ENGLISH No torture!

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=============touching video


===============CIA Torture Chamber At Bangkok’s Former Don Muang International Airport
Full story:

I wrote the expat American comrade who sent me this news item:

Thanks, Ron. This stuff is just sickening. I was a trained interrogator in the Marines in the 1970s, and we were never trained in these things like freezing people, stress positions, denying them sleep, or blaring horrible music or noise, or sexual degradation — all the forms of torture that leave no physical marks on the outer body.

I totally reject torture for many reasons, moral and also practical.

Morally, because free will is paramount. No human being should be treated like an animal or even worse, or forced to betray his country or its military secrets! And as a soldier he deserves respect!

Practically, also, I reject torture, because 1) a nation that openly tortures loses all its moral standing, and suffers a PR disaster; and 2) enemy soldiers will prefer to fight to the death rather than surrender if they know that prisoners are horribly tortured.

All prisoners should be humanely treated and, as per international law, at the most made to work at something useful of a civilian nature so as to earn their room and board, as they would at home. The Geneva Convention was a very good document, and WE signed it!!!

Over the long haul, the policy of no-torture is the best. Droves of enemy soldiers will gladly surrender if they are surrounded and doomed to die, yet can expect to survive and get good treatment if they raise the white flag.

The word Aryan means “noble.” We will win this by nobility, by adhering to our principles. Then Almighty God will aid us. No moral short cuts!

And when we act humanely, that is when we really get good intel from prisoners, and sometimes even make real friends. We may not get quick info, but nothing ever, ever justifies degrading a human being. A Solutrean is not an atheist: we know on the deepest possible level that all humans are God’s children, His creatures, and whoever abuses God’s creatures enrages God Himself.

The Jewnited Snakes government is now hated worldwide as a despicable hypocrite because it openly tortures people. And every man on this earth who fights for his cause by risking his own life deserves at least the minimal respect due every warrior.

John de Nugent

===================Aryan means self-sacrifice

Dear reader,

At this point I am sure you are aware that we are in our Fall Fundraising campaign. I just wanted to make sure you know that your support, at what ever level you can afford, is critical to our survival. Can you make a contribution today?

The Solutrean Agency operates on a very tight budget, in a small office of an old warehouse, with a staff of only five. From here we publish news and analysis 180 a year for tens of thousands of readers.

We are not yet halfway to reaching our Fall Fundraising goal of $4,000. We need your help to get there. Every $5, $15 or $50 you can contribute adds up to keeping our independent Newscenter alive. We can’t do it without you.

Whatever amount you can afford, please help out today – and if you have the means – please give generously to end this campaign quickly. There is much work to be done!

We are beholden to no corporate interests. You rely on us and we rely on you.

Can we count on you now to keep moving forward?

Thanks so much.

John de Nugent

(new address!)

John de Nugent



[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]




–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

–Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)

10/17 @ 07:41 : Auckland, NZ
10/17 @ 07:35 : Singapore, SG
10/17 @ 07:35 : Melbourne, AU
10/17 @ 07:35 : Mimbaste, FR[ance]
10/17 @ 07:35 : Newark, New Jersey, US
10/17 @ 07:30 : Akron, Ohio, US
10/17 @ 07:30 : Thessaloníki, GR
10/17 @ 07:26 : Maidstone, GB
Leeds Castle, Maidstone (SE of London)
10/17 @ 07:19 : Covington, Louisiana, US
10/17 @ 07:18 : Johannesburg, ZA
10/17 @ 07:16 : Biel, CH
10/17 @ 12:36 : Reading, GB
10/17 @ 12:35 : Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US
10/17 @ 12:34 : Cendrieux, FR
10/17 @ 12:34 : Durban, ZA
10/17 @ 12:33 : Wroclaw, PL [Poland]
10/17 @ 12:33 : Seattle, Washington, US
10/17 @ 12:32 : Topeka, Kansas, US
10/17 @ 12:32 : La Jolla, California, US
10/17 @ 12:32 : Mülheim-kärlich, DE
10/17 @ 12:31 : Kingston, JM
10/17 @ 12:29 : Castkovce, SK
10/17 @ 12:28 : Nuremberg, DE
10/17 @ 12:27 : Pyhtää, FI
10/17 @ 12:27 : Morganton, North Carolina, US
10/17 @ 07:16 : Colorado Springs, Colorado, US
10/17 @ 07:15 : Oslo, NO
10/17 @ 12:27 : Cardiff, GB
10/17 @ 11:46 : Kristinehamn, SE
10/17 @ 10:44 : Bräunlingen, DE
10/17 @ 10:05 : Villiers-le-bel, FR
10/17 @ 09:38 : Miami, Florida, US
10/17 @ 09:03 : Tualatin, Oregon, US
10/17 @ 08:53 : Balmain, AU
10/17 @ 08:40 : Duisburg, DE
10/17 @ 07:57 : United Kingdom, GB
10/17 @ 07:27 : Flensburg, DE
10/17 @ 11:56 : Belgrade, RS [Serbia]
10/17 @ 10:52 : Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US
10/17 @ 10:03 : Helsinki, FI
10/17 @ 09:44 : Chardon, Ohio, US
10/17 @ 09:24 : Donetsk, UA [Ukraine]
The downtown cinema in Donetsk
10/17 @ 08:50 : Lahore, PK
10/17 @ 08:20 : Chiba, JP
10/17 @ 05:12 : Nairobi, KE
10/17 @ 04:58 : Naples, IT
10/17 @ 04:01 : Ridgewood, New York, US
============KIWI (NEW ZEALANDER) WRITES.Dear John:Just to very quickly say, as I’ve so little time–this country is very difficult to live in and not a nature paradise. That’s just the propaganda/”promotional”-line of the tourism board: 100% pure NZ, etc. In reality this country has one of the worst domestic pollution levels in the world per capita;and if it had the same population density as many European countries it would be a total ecological disaster…Forests are grown here then entirely chopped down, like corn; poison is used on the roadside, and in so many gardens to control weeds; cars dominate; houses are built so poorly that one has ridiculous heating costs even though the climate isn’t extreme, not to mention noise problems with antisocial neighbours, cars, etc.

What people see overseas are the “Lord of the Rings”-type pictures, but not where people actually live! And the biggest problem is that people here are in a stupor; they’re more interested in rugby and their other panem et circenses, [Latin: “bread and circuses”, i.e. entertainments] than if they’ll have to move as refugees within the next couple of decades…

Everything is relying on the rebirth of America, dear comrade. Everything.
Our blessings are with you. We are looking forward to further struggles, we embrace it – it is why we are here!

I replied:

Well, you are always in my thoughts, as is all that handful that has stood with me through thick and thin. It is dismaying to read your observations about New Zealand….but let us face it, the Masonic-Jew nexus has been turning the Anglo-Saxon-settled lands into increasingly crass, materialistic and ugly nightmares ever since 1694….when the Jews founded the Bank of England.
Their selfish money-grubbing and Kulturlosigkeit (lack of real culture among the common people, who have only teevee, booze and sports) are amazing. I could say the exact same things about Jewmerica or Jewcanada, Jewstralia or South Afrijew. ;) wink…… never mind the uglified Mother Country with its sinister City of London, the root of all evil in the world!
I am doing the final videos now and very excited about them, since they will be the crescendo and the make-or-break videos.
Der Starke ist am stärksten allein….. The strong are strongest alone.
Thanks for all your support that has come in every way!



(low resolution only for now — since many comrades with slow computers or Internet connections cannot see those videos with higher “res”)

Topics: Dr. James Watson co-discovered DNA molecule structure, won Nobel Prize; stated to London Times that blacks are less intelligent; British hate-speech police get involved; ignorant or cowardly US taxpayers fund arrest of white Europeans who come to America for freedom of speech; Whittle-Sheppard case; extreme obedience of federal workers; British Crown Prosecution Service; despicable recantation by Watson of racial truth; but fired anyway; soldiers and marines with only physical courage; old men who are unworried about the world their children and grandchildren will grow up in; black flash mobs; media white-bashing during the Rodney King-1992 L.A. riot; black flash mob at West Allis, Wisconsin State Fair; whites rage verbally at black mass attack; black leaders who promote only what is good for their own race; does Obama smoke pot in the White House?; Ben Franklin the great scientist about the nature of light as both wave and particle; Alexander Hamilton wanted central federal rule; Franklin appeals for prayer at each session of the Constitutional Convention; Ben Franklin gave away his great inventions: the lightning rod, bifocal glasses, the Franklin stove, which replacing the very inefficient fireplace, and the odometer, the lending library, and the University of Pennsylvania; Britain tightens control over once-free colonies; Franklin brings in the French as important war allies against Britain; French fleet win Battle of the Chesapeake; Franklin advocates home life full of real culture, singing, reading and performing music; advocates as US motto: “Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God”; founder of satanism rightfully notes that “Man is the only animal who can lie to himself and believe it”; facing the real dangers so as to beat them….

I wrote a comrade who once again has agreed to help, since the parasites in my readership refuse to shoulder their share of the burden.
Dear comrade,
I appreciate your email, your previous vital support, and your willingness to once again step into the breach.

The Indo-Aryan prophecy of Kalki seems to be true, that people as a whole are unteachable. I have knocked myself out for these videos, and yet many racialists (note that I no longer ever use the word “white nationalists” toward them, because a white nation is not what they are eager to build by any sacrifices whatsoever) — they simply refuse to watch them. I think that low-quality white racialists are made very uncomfortable by my videos, since they suggest that (their own!) moral failings, the flaws in our own race, are as much to blame as the parasitical Jew (and his negro, muslim and other tools). The fourth presvid (above) goes deeply into the James Watson case, and how a scientifically distinguished white man (yes, and with nice blue eyes ;-)) revealed cowardice at the great moment of truth for him. My videos are not easy watching for the mere haters.

I can tell you from my heart that while I did expect this, and that “seed money” would come from only a very few, still I marvel that 2,000 people every day can read my blog and just blithely skip over the increasingly urgent requests for funds. That is really morally primitive, hoping someone else will make all the sacrifices.

But THIS is why our race is in this dilemma, because people, including racialists, are irresponsible cowards. Hating n—s and Jews or muslims is no sign of high character at all! The non-whites show every day that THEY are very good at this emotion called HATE. It is not noble, especially if the hate produces no ACTION.
If you hate, then fight, believe, obey, help, give!

If you read my blog every day and every week, yet never support my hard work how are you different from a fat negress on food stamps? She sponges — you sponge. She takes — you take.
And a few rack up incredibly good karma by giving and giving and giving and giving. 🙂 When my utilities were being turned off in 2009, I still sent $100 to English comrades Stephen Whittle and Simon Sheppard!
(Watch presvid four if you are unaware who these British heroes are!) (My handwriting is on the money order above; Henrik Holappa’s is below.)

I wrote to someone the other day: “You act as if you are doing me a favor. No, it is I who am trying to save YOUR life from arrest, torture by Israelis or by personnel (as in Abu Ghraib) the Israelis have trained, and then death by work in the gulag, called a FEMA camp. You might appreciate 33 years of my sacrifices, and the fact that in me you have a person who looks and acts like a true president, and the leader we have needed. My videos show I am not afraid to let people scrutinize my face, for hours, and come to know me.”


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