ENGLISH Neanderthals attack aging German soldier

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A comrade wrote me:

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As a leader in the cause for truth, I thought you might be interested in the plight of alleged Nazi war criminal Peter Egner:

[From a neanderthal website: http://blog.havivgur.com/tag/peter-egner/]

8. Peter Egner – United States

Peter Egner (Seattle   Weekly)Peter Egner (Seattle Weekly)

  • Served in Nazi-controlled Security Police in Belgrade, Serbia from April 1941 until September 1943, during which time the unit participated in [JEWS CLAIM] the execution of 17,444 civilians, mostly Serbian Jews along with communists, suspected communists, Roma, and Sinti (Gypsies)
  • Status: In July 2008 the United States Office of Special Investigations filed a request for the revocation of Egner’s American citizenship on the grounds that he concealed his service with the Nazis when he applied for immigration to the US and to obtain American citizenship. The case will be heard during the coming months
  • This week Serbia filed a request for Egner’s extradition to stand trial in Belgrade for his crimes during World War II
  • More:
  • ( http://blogs.seattleweekly.com/dailyweekly/2010/03/whatever_it_is_that_accused.php )

    To a reasonable person with an average or better IQ, who is not brainwashed, the charges against him are totally unreasonable.

    He allegedly killed 12,000 Jews while driving them around in a van where the carbon monoxide poisoned them from within and he was somehow safe. There are much better ways to kill people. It’s hard to believe when we know that fuel was a scarce resource in the Third Reich.

    [JdN: My friend Hans Schmidt of the Waffen-SS just passed on in South Carolina. He fought in the Battle of the Bulge, which the Germans lost because they HAD NO FUEL.]

    Maybe the Jews will have Herman Rosenblat testify (the man who lied on Oprah about getting apples from a little girl through a fence while at a concentration camp

    “Rabbi Marvin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in LA states that they will watch to see if he is stripped of his citizenship and if so then will call for a criminal prosecution wherever he lands.” ( http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/888501/alleged_nazi_war_criminal_peter_egner.html?cat=37 )

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    I replied:

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    Dear comrade,

    I am very sorry to hear about this case.

    Friedrich (Fritz) Berg did essential revisionist work on this malarkey of diesel gas vans 20 years ago, and so the Jews dropped their outlandish claims that diesel exhaust can efficiently kill people.

    Here is an excerpt from engineer Fritz Berg’s website today (http://www.nazigassings.com, scroll down halfway):

    The linked essays which follow help refute the claim that Germans would have ever used diesel exhaust for mass murder. Nearly two million Jews were supposedly murdered in Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor with diesel exhaust. Although there are some rare, occasional deaths from diesel exhaust—any murder method based on diesel exhaust is preposterous and unbelievable when one understands what would have been needed. And yet, the claim that nearly two million Jews and countless others were supposedly murdered with diesel exhaust persists. The US government was still making this claim with regard to Sobibor just a few years ago in its never-ending hounding of John Demjanjuk, the Ukrainian who had supposedly operated the diesel engine at Treblinka.

    “However, in the medical examiner area, lethal CO poisoning from inhalation of diesel fumes from any make or model of on-road vehicle is virtually unheard of and contemporary medical literature does not report it.

    In fact, as my translated article below in The Barnes Review points out, it was a bolshevik Jew who actually DID invent and run lethal gas vans (using gasoline engines that made carbon monoxide) to really kill anti-communist prisoners.

    https://johndenugent.com/russia_and_jews.pdf (See page 23 and 50)

    From page 23:

    b) The “poison gas wagons” that were the “invention” of Isaiah Davidovich Berg in 1936, and which were put into active service by the NKVD. Solzhenitsyn details this in his The Jews in the Soviet

    Berg was the director of the economics department of the NKVD in theMoscow area. Here one can see how important it is to also know about those who did not sit in the highest positions at all. . . . Berg transported (as ordered) people for shooting. But when, in the Moscow area three “troikas” of death-sentences became busy at the same time, the work began to overwhelm the shooting
    squads. Then the idea occurred to someone to strip the victims, bind and gag 0them, and throw them into a closed truck, which was camouflaged as a bread delivery van. Over the course of the trip . . .
    gases were conducted into the back compartment of the truck in such a way that upon arrival at the shooting ditch, those arrested were already “taken care of.”
    Let it be noted that Berg was shot himself shortly thereafter,  in 1939—not because of thesemonstrosities, but instead after an indictment for “conspiracy.” In 1956 . . . he
    was rehabilitated, although at that time the history of his invention of said toxic gas wagons was clearly noted in his file— a notation that has stayed in there right up to our times, when it was discovered by journalists.

    But the Jews ALWAYS project their own atrocities on innocent Aryans, part of what Hervé Ryssen calls “accusatory inversion.” ALWAYS accuse your victims of your own crimes, because you ALWAYS stay on the attack.

    This is the nature of the modern neanderthal.


    [source: HTTP://OpeningMind.Blogspot.com]

    The Bilderberg Society just completed their annual meeting. I have been reading and listenung to reports and have gleaned the following:

    1) The Bilderbergers were depressed because they are meeting so much opposition to the NWO. They left on Sunday night and skipped the Monday morning breakfast and final speech. Many people refused to attend because they feared domestic reactions and consequences. The Bilderberg conference made the Drudge Report, which never happened before.

    2) Henry Kissinger said they would be undone if the euro collapses. He said they must save Spain. I’ve got news for the Bilderbergers. There is not enough money in the world to bail out the bad debts in the Spanish property market and all those government private property developer guarantees. Americans are mad enough at Wall Street bailouts at 13 trillion dollars. The US voter will never go for a European Bailout.

    3) They are gradually moving towards greenlighting an attack on Iran later this year. The American Bilderbergers were thinking more along the lines on an Israeli attack which will involve tactical nuclear weapons.

    The problem with an attack on Iran is that Alan Sabrosky, a former Studies Director at the Army War College, has said that Israel did 911 and has been sharing his views with the Pentagon. He said the US military is the only group capable of defeating the Israeli Lobby.

    This means that their plans are unwinding. I do not believe there will be an attack n Iran.

    On another front I just read a headline from Newsmax saying that BP is considering setting fire to the Gulf. This may be due to the leaked EPA report citing much more dangerous chemicals being released from the Gulf spill. There are several leaks due to the high pressure fracturing the ocean floor. Oil has been seen as far north as Ft Lauderdale, which is on Florida’s Atlantic coast.

    Mike Rivero calls the Gulf oil spill America’s Chernobyl because it so angered the Russian people that they overthrew their government.

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