ENGLISH Movie "Machete" update; my radio show on the BP Oil disaster with Dr. James Fetzer

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This was Jones’ previous video:


I think I can possibly take some credit for FOX backing away from this project. I will tell you that I emailed my blog here —


–to some key FOX News producers at the email addresses I obtained from them when I was invited on the FOX News Channnel and the FOX Alan Colmes radio show in the wake of the Jams von Brunn-Holocaust Museum incident in June 2009. (FOX News refused to air its interview with me, btw, which a young Jew with the Shepard Smith Report named Goodman conducted. ALL the other networks ran brief interviews with me on their evening news propgrams, and Canadian and European TV also carried these segments. It is clear that FOX, as the ultimate fake-conservative, “controlled opposition” network — call them, with the French, FAUX news 😉 and not FOX news — would not want conservatives, who are highly susceptible to my views and latently feel as I do, to actually hear my openly racial and anti-Jewish facts.)


I am the featured guest tonight on “The Real Deal”, an  internet radio program hosted by Dr. James Fetzer, a former U.S. Marine officer, currently professor emeritus, University of Minnesota, in Duluth, and founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth.

Our show will be tonight, Monday, 21 June 2010, from 5-7 PM/CT (6-8 pm East Coast time, 3-5 pm California time) to discuss psychopaths in power, 9/11 and also the BP Deep Horizon oil catastrophe and what it may mean for the future of the US and the survival of the human species on Earth.

To hear the show: http://www.nwopodcast.com/fetz/media/jim%20fetzer%20real%20deal-John%20de%20Nugent.mp3

Archive: http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com

Here is a YT videoclip of Dr. Fetzer being interviewed or rather ridiculed nonstop by the two judeophile “chicken hawks” (pro-war types who never served) at FOX, Sean Hannity (who insolently calls Professor Fetzer, a Princeton graduate, “Jim” whereas he fawns over Pentagon generals and despite being a civilian calls them “sir”) and the leftist Jew Alan Colmes. Fetzer gets in some good facts despite being interrupted — every time he is “scoring” — by these sneering presstitutes.

[Myself on the Alan Colmes FOX radio show: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/01/06/solutrea-to-prevent-more-von-brunn-tragedies]

* * *

James H. Fetzer
Distinguished McKnight University
Professor Emeritus
University of Minnesota Duluth

Department of Philosophy
University of Minnesota
10 University Drive
Duluth, MN 55812


James H. Fetzer was born in Pasadena, California, on 6 December 1940. At graduation from South Pasadena High School in 1958, he was presented The Carver Award for leadership. He was magna cum laude in philosophy at Princeton University in 1962, where his senior thesis for Carl G. Hempel on the logical structure of explanations of human behavior won The Dickinson Prize. After being commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Marine Corps, he became an artillery officer and served in the Far East. After a tour supervising recruit training in San Diego, he resigned his commission as a Captain to begin graduate work in the history and philosophy of science at Indiana in 1966. He completed his Ph.D. with a dissertation on probability and explanation for Wesley C. Salmon in 1970.

His initial faculty appointment was at the University of Kentucky, where he received the first Distinguished Teaching Award presented by the Student Government to 1 of 135 assistant professors. Since 1977, he has taught at a wide range of institutions of higher learning, including the Universities of Virginia (twice), Cincinnati, North Carolina at Chapel Hill, New College of the University of South Florida, and now the Duluth campus of the University of Minnesota, where he served from 1987 until his retirement in 2006. His honors include a research fellowship from the National Science Foundation and The Medal of the University of Helsinki. In 1996, he became one of the first ten faculty at the University of Minnesota to be appointed a Distinguished McKnight University Professor.

He has published more than 100 articles and reviews and 20 books in the philosophy of science and on the theoretical foundations of computer science, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science. On this web page, his publications have been divided by area, including special vitae for computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, evolution and cognition, and his applied philosophical research on the death of JFK. His biographical sketch has appeared in many reference works, including the DIRECTORY OF AMERICAN SCHOLARS, WHO’S WHO IN THE MIDWEST, WHO’S WHO IN AMERICA, and WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD. It may be found, for example, in the DIRECTORY OF AMERICAN SCHOLARS, 10th edition, WHO’S WHO IN AMERICA, 55th edition (2001), and WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD, 18th edition (2001).

Some of his key collaborators in the area of “false-flag” attacks and events designed by rogue government factions to provoke martial law are Captain Eric H. May, a graduate of the Houston Honors College, a former U.S. Army intelligence officer, and currently the political-military special correspondent for The Lone Star Iconoclast, archived at www.lonestaricon.com, and Maj. William Bates Fox, a former Marine officer like Dr. Fetzer, a Harvard Business School honors graduate with diversified business experience,. He is currently the publisher of America First Books. For more articles about false flag terror, please refer to archived works of Capt. May, Maj. Fox, and Dr. Fetzer at www.americafirstbooks.com.

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