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A comrade asked me what I made of the Polish president’s death in a plane crash. I replied:

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The crash that killed the Polish president, for once, does not seem like a sinister crash to me but more like a real-life Polish joke. Both Belarusian and Russian airports had constantly urged the pilot to NOT try to land at fog-bound Smolensk — but the pilot bull-headedly persisted (like the Poles in 1939!) — and crashed exactly as they had warned.
The Poles are a very intelligent people (Copernicus, Curie, Chopin) who do not always use their intelligence. In 1939 this trait was misused by British and French agents to assure them that, in the event of war with Germany, London and Paris would stand by them and launch a two-front war. The Poles engaged in disastrous wishful thinking and national overconfidence. They were just pawns in a bigger game.
Dear friends,

Due to a shortfall in donations, I have been unable to continue this blog the last few days, although many say it is one of the best on the Internet. You know what a Chinaman would say? 😉

No monee, no bloggee. 😉

So send donations! Or I will declare you to be spongers and spiritual juze. 😉

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A comrade wrote me about some good young people in the American Third Position.  I replied:

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Yes, there are many good young folks now getting active.
The problem is that none of these approaches will work. David Duke has been doing an intelligent, reasonable, attractive, moderate-sounding outreach since 1977, even even more so since he left he Klan in the early 1980s.
These young guys are in effect just a new bunch of young Dukies, at best. (Or not. Duke in his heyday was very sexy, attractive, tall, muscular, Nordic-looking and charismatic, a racial JFK.)
The real issue is twofold:
1) People are physically and chemically lethargic. Zundel is right: We have been made feminine and docile PHYSICALLY.
–Fluoridated water,
–bovine growth hormone in beef and milk,
–high-fructose corn syrup,
–cell phones (a major topic I wonl;t go into here),
–obesity (excess body fat causes men to secrete estrogen!), and even
–estrogen also from “the Pill” in our drinking water (confirmed by the Washington Post, btw, and not some alternate website); women are excreting excess estrogen from the Pill into the drinking water and the water recycling filters are not catching hormones, but only larger molecules.
All these PHYSICAL factors, in addition to the psychological attack on white pride, have made us emotionally and mentally feeble.
Only really exceptional individuals can feel enough DEEP rage to actually be serious about doing something.
2) Our lethal Nordic altruism. I got a call from a very gifted young supporter. He said that he totally endorsed my idea of a four-state Solutrean solution because white people are far too compassionate to not help blacks, jews, hispanics and others when the total crunch comes — and share with them their last piece of bread. This is also why Christianity (Saulianity) has had such a tenacious hold over us.
We need geographical separation because, as he said, “we are just too kind.”
Yes, and that is an insight I had about our Solutrean ancestors: it was altruism (helpfulness) that saved them in the Ice Age. But when misapplied nowadays toward our non-white and often hostile neighbors, Nordic altruism is KILLING US.
We must physically separate if we can OR at least everywhere become a separate tribe LIKE THE JEWS. A fierce, feisty, powerful, feared minority. With foreign allies.
That is Solutreanism.
We also must have a viable parallel economy going.
We also must have a minimal religion that totally copes with and surmounts the fear of torture and death.
None of these issues are being addressed by Dr. David Duke or by the latter-day Duke types, the A3P. David is happy when his videos get 33,000 views out of the 180,000,000 white Americans! (Actually, I suspect that Google, which owns YouTube , is depressing his “views” — as well as mine — to one tenth their proper number. But even so he might be getting 300,000 views at best.)
After over 40 years in the Cause, doing excellent work, David is reaching directly, at best, one sixth of one percent of White America. If he is at 43 million hits on a search engine, that is 43 million hostile webpages talking against him.
I appreciate your help. Right now, I am at a public library because my phone, tv and Internet are off. A significant recent donation prevented water, sewage, food, computer and car collapse. But it is always the same tiny circle of donors. (They sure are racking up the good karma points! ;-))
At a nearby town,  a third of the charming little businesses have closed or are for sale. The librarian there (I estimate aged 62) told me his pension was just eliminated by the town — and his hours cut back. Everyone hates Obama; the mood is ugly. The assistant librarian, a sweet lady, told me her son is a master gunnery sergeant in the Marines (in his 27th year in the Corps) and his only child, conceived after he came back from the first Iraq WaR (1991) has multiple serious birth defects. I mentioned the issue of depleted uranium tank shells and the US idiotically blowing up nerve gas bunkers, and a Veterans Admininstration pdf saying that 72,000 Gulf War veterans have died of various war-related causes……
She moaned: “I know……” and bowed her forehead onto her hand.
The time is soooooo ripe.
I need one last donation from someone or some group of $1000 and then the book will be ready. Ready for YOU to read and ready for OTHERS overseas to read……
The enemy is not sure how I will do it, and thank God for that. But there must be a parallel economy and a tribe. I have no chance of coming to power in a country that is only 55% white. (Just as David Duke could not get elected to statewide office in Louisiana. The white liberals plus all minorities = defeat.)
All we can do is establish economic, genetic and spiritual autonomy as the Dark Ages begin, or perish in a gulag.
And there is a very good reason why I am establishing my blog in multiple languages. ZOG has many enemies around the world. And the world is looking for that unique American who understands the world, can found a new world religion to smash AND REPLACE judeo-christianity, and can tie ZOG down in internal difficulties.
Thank God I have absolute confidence in myself and in our inevitable victory. I know the answer to the question that Rick Knox asked me in May 2007: Are you the One? (He was the one that ZOG terrorized in June 2007 into breaking off all contact with me, the man negotiating with three millionaires who had commissioned Congressional polling for me in five states.)
I was getting the alternator fixed (rebuilt) yesterday (for $136) and the kid there was just looking at me with awe in his eyes. He just kept stopping working to stare at me, his eyes opening. The whole Solutrean epic from 20,000 BC to our time had him on fire.
But the book must come out. People need to see the whole picture of how this thing, white survival, is going to work. And foreigners with billions need to see it too.
The same five people have been supporting me for months, comrades, while another 900 read my blog and sit on the old check book.
But this time it is really serious.

I need your financial help. To finish this DVD book. To change history. Money orders or PayPal would be fine (just enter john@democratic-republicans.us).

If you were ever thinking of donating, now is the time. There is nothing karmically clever about enjoying a free ride. This IS one of the best blogs on the Net, and I AM the man to take on the most daunting task in human history.  Your donation will do your soul and heart a favor, and help our race.

All the old ways have failed.

There is only the Solutrean Solution. Make it possible.

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road

Sarver PA 16055


  1. Hail comrade,
    I pray God that you get financial help and stability. Here in Spain I also lived in abject poverty myself in a shelter, visiting soup kitchens, as our Führer did. He did not only dwelt in the muddy trenches for four years like a vagabond searching shelter, but before he stayed in an still existing shelter in Vienna, which was all confirmed to me by a friend that lately worked there.
    I remember having thought at those forlorn moments that where are the Human Rights in our “democracies” when a national cannot be automatically guaranteed a minimum sustenance, while all kind of wetbacks get welfare and $ 3 Billion a year are sent to a the terrorist Jewish regime.
    The government should guarantee a minimum sustenance while encouraging work and diligence among our fellow country men.

  2. Hail comrade,
    Fate would have it that our chat was interrupted right before you could receive the following:
    The martyrs of the kangaroo Nuremberg trials were hanged in the early hours of October 16, as if they were waiting for that day. It had to be as soon as possible that day, that day being the anniversary of the establishment of the Warsaw Ghetto six years back, on October 16, 1940. There you have it. I am happy with my research.

    I hope you find your peace of mind in these dire moments. The healthy life helps to strengthen our brain, which is our main organ.

    God bless you,
    David Garcia

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