ENGLISH Savewhitepeople.com; New Solutrean book “Across Atlantic Ice”; best video ever on AH; Lord Northcliffe poisoned by the Jews

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==========================Savewhitepeople.com WEDNESDAY LIVE SHOW

From host Joe Adams:
* * *
Greetings my White Friends!
*Quick Note: Merlin Miller of the A3P who is running for president will be on the show Wednesday at 8pmET
Joe starts off with talking about a local meeting that is anti-White that he wanted to attend & criminals being glorified. John King eulogizes Uncle Sam by going 10 years into the future. Jane examines why White women go for non-White men, Joe tells us exactly how to deal with the Anti-Whites, JdN educates on Leonidas & Gorgo. John and Joe talk about how differently the races handle crises, whether people who surround themselves with non-Whites get what is coming to them, and callers!
Blog Posts from the week:
Episode 43 will feature many interesting and informative topics. Here is the agenda:
  • Joe will talk about the new voter registration laws
  • John will demonstrate how overtly anti-Whites go about the program of total racial annihilation for White people
  • Joe comes back with talk how and why taking the word RACISM back.
  • Jane discusses the NYC firefighter lawsuit
  • John de Nugent talks about the eternal Solutreans.
  • Joe interviews Merlin Miller, pro-White presidential candidate representing the American Third Position Party.
  • Roundtable discussion about the eminent White Republic and some of its laws, anti-racist pill and your calls!
Get in on the conversation. Listen to the live taping Wednesday at 8pm EST!
Please check out our YOUTUBE CHANNEL for some of the segments on our show!

=============Opossum assaults pastries, nearly explodes

An opossum (a weird American animal, for you furrners) broke into a local bakery and ate so many pastries he couldn’t move! This is how the bakery owners found him, post flagrantem delictum…………….. 🙂

=====================HOW JOAN OF ARC LOOKED

My blog and radio segment on Joan of Arc caused a lot of comment, especially about my claim she was a redhead. 😉


Well, it seems the German federal criminal police, the Bundeskriminalpolizei, did their own reconstruction of her face and coloring…..

(in German, but notice around the 13th minute the result…)



Joan of Arc according to the criminal police reconstruction

With helmet on….

Well, I felt, for intuitive and experiential reasons, among others, she might well be a redhead. 😉 The Kelts — the original French were Kelts — are very warlike and yet also very religious and very spiritual.


I have been praising the book The Willpower Instinct…..


Now I know exactly what is paralyzing the willpower on a physical level, and how to solve this problem!

Author Kelly McGonigal, an instructor at Stanford University. This book shows how a sick body and exhausted brain sap the will to do what we know we should.

A comrade facing a weight challenge in his life wrote me:

John, the book you gave me is truly amazing. I’m disappointed that i put off reading it for a few weeks. I’m halfway through, and let me tell you, this book IS life changing. If the entire white race read this…. Wow….

I replied:

* * *

I am soooo happy that you like it. And it is actually a fun read too! I think its greatest merit is it puts an end to the guilt trip. We just understand our brain, forgive our brain for getting confused by this chemical-hormonal onslaught the NWO is subjecting us to deliberately, and love ourselves more as a result.

Oh, and we get more willpower. 😉





* * *

I have not yet received this book, “Across Atlantic Ice,” which mysteriously “has not yet shipped” (sez Amazon) though I ordered it on March 3rd and now it is the 12th….

But as for “Doug” [A MYSTERIOUS REVIEWER OF THE BOOK WHO ATTACKED IT], I know from 34 years of experience all about COINTELPRO and government infiltration of dissident groups and now of course COINTELPRO has gone online. It is typical of government agents to always peddle the Establishment view with their arrogant self-certainty, or spew confusing and distracting info, and always attack dissidents as 1) unethical and 2) deluded, and finally to invent a phony name for themselves, or, as in this case, give themselves, suspiciously, just a first name, such as “Doug.” (Doug of the CIA?)

When I was the subject, or rather, the “target,” of a 2010 Discovery Channel documentary, it turned in the end into one long hit piece, entitled, rather defamingly, “Hitler’s Mummies.” (Just what does Hitler have to do with the paleolithic Solutreans of 17,000 BC?)


I had been led to think it would be a THIRD fair examination by the DC of the Solutrean hypothesis. Thus I provided hours of background info in good faith to the Discovery Channel. which had, after all, already produced two pro-Solutrean documentaries, the 1998 “Homicide in Kennewick” and the 2003 “Ice Age Columbus,” both by Britain’s prestigious Channel Four.

Solutrean tools from 22,000-17,000 BC, found at the Crot du Charnier in Solutré, Pouilly, Saone et Loire department, Burgundy, France


Clovis, New Mexico spear points, different but along the same lines. The Clovis culture came ten thousand years later. (Amerindian spear points were made of bone or antler, with micro-blades of sharp flint inserted along the sides, a totally and completely different hunting-weapon technology.)



A six-man crew came to my house in January 2010, interviewed me for four hours, and then used only a ludicrous two minutes thereof for the February 2010 broadcast! It was also an extremely hostile edit, and what it did show featured, yes, Himmler, the SS, some SS castle, SS homophobia, and concentration camps! As the kids say, WTF?!! (The host, Olly Steeds, admitted blatantly he was Jewish toward the end, so as Mel Gibson once said, he “had a dog in this fight.”)


So, Mr. “Doug,” who are you really and for whom do you work? Is your boss the politically correct lobby propagating “we-horrible-whites-genocided-the-poor-environmentally-friendly-Amerindians-(“Native-Americans”)-who-thus-deserve-lucrative-casinos-for-our-and-our-handlers’-enrichment”?

What will you do, Doug, if the public grasps that whites came here first, and that Siberian Amerindians invaded THEIR land, and then genocided the original whites? How do you explain the white Windover settlement near Cape Canaveral, Florida of 6,000 BC, et alia? A whopping 168 fully preserved skeletons under water, soft tissue of the brains still in the skulls in most cases, aged 7,000 to 8,000 years, whose DNA showed they were white!

Why are anthropologists afraid to tell me over the phone who the advanced Anasazi were racially — massacred by Amerindians after building an advanced civilization? (http://johndenugent.org/english/english-jdn-for-president-2008-childhoods-from-hell-in-jew-world-anasazi-massacre-did-indians-genocide-and-cannibalize-ancient-high-culture-arizona-whites/) And why does it take over nine days to ship TO ME one book, written by major authors and produced by a major publisher, University of California press? Is “someone” buying up all the stock?


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Swedish track athlete Carolina Kluft

==================Jewish Terror: The Story of Lord Northcliffe

Radio/Audio; Posted on: 2004-01-10 08:15:46 [ Printer friendly / Instant flyer ]
by Kevin Alfred Strom
American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 10, 2004
listen to the broadcast (mp3)
Lord Northcliffe (pictured) was a victim of the Zionist establishment whose story deserves to be told, though it was covered up for decades. The lessons for us as a people in his story are deep and profound.

THE PRESS MAGNATE Alfred Harmsworth, later Britain’s Lord Northcliffe, once said: “News is what someone, somewhere is trying to suppress; the rest is just advertising.” Despite the fact that he was one of the most powerful men in what was then the British Empire, Northcliffe would eventually pay for that attitude with his life.

Northcliffe’s fall — from being one of the most powerful men in the world to being imprisoned as insane after which he quickly died — took only a few days. The trigger was his challenge to the Jewish power structure.

Northcliffe, who lived from 1865 to 1922, stood up to the political establishment of his time, damning Lord Kitchener during World War I when he was considered a war hero — and thereby engendering the hatred of millions and driving the circulation of his flagship paper down by some 80 per cent. He emerged victorious, just as he had in earlier decades when his business acumen and editorial skill had made him the outright owner of the two of the most widely read newspapers in Britain (and many other periodicals) and the majority proprietor of the then-leading newspaper in the world, The Times of London. Lord Northcliffe was possibly the earliest example of the modern press baron.

Northcliffe was a man who was a bit of a jingoistic nationalist — he took regrettable anti-German and anti-Boer positions, for example — and it is said that he would do almost anything to increase the circulation of the newspapers that he owned. Douglas Reed, in his interesting book The Controversy of Zion, writes “He was sometimes right and sometimes wrong in the causes he launched or espoused, but he was independent and unpurchasable. He somewhat resembled Mr. Randolph Hearst and Colonel Robert McCormick in America, which is to say that he would do many things to increase the circulation of his newspapers, but only within the limits of national interest; he would not peddle blasphemy, obscenity, libel or sedition. He could not be cowed and was a force in the land.”

Northcliffe, the son of an English barrister, was born Alfred Harmsworth near Dublin on the 15th of July 1865. With his brother Harold (later Lord Rothermere) he started the magazine Answers to Correspondents in 1888, which rapidly became a success with its question-and-answer format, selling over a million copies a week. He then founded a children’s newspaper, Comic Cuts, a woman’s magazine, Forget-Me-Nots, purchased the bankrupt Evening News and made it a success by modernizing it, and founded the revolutionary Daily Mail, which pioneered low-cost production, lavish use of illustrations, the smaller tabloid paper size, terse, fact-filled writing, sports and women’s sections, serial novels, and banner headlines. By the time of the Boer war, the paper sold a million copies a day. Harmsworth took what he considered a patriotic position, stating that the Mail stood for “the power, the supremacy and the greatness of the British Empire.”

The part-Jewish publisher Joseph Pulitzer was so impressed with Harmsworth’s talents that he hired him to edit the first edition of his brand new New York World on the first day of the twentieth century, which he did — using the tabloid (meaning compressed) size which he had pioneered and named, and which later become the dominant format for British newspapers.

One failure of Northcliffe was his launching of the first daily newspaper for women, the Daily Mirror, which did eventually become a success when he made it into a picture newspaper for both sexes. He took his losses and accepted his defeat with philosophy and humor, saying “Disaster may often be changed to triumph by alteration in tactics. The faculty of knowing when you are beaten is much more valuable than the faculty of thinking you are not beaten when you are. I had for many years a theory that a daily newspaper for women was in urgent request, and I started one. The belief cost me £100,000. I found out that I was beaten. Women don’t want a daily paper of their own. It was another instance of the failures made by a mere man in diagnosing women’s needs. Some people say that a woman never really knows what she wants. It is certain she knew what she didn’t want. She didn’t want the Daily Mirror.”

It was in 1905, the same year that he purchased The Times and the Sunday Observer, that his achievements were recognized by his being made Lord Northcliffe — at 40 the youngest-ever peer of the realm. [ http://tinyurl.com/2wfla ]

The First World War was a tragedy of bloodletting, destruction, and death for millions of the best young men of our European race on every side of the conflict — a tragedy from which we have still not yet recovered. Its origins are lost in obscure and shifting alliances, commercial jealousy, and the cynical ‘balance of power’ policy favored by the British Empire at the expense of pan-European interests. Its end was a farrago of madness in which avarice, revenge, crackpot ‘liberal’ nuttiness, and Zionism dominated. It is this last item — Zionism — with which we are — and Lord Northcliffe was — concerned.

According to a defector from the Jewish power structure of the time, Benjamin Freedman, Britain was on the verge of losing that war in 1917, when the Zionist Jews made a proposal to the British government. Britain could yet win this war, the Zionists argued, if America could be brought into the conflict on Britain’s side. With their already-substantial control of the American press, and with their tight circle of ‘advisors’ around President Wilson (who was beholden to them because of indiscreet letters in their possession which he had written to a woman not his wife), the Zionists made a good case that they could deliver what they promised. But there was a price to be paid. The British Empire was at that time administering the small Middle Eastern territory of Palestine, populated mainly by Palestinian Arabs and Christians and with only a small minority of Jews. The Zionist Jews coveted that territory — which later became Israel when their land-grab came to fruition — and their price for bringing American soldiers to die in Flanders fields was a declaration from Britain that the Empire favored the establishment of a Jewish state there. The price was paid. Lord Milner and Foreign Minister Balfour drafted the Balfour Declaration — and the puppeteers pulled the strings on crackpot Wilson and America went to war to “make the world safe for democracy’ and to “end war,” proving that many Americans had had their brains turned to mush long before the advent of television.

The scholar Revilo Oliver has stated that Milner’s interest in supporting the Zionists, apart from the immediate objective of winning the war, was in removing as many Jews as possible from Britain, and giving them their own country thousands of miles away seemed as good a way of doing that as any. Similar motives animated Balfour, as I stated on this program last year:

“…Balfour’s naiveté [is] in this case, a stand-in and symbol of White naiveté in general. The Jews wanted a policy statement from the then-dominant world power, the British Empire, and they got it and used it to the hilt, not hesitating to kill Britons when it suited them, as in the Zionist bombing of the King David Hotel, [ http://tinyurl.com/m2xn ] and while other Jews were, especially after World War II, doing everything in their power to undermine the status of the White nations including Britain. The Zionist entity has outlasted the British Empire which gave it birth, though Little Britain is still of some assistance in some projects, like the murder of Iraqis, currently being undertaken by the self-styled masters of the world. What’s really interesting about Balfour, who gave the Jews their foothold in Palestine, was that he didn’t particularly like Jews — and that he was a racialist. Like Adolf Hitler later, Balfour was enamoured of the idea of the Jews leaving Europe to found their own state elsewhere. Both men negotiated with Zionist Jews to effect that end. Hitler offered them Madagascar in 1938. In 1903, while he was Prime Minister, Balfour offered them Uganda. In debates on the Alien Act of 1905, Balfour sought to cut off Jewish immigration into Britain. Balfour openly admitted in 1914 (to leading Zionist Chaim Weizmann, no less) that he shared the extreme anti-Jewish sentiments of Cosima Wagner. Balfour [even] spoke against Jewish immigration in the House of Commons.”

After the war, Lord Northcliffe became alarmed by Zionist ambitions and Jewish power. In 1920, he publicized the book that has been banned and furiously denounced by the Jews perhaps more than any other, the famous Protocols of Zion, which purports to be notes taken at a meeting of Jews sometime during the nineteenth century, detailing a plan for world domination through intrigues, deception, and terror. I have already published my criticism of the Protocols elsewhere, but suffice it to say here that, although the book is unlikely to be what it claims to be — an actual record of an actual meeting — and though it clearly was created by a polemicist with a religious bias (witness its barbs directed at Darwin and Nietzsche, for example), its insights into the Jewish mentality and Jewish techniques are insightful and its tracing (before 1905!) of many of the paths that would be taken by the Jewish establishment in the last century are amazing.

Northcliffe probably saw the Protocols much as I see them, and decided they deserved to be seen and investigated by the British people. Accordingly he saw to it that significant parts of them were published in the most prestigious newspaper in the country, The Times, of which he was the principal owner, under the title ‘The Jewish Peril, a Disturbing Pamphlet, Call for Enquiry.’ He did not declare the Protocols to be true, but rather called for a full investigation to discover whether or not they were true. He stated that “an impartial investigation of these would-be documents and of their history is most desirable … are we to dismiss the whole matter without inquiry and to let the influence of such a book as this work unchecked?”

In 1922, Northcliffe asked the editor of The Times, Wickham Steed, to travel to Palestine to investigate the real nature of the Zionist project there, feeling sure that Steed, once he saw how a tiny and foreign Jewish minority was determined to use every foul means to dispossess the Palestinians, would make a 180 degree turn and stop supporting Chaim Weizmann and the other Zionists as he had theretofore. In this Northcliffe miscalculated badly, for the Zionist hold on Steed (the exact nature of which deserves further investigation) was so strong that Steed openly refused to act upon any of the requests of the man who was the majority owner of the paper and who was therefore his employer! Steed would not go to Palestine; Steed would not publish an article critical of Balfour’s attitude toward Zionism when asked to do so; and, when Northcliffe himself went to Palestine, Steed would not even publish Northcliffe’s own dispatches from that troubled land. Who was protecting Steed? Who and what was motivating Steed? These questions became even more important later that year. Douglas Reed wrote:


Then in 1922 Lord Northcliffe visited Palestine, accompanied by a journalist, Mr. J.M.N. Jeffries (whose subsequent book, Palestine: The Reality, remains the classic work of reference for that period). This was a combination of a different sort from that formed by the editors of The Times and Manchester Guardian, who wrote their leading articles about Palestine in England and in consultation with the Zionist chieftain, Dr. Weizmann. Lord Northcliffe, on the spot, reached the same conclusion as all other impartial investigators, and wrote, “In my opinion we, without sufficient thought, guaranteed Palestine as a home for the Jews despite the fact that 700,000 Arab Moslems live there and own it … The Jews seemed to be under the impression that all England was devoted to the one cause of Zionism, enthusiastic for it in fact; and I told them that this was not so and to be careful that they do not tire out our people by secret importation of arms to fight 700,000 Arabs … There will be trouble in Palestine . . . people dare not tell the Jews the truth here. They have had some from me.”

The articles by Jeffries and Northcliffe didn’t get published in The Times, but they did see the light of day in Northcliffe’s other papers, greatly alarming the Zionists, who needed the acquiescence of the British people for their land-grab to succeed.

Things started happening very fast for Lord Northcliffe soon thereafter. On February 26th, 1922, he returned from Palestine. On March 2d, he strongly criticized Steed at an editorial conference, expecting to precipitate his resignation. To Northcliffe’s amazement, Steed did not resign but decided to consult an attorney “to secure a lawyer’s opinion on the degree of provocation necessary to constitute unlawful dismissal.” Then, Steed says, he consulted Northcliffe’s own legal advisor who supposedly stated that Lord Northcliffe was “abnormal”, “incapable of business” and, judging from his appearance, “unlikely to live long” and who therefore advised the editor “to continue in his post.” On March 31st, Steed went to see Northcliffe in France and upon returning started spreading the story — even telling a director of the paper — that Northcliffe was “going mad.”

Douglas Reed himself worked with Northcliffe a few weeks later and reports he saw nothing at all indicating illness, madness, or abnormality of any kind. Reed also states that a very sane and sober Northcliffe informed him that someone was trying to kill him. Reed tells us:


The suggestion of madness thus was put out by an editor whom Lord Northcliffe desired to remove and the impressions of others therefore are obviously relevant. On May 3, 1922 Lord Northcliffe attended a farewell luncheon in London for a retiring editor of one of his papers and “was in fine form”. On May 11, 1922 he made “an excellent and effective speech” to the Empire Press Union and “most people who had thought him ‘abnormal’ believed they were mistaken”. A few days later Lord Northcliffe telegraphed instructions to the Managing Director of The Times to arrange for the editor’s resignation. This Managing Director saw nothing “abnormal” in such an instruction and was not “in the least anxious about Northcliffe’s health”. Another director, who then saw him, “considered him to have quite as good a life risk as his own”: he “noticed nothing unusual in Northcliffe’s manner or appearance” (May 24, 1922).

On June 11th, Steed met Northcliffe again in France and Northcliffe bluntly told him that he, Northcliffe, would now assume editorship of The Times. The next day, Steed, Northcliffe, and the entire entourage were aboard a train bound for Evian-les-Bains. Unknown to Northcliffe, a doctor (whose name has not been revealed to this day) was secreted aboard the train by Steed, and somehow Northcliffe was manipulated into his custody. When the train arrived in Switzerland another unnamed physician (described years later only as “a brilliant French nerve specialist”) was summoned and declared Northcliffe “insane.” Immediately Steed telegraphed the ‘news’ to London and ordered The Times to disregard and not to publish any communications from its primary owner. On June 13th, Steed returned to London. On June 18th, Northcliffe was back in London, too, but in custody and totally removed from all control of or communication with his far-flung enterprises. Even his telephone lines were cut. Police were posted at the offices of The Times to prevent his entering should he reach them. He never did.

On that same day, with Northcliffe out of circulation and his powerful voice of protest silenced, the League of Nations voted to reconfirm the ‘British Mandate’ in Palestine, which had mutated into a ‘mandate’ to install the Zionists in power there by violence and fraud. [ http://tinyurl.com/ytxyh ]

On August 14th, 1922 Lord Northcliffe died, supposedly the cause of death being “ulcerative endocarditis.” None of the story of his alleged insanity or confinement was known to the public at the time. It was concealed for thirty years, eventually coming out in the Official History of The Times and, in greater detail in Reed’s The Controversy of Zion.

When Northcliffe died, he left in his will three month’s salary to each of his 6,000 employees, a total of 533,000 pounds — a huge sum in today’s inflated currency. The story of Northcliffe’s challenge to the Zionists deserves more study, as does the continuation of that challenge by Northcliffe’s brother Harold, Lord Rothermere. Rothermere eventually came to the conclusion that Jewish power needed to be defeated for the good of Europe, and that Britain’s best interest lay in support of the other European nations which had begun the fight.

Lord Rothermere wrote in the Daily Mail for the 10th of July, 1933:


I urge all British young men and women to study closely the progress of the Nazi regime in Germany. They must not be misled by the misrepresentations of its opponents. The most spiteful detractors of the Nazis are to be found in precisely the same sections of the British public and press as are most vehement in their praises of the Soviet regime in Russia. They have started a clamorous campaign of denunciation against what they call “Nazi atrocities” which, as anyone who visits Germany quickly discovers for himself, consists merely of a few isolated acts of violence such as are inevitable among a nation half as big again as ours, but which have been generalized, multiplied and exaggerated to give the impression that Nazi rule is a bloodthirsty tyranny.

The German nation, moreover, was rapidly falling under the control of its alien elements. In the last days of the pre-Hitler regime there were twenty times as many Jewish Government officials in Germany as had existed before the war. Israelites of international attachments were insinuating themselves into key positions in the German administrative machine. Three German Ministers only had direct relations with the Press, but in each case the official responsible for conveying news and interpreting policy to the public was a Jew.

[ http://tinyurl.com/ypbsf ]

Rothermere died — some say of a broken heart — shortly after the second great Jew-instigated fratricidal European bloodbath began in 1939.

The life and death of Lord Northcliffe have left us many lessons. Chief among those lessons is this: The enemy with whom we deal has no honor and no concept whatsoever of a fair fight, whether in a shooting war or in the war of ideas. Dealing with them as we would deal with an opponent of our own race, observing the conventions of civility and fairness and an honorable contest — and expecting the same from them, will be fatal every time. What we can expect from them is a stab in the back; poisoning; paid betrayers; lies, lies, and more lies in every direction one turns, lies so thick that they multiply faster than one can respond to them; and destruction of a million innocent lives if it gets them one inch closer to their inhuman goals.

=======================URGENT APPEAL I wrote my webmaster in Ireland:

VIDEOS. That was I calling (thrice, to boot), and it was Skype, as usual, that was wasting our time. I was calling you to say that the new video editor and camera man JG has now found and compressed those jew-hacked presidential videos one, three and four, and made them into very small data files indeed, very easy to play even with a slow computer or connection, and we are eager to post them all on the videos page!
I will be going by car to pick him up shortly…..if he responds to my phone messages………….I have been calling now for two hours….. That worries me.
Also, the high school student B in Pa. (the one who invited me to speak to his class during anti-racism week) has been busy restoring the NUMEC and Brackenridge videos, and they should be ready also — today or tomorrow. So please give me a time when you, J, and I can discuss how to get these restored videos republished. J now has Skype, on the iMac. (I am working on restoring presvid two today also.) NEW SOLUTREAN BOOK.Amazon has dragged its feet on sending me the game-changing new Solutrean book from U. California Press by the former head of anthropology at the Smithsonian…. Ordered on the 3rd, still not shipped as of the 12th. “Out of stock” — they say — and not even carried by Barnes and Noble! POISONING DANGER. I have GOT to get my own place. I am accumulating alarming evidence that the feds are poisoning dissidents left and right, just as I feared they would be doing. My blog today discussed Lord Northcliffe in 1922…. But this practice of poisoning people…. …..such as the, to me, evident murder of major online Obama enemy Andrew Breitbart last week (a 42-year-old husband and father who had three million hits a day on his website, and was about to release a major video on how Obama’s friends in college were all communists and white-hating black nationalists — watch the Hispanic reporter go ballistic here: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/breitbart-obama-college-video-turns-dud-sparks-race-172252336.html —Here is the speech that got Andrew Breitbart killed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fRQ2lIQ3Lg (3-minute video) Obama speaking out for Bell (06:30-11:39) who says civil rights will not work; we must smash white supremacism. http://video.pbs.org/video/2207363899/ * * * ……or giving them a drug that makes them insane, is clearly accelerating. J’s older brother, a big, active Ron Paul supporter and one of the two brothers who helped me move, two fine, blond, blue-eyed German-Polish kids, 23 and 18, well, this J just became a violent schizophrenic, and no, there was no cat scratch fever or any such thing involved, and no family history of schizophrenia. From one day to the next this husband, father, and diligent workingman (a roofer) began smashing his fist through the wall, destroying his own furniture and terrifying his sweet wife and little blond daughter. Then he stole a car and the police arrested him, and he was thrown into “psych.” ($5000 bond.) I MUST get my own place!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And watch my food supply. And have a bodyguard and driver! AGAIN! I MUST get the money to do this!!! This is one reason why I eat out (at cheap bars, chicken wings, burgers, salads and the like)….I cannot trust any food I leave behind in this motel room. I must get in $2,500 and soon. I feel I should suspend my blog until this money comes in. This is extremely serious! This is now a man poisoned who is the brother of my cameraman and new video editor! It is getting closer and closer to ME! I can trust in God and aid from angelic forces, but I must also remember: GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES. DO WE WANT THE GOOD TIMES TO RETURN? This is the best video ever on AH, who struggled his entire life for all our race, facing a million challenges, and he does not appear in it once! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=H3qF1e2nvfY A comrade from Wisconsin, NW, who has become a big supporter (we met at the 40th anniversary of the Rockwell assassination on August 25, 2007) and I had this Skype conversation yesterday (excerpts): * * *

[9:29:18 PM EDT]: My endocrine system is badly damaged, as are my villi in my small intestine. I’m also highly sensitive to more foods than I can count; which has never been a problem prior to this strange illness. [9:29:36 PM EDT] John de Nugent: Yikes. you need a body transplant! 😉 but keep the same brain! 😉 [9:29:18 PM EDT] NW: I could use a new brain as well….. My memory and concentration are pretty bad some days. It’s one of the reasons why I try not to bug you too much. I want to have more to offer you other than an apology for not being able to do more. [9:29:45 PM EDT] John de Nugent: well, your writing is excellent — and inspiring! [9:30:37 PM EDT] NW: Thank you, John. I try to offer something usable for the blog. The blog is excellent. [9:31:36 PM EDT] John de Nugent: Thanx….it keeps me and my mission alive as I finish my preparations [9:31:59 PM EDT] John de Nugent: if I dropped off radar, the jews would up and kill me by some “accident”…. [9:33:02 PM EDT] NW: I agree so much; and that is what I’ve always tried telling these lone-wolfers: the safest place you can hide is out in the open. The Jews can’t make you disappear if everyone knows who you are — even if they hate you. [9:34:02 PM EDT] John de Nugent: I know 100% that Obama knows who I am. [9:35:08 PM EDT] NW: I know that a lot of the right people know who you are. I, myself, try to steer people in your direction, if I think they have something of value to contribute. [9:38:01 PM EDT] John de Nugent: Thanx. Once I launch things, that will separate the men from the boys. [9:38:46 PM EDT] John de Nugent: So, Dan, thanks for these contacts and i am going to watch that North Face movie now for ten minutes, finally. (I have had it for ten days…) Gute Nacht, Kamerad! [9:39:00 PM EDT] NW: Heil! [9:39:05 PM EDT] NW: Enjoy! [9:39:45 PM EDT] John de Nugent: Thank you for recommending this movie to me in the first place! Sunday, March 11, 2012 [3:01:01 PM EDT] NW: Heil, John! [3:11:18 PM EDT] John de Nugent: I was thinking of you and your continuing endocrine problems [3:12:59 PM EDT] John de Nugent: my former fiancee and still good friend Margaret had a nutrition consulting practice and helped a lot of people with chronic problems. she had a big condo in downtown Washington DC and it was even right across from the Hilton where Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981. I could try to get u 2 talking on Skype! She is in Europe now. [3:15:11 PM EDT] NW: Certainly. I am always open to new ideas at this point. Last Summer I thought I had this thing beat: I discovered a great line of digestive enzymes that were as natural as the ones created by your own pancreas, and I switched to a 100% raw food diet. I put on nearly twenty pounds! But then my system began to reject the enzymes and I got pretty ill. I was in bed for over 6 weeks this past fall/winter season. [3:18:36 PM EDT] John de Nugent: I see… terrible. Margi is on skype right now over in Bulgaria…I will try to raise her. [3:18:52 PM EDT] NW: Sounds good. [3:21:15 PM EDT] John de Nugent: Okay, she is there now and wil end her chat with an American friend working in Kuwait (on Skype) so she and you can talk on Skype by voice-chat or type-chat. [3:21:35 PM EDT] John de Nugent: I will copy to her in the meantime what you just wrote above [3:23:10 PM EDT] NW: Thanks much, John. You really are a helpful person, brother. I’m glad I got to meet you in person at least once. [3:32:19 PM EDT] John de Nugent: 🙂 Okay, Margi just ended her chat with Jim in Kuwait. [3:32:29 PM EDT] John de Nugent: She is taking a short break and will be back on skype in a minute. I briefed her on your exact health situation. [3:35:23 PM EDT] NW: I don’t remeber too much about her, other than she had beautiful red hair and an amazing singing voice. [……….] [10:23:34 PM EDT] John de Nugent: HI, Dan. Were u and Margi able to chat? [10:24:03 PM EDT] NW: Heil, John. Yes, we did. [10:24:44 PM EDT] NW: She drew a blank. She didn’t know what to think. So she wants me to have a certain test done. [10:25:22 PM EDT] John de Nugent: Ok, well, she knows her stuff. She had many clients with intractable conditions. [10:26:15 PM EDT] John de Nugent: That is why they came to her. Then she became a revisionist, and I met her as a volunteer at “The Barnes Review”magazine on April 20, 2005.

[10:27:26 PM EDT] NW: She certainly knows what she’s talking about. But I’m already doing most of what she was planning on recommending. She’s curious why I’m still having some of the symptoms I’m having — but I think at this point, everyone’s curious about the same thing. [10:28:04 PM EDT] John de Nugent: I see.. [10:28:44 PM EDT] John de Nugent: I wonder if they slipped u a mickey…..they being the enemy. I am dead serious. [10:29:46 PM EDT] NW: It’s harmonic that you would think that because I fell ill all of a sudden: I can tell you the very moment that I got sick. It was all at once with no lead-up. And the nurse in the hospital asked me quietly if I had been poisoned. [10:30:25 PM EDT] John de Nugent: !!!!! [10:30:53 PM EDT] John de Nugent: My cameraman (and now video editor) Jeff and his brother were strong Ron Paul supporters and roofers [10:31:00 PM EDT] John de Nugent: They helped me move in October 2011. [10:31:22 PM EDT] John de Nugent: and then, a month ago, out of the blue, Justin, the older brother, became a violent schizophrenic! [10:31:46 PM EDT] NW: We should do a call sometime. I have a lot more frightening details about this. [10:32:40 PM EDT] John de Nugent: well, any time, sure, Dan. Maybe tomorrow? btw, jeff and i watched the first 35 minutes of that German alpinism movie “North Face” — great! [10:33:25 PM EDT] NW: Awesome! I’ll have to send you some of my old climbing pictures. [10:33:47 PM EDT] John de Nugent: i would like to see those! [10:34:48 PM EDT] NW: I’ll be sure to send you some. [10:35:51 PM EDT] NW: What’s interesting about my sickness is the timing: the same season that I got sick, so did Theo Junker – the Waffen SS veteran from Janesville Wisconsin.

And then two of my better friends were hospitalized: one suddenly had heart failure at 55! And now he is unable to read a book and he is losing his memory just like I am. [10:47:48 PM EDT] John de Nugent: I know Theo!

[10:47:56 PM EDT] John de Nugent: How is he doing? [10:49:54 PM EDT] NW: Terrible now. He started to lose his senses all of a sudden the same exact time I started getting terrible headaches and tunnel vision. His family removed him from his home and now has him tucked away somewhere. I haven’t seen him in a couple of years. [10:50:49 PM EDT] John de Nugent: oh God….. [10:51:16 PM EDT] NW: I used to spend every weekend with him for years. [10:51:28 PM EDT] John de Nugent: Theo is a great guy. [10:51:37 PM EDT] John de Nugent: wow [10:51:44 PM EDT] NW: He’s the best. [10:52:12 PM EDT] John de Nugent: I did a whole interview with him for the Barnes Review and introduced him at the 2006 Barnes Review convention [10:52:47 PM EDT] John de Nugent: this is why I keep my blog going, to not be a tiny gnat, but stay on the radar. [10:54:26 PM EDT] NW: I am so adverse to conspiracy theories, but ever since I got sick, and then Theo told me about his memory going and he was fully aware of it — not like dementia, which you don’t know is setting in — and since several others I know who have gotten sick, I have to consider the possibility. [10:54:33 PM EDT] NW: What exactly is a “mickey?” [10:55:22 PM EDT] John de Nugent: a drug slipped in your drink [10:56:20 PM EDT] NW: Just a generalized tactic, then? Not a specific one? [10:56:33 PM EDT] John de Nugent: fascinating article on how the jews poisoned Lord Northcliffe: http://www.solargeneral.com/mirrors/national-vanguard/www.nationalvanguard.org/story974f.html?id=1646 [10:56:51 PM EDT] John de Nugent: a mickey can also be a date-rape drug [10:56:59 PM EDT] John de Nugent: or a government op [11:05:43 PM EDT] NW: A very interesting article. I guess it’s only to be expected these days. The Jews are at the top, and they’ll do anything to stay there. I accept that. I must ask all previous donors who have invested in me before — the one WN activist the Jews most hate, and especially now since the God videos (http://johndenugent.org/about-john/videos-of-jdn-speaking/) — to remember that if I die, all your investment in our success, and, I fear, our entire race, will be in jeopardy. David Duke is arrested by the Czechs and released the next day. He is arrested by the Germans and released the next day. Do you think I can expect that same treatment? I must 1) get my own HQ 2) finish the final and short video ( and I now have a new video editor) 3) revamp the website for mass appeal (the South African who did the current beautiful website, and to whom I sent $300, has been incommunicado for two weeks!) To all previous donors, you may call me. I will send you my private cell phone number. I am ready to speak with you.

John de Nugent

PS What will you do if they kill me?

===========================PLEASE HELP ME FINANCIALLY

I need to film and edit the final video, and redo this website to a mass-appeal website. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

This is how you can help financially: –checks, postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area — or made out to “John de Nugent” $50 in US cash Thursday from the True North, Proud and Free (Canada). The banknote itself honors President (and general) Ulysses Grant, who during the War Between the States (called wrongly the “Civil War” — it was not a war between angry civilians — the French and Germans call it correctly the “Secession War”) banned all Jews from a three-state military district for illegal cotton trading and other swindles. (A panicky Abraham Lincoln had General Halleck order Grant’s order rescinded.) The Jews whine and moan about being banished from three states by a “renowned war hero.” http://www.jpost.com/Features/InThespotlight/Article.aspx?id=199853 Excerpt:

“The Jews, as a class violating every regulation of trade… are hereby expelled from the department within twenty-four hours from the receipt of this order.” This was not an order given in 1930s Germany, but rather in the midst of the US Civil War. On December 17, 1862, just over two weeks before Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in the US, Maj.-Gen. (and future president) Ulysses S. Grant signed General Order No. 11, expelling all Jews from Tennessee, Mississippi and Kentucky. Although only remaining in effect for several weeks, it was the first and possibly most overt official act of anti-Semitism in the United States to date. The order was issued on the backdrop of cotton trading between the US North and secessionist South during the war. The North was reliant on cotton from the South, and handed regulatory control over the trade to the army. As a general, Grant was given the authority to regulate that trade and hand out licenses to cotton merchants inside his military theater of operations. It was his anti-Semitic belief that Jews controlled trade, specifically the black market trade of cotton, which led to General Order No. 11.

The darḱ-haired, blue-eyed Grant, his last name indicating Norman ancestry like my own, was the relentless yet careful general who won the war for the North. He called the “Israelites” (his phrase) “an intolerable nuisance.” –sending valuable jewelry or gold coins –cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!) –bank wire to my Woodforest bank account (contact me for details at john_denugent@yahoo.com; one comrade does this every month!) –PAYPAL (write me for details) –gift cards for BestBuy, Walmart, Barnes & Noble bookstores, etc. I need your donation urgently to pay for the new website and for the final video, which will be the most devastating attack on the Jews FOCUSING ON CHILD MOLESTATION, THE MOST HATED CRIME ON EARTH, and the most inspiring appeal to the Aryan soul inside us, of all times. My first appearance on SaveWhitPeople.com, discussing the Aryan religion of reincarnation which the Kelts, Vikings, many leading ancient Greeks, and the Indo-Aryans fully embraced. The interviewer puts me on the spot with a question out of left field.



A dedicated WN and college student asked me about rumors Hitler was abused or mistreated as a kid. I replied:

* * * No, I have just read hostile speculation along those lines…. AH loved his mother, Klara, and had friction with his rigid, “kraut,” disciplinarian, bureaucratic father Alois, but loved and respected him as well.

Hitler as an infant

Klara and Alois

The best book for understanding AH, this very, very unusual and very gifted genius, is August Kubizek’s book, Adolf Hitler, mein Jugendfreund (“Adolf Hitler, friend of my youth”). August was his teenage friend for years, knew all about the girl Stephanie, a blondish hottie on whom he had a huge but never expressed crush…… Here is Stefanie (depicted below as a woman of 24) who did not realize until decades later just who that teenage boy with the dark hair and blue eyes was that used to always gaze at her…. She met and blithely married an Austrian officer, and moved to Vienna.

Stefanie as an older lady…..Hitler had a firm plan, explained to August, to become a great architect and then, as he told “Gustl,” then only would he ask for her hand from her father, every inch the proper Victorian. But instead of architecture, AH had to settle…. for becoming Führer of the Greater German Reich. 😉

…..and Gustl and Adolf even shared a room in a dumpy section of Vienna (where Hitler, never raised to be antisemitic, found out about the Jew role in the white slave trade — forced prostitution — and became a fanatic antisemite as a result, having a great reverence for women, though not as much for their logical powers ;-)). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_Kubizek The book itself is here: (I would skip past the judeophile intro to page 3) http://www.archive.org/stream/TheYoungHitlerIKnew/TheYoungHitlerIKnewJr#page/n3/mode/2up Kubizek absolutely revered Adolf, though in this postwar book he safely plays that down, and was the one person who knew him best of anyone except his mother Clara, and Eva Braun. (The family doctor, a Jew named Eduard Bloch, who was dedicated to helping the poor and working class, knew AH well for that reason, was very impressed with him for his devotion to his mother when dying of breast cancer, and even after emigrating to the United States this Jew refused to say one unkind word against him. He attended Klara’s funeral, in 1907, and wrote later. ” I never saw a boy more grief-stricken that Adolf over the death of his mother.”)

Young Adolf was a healthy boy, but had to see Dr. Eduard Bloch here occasionally. Hitler said often “I wish all Jews were like Dr. Bloch!”

* * *

Wiki: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_Bloch)

In 1941 and 1943 Bloch [then living in the Bronx, New York City] was interviewed by the Office of Strategic Services (a predecessor of the Central Intelligence Agency) to get information about Hitler’s childhood. He also published his memories about the encounter with the later “Führer” in the Collier’s Weekly in which he painted a remarkably positive picture of young Hitler, saying that he was neither a ruffian nor untidy nor fresh: “This simply is not true. As a youth he was quiet, well mannered and neatly dressed. He had patiently waited in the waiting room until it was his turn, then like every fourteen or fifteen year old boy, made a bow, and always thanked the doctor politely. Like the other boys in Linz, he had worn short lederhosen and a green woolen hat with a feather. He had been tall and pale and looked older than he was. His eyes which were inherited from his mother were large, melancholy and thoughtful. To a very large extent, this boy lived within himself. What dreams he dreamed I do not know.

JdN: Hitler as a solder in WWI, recuperating in an army hospital from a grave thigh wound. He had lain on the battlefield for three hours before being dragged to safety. Hitler received two Iron Crosses, experiencingd major combat, including the First Battle of Ypres, the Battle of the Somme, the Battle of Arras, and the Battle of Passchendaele.[48] He was decorated for bravery, receiving the Iron Cross, Second Class, in 1914. Recommended by Hugo Gutmann, he received the Iron Cross, First Class, on 4 August 1918,[49] a decoration rarely awarded to one of Hitler’s rank (Gefreiter). Only 400 were issued to the over two million men who served.

Other soldiers drank or chased women when on leave. Hitler wrote poetry, read and painted watercolors. “Madonna and Child,” by Adolf Hitler. Note the clear gaze in the child yet future messiah, Jesus.

Watercolors require a kind of perfection and a confident, sure stroke, as with calligraphy (the great hobby of the japanese samurai…). You can never erase a mistake in a watercolor, but with oil, you can cover it over with a new layer of paint.

He also said that Hitler’s most striking feature was his love for his mother: “While Hitler was not a mother’s boy in the usual sense, I have never witnessed a closer attachment. This love had been mutual. Klara Hitler adored her son.

JdN: No one smiled for photos in the 19th century. It took minutes of sitting perfectly still to make a photo, and a smile would look fake after being kept up for a long while.

She allowed him his own way whenever possible. For example, she admired his watercolor paintings and drawings and supported his artistic ambitions in opposition to his father at what cost to herself one may guess”. However, Bloch expressly denies the claim that Hitler’s love for his mother was pathological. In his memory Hitler was the “saddest man I had ever seen” when he was informed about his mother’s imminent death. He remembered Klara Hitler, Hitler’s mother as a very “pious and kind” woman.

* * *

Hitler had one sister, Paula, who remained fiercely loyal to her brother until she died in dire poverty and total ostracism in Bavaria in 1959.

Sketch of Paula by her brother

The biggest flaw in AH at that time was what seemed to average people like extremely rigid opinions. But he was a fascinating fellow because he had painted out in his mind’s eye (and also into August’s ear ;) wink ) everything he would later go on to actually do, right down to the last detail. He visualized every step years or decades in advance, and then did it, so he who laughs last laughs best.;) wink He was truly an otherworldly person, here on a mission. Nothing mattered but saving the Aryans and smashing the Jews.

I have read this book thrice, twice in English and once in German. It is not hero worship, just a frank portrayal by a friend.

The Americans imprisoned Kubizek for ten months because it was too favorable, though it did not contain any political or racial comments.

It portrays a great man, but not entirely enlightened in that life. Were he a godman, he would have won the war! (Duh! 😉 )

Hitler believed that geniuses make history, but they should also listen to the non-geniuses from time to time. ;) wink

My little kitten Adi in June 2010… 😉

I thank you all for your support as we gear up to make history again. And this time we win, no matter what the cost, and solve THE problem — psychopaths, and the one people that is riddled with psychopathy, a crime family, not a real people — the Jews.

Eternal Solutreanism is:

1) it is not enough to be white; you must become Aryan, or NOBLE

Arno Breker, The Calling

2) This world is a testing ground for your soul; God is real, and so is reincarnation and life after death. https://johndenugent.com/about-john/videos-of-jdn-speaking /(See God videos at the top.)

3) Psychopaths are literal human devils, born sadists with no conscience whatsoever, torturing animals as children and setting fires. They come from especially vile worlds on the other side, and form 4% of the earthly population. Another 16% are near-psychopaths, with almost no conscience. https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/important-info/psychopaths-in-power and https://johndenugent.com/pages/video_player_page4.htm

4) The task of the Eternal Solutrean is to battle and destroy evil, and then create a wholesome world.We offer to guide the world for the benefit of all races.

5) The Jews of today descend from the Neanderthals, an animalistic, borderline-psychopathic and brutish clan who then became the roving apiru, or Hebrews, a criminal and outcast clan in the Middle East. They even practice incest on their own children, making them inbred psychopaths. https://johndenugent.com/pages/video_player_page10.htm As Neanderthals they have been at species war with us, the Cro-Magnons (the name for early white people) for 40,000 years. They have the upper hand. It is now us or them. They are about to get their revenge for being driven from Europe by a beautiful and superior race. https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites

Scientific depiction of a Neanderthal — sloping forehead, protruding mouth, and weak chin — and a Cro-Magnon — erect forehead, recessed mouth, and strong chin

An almost perfect brunet Cro-Magnon, French movie star Alain Delon, with a strong, upright, square forehead

Child actress Dakota Fanning, Irish and German

Croatian woman who founded the Vril Society, seeking contact with other live forms in the universe for Germany

Depiction of a Neanderthal, Neandertalermuseum, Germany

Former entertaiment mogul Aaron Russo, a Jew who turned courageously against the NWO

Neanderthal skull contemplated by Jewish scientist Svante Pääbo, who after fighting the idea that Neanderthals still exist, confirmed it in a major 2010 study for Science magazine, but lied that all races except Africans have neanderthal genes in equal amounts.

Soviet mug shot of Menachem Begin in 1940

A French Jewish synagogue official

Larry Silverstein

Henry Kissinger and Shimon Peres

A neanderthalic Pakistani and muslim fanatic, Faisal Shahzad, who tried to blow up Times Square

6) We believe in forming a new white tribe and creating white safety zones that we will guard as the corrupt and judaized world collapses.

7) If we are with God, God will be with us.

8) All greatness is self-sacrifice, born of love — for our folk, for the splendid virtue of heroism, and for the uplifting power of beauty.

Arno Breker, Apollo and Daphne.

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