ENGLISH More proof Solutreans were in America first; transcript of spiritual video, part two

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24 March 2011 Last updated at 18:58 ET

Stone tools ‘demand new American story’

By Paul Rincon and Jonathan Amos Science reporters, BBC News

Stone tools (M.Waters)
Researchers report almost 16,000 items

The long-held theory of how humans first populated the Americas may have been well and truly broken.

Archaeologists have unearthed thousands of stone tools that predate the technology widely assumed to have been carried by the first settlers.

The discoveries in Texas are seen as compelling evidence that the so-called Clovis culture does not represent America’s original immigrants.

Details of the 15,500-year-old finds are reported in Science magazine.

[JdN: Science, Nature and Cell are the three most prestigious scientific journals on the planet earth. If your article is published there, your career is “made.”]

A number of digs across the Americas in recent decades had already hinted that the “Clovis first” model was in serious trouble.

But the huge collection of well-dated tools excavated from a creek bed 60km (40 miles) northwest of Austin mean the theory is now dead, argue the Science authors.

“This is almost like a baseball bat to the side of the head of the archaeological community to wake up and say, ‘hey, there are pre-Clovis people here, that we have to stop quibbling and we need to develop a new model for peopling of the Americas’,” Michael Waters, a Texas A&M University anthropologist, told reporters.

For 80 years, it has been argued that the Clovis culture was the first to sweep into the New World.

These people were defined by their highly efficient stone-tool technology. Their arrow heads and spear points were formidable hunting weapons and were used to bring down the massive beasts of the Ice Age, such as mammoth, mastodon and bison.

Clovis first?The hunter-gatherers associated with this technology were thought to have crossed from Siberia into Alaska via a land bridge that became exposed when sea levels dropped. Evidence indicates this occurred as far back as about 13,500 years.

“The Debra L Friedkin site demonstrates that people were in the Americas at least 2,500 years before Clovis.”— Michael Waters, Texas A&M University

But an increasing number of archeologists have argued there was likely to have been an earlier occupation based on the stone tools that began turning up at dig sites with claimed dates of more than 15,000 years.

Dr Waters and colleagues say this position is now undeniable in the light of the new artefacts to emerge from the Debra L Friedkin excavation.

These objects comprise 15,528 items in total – a variety of chert blades, bladelets, chisels, and abundant flakes produced when making or repairing stone tools.

The collection was found directly below sediment containing classic Clovis implements. The dating – which relied on a technique known as optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) that can tell how long minerals have been buried – is robust, says the team. And, they add, the observed sequence is also reliable; the sediments have not been mixed up after the tools were dropped.

The sediments were very rigid in the fact that they were clay, which worked to our advantage,” explained Lee Nordt from Baylor University. “If you go to many other sites, they are loamy or sandy in texture, and they are mixed very rapidly by burrowing from animals or maybe from plant roots, etc.”

Getting around The newly discovered tools are small, and the researchers propose that they were designed for a mobile toolkit – something that could be easily packed up and moved to a new location. Although clearly different from Clovis tools, they share some similarities and the researchers suggest Clovis technology may even have been derived from the capabilities displayed in the earlier objects.

[JdN: In other words, the Asians (the Amerindians) learned (just like now!) from white, Solutrean technology as they were genociding the white Solutreans!]

Friedkin site (M.Waters)
The Debra L Friedkin site lies just outside Austin

“The Debra L Friedkin site demonstrates that people were in the Americas at least 2,500 years before Clovis,” said Dr Waters.

“The discovery provides ample time for Clovis to develop. People could experiment with stone and invent the weapons and tools that would potentially become recognizable as Clovis. In other words, [these tools represent] the type of assemblage from which Clovis could emerge.”

But anthropologist Tom Dillehay, who was not involved with the latest study, commented: “The ‘Clovis first’ paradigm died years ago. There are many other accepted pre-Clovis candidates throughout the Americas now.

Professor Dillehay, from Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, told BBC News: “If you look at the prose of this paper, it bothers me a little bit because it’s as if they are reconstituting the Clovis-Pre-Clovis debate and saying, ‘Here’s the site that kills it’.”

He commended the researchers on their well-presented data and “tight discussion”. But he said that the OSL technique was less reliable than radiocarbon dating, which has been applied to other early American sites.

And assigning the artefacts to Clovis and pre-Clovis technologies was not straightforward because the site lacked the projectile points required to reliably distinguish between the two. Clovis projectile points are unmistakeable.

In addition, said the Vanderbilt anthropology professor, the tools come from a floodplain deposit that is just 6-7cm thick. This, he said, was “potentially problematic” because of the possibility that artefacts were transported around by water.

Professor Gary Haynes, from the University of Nevada in Reno, US, praised the “good work” by the research team.

But he said it was plausible that natural processes could have caused some stone tools to migrate downwards in the clay – giving the impression of a pre-Clovis layer.

* * *

JdN: Yeah, yeah, Haynes is still a notorious bitter-ender for Clovis-first, which translates into “The-Asians-were-the-first-Americans-so-whites are-illegal-alien-intruders-into-Mestizo-Indian-Asian-America-who-should-go-back-to-Europe”. That attitude leads to this typical militant Hispanic sign:


* * *

I wrote the comrade from Texas who sent me this important item:

* * *

….and Olly Steeds, jewboy star at the Discovery Channel, had the cheek to say on-air I had only “speculative evidence”……
I would say rocks are pretty “hard” and (in fact) rock-solid evidence!
It also proves that Texans have always been brilliant…… :) happy
I found it significant that this anthropologist Tim Dillehay (Norman name) of Vanderbilt has now totally come over to our side, saying the “Clovis-first theory died years ago.”
It did not “die”; we KILLED it. But there was 40 years of abuse by “them”………….
Dr. James Adovasio’s book is one big, angry, feisty Italian-American counter-blast (but a great read for many reasons) at the archaeologists who defamed him and the honesty of his work, which was brilliant, at Meadowcroft Rockshelter, proving there was a pre-Clovis people in America….
Part of my video is my remarks at the Meadowcroft Rockshelter, 35 miles southwest of Pittsburgh. School buses bring Pennsylvania high-school kids here to see the shelter (as several have told me) but the staff do not utter ONE PEEP that the pre-Clovis people were NOT INDIANS. So the white kids are bored at seeing these layers of “Injun stuff” and leave blasé. I am depicted below in this video screenshot in the creek below and opposite the shelter, where unquestionably our Euro ancestors and kinsmen bathed and drew water 10,000 years ago.

The Solutreanists have made career sacrifices, battled in court (to save the bones of “Kennewick Man”) and withstood attacks from the 1970s on, starting here at Meadowcroft Rockshelter near Pittsburgh. This heroic tenacity is what made “Clovis-first” (Indians-first) die a deserved death…. It was never easy…..
I took the gamble two years ago to say my movement would be called “the Eternal Solutreans” because in my bones I felt sure that the “Solutrean Hypothesis” was in fact the Solutrean FACT.
======================PLEASE GIVE NOW
Many comrades have responded, yet they are only 1% of those who read my blog. Why should THEY make all the sacrifices?
We need money for a decent, real movie camera.
Right now we have to do all kinds of time-wasting “synch-ing” between audio and video files because we are working with a four-year-old HOME movie camera that does not work with any good microphone, and with FREE audio-video software!!!!


Contact John de Nugent, the man the Jews and WN infiltrators hate most….


213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154Skype: 

John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


Cash in an envelope

Blank money order

MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)


A comrade wrote:

A Canadian was upset by your ‘attack’ on DD. He thought it was a setback for the WN movement. I explained to him that the J-team forced DD to attack you – and he attacked you first.

And I did say we whites don’t have an organization to look after our interests (similar to La Raza, NAACP, etc.) I did explain that DD did not take advantage of the rising popularity of the Tea Party to really organize a movement to help whites under attack. and so on.

I replied:

Thanks, very, very much.

I think you know me well enough to see two things:

1) I am basically a nice guy who wants brotherhood and unity in our ranks; and I wrote MANY nice things on this blog about Duke — and about Black (after his stroke)

2) but the accusations of homosexuality are just outrageous! I have put up with them long enough; beyond that, Duke MET my daughter Ingrid and she and his daughter Kristin played together during the Metairie Mardi Gras in 1990 (I have the photos to prove it), so how can he countenance these homo allegations by the Blackites?;

3) when defamations hurt my ability to raise urgently needed funds for the mission and get video editors to work with me, then it becomes a serious matter, and I must respond.

(And I did not go all the way with Duke, not mentioning his seriously [XXX], nor his [XXX] kids…..kids whom Don Black co-raised with Duke’s original wife, now Black’s wife, Chloe….and they blocked one of those Duke daughters [XXX], from talking to Henrik Holappa, when she was so impressed with him she was willing to consider marrying him to save him from arrest!!!! As we know, Holappa WAS arrested, did 87 days in solitary, and then was expelled for life back to Finland, a country that is a near police-state……… and where a law is before the Parliament to make even VISITING a WN website punishable by FOUR YEARS IMPRISONMENT. One of Duke’s daughters was willing to help Holappa, and Duke and Black blocked it.)

A man who has known Duke for 40 years in Louisiana (and I have known him for 30 years, a onetime stormtrooper with Rockwell), called me and told me: “All those attacks came from Duke, using Black. Those two have been the closest of friends for 40 years, and Black would never have done them without Duke’s approval.

Had I not fought back, the homosexual and insanity defamations against me would have destroyed Henrik Holappa also, he would have gotten NO letters of support in American prison, and he now would be in prison in Finland, where he faced three indictments.

Psychopaths are good liars.

Two American citizens, UNLIKE DUKE, have indeed been imprisoned in Europe: my personal friend and newsletter writer Hans Schmidt by Germany (six months), while VISITING Europe……

Gary Lauck by Denmark and Germany, while VISITING Europe (“In 1996, he was sentenced to four years in a German prison for inciting racial hatred and distributing anti-Semitic material”; source: http://journalstar.com/news/local/article_2af44e90-49a7-5de2-b72f-85627d798179.html),


and one Australian citizen, Fredrick Toeben by Britain (50 days)…….

…..yet Duke, who has his secondary HQ in Europe, is unmolested.

We now have, due to these defamations and their side-effects, a serious backlog of videos I have done but are not yet edited...

This WN cause has many comrades who can edit videos! Yet Jason Salyers and Clark Lightbridge struggle along daily as video beginners (while being both gifted and hard-working), while others crank out their one-hundredth Hitler video!

We need a Hitler for NOW, not more nostalgia!!!!

I will try contacting [XXX] and others to get this process speeded up.



Part two transcript (done by a selfless Oregonian comrade)

For the benefit of comrades who are 1) hearing-challenged or 2) European comrades who do not understand spoken American English very well, here is the transcript of part two of the spiritual video, which can be seen and heard here:


* * *

Pretty shocking that video eh? To see white people praised and recognized for once?


But now I’m going to segué to another topic, a central topic that informs the world view of the Eternal Solutreans and that is the understanding that in a sense there are 2 different races or species on this planet.

One is altruistic people who are basically decent. They may not all be angels, may not be perfect..none of them are. The fact is my father used to say there was only one perfect man and he got crucified. All of us are sinners, but most people want to have a quiet and helpful life. They want to be proud of themselves, they don’t want to steal for a living, they don’t want to cause suffering to other people and as a famous German once said,” When they do tell a lie, they tell little white lies” — just to get out of a jam, but not to get other people into a jam, to bring people down, or to cause wars, to steal millions from others in accordance with a plan to take over a company or a nation or steal a promotion that somebody else deserves.

No that’s not a white lie any more. White lies are what people tell to avoid embarrassment to themselves or someone else ….to try to get out of a problem they didn’t want — and that’s a big difference. The group of people I’m talking about is a great contrast to altruists (that is, people who care about others, as in the Latin word alter, as in “alternative,” “altruism,” the caring about other people… and that group is what is called psychopaths.


And shortly after I returned from Europe in 2005 a book came out by a very respected Harvard medical school researcher named Martha Stout. Martha Stout was a graduate of the University of California… Berkeley, one of the top scientific institutions not only in the United States, but in the world, and she had a Ph.D. in psychotherapy. She spent 25 years studying the topic of psychopaths and she wrote a best-selling book that came out in 2005 that has been published so far in 11 languages called “The Sociopath Next Door”

Now she is using the words “sociopath” and “psychopath” to mean pretty much the same thing. There is a little bit of confusion in how people use those terms. Some people think a sociopath is somebody who is terminally selfish, whereas a psychopath is somebody who is violent.

But basically, the mental health profession has come to a basic understanding that the two terms are more or less equivalent. A sociopath or psychopath, and here is something very important that I would like to teach you today, is born without the ability to have or even develop at any time in his life until the age of 70 or 90, any sincere feelings of love for anyone else. They cannot feel shame or regret or sorrow for harm that they cause others. In fact, psychopaths — and this makes them so different from other people — actually enjoy planning for the suffering, the tragedy and the downfall of others…..especially those who innocently trusted them. And they are looking for gullible people all the time to take down and then snicker and cackle as they do so. And they don’t feel any shame. Their attitude is,” Shame on your for trusting me.”

This is an incredibly alien view from that the average person where, as I say, that famous German whom we are supposed to think was the most evil man that ever lived, Adolf Hitler said, “The average person, when they tell a lie, they are telling a little white lie to avoid embarrassment or pain. They’re not doing it to cause pain.”

Psychopaths love to lie, they love to defame, in fact, the descriptions we get of the being called the Devil are basically that of a psychopath. The word “Devil” in ancient Greek was diabolos, whence our English word diabolic or diabolical…somebody who plans something vicious. Dia, as in “diameter,” means “through” and bolos is like the word “bullet” or “ballistic” missile. It’s something that shoots forward. Diabolos means a missile that goes right through you. It goes right through your reputation, somebody who tells lies about you because they enjoy taking people down and it’s a very low budget way to destroy people whose spouse you want, whose promotion you want, whose business you want to takeover or, in a political race, whom you want to destroy politically so you can become a US senator or a President of the United States. Or you might even be part of a group of people who want to takeover and enslave a once free country.


That’s what psychopaths do and in the famous parable where Jesus is tempted by the Devil, the Devil takes him up on to a high mountaintop and it says he shows Him all the kingdoms of the world and all the riches pertaining there unto. And he says, “Jesus, all this can be yours. Just bow down and worship me.” Well what that implies is that the Devil actually does control the earth. Jesus doesn’t say, “That’s not yours. That belongs to me and God. You know, you can’t give me something you don’t have.”

No. Jesus doesn’t say that. Jesus basically concedes the point that this being has a tremendous power over the kingdoms and the politics and the power structures of the world. And he refuses to bow down and obey.


Diabolos means a piercer. Something that goes right through you and what goes right through you more than a lie that defames you? It attacks your honor. Rumors are started. This is part of a lust to cause suffering which is entirely alien to the average person. Martha Stout wrote this wonderful book, the Sociopath next Door, in 2005, which I “inhaled” because I had myself been molested as a child. I couldn’t understand why people would enjoy harming me a little kid, why my suffering wouldn’t soften their hearts. The more I suffered, and the more other children suffered, the more they enjoyed it. They really were turned on by the suffering of a child. I couldn’t understand it at that time.


Now what I understand is this is not a human being that I am understanding. Psychopaths are in effect a parallel species. What was shocking to me in reading Martha Stout’s book The Sociopath Next Door was her new statistics on the number of people who are psychopaths. The assumption is,”Well, you know, Ted Bundy 20 years ago, who murdered all those girls in Florida, well, he was a psychopath and he ended up being executed. So one out of a million is a psychopath perhaps.”


No. According to Martha Stout Ph.D. A 25-year researcher on psychopaths at Harvard Medical School, one out of 25 Americans out in general society is a psychopath. People who enjoy causing suffering, who enjoy torturing, who enjoy stealing, who enjoy mutilating, who enjoy murdering. Some of them who go into politics, enjoy starting wars and becoming fabulously wealthy off the bloodshed.


Martha Stout’s book had a huge impact on me and I began to calculate, for example, here in the Pittsburgh area….. Well, the city of Pittsburgh, a great city but not a big population, 300,000….. Okay, well, if 1 out of 25 is a psychopath, that’s 4 % of the population. 4% of 300,000 people: that would mean that there are 12,000 psychopaths walking the streets of Pittsburgh. I live a little bit north of the city and we actually have a very nice 98% white county here, an exurb called Buffalo County with 100,000 people.

Well, that would mean, in general, in terms of its statistics, around 4000 full-blown psychopaths in this county. Pretty scary when you think about it!


But when you read the Stout book, you start to recognize the symptoms of a person who is a born conniver, a born manipulator and what this person is looking for all the time is a decent and trusting person, the kind of person which a con man would call his “mark.” Study the body language. Who’s gullible, who’s trusting… That’s the one, and you sidle over, real friendly-like, and the first thing the psychopath does is starts telling a convincing “sob story.” Oh, what a terrible thing just happened — I just lost my wallet /or this or that) and crying and putting an act on… He’s playing the sympathy game. He wants to get you to feel sorry, but he’s not suffering at all. It’s a big vicious con. And the purpose is to take your money, it may be to even take your life — get you in a car, take you somewhere and murder you… rape and murder you if you’re a man or woman and that kind of situation. These people are the con-man subspecies of the human race.


And it’s not just psychobabble. It’s not a theory. Many decades ago a great American from the State of Georgia, Hervey Cleckley, who went on to study medicine at the great Oxford University in England and later was the head of psychiatry at the University of Georgia Hospital, and later wrote a famous book in 1940, a bestselling book about psychopaths, called The Mask of Sanity. This Hervey Cleckley wrote voluminously about psychopaths — but we didn’t realize then how many of them there are.

Martha Stout said there are — you know, you’ve got now in reality about 400 million American – okay, so 4 % of that. You’re talking about 16 million psychopaths. It’s like as if everybody in Florida were a psychopath. It’s huge!


And she said they rocket to the top of every organization in society, and we’ve seen the pedophiles all throughout the Catholic Church. Well, there also Jewish rabbis involved, there are also Protestant ministers doing it.


They climb to the top of the Republican Party and in the Democrats. They end up in the corner office as the CEOs of gigantic corporations, doing unbelievable, ruthless things to people who eat the food and wear the clothes and drive the cars they crank out — with no concern for safety or maybe even a delight that some of them might be harmed.


Remember, in the 1970s, you had the huge scandal with the Ford Pintos, a small economy-sized car and what was absolutely shocking was this: The Ford Motor Company did a calculation — it would be cheaper to replace the steel gas tank with a very hard-shell plastic gas tank. It was cheaper. On the other hand, if the car was rear-ended, whereas the steel would have some “give” to it (you could push it in a little bit before it would rupture), when that hard plastic shell cracked, the gasoline went flying all around, under the car, backward and forward and Boom!


Quite a few people who were rear-ended in Ford Pintos were burned alive. And then of course the lawyers got involved because this became a pattern, and what was absolutely horrifying is that when the attorneys “subpoenaed” (as they say, using the Latin words sub poena, which means “under penalty” of law), produce for the court your internal company documents, and they found that the “bean counters,” the accountants, had actually calculated:


Okay, we’re going to save so and so many millions of dollars by using a plastic gas tank, okay. Then how many people will burn to death? What percentage of them will hire a lawyer? What percentage of them will settle out-of-court, on the cheap-cheap, and what percentage of them will go all the way to trial and in front of a jury — (which will be furious and angry)?


And the calculation was that if the Ford Motor Company uses its own attorneys wisely, they’d still make a nice little profit.


30, 40, 50 people a year would be burned to death….that’s a nice way to die….but these people don’t believe in God, they don’t believe in karma, they don’t believe in Heaven or Hell. As long as they’re rich when they die and never got sent to prison……


Psychopaths have no conscience. They can’t feel bad. Now you can see them blubbering when they’re doing “dead man walking” down to the electric chair or the gas chamber. They feel sorry for themselves. They feel sorry they got caught. They feel sorry they’re going to die.


But for the victim’s fate, a blank stare…an absolutely blank stare.


Some people have compared it to the look… Have you ever seen a game fish that is caught by a fisherman in a yacht and they string it up, they hoist it up on the dock, and it’s hanging upside down….. and you look at that dead fish-eye, and you look at the psychopath… you just see this one dead fish eye. There’s no life. I mean, the brain’s working, the eyeball’s moving, but it doesn’t see you as a human being.


Psychopaths see you as one large organic molecule. A big complex molecule and you were born to be useful to them or if not useful to be discarded. That’s the psychopathic attitude. Somebody who was a great ally to Martha Stout, was Adrian Raine, also from England, the country where Hervey Cleckley had studied before he returned to Georgia in the United States. Adrian Raine produced these brain scans of normal people and of psychopaths.


Here is a brain scan of a normal person. They have just been shown a horrifying photograph of an unfortunately real, terrible car wreck. A dead mother, dead kids, car torn in half, flames and body parts on the road. It’s actually a real wreck photo.


The normal person you can see from the red. They have you drink some sort of liquid with a dye and these colors, these dyes, go up into your brain and they do a brain scan on you…. a PET scan. And you see all the red — all these areas of emotion erupting. People feel compassion, they feel shock, they feel sorrow, they feel ,”Oh my God, those poor kids! And the mother’s dead too!” And you know the car has also been destroyed.


It’s just a scene of tragic carnage and waste of life and treasure. So you feel many different emotions. The brain is lighting up with reactions.


Here is the opposite brain scan. Here is the psychopath. The blue…he’s still staying cool. It hasn’t ruined his day at all. In fact what would disappoint him is: He would have liked to have been there and seen the accident live. Maybe even string a steel cable across the road and maybe decapitate the mother!This is such an alien mindset we can’t imagine it, or, frankly, we just don’t even want to think about the possibility some people could be that way.


A friend of mine was talking to a friend of hers down in North Carolina about her very deep and grave concerns about 9/11, what really happened there, how four planes could really just roll around America, not being shot down — without being intercepted — and two fly all the way from Boston down to New York City, over 200 miles. Nobody stops them.


First one goes into a skyscraper, and then, ten minutes later, the next one shows up. Kind of suspicious huh? I lived in Washington D.C.; I spent some time there; I was in the Marine Corps there; I was also a college student at Georgetown University there, and I was stationed in part of my Marine Corps tenure at the Anacostia Naval Air Station, which is north but almost across the Potomac River from the Pentagon. Anacostia Naval Air Station is an airbase of the United States Navy! It’s almost across from the Pentagon! Now it was over 35 minutes from the time when the second plane hit the World Trade Center (as they tell us), until “whatever” smashed into the Pentagon.


Now wouldn’t you think that “Our Nation’s Capitol,” also the location of the Pentagon and the Defense Department, by the way, the location of the White House, the Supreme Court of the United States, and the US Capitol Building, don’t you think the sky should have been buzzing with fighter jets going around? 35 minutes after two airliners slammed into two of the tallest buildings in Manhattan? Everybody saw it on TV! Why weren’t the pilots sent up?


So my friend was talking to her friend, down in North Carolina, and explaining the really common-sensical problems we have with the notions that 19 Arabs with box cutters, some of whom were lousy pilots, performed miracles of aviation, and did all this.


And her friend’s reaction was,”You’re saying the government lied?” She answered: “Mmm-Hmm!” And she said: “I would hate to think that our government could be involved in such a thing.”


Well, it’s not important whether you hate to think it! — What’s the reality?!


So it might be a very terrifying reality, and this is where the psychopath-factor comes in. Are people in our government capable of it, because they’re ice cold? Like the James Bond movie about the villain Goldfinger “His heart is cold.”



Are there people in our government who would say,”Yeah! What’s 3,000 people? No skin off my nose. We get a nice roar. We get to attack the enemies we want. Everybody gets rich. Take out Saddam Hussein — He’s a big enemy of Israel; the Israel Lobby will like that. 3,000 Americans…what’s that out of 300,000,000?” He can think that way.


You and I cannot. We light up with horror at this thought, and this lady down in North Carolina was horrified –”I don’t want to even think that people could be that way! I couldn’t sleep at night if I thought our government was capable of such a thing.”


But that is exactly what I am saying to you.


What Martha Stout said in her book, The Sociopath Next Door, is that psychopaths rocket to the top of everything , they ruthlessly climb over the bodies, up the career ladder, backstabbing their own friends, lying, stealing, cheating, and murdering. Car accidents, planting evidence, planting drugs, all kinds of intrigues — and their purpose is to bring their rivals down and get the power they crave and enjoy, watching people going down in flames who had trusted them. That’s what a psychopath is.


And so, for me, the problems of this world, and I got this from Martha Stout and also from the wonderful books by the Canadian psychologist Dr. Robert Hare, who has written wonderful books on the topic of psychopaths, is that if you don’t understand how psychopaths operate, if you don’t recognize the tell-tale signs of their absolute inability to feel any love or compassion or sincere caring, you are lost. Oh, they can network, they can shake your hand…they can even give money to charity..show up at a charity ball or the symphony…buy a box at the football stadium for handicapped kids….but they are doing it for PR. It’s to manipulate someone by seeming to be a nice person, and some of them are good actors.


Psychopaths eventually take over everything unless you’re on your guard against them. That is the horrifying message of Dr. Martha Stout, and of Dr. Robert Hare, and of the great pioneer of yesteryear who was Dr. Hervey Cleckley, psychiatrist, head of psychiatry at the University of Georgia and graduate of Oxford. So this is not psychobabble. This is, in the view of The Eternal Solutreans (of my movement) this is the central problem of the human race.


Another way of describing them is as human devils. I mean, anyone who would molest a child……. I’ll give you an example of human devilry. Almost, as much as I have come to know about the problem of kids being molested, still this one anecdote from San Francisco “blew my mind.” A man was arrested and the police found a log. The initial reports said 3,000 incidents! He kept a log where he had molested children! He had it down to a science, but there has been such child molestations going on for thousands of years. These molesters pass on their traditions of how to suck in a gullible child.


What he looked for was children who seemed emotionally forlorn, lonely, no mom or dad or big brother or sister around, nobody’s looking out for them, kind of wandering around, looking for love and friendship and some fun. A forlorn soul. And then he would go up to these poor kids and he would be holding an adorable little puppy, and he would say,”Would you like to pet the little puppy?” Any kid would like to. And he says,”You know, tomorrow I’m having an ice-cream party — and you can meet the brothers and sisters of this puppy too.” Hundreds of times, it worked! It was his planned program to sexually molest forlorn little kids who were craving a little love and affection, and wanted to see a puppy. That’s a psychopath, but they’re not just child molesters. They’re not just pedophiles who try to get into Boy Scouts, they become politicians, they become crazed militarists, generals and admirals and colonels, out-of-control sergeants at the Pentagon. They take over our media, they move up the ladder within the Catholic Church, the Protestant churches, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Mormons — anything which offers them power and a position of trust and authority where they can make others do their bidding, and say “you can trust me” — until they commit their nightmare on you.


People say, however: “Well, John de Nugent, he’s a White Supremacist.” Actually what I believe is the number-one problem is psychopaths in every race. We have psychopaths in the White race. I can think of a psychopath with blonde hair and blue eyes right now…Donald Trump….or another one: Mr Windows, Bill Gates — you know the guy with that great operating system where to shut your computer down you have to hit the start button! 😉 It’s in many ways and for years one of the worst operating systems. Linux and Apple are excellent systems. Linux is free. And to pay $200-$300 for that! Bill Gates has stolen patents from people. I remember in the 1980s when Apple had a justified lawsuit against Bill Gates and Windows/Microsoft. They said,”You have stolen the entire WYSIWYG invention!” the graphical interface).


Before, people just typed code along some lines. Now you can see pictures and graphs on the Internet. Oh yeah, it was all (WYSIWYG) stolen from Apple! Well, Apple and Steve Jobs, they sued, and after seven years of litigation in federal court in Seattle, Washington, the Federal judge ruled for the plaintiff. Apple won! Bill Gates lost. This is huge. I mean this is…they’re saying “the basics of this operating system is stolen from us” and the judge awarded a sum total of………………… $1 to Apple.


That’s interesting. Bill Gates had in the meantime gotten his operating system onto 80% to 90 % of all the computers on the planet earth. And that’s the punishment he gets?! A one dollar fine?!


That’s because the US government wanted the Windows Operating system on every computer in the world so they can read your emails, and read your documents, and know what you’re chatting and typing and talking about. Psychopaths!! They stole it, and the judge basically gave them (Apple) the you know what (middle finger). Psychopaths don’t care: “We’re strong; you’re weak. We’re going to stomp on you. What are you going to do? Sue me?! Hey, you sued me; you won, and you got one dollar.”


This is what is taking over our country, and the Western world, and it takes over every race eventually, and every organization. These people stop at nothing to get to the top where they can make you suffer. That’s the goal, to make you suffer.


A sub-branch of this is called narcissists. A narcissist is not so much into your suffering. He just wants to be the Sun King, the Rock Star. He just wants to be famous. He just wants sex, money , cars, whatever. Someone with no achievements in life, someone whose never run anything before, but he wants to be President of the United States. Let’s say you’re the junior Senator from Illinois, halfway through your first term, and you say,”Oh, I’d love to be driven in a big black limousine into my White House! I’d like to be the first black president of the United States.”


And then,”Just think, ladies and gentlemen: I’ve run this big corporation, won this big war, and let’s see, all these bills I introduced that were passed by Congress. And I was governor of this huge state.”


Obama:”Well, I haven’t done any of that but I love me!”


Narcissists will torture and kill, but not because they’re into you’re suffering but if you’re in the way and you need to tell them information then they’ll torture you! If you’re affecting their career they’ll murder you. That’s a narcissist. It’s like almost…It’s a non-sadistic psychopath but he’ll run right over you the same way because,”Hey, sorry, you were in my way; that’s why I stomped you into a bloody pulp.”


Psychopaths and narcissists are taking over everything. Not only do they ruin things — the black psychopaths ruin things for black people, white psychopaths ruin things for white people, Jewish psychopaths have caused a bad name and “rep” for Jewish people…Hispanic people, Chinese, Japanese, everybody on earth.


I’ll give you another example: homosexuals. I don’t approve of homosexuality, but certainly not every homosexual is a pedophile. A certain amount of homosexuals are pedophiles and pedophiles are sadists. Pedophiles want to harm children. Most adult gays don’t want to harm children at all. They want somebody who is attractive to them and attracted back, you know. Normal people want company, or sex, or whatever. The pedophile is the psychopath in the “gay” community. Every community has psychopaths — and they’re predators, and they of course aggravate tensions between countries, and between races. They can make money off of wars….and just imagine the danger.


If I were a black person, and I’m going to be showing you a video later on, the Christian-Newsom murders in Knoxville Tennessee…absolutely hideous…five black people and two white victims…… The mass media won’t touch this story. Have you heard of it? The Christian-Newsom double murder? Didn’t think so…because psychopaths are in the media.


But if I were a black person, I would feel horrified because I would think that every white person who knows about this is going to look at me with dagger-eyes like “that guy is with the murderer group!” Black psychopaths give a bad reputation to all black people. White psychopaths like George Bush give all white Americans a terrible name, and so forth and so on. Genghis Khan gives Mongols a bad name! Ivan The Terrible gave the Russians a bad name! Psychopaths cause 90% of the serious misery on this earth that is not caused by earthquakes and tidal waves and comets hitting the earth and windstorms. The human-caused misery, the abject misery is caused by psychopaths. Now what I would like to do is to invite one of my chief assistants, Mr. Clark Lightbridge, to come on camera.

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