ENGLISH More JdN videos; throw another snowball on the barbie in Australia

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a gorgeous collection of photos, despite a vapid narration….


One of my missions is to awaken 40 million Irish-Americans to their destiny, which is to see in the white race the underdog that needs defending, and not the blacks, mexicans, jews or queers. The Irish are a charming and yet fighting people who get angry and then do something about it.

Thanks go to a California lady comrade, of Russian heritage actually, for sending me this! She also wrote:

I do my rounds through your blog every other day.  I read and then I read some more, then I close my eyes and ponder:

When are we going to be free from the Jewish grip hold??? And then I find my answer.

You are our voice , our inspiration… a virtuous person who says things that others are afraid to talk about, because of the dangerous times in which we are living.


Meanwhile, outrageously, Dr David Duke’s YT channel continues to be down. Duke’s website says “the links are down.”

A creep name “Palestinians911” (oh, so the Palestinians did 9/11?) wrote Jason Salyers:


you should to die !! motherfucker !!!!
long live lsrael forever
lsrael will never die . kill yourself ugly bitch
soon you will be muslimp phhh islam will eat you soon

😉 😉 😉

But if we die, Jew, we come back even more antisemitic the next time! You gonna kill our souls?

I wrote Jason:

Thanks I just added this to the blog.

It really is a revealing and useful quotation. This Israeli is gloating that Islam will “eat us soon.”

Right in line with Barbara Spectre’s assertion that Jews have the lead role in forcing multiculturalism on Europe, as stated by her at the end of video on your YT channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE02moD3Yu8

Here is a very simple video from when I was well-known in New England in 2003 for my courses in good American accent:


* * * JdN, the accent corrector

From the Wikipedia article on me:

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He formerly taught standard American accent (1997-2004) to speakers with overly heavy Boston/New England accents [1], [2] (see National Public Radio interview of August 21, 2003)….

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Liane Hansen

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This August 2003 Providence Journal article on my work was picked up by a wire service and ran nationwide:

Archive for Sunday, August 17, 2003
Teaching Rhode Islanders to ‘Tawk’ Right

(source: http://articles.latimes.com/2003/aug/17/news/adna-ri17)

By Brooke Donald
August 17, 2003 in print edition A-17

John de Nugent is standing in front of his class with one thing on his mind, the letter “r.”
He’ll eventually tackle the other letters and sounds that elude his students, but for now, he tucks his chin, grits his teeth, shakes his head back and forth, and growls like a dog.

“Grrrr,” repeat his students, completing their first lesson in how to reduce the Rhode Island accent. The three-hour course, “The Great Rhode Island Accent Reduction Program,” is designed to help Rhode Islanders put the “r” back in the “cah” they drive and take the “aw” out of their morning cup of “kawfee.”

With any luck, they’ll also soften the “aa” in “god” and restore the “th” to “that.”
“It’s not veel smott to tawk with a Rho Dyelinn accent around othaa people,” de Nugent chided.

The accent is similar to the one heard around New England, where dropping the letter “r” after vowels is a trademark. Adding an “r” in other places is also common.

Allan Metcalf, executive secretary for the American Dialect Society, pointed to a famous New Englander for an example. “President Kennedy said something like, ‘Cuber is a concern’ instead of ‘Cuba,’ ” he said.

The New England accent is a product of Old England. During the 18th century, it became fashionable in England to omit the “r” after vowels, Metcalf said. Brits settling in America continued the trend, where it spread up and down the Atlantic coast.

“The rest of the country stopped looking to New England as an example of how to do things. New Englanders didn’t realize that until later,” he said. With notable writers such as Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in their back yards, New Englanders believed they were setting the nation’s language trends, not falling behind them, Metcalf said.

The goal of the course, offered by an adult education network called the Learning Connection, is to get people thinking about the way they speak and why. He says once a person is aware of what he or she is doing, the pronunciation can be refined. But dialects – and certain words, including how they are pronounced – can reflect an attitude associated with a region. De Nugent says the purpose of the course is to “lighten the accent up” but not get rid of it.

The New England accent is aggressive and assertive. New Englanders speak quickly too – twice as fast as Texans, in fact – which makes other people suspicious of them. “You don’t want to dampen that spirit,” he said. Indeed, de Nugent begins the course by explaining why he’s proud to be a Rhode Islander, but “the accent is not something that will get you forward.”

On the contrary, said Rhode Island cartoonist and author Don Bousquet, who illustrated The Rhode Island Dictionary. “They should be taking courses to increase their accent,” he said, adding many Rhode Islanders have an inferiority complex because of the state’s size and because of how they speak. “They’re not proud of their accent? Do they want to sound homogenized? Do they want to sound like Californians?”

During the course, students listen to radio excerpts and voice-over recordings, and repeat de Nugent’s pronunciation, which he perfected after being ridiculed for his accent while in the Marine Corps. “People hear it and start snickering,” he said.

That’s one reason Jim Caracciolo, 25, of Warwick, wants to soften his accent. “People let out a little chuckle and then move on, but I just don’t want the way I talk to be a part of the conversation,” he said. This is a daily effort, he said, especially when he’s around people who are not from Rhode Island. “It’s not that I’m embarrassed. It’s just I don’t like explaining myself,” he said.

De Nugent, who is fluent in German and French, uses political leaders as examples of speakers with good accents. Former President Reagan, a noted orator, is at the top of his list for his ability to deliver a speech. The current president [George W. Bush] is at the bottom. “Texans emphasize the ‘r’ too much. How does President Bush refer to the axis of evil? They’re evildoerrrs,” de Nugent said, exaggerating the “ers.”

Metcalf said accents tend to fade as generations pass and the entertainment industry influences what people hear. “Look at the Kennedys. Patrick and the others have less of an accent than John did. Even Teddy has lost it some,” he said.

Yet even de Nugent concedes that some words just sound better when they are spoken by a true Rhode Islander. “Dog. I think it’s perfectly perfect as ‘dawg.’ And of course, quahog, the hard-shell clam, say it as you like,” he said. That’s “qwahaag” to some and “ko-hog” to others.
“Languages have a soul and a spirit to them. Ask yourself, is this a sound I want to be making loudly or do I want to soft-pedal it?” de Nugent said. “Then you’re ready for prime-time.”

* * * (back to the Wiki article, now found at https://johndenugent.com/wikipedia-biography-john-de-nugent)

…..and [he taught] Japanese, Chinese and Indian[3] professionals (M.D.s, Ph.D.s and researchers)[4] in the Boston, Massachusetts and Providence, Rhode Island areas who were associated with Harvard University (who were its graduate school students or “post-doc” researchers at Harvard-affiliated “teaching hospitals”), at the John F. Kennedy School of Government and Harvard Business School, and [he taught] students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (“MIT”), especially at the MIT Sloan School of Management).

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Also….here is the last of my radio ads from my write-in campaign for president in 2008, which I scaled back deliberately in HOPES that the outrageous negro would get in and inflame white America to a new racial awareness, which in fact has happened:



In Aryavarta, white world (North America, Europe, Russia, Australia, New Zealand and what is left of white South Africa, a country that is now now just 7% white) things are getting colder.

Here in Pittsburgh, we had 70 degrees just before Xmas last year, but this year has been the opposite, about five weeks of steady snow. Europe has been much, much colder. In this blog, I have stated why I think this has been: 1) the Gulf oil spill is still flowing 2) HAARP is also being used to modify the weather.

My concern is that a deliberately induced and full-blown ice age would wipe out all the white homelands, except perhaps the relatively small white populations of Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

And yet even Australia, which is now in its spring and summertime, recently had snow!


http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/20/australia-summer-marked-b_n_799110.html Snow as well as massive floods….with poisonous, deadly snakes and crocodiles fleeing the floodwaters themselves and swimming into peoples’ homes, and that is no laughing matter.

Video of the worst floods in 50 years: (narrated in German) http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=de&tl=en&u=http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-63162.html&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&twu=1&usg=ALkJrhgr5MBINrCsq490UdrHQbZ7-Ebomw

Whites can get used, of course, to a mini-Ice Age. When my ancestor Thomas Angell came to New England in 1635, we were in one. All the bays and rivers froze solid for months. One could drive a wagon over the ice on Narragansett Bay.

But a full-blown ice age would be different. Perpetual snow means whites would spend all their time snowplowing, digging out and heating, then finally give up and move south. I see all this as a depopulation conspiracy to drive nordics into brown-skinned areas of the south of the US, southern Europe, North Africa and to Mexico.

Or the regime, following the old yiddish phrase “start a fire; sell a fire hose,” would use HAARP to trigger an ice age (we are due for one anyway) and they announce that HAARP and the wonderful government will now save us. The regime then uses HAARP to make things warmer that THEY made colder.

All those chemtrails that made HAARP possible, you see, were all for our own good…. all that aluminum and other toxic things we have been forced to breathe in…..so trust the wise government instead of engaging in conspiracy theories…… In fact, thank God for HAARP and our government, which stopped the snow!

Here is a powerful videos about this sinister HAARP technology:

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The video’s creator wrote:

I put this video together to show proof that U.S. and Russia has been building and using weather control stations for many years. The U.S. has 5 of these stations around the world now.

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Outstanding video (sent me by a Canadian) on the race war against white people:


JdN: My analysis of the Jewish procedure is this:

1) Pump up the economy up artificially with easy credit at the same time as immigration laws and policies are changed. Then whites swallow the mass immigration of non-whites because, though they do not like it, they are making plenty of money.

2) Then pull the plug on the debt-driven economy. Crash it! Collapse the economy AFTER large-enough hordes of ARMED, violent, angry and agitatable non-whites are in the country.

3) Then trigger a race war.

4) This triggers martial law, hate-speech laws and gun confiscation.

This leads to the effective end of the WN movement (i.e. YOU, the person reading these lines right now, not just me, are rounded up) and whites, with no spokesmen or resistance leaders, accept gradual or even rapid genocide, like the 40,000,000 Russians killed by the Jewish bolsheviks. (Scroll down one third here https://johndenugent.com/important-articles-and-threads to “Russia and the Jews.”)

The solution is to start a mass movement which can DEMAND the shutdown of HAARP and the end of immigration.

There is no point in any white safety zones if they can STILL control our air, water, food and weather, and even trigger earthquakes, and set off epidemics.

In part two (below), note that Alex Jones has an Israeli flag on the screen while he rants, which I interpret benignly as a way of showing that he fully understands who the main enemy is, Jewish zionism:

And before the Israeli ensign appears, he has Helen Thomas on the screen, the veteran White House reporter fired for criticizing Israel!

I know all the arguments against trusting Alex Jones, including the part-Jewish wife and the Jewish employees, and recent remarks by my esteemed friend Michael Collins Piper, but I think the man is good and he is going as far as he thinks he can. His Jews give him cover.

And his incessant Hitler-bashing is a smokescreen. I even forgive Jones and Mike Rivero for yukking it up together at my expense a few years back, in 2007, when I had a thread with 86,000 views on Libertyforum.org (the whole site was taken down) for exposing Jewish ritual murder and the Ariel Toaff book: http://www.bloodpassover.com/

They understand how dangerous it is to be me, how guys like me get defamed and then assassinated, and so they distance themselves from me.

I note that David Icke is also getting more blunt on who the enemy is, not just “the bankers” or “the reptilians”: http://www.davidicke.com/articles/political-manipulation-mainmenu-72/42734-they-dare-not-speak-its-name-rothschild-zionism (Thanx to an Indiana comrade for this link.)

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Btw, on the video on the war on whites, one of the narrators — he is the one using the word “communism” — is USN Commander George Lincoln Rockwell, who was indeed assassinated just as he was gathering momentum. His successor, Matt Koehl, told a gathering that Rockie had 100 college campus invitations, and was getting close to the Texas silver billionaire Hunt family, at the time he was gunned down, on August 25, 2007.)

Margi and I attended the ceremony in his honor on the 40th anniversary of his martyrdom, Margi sang a wonderful song in his honor there, which Erich Gliebe and his then wife Heathen Gliebe attended with their darling little son, and I stood at the exact spot where Commander Rockwell  collapsed from two rifle rounds to the chest. A deranged, hate-filled WN jerk and zero was used to kill him.

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Just keep doing your job, Alex and Mike, and I will keep doing mine, TO SAY THE WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT THE JEWS, and offer the way out.

We need the POWER on all levels to stop the enemy! That comes only from a mass movement, ready to fight, and with foreign allies! What people do not understand is that the American Revolution succeeded ONLY because of France (its money, troops and moral support to our upstart new nation) and the Confederacy failed 75 years later because France did not help it. (The tsar of Russia made it clear to both France and England not to interfere in the American “civil war.” He was not against the South, but he feared that in the end America would totally fragment, and Rothschild-run Britain would rule the world if it reabsorbed America via divide-and-conquer. The USA today exists because of Russia!)

The question I have asked and answered on this blog many times is which major power is profoundly antisemitic, due to Jewish mega-atrocities, and will help white Americans today.

And in my analysis, the HAARP weather weapon is already being deployed.

In further analysis, the Jews, being ultra-stubborn neanderthals (as the pioneer of the Jewish-neanderthal link, Michael Bradley, has pointed out), simply cannot comprehend that times have changed around them. In the era of the Internet, false-flag attacks (such as 9/11, the Rothschild-BP Gulf oil spill,  or triggering an ice age) no longer work, the truth gets out, and we will fight before we let the Net go down or be censored.

It’s OUR Net, our taxpayers paid for it, it is a PUBLIC UTILITY, an information superhighway just like any other highway, or any bridge, road, water system or telephone line, meant for all to use, not a private monopoly, and our First Amendment right is for the Net infohighway to flow on!

And no TOS (Terms of Service) can be misused as a back-door means of censorship to say “we, as a private corporation, not a public utility, refuse to carry your hate speech.” This tactic too must not spread. You ARE a public utility, serving ALL the public, Verizon, Comcast and Cox Cable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And this must be hammered home to the broad public by a man who can speak to the heart of the public.

That is why I am here and that is why I am attacked, and Jews from L.A., using GPS, follow me right into bars such as the Anchor Inn in little Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, posing as UCLA anthropologists, to tell me they are reading my blog……

Whatever the murky story is here, the hidden-hand regime killed this guy worried about the Net going down: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110103/ap_on_re_us/us_federal_official_landfill

I point the way to a better future, hope and victory. By Solutrean innovation and Aryan courage.

Can YOU send me a donation on PayPal, to john_denugent@yahoo.com? I risk my life; I ask only for ammunition to fight the war. Give me the tools and I will do the job. And I will wipe the eternal smirk off the enemy’s beyond-ugly and diabolical face.

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