ENGLISH Mulattamerica and creeping white genocide

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Technical difficulties arose, as they do constantly when you fight Jews. They oppose freedom of speech, and they take down my website, they arrest my assistants, they cancel bank accounts and even debit cards, delete Facebook and Wikipedia pages and paid Photobucket accounts, and also seem to be destroying needed electronic equipment I need and have ordered by mail. It takes two or three days longer than usual to arrive and then it is DOA — dead on arrival, such as a top-level wireless microphone that two days of tests, questions, trips to BestBuy, RadioShacks and professional music stores — plus Internet forum searches — reveal to be defective although absolutely brand-new. Time-killers for me. It all gets more suspicious when my personal assistant, Jason Salyers of Oregon, finds that in one month the Postal Service has not delivered even one piece of mail to him, not even from his own mother…..

I revel in the hate the Jew feels for me. The neanderthal fears the Cro-Magnon. He has every reason to fear.


A West Coast comrade (who also is a generous donor) sent me this:

* * *

I took the family to a local water park this afternoon, and paid careful attention to the races of the people I saw. Nearly all the older folks were white, a clear majority of the middle aged people were, but ‘Id say about a third of the young kids were white.

I saw a few Mestizos, a people non-extistant around here when I was growing up in the 1990s, and all had four or five kids in tow.

I lost count of how many white females I saw with black males, and I saw one pretty young white girl with an Asian, and the stereotypical nerdy white guy/ Asian girl couple.



There were lots of twenty- and thirty-something white couples, about the age of my wife and I, but few had kids and none looked like they had more than two.

We have to raise large families ourselves. We can keep whining about why other whites don’t have kids, why other whites race-mix, but we’re really just like deer in headlights wondering what’s about to happen before we get splattered.

“We” (white nationalists) are all “we” (our race) has. Its up to those of us who care to keep our genes alive.

* * *

My comment:

This is why we need a white tribe. No website, book or forum can save our racel Only a breeding population of tribal whites.

All of us, old, young, middle-aged, are precious in building this tribe. Every Solutrean boy has a thousand fathers and every Solutrean girl a thousand mothers. We all care for each other.

=====================Powerful Saga song


Only a few videos have made my eyes moist. This is one.

And to its last stanza I say this: 

We WON’T “let it end this way.”

My thanks to Swedish WN female vocalist Saga — see her website and support her! — http://www.thisissaga.com — and to StonewallThomas14 for the lyrics.


Ode To A Dying People

by Saga

Eyes shining bright with unspilt tears,
Thinking about all these wasted years.
When everything worth living for is gone,
And brother, I find it hard to keep fighting on.

Falling down towards the abyss, the abyss,
The Reaper embraces me with his kiss;
It makes me want to refuse to care, refuse to care,
To watch this all unfold — too much to bear.

If this is the way it ends –
If this is the way my race ends . . .
If this is the way it ends – I can’t bear to witness

If this is the way it ends –
If this is the way my race ends . . .
If this is the way it ends – I can’t bear to witness

Disease encroaching on all that I hold dear,
Somehow I got to get my soul out of here.
Heart of agony, faint burning hope,
I’m finding it hard to try to cope . . .

Because liars own the world with a conquering poise, with a conquering poise,
A wasteland of meaningless noise;
We don’t stand a chance with a dormant pride, with a dormant pride,
The heroes of our race have already died . . .

If this is the way it ends –
If this is the way my race ends . . .
If this is the way it ends – I can’t bear to witness

If this is the way it ends –
If this is the way my race ends . . .
If this is the way it ends – Oh, I can’t bear to witness

To imagine it has all come down to this,
Apathy and suicidal bliss . . .
It’s all over — except for the cryin’,
With a whimper instead of the roar of a lion . . .

Arno Breker, “Die Partei” (the NSDAP)

The greatest race to ever walk the earth, walk the earth,
Dying a slow death with insane mirth,
The tomb has been prepared, our race betrayed, our race betrayed,
White man, fight the flight to-wards the grave . . .

If this is the way it ends –
If this is the way my race ends . . .
If this is the way it ends – I can’t bear to witness

If this is the way it ends –
If this is the way my race ends . . .
If this is the way it ends – Oh, I can’t bear to witness!

If this is the way it ends
If this is the way my race ends . . .
If this is the way it ends – I can’t bear to witness

If this is the way it ends –
If this is the way my race ends . . .
If this is the way it ends – Oh, I can’t bear to witness!


Don’t let it end this way,

Don’t let it end this way,

Don’t let it end this way, I can’t bear to witness . .

Don’t let it end this way,

Don’t let it end this way,

Don’t let it end this way, I can’t bear to witness . ..


Life can be summarized in 4 bottles…

Oops!!! We’re on #3!


Photo by Jason Salyers

Jason Salyers, who was a siddha (advanced meditator) at MUM, Fairfield, Iowa; yours truly; and Teresa, a helpful guest from Alberta province, Canada. Photo by Ken Farmer

===============more posts on jdn.net!

My indefatigable volunteer Clark in California has reproduced more posts from yesteryear you may enjoy:




  1. Another excellent publication, John. Very informative and dignified!!
    Thank you again for your continuing efforts on behalf of our people.

    Bleeding heart do-gooders. Both characteristics according of Nietszche teachings are self destructive beacause they lead to self image of our superiority though we help potential enemy who hates our superiority. But we are TOO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND THE BASIC OF PSYCHOLOGY!

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