then some of them mated with native earthlings who were very primitive or at least violent.

My essay on “Neanderthals and Semites” (https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites) shows how modern Whites intermixed (possibly via rape and/or abduction) with Neanderthals, and this is reflected in the features of many Europeans and Middle Easterners, especially Jews and Arabs. but also some Germans, Croatians, French, Italians, Poles, Slovaks and others who also have these features. The pure Neanderthals died out, because they could not compete with modern humans, but they did leave behind many genes.

A Neanderthal


comparing-cranium-Cro magnon-to-neanderthal

An Asiastic species that also died out was announced a few years back, Denisova, and once again, they could not compete but some of their genes are found in modern Asians.

This article from the prestigious Establishment Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/early-africans-mated-with-mystery-species-of-humans/2012/07/26/gJQAxFzZBX_story.html) suggests that certain early Blacks must have mated with (not some monkey, as hard-core racists joke or claim) but with a pre-human species that also lived in Africa but died out.

Thus,  as with Denisova for the Asians or Neanderthals for the Europeans, a subhuman species could not outperform the local modern humans, dying out via war and/or starvation, but it lived on in the sense that some of its genes were passed on to the more successful species.

One claim I have read is that the Greys treacherously attacked the Nordic-Alien/Pleiadian peoples (causing a loathing for them that the Pleiadians feel to this day), feigning interspecies friendship, good will,  and a desire for trade, tourism, cultural exchanges, sharing technology, etc. Then the Greys struck, and also attacked the world where the original East Asians lived, and also the world where the Blacks originated. 

Ominous Mayan sculptures (from https://johndenugent.com/english/english-mayans-grays-and-mel-gibson-the-amazing-lost-guanches-aryan-rulers-of-mesopotamia-and-egypt)mayan-grays

As the Greys began slaughtering people by the millions, the Whites then, out of compassion, evacuated some of the Asians and Blacks to Earth, or at least let them land here. These other races then spread out around the world.

Later, the galactic war came to Earth as well, and nearly everyone on earth was killed. My blog here goes into hard evidence of green glass and rocket scorch marks…. indicating a huge conflict in ancient times: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-six-uso-confrontations-with-the-uss-franklin-delano-roosevelt-aliens-are-good-bad-and-neutral-and-form-alliances-like-earthly-nations (Scroll down half way to “Book proves a hated alien force was blasting off into space in 2000 BC and probably nuked rebellious humans”)

The book (translation of title: “Alien Spaceship Launch Sites”) by the retired German aviation engineer Peter Brüchmann, contains many photos of what seem clearly to be scorched blastoff areas around the world.


Photos of lined-up launch sites, with exact GPS coordinates given so you can verify them yourself. No one can say these deep indentations marks made in rows were created by nature. Even if they resulted from meteorite strikes, they would not be lined up like this. It looks like what a military would do: soldiers in a row.


The major races  ended up after this war in a post-apocalyptic world (not unlike the movie “The Road”, based on the gripping novel by Colman McCarthy), living primitive lives of seeking food, shelter and mere survival. Higher technology was lost.



Under such circumstances,  mating with prehumans may have occurred, and not necessarily voluntarily, in other words, it could have happened via rape and abduction, possibly by males of the more primitive species taking some females of the higher species, or evil males of the higher species taking females of the lower species.

If the results of this rape are not killed, then they live — and join the gene pool. This is how both eastern Germans and Slavs have ended up with a small amount of Mongolian genes and the B blood group.

So the history of modern humans would represent, as in so many ancient myths such as the Garden of Eden, a golden age that was lost in a war of evil and destruction, and then some intermixing occurred with primitive races, races native to earth, which brought us all down somewhat genetically.

Fortunately, through magnetic laser therapy, genes can be cleaned up from these primitive, violent subhuman genes. But so far this is not being done. Babies are still being born with lots of birth defects, and in fact more now than ever. Children born with such defects are a burden to themselves, to their loved ones and to a society that more and more is running out of money, but we can delete these bad genes without killing anyone, but just ensuring that babies in the future receive the best genes we have, not the worst, not the results of rapes tens of thousands of years ago.


  1. Do you think some or one type of greys could be cousins of Aryans, as per the website aryanity.com (claiming abductions of Whites by Greys in order to obtain DNA to keep their race going).

    Any thoughts on that?

    Will try to send funds as soon as I can.

    • The reports on the secret underground base at Dulce, NM and on the Dulce Battle suggest strongly that Greys are using humans in alarming ways in genetic experiments and programs.

      As my essay http://johndenugent.us/the-fourth-reich-and-nordic-aliens says, the warning of the Pleiadians is thus fulfilled — that if Eisenhower rejected THEIR help, keeping nuclear weapons and continuing the Cold War, the Greys would end up more and more taking over the US military and American society.

      A comrade just wrote me:


      “My parents have witnessed UFO sightings in the sky, though I can’t say I am as fortunate as they were.

      This video in particular, is interesting, I cannot make out whether it is 100% legitimate or not, but there seems to be some amount of truth to it.



      I now suspect that what Dwight D. Eisenhower was REALLY saying in his final speech as president (January 17, 1961) about the “military-industrial complex” may have been a warning against the Grey infiltration of our country, one that only future generations would fully comprehend, “a speech made fore the historians,” as they say. Lettings Greys “help” us was letting a dangerous genius out of the bottle.


      Any high-tech civilization which offers high-level military tech to a country locked in a major war, cold or hot, will gain more and more leverage over it.

      I have seen a Grey craft, a classic cigar-shaped craft, in McMinnville, Oregon, which by interesting “coincidence” is a major CIA location for chemtrailing….. As I and a client watched, after gliding very slowly over a tree line on a ridge, it simply vanished into thin air…. It was dumbfounding.

      This video, I believe, contains a lot of truth. It is all too easy to laugh it off…. because the horror filter kicks in and it gets to be overwhelmingly strange and scary.

      I think the government made the decision in the 1970s that it would begin to release SOME truth about aliens (Non-humans, NHs) very, very gradually and in accordance with its own agenda, which is a corrupt agenda, because the Greys are now almost co-dictating US policy, exactly as the Pleiadians warned would happen.

      What the journalist, Kerry Cassidy, says is that many species have shared the earth with us for a very long time, and they therefore do not consider us at all as the “owners” of the planet.

      Startling and terrifying (but not untrue) is that some of them are human-eaters (being intelligent but very carnivorous, reptilian species)… and what has saved us humans is that:

      1) the various aliens (again, they view us humans as the aliens and late-comers – some have been here since dinosaur times!) HATE each other with a passion (just as various kinds of humans are at war) and

      2) they are not numerous. In other words, 95% of all intelligent life in this earth is human; we dominate the planet.

      The mutual enmity of the various non-human species creates a kind of checks-and-balances, and they cancel each other out. No NH (non-human) species will allow any other to take over. This also goes against a galactic rule that for any species to take over a planet and exterminate the locals upsets the balance of power and threatens all species.

      Settling an empty planet is actually how a species is supposed to expand, not unlike Europeans spreading across the United States and Canada, which were relatively empty after white-man diseases (NOT massacre!!!) killed off 90% of the Indians.

      (Some estimate that only five million Indians lived in the current US and Canada by 1700, with 7.7 million square miles, which amounts to less than one Indian or Inuit per square mile!)

      The NHs all make their temporary deals with various people or groups in various human governments and have shifting alliances with each other as well as various human groups (such as the Jews and the US government!).

      In other words, the NHs are just like humans — full of conflict, suspicion, competition and self-interest…. and this hatred the NHs have ofr each otehr is the only thing saving us as a species. In other words, except for a few species, such as the Pleiadians (Nordic aliens) and others, they simply are NOT morally superior to us, just technologically at a higher level.

      But the more they share tech with us for their own purposes, the fast humans catch up with them.

      It is just like the US aiding China — from the Richard Nixon period on — as part of its policy of weakening Soviet Russia. Now China is catching up the the US both economically and militarily….
      It all intuitively makes sense to me, and it corresponds to the vast among of reading and analysis I have done for years now.

      Aliens are like humans; some are evil, some are just occasionally nasty, most are morally average, and a few species are noble, trustworthy, respectful, appreciative of us and our struggles, and helpful. the Pleiadians, usually called “space brothers” in the Fifties, wanted to mentor us to grow spiritually as well as technologically, but thanks to Eisenhower, we are NOT allied with them….. Hah, no way the man who crushed Germany for the Jews (and may have been part-Jewish himself!) would turn around and ally the US with another bunch of blond, blue-eyed, disciplined Whites!

      They probably reminded him of “the Nazis.” 😉


  2. What do you think of Stanton T. Friedman, the ufologist (who says Roswell was from outer-space types and not Fourth Reich Germans)? He seems to have a lot of good arguments for UFOs Is he the real deal or is he just another Jew working some kind of Jew con?

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