ENGLISH Needed urgently: DVD reproducing machine; Brother Nathanael on the Donald; HAARP scrambles brains on-air; two prime ministers give same exact speech Jew masters dictated

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You should have seen the expression on a Jew’s face when, with a shiksa on his arm. he passed by our filming location,…… 😉

===================humorous anecdote from WN sage Eric Thompson

Our Intellectual Betters.

A few years ago, there was a Mensa convention in San Francisco and a bunch of Mensa members were lunching at a local café. They discovered that their salt shaker contained pepper and their pepper shaker was full of salt. How could they swap the contents of the bottles without spilling, and using only the implements at hand? Clearly this was a job for Mensa!

The group debated and presented ideas, and finally came up with a brilliant solution involving a napkin, a straw, and an empty saucer. They called the waitress over to dazzle her with their solution.

“Ma’am,” they said, “We couldn’t help but notice that pepper shaker contains salt and the salt shaker …” “Oh,” the waitress interrupted. “Sorry about that.” She unscrewed the caps of both bottles, switched them, and said, “Will that be one check or separate?”

===============ESSAY BY THOMPSON


The agent provocateur may be a paid, or unpaid agent enlisted by the enemies of our folk. His function is to infiltrate, disrupt, and/or destroy.
Like a Trojan Horse, the agent provocateur works to destroy our folkish communities from within. He does this by first winning the trust and confidence of those he has targeted.
There are two kinds of provocateurs: the soft provocateur, and the hard provocateur. Both are dangerous to the kindred, so be on guard.
The soft provocateur is an expert at the three D’s of destruction: Dissension, distraction, and disruption. His arsenal includes fabrications, distortions, misrepresentations, and misinformation. He spreads slander systematically and craftily; seeking to undermine the kindred leadership, and thus deny it of it’s driving force. He plants seeds of doubt with the object of turning the kindreds attentions away from folkish activity, and instead diverting it and it’s resources against itself. His modus operandi is: divide and conquer!
The hard provocateur is a more direct animal, and therefore a bit easier to detect and contain. He presents himself as a man of action, and is consistently trying to lure others into illegal actions. It is implied that if you don’t follow his plans of illegality, then you are somehow lacking in spirit or dedication. He thus uses intimidation and peer pressure to entrap otherwise intelligent folk into participating in illegal schemes that are both doomed to fail, and designed to place the kindred in a poor public light.
It’s imperative for kindred leadership to take decisive action against suspected agent provocateurs. Whether a person is just plain gossipy or an actual provocateur is immaterial if, after repeated warnings the gossiper persists, and the damage is real. As for suspected hard agent provocateurs, conspiracy laws demand quick and decisive action.
Consequently, the folk should be alert to the signs described, and report them to the kindred leadership. Quick expulsion should follow if accusations are verified as to wrongful conduct, and net proof of whether one actually is an agent provocateur should be the standard. And if so proven, that person must be avoided by all, with even friendship taking a back seat to kindred security.
The folk communities must establish guidelines both within their own kindreds, and between each other. Intra-organizational cooperation is absolutely required to prevent “floaters” from traveling from one group to another.
· Beware of all strangers. Historically, resistance to tyrants has taken the form of small autonomous groups whose members know and trust one another from long experience. These groups are then united by common interest, common goals, and common literature. But, a strict hierarchy will soon be broken by the tyrants’ agents.
· Beware of the man who is “too perfect.” He says all the right things, he needs little persuasion, and he supplies money. The wealthy are usually in bed with the tyrant, and they are the last to oppose despotism.
· Be doubly aware of a stranger who proposes illegal activities. You will soon find him testifying against you in Federal court.
· Beware of those who draw checks from the enemy. They are very likely to have divided loyalties. It is difficult for a man to destroy the beast from whose teats he sucks.
· Avoid drunks, drug users, and anyone of unstable character. Always chose quality over quantity.
· Recognize the media tactics, and don’t react to buzz words. Religious separatists, White separatists, tax resistors, and other groups are called cultists, bigots, Nazis, and other words which the masses are conditioned to hate. After the media have demonized the target, as in Waco, Texas, the Government is free to murder at will. Ask yourself, “Is it wrong for people to preserve their religion, their race, or to resist oppressive taxation?”
· Beware of someone whose intellect, education, and background appear different from those with whom he attempts to associate. Most people inter-relate with others of the same interests and backgrounds.
· Investigate. Do a little investigation. To be sure, the Federals can create good cover. But, they seldom bother because up to now resistance groups have almost never checked their associates’ backgrounds.
· Recognize the ruthlessness of the tyrants, and act accordingly. A government which will mass murder innocent women and children is not going to play “Fair” with you


John King, on the left in the photo below, at “parade rest,” is a former US Army lieutenant from Indiana, and Clark Lightbridge (on the right) from Los Angeles is a non-white Aryan (Aryan means “noble” in Sanskrit, not a blob-brain chalkface like the white jury people who just found Edgar Steele guilty on four counts!). They have been engaging in what Vedanta calls “selfless service” alongside myself and Jason Salyers of the Solutrean Ahnenerbe, everything from website work to cutting the two-and-a-half-acre lawn, and also enjoying the sheer beauty of western Pennsylvania with us, its flowers everywhere, the waterfalls along the trails, the sometimes spectacular hills, the clean-water streams and the good air.

(Butler County, just 17 miles north of Pittsburgh, has air so clean that cars do not need catalytic converter inspections! And John was showing us last night the constellations and stars such as Aldebaran, which is only possible in an area with night skies with neither light- nor air-pollution.)

Clark and John enjoy the vista from a high meadow, with HQ encircled in white in the background.

Myself with a Solutrean-type spearhead found in Buffalo Creek

With training in meditation by Jason Salyers, a professional meditator at MUM in Fairfield, Iowa, Americans who grow up in Jew world, with all the emotional baggage of selfishness or trauma that involves, can learn to be the kings of their own mind and heart, and not blown by the winds of what others think or one’s own lower animal self thinks it wants.

This is now mentally a very dangerous world. The Jewish bastards running HAARP have actually been publicly TOYING with peoples’ minds. The Washington Post itself, the ultimate CIA psy-op, has openly admitted the government is using brain weapons on people. (Go down at this link one-quarter to the “Washington Post” logo: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-dissidenticide-and-mental-torture-by-zog-the-washington-post-sort-of-confesses)

Look at this shocking video of newscasters who suddenly, ON-AIR, get their brain completely scrambled:

This is a very impactful video, given that reporters are usually ultra-smooth on-air and composed, and this cannot be explained away easily except as a sudden brain disorder. I note that the videos that pop up on JewTube next to this are all dealing with HAARP…… It would seem that some sadistic ZOG bastard, using our taxpayer funds, just turned the weapon on a US citizen for fun and as an experimental demonstration to his colleagues, and I bet they had lots of yuks.




Here’s what the Library of Parliament says about the bill on its website:


“Clause 5 of the bill provides that the offenses of public incitement of hatred and wilful promotion of hatred may be committed by any means of communication and include making hate material available, by creating a hyperlink that directs web surfers to a website where hate material is posted, for example.”

In other words, for simply posting a link to a website that has material someone else deems hateful, you could go to jail for two years and be branded a criminal.


We just upgraded the Internet service today from 10 to 20 meg download and 1 meg upload for the many concincing, action-motivating videos we have yet planned. But far more important is what we still need:






Contact John de Nugent, the man the Jews and white psychopaths hate and fear most….and slander most, and seek to intimidate most, with the Joint Terrorism Task force coming three times to my house……

…….and arresting my assistant Henrik Holappa, throwing him into solitary for 87 days, then expelling him from America as a “terrorist” for applying for political asylum!!

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]




Telephone: 724.353.0154Skype:John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)Donations:Cash in an envelope 

Blank money order

MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)

==================KAPNER ON TRUMP

  • Brother Nathanael May 8, 2011 @ 3:09 am Trump Has Been Silenced By The Jews
    Trump used to do daily “Vids” on his Web Site but hasn’t ever since the birther issue was quashed. He KNOWS it is a fraud but won’t say a thing.
    The Jews know about his womanizing, prostitution at his casinos and told Obama to mention it a the Press Dinner last week specifically stating that if Trump was elected he would “build a casino” in the White House. Trump grimaced when he said it while Obama smirked with much self-assurance apparently knowing that the Jewish-owned MSM was behind him all the way.
    Trump’s days are numbered and I am now doubting that he will even announce running.
    If he does, he will be a pure pawn of the Jews who will use him to run as an independent and thus split the “conservative” vote and put Obama easily in office.
    If Trump backs out of his bid due to knowing the Jew-owned MSM will crucify him or dangle the blackmailing carrot of his womanizing history, (they”ll get “gripes” and “testimonies” of women-scorned), his casinos/prostitution and gambling VICES of his casino enterprises while claiming to be a “Christian” lily white American “patriot, and thus CONTROL him, then forget the “polls” – the Jews and their moles in the military/CIA will rig the election and get their Well-Trained Monkey Obama back in.
    I can guarantee that Obama will be the next President (NOT as a Prediction BUT as a Forecast) — with my in depth understanding of the Jew-controlled levers of America’s political system.
    (Remember, I grew up as a Jew in a Bnai Brith upper-middle class synagogue and have the inside track.)
    I am saying this to WARN all of you and NOT to get your hopes up that someone is going to come along and “fix” America.
    For those of you who are Ron Paul enthusiasts, the Jew-owned Main Stream Media despises him for his quest to end the Fed (their Jewish control of America’s monetary system) and his libertarian view to cut off all foreign aid money whether its to Israel or Timbuktu or their war-targeted nations.
    Thus they will either ignore him in the media or profile him as a “bore.” The Jews will make sure that most Americans won’t have a clue who Ron Paul is, and if they do, that he is plain boring.
    China and India WILL continue to grow economically in partnership and semi-control of Jew Finance Capital while America’s jobless will suffer until they are ready to accept a North American Union with a Jew-controlled “Amero” currency already printed and coined — and a Jew-elite government in the mold of Brussels/EU usurping any sovereignty America may have had, at least de jure if not de facto.
    The Anti-Christ who will be a JEW is on his way…
    Please HELP ME TO CONTINUE MY MINISTRY AND RESEARCH. I am giving you information that NO ONE ELSE IS GIVING.
    To Donate Simply Click: https://co.clickandpledge.com/sp/d1/default.aspx?wid=36313
    Or (My Personal Needs: https://co.clickandpledge.com/sp/d1/default.aspx?wid=26246
    Donations May Also Be Sent To:
    The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO; 80443.
    (Personal Needs) Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO 80443.
    Many Thanks In Advance! +Brother Nathanael, Publisher Real Zionist News @ http://www.realzionistnews.com/
    See My Related Vids: “Trump For President 2012?” @ http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=630
    AND “Presidential Picks For 2012″ @ http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=633
    All Brother Nathanael Vids @ http://www.realzionistnews.com/?cat=374

    VIDEO Brother Nathanael examines the prospective Republi-con-artist candidates for 2012. Very enlightening





    After reading all the above, a European comrade went ahead and paid for the DVD duplicator we need!
    This is incredibly important, that my Solutrean message be available in PHYSICAL form, not dependent on the Internet, which Obama wants to shut down due to growing criticism. And this DVD, once distributed, will be reproducible by anyone with a laptop.

    It will become unstoppable.

    A DVD is not made of metal, and it is thin and light, and can be made for 20 cents!

    We filmed yesterday an interview with Jason Salyers of the Solutrean Ahnenerbe on this new think tank (http://www.jasonsalyers.com) which he has created — and its research into the ancient origins and amazing future our race can have. We were shooting at a beautiful park in downtown Pittsburgh.

    Jason’s uniform is a modified SS uniform, because Solutreanism is a major modification and improvement on the original national socialism, reaching out to all races, for the Jew is now startiig his full genocide program against ALL races, and being openly spiritual and religious, saying the main problem is PSYCHOPATHS IN ALL RACES, that we all have a soul and that God is judging our actions.

    I now can push ahead with the final video in the confidence that it will be reproduced as a DVD and become unstoppable.

    My worry now remains that our electricity will be cut off tomorrow at 8 am unless I give them $161.00. But aside from that, we are progressing rapidly toward the release. Anyone can write a book, and no one among the masses will read that book, but a video — which does require a STAFF, what I now finally have, first drawn to me by the blog and its contents — shows the leader, it shows who is the man and what is his plan, it reveals he has a staff, it moves the heart, and it establishes a vision, a goal and values, as Hitler said. All great events happen through human speech and human role models…….through the heart and imagination, through the soul awakening, not a book and not mere facts by a David Duke or William Pierce about JEWS!!!

    As I said to a friend recently, only an elite carries human history forward. A small number does all the work — it has ever been thus — and they advance rapidly upward in each life. The others, however, waste entire incarnations in selfishness and cowardice. It is their own heavy karma and tragedy that they do not answer a clear, convincing, repeated, and urgent summons to their duty. I know my videos are convincing, because I constantly get emails telling me they are wonderful. But only an elite actually ACTS. Only an elite sacrifices. Only an elite takes risks. And only an elite rises to power and achieves good karma.

    I wrote the comrade who donated this machine:

    If and when you are ready, brother, I will ask Clark Lightbridge to assist you in using Linux and getting encryption, so we can have email contact with full secrecy in our communications. You truly deserve to be in the inner circle, sir.

    John de Nugent

    ===============volunteer John King’s powerful blog statement

    United White


    I am the ghost of Purim past

    Posted on May 7, 2011 by oswald51

    This is my first blog entry ever. My name is John King. I live in fear of God, not fear of neanderthalic Jews — that’s you. The world is awakening to your psychopathic evil. Your new/jew world order will fail. Your reign of terror over humanity is drawing to an end. I can already see the end. A world without psychopathic Jews, without evil, where all of humanity will live in peace, love and understanding. I hope you and your co-religionists have picked out a new planet — call it Yiddon. You’re gonna need it. Because when all of humanity comes out of its coma there’s not gonna be a country where you’ll be safe. Try to flee to Antarctica. The penguins will peck your hearts out. You declared war on me and the decent people of this planet long before I came along. I, John King, hereby acknowledge your declaration and will do everything in my power in this life to rid our planet of you. Strike me down you may, and I will come back more powerful than ever. I will be biting at your ankles and stabbing your vulture hearts until you and your demon god Jehovah are consigned to the depths of hell.

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