ENGLISH Non-white Egyptians pop cork and revolt while Ice Age-y whites keep pondering

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================white privilege denounced by rich corporations and opulent Jews


Sheraton Bloomington Hotel Minneapolis South

(888) 625-5144
7800 Normandale Blvd
Minneapolis, MN 55439

White Privilege Conference

12th Annual White Privilege Conference

April 13 – 16, 2011
Sheraton Bloomington
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Hosted by:






Stephanie Puentes
Flaurie Imberman

==============white safety zones

A comrade opined:

It is vital that your proposed white safety zones includes access to the  sea!  Your proposed zone is too landlocked.  I’ve learned ocean water is an excellent resource whites can use.

I replied:

The white safety zone is sound (https://johndenugent.com/white-safety-zones) but just a concept.

What will eventually happen will involve upheavals and redrawings of maps around the world, and unpleasant events of all kinds. (Who knows, for example, how far this Egyptian crisis will go?) The concept I propose is designed mostly to underline that my intentions are peaceful, but what will eventuate is another matter if or when we are attacked by the terror regime or its private tools.

And there is NO point in any white safety zones if the air is full of chemtrails, the water is full of fluoride, the food is full of nitrites and genetic modifications, the meat is full of bovine hormones, and tv and school are full of lies.

Furthermore, once white safety zones are set up, if we have no border guards, white liberals and minorities will pour in also to be safe from the mess they have caused elsewhere, without sharing our core beliefs. They will be there out of self-interest, and ready to betray us again.

(The liberals pouring into conservative New Hampshire are a perfect example of that for those who know New England politics. NH was highly livable and desirable BECAUSE it was lily-white, gun-toting, law-and-order and conservative; liberals came just for the benefits and now are undermining both the lily-white and the conservative character of the state. They are literally insane, like a monkey sawing off the branch he is sitting on. NH needs to control its own borders, or it will become Massachusetts-North.)

New England is the “live free or die” state (that is the state motto and it appears on the license plates) and also the only Republican state in New England. It is still over 95% white, but that is changing. Vermont, once Yankee and French-Canadian, is now FULL of New York Jews, and you can get a bagel and the Jew York Times in even a small.-town store. I met Jerry of Ben & Jerry’s, btw, a few years back, and talked with him, another Jew who came to judaize and leftize Vermont.

No, things will become more drastic, comrade.  The white safety zone is a utopia that reflects a good idea I had in 2008. But there will be no safety for anyone until this all shakes out, and the dust settles, just struggle, death and victory, push and shove, the weak and the strong. I fully expect a Chinese intervention on US soil, and the Jews to betray every US military secret to them, and others will then view the Jews as traitors……………a punishable offense. We could end up like Lebanon in the 1970s.

There is no solution that involves retreat and being left alone. Just mess, chaos, sweat, tears, blood and finally a new order among the surviving.

The triumph of the will.

I’ll run this in my blog today.




An American comrade in Indiana translated from French to English some important info (found below) on the spreading revolutionary activities in Egypt. I wrote him:

* *  *

Thank you, John, I will run this tomorrow! And one of my my key assistants, Clark Lightbridge, as you know from my blog, is Egyptian (non-Muslim and pro-Aryan) as well as Eritrean…..

He is gathering information right now to give me a report on Egypt’s explosive events, so the timing of your translation is perfect.

Clark has of course many Egyptian relatives. Clark Lightbridge for Americans and to symbolize his mission of being a bridge of light, that is, truth, from non-whites to Aryans.

One of Clark’s relatives fled the Mubarak tyranny to Australia last year and loves living in the relative freedom, order and prosperity of the white world. As Aryans we need to “sell” ourselves vigorously as a race that brings great benefts to all God’s children of all races, and as long as there is no race-mixing, which destroys our recessive genes, we can be friends.

But NO race-mixing…..

Some of my best friends EVER have been Japanese, and one of my best girlfriends ever, in Natick, Massachusetts, turned out to be Jewish, albeit attractive, blondish and blue-eyed from Lithuania. However, I felt I had to end the relationship after I found out, and this despite the further fact that she was significantly older than me and also stood to inherit two million dollars from her real estate family. Were it not for my responsibilities toward the greater struggle, this former teacher and Peace Corps volunteer, a lovely person inside and out, would have been a very fine mate for me. And I would not have lived for the last fifteen years in my WN-caused poverty.

In the 1990s I met many liberals and non-whites, and while my core beliefs were actually strengthened during this time, the disgusting Bill Clinton years, I began to really grasp how, except for the psychopaths in all races, we all are God’s children. And if all whites are my brothers and sisters, the blacks, Chinese, Mexicans, Turks, etc. are my distant cousins.

It is with this attitude that we will shed any fundamental race hatred (while hating psychopathic rapists, murderers, etc. within our and any race), we will win friends around the planet in our life-and-death struggle, and we will preserve our own Aryan race BY VICTORY.

We wil NOT repeat the mistake of Uncle Adolf, who as a child of his time and generation, and a sharer in typical German attitudes toward Slavs, would not even work with other WHITES if they were Russian, not even after the catastrophic loss of the battle of Stalingrad, which doomed his Reich unless he changed his anti-Slavic course, which he did not. (This obstinacy was one of the main triggers of the Count von Stauffenberg revolt of July 20, 1944.)

Vladimir the Great with Russian farm children.

In 1945 the “inferior” Slavs poured into Germany as victors. And it was only Jewish machinations during the Gorbachev years that brought about the end of the mighty Russian-Soviet empire in 1991, because the Zionists wanted 1) for a post-collapse Russia to allow four million Russian Jews to leave there and populate Israel, and 2) they also wanted the Jewish “oligarchs” to steal all of Russia’s wealth and transfer it to Tel Aviv, New York and the infamous City of London. Both plots partly succeeded. It is time for all Aryans, east and west, to unite against these blood-sucking parasites, and seek allies among all peoples.

I will work with ANYONE of good heart, and I would have a beer gladly with Israel Shamir, Brother Nathanael Kapner, or, were he still alive, the great black leader Marcus Garvey.

We can visit with non-whites, learn from them, trade with them, and interact very fruitfully with all men and women of decency and morality of all races, and most of all, ally ourselves with trustworthy non-whites in the desperate and urgent struggle against the genocidal Zionist monster.

It is instructive for us, speaking of how we are NOT “white supremacists,” to see these Mediterranean peoples such as the Egyptians blowing their cork and taking action, while we placid Ice Age Cro Magnons continue sickeningly to ponder, ponder, ponder…….We get angry but then we drown our anger in various diversions, distractions and pursuits, doing anything but RISE UP!!!

Our traits of altruism, individualism and planning every move are our undoing in a multiracial context. We must know ourselves so as to overcome these traits.

Here is what the Indiana white comrade sent me:

* * *

Dear Everybody,

This is a statement about Egypt from the president of the Anti-Zionist Party (www.partiantisioniste.com) in France, which I had the honor of translating for them into English. [JdN: Note the hourglass in their logo, which suggests that “time is running out for Zionism.”]

3 Feb 2011

The uprising of the Egyptian people goes on despite curfews and suppression. There are already reports of more than 150 deaths, thousands injured, and mass arrests. Hosni Mubarak can count only on the police, the army and support from abroad to stay in power.

The illegal alien using a free apartment in the White House and the jew puppet Mubarak look away from each other during their handshake in Cairo. Neither is successfully carrying out the assigned agenda from their Zionist masters, and both are in great danger of losing power.

A revolutionary process is in gear, opposed on one hand by a corrupt dictatorial power allied with Israel, the United States and the European governments, and championed on the other hand by the civilian population of Egypt. This grass roots movement, which concerns all Arab-Muslim society, has surprised many by its sheer speed (a week has hardly passed since the hasty departure of Tunisia’s Ben Ali and thus the fire spreads), and its flames are spreading (Egypt, Algeria, Jordan, Yemen). It’s still too early to make predictions at an instant when the situation is evolving hour by hour, but we can already make some observations.

All these movements have on thing in common: they are fighting dictatorships allied with Israel and the enemies of all Arab peoples. All of these dictatorial regimes were put in place by the West (the United States and Europe), schooled by their pied pipers in the lessons of democracy, with the sole purpose of protecting Israel and Zionism.

Beyond the obvious objective reasons (misery, unemployment, oppression), there exists equally a profound political reason for the present uprisings. The Arab-Muslim people no longer will agree to be subjugated and humiliated by regimes taking orders from abroad, nor to be subjugated to the world financial system the United States of which – with its colossal deficit incurred at the expense of the rest of the planet – is the armed fist of steel. The political and ideological centre of this system lies in Tel Aviv, and leans on its worldwide network of Zionism and affiliated lobbies. It is against this group, of which the European governments are part, that the Arabs are rising up against today. The Arabs have long understood that all of the West’s speeches on human rights, democracy, secularism and other platitudes, serve only to oppress them and disarm them spiritually and politically, with the goal of maintaining the power of dictatorships allied to Israel. This is what the West hypocritically calls « regional stability».

One could notice just as well in Tunisia as in Egypt, the complicit restraint of the western governments in their “condemnations” of government suppression. It’s a matter of them infiltrating the movement in order lead it astray, until they find “acceptable” replacements, more presentable than the old dictators whose days are up. They confess to themselves that the essential concern is not justice for the Arab-Muslim people, but rather « the security of Israel »!

And they see the writing on the wall.  In effect, if these Arab regimes in the service of Zionism fall, the entity installed in Palestine will be living on borrowed time. The countdown has already begun on the world’s last colonial state, which is Israel. From this vantage point we see the importance of this uprising, which is becoming a revolution. From here we also see the discomfort of Obama and Sarkozy. What is there for them to do? Support a blood bath in Egypt and most assuredly lose the meager amount of sympathy which the United States enjoys and its friends enjoy in the region? Such a solution would not displace the problem, and it could give birth to a new “Afghanistan « in the region. What then, to deceptively manipulate the population again, until the situation overextends itself and peters out? Let us be sure that all provocations have been implemented in order to justify the intervention of the army. And it is for the purpose of frightening public opinion that they raise the specter of the “Islamists”. These individuals, real or supposed, are stigmatized because they are the enemies of Israel.

A new milestone of great importance has been crossed in the conflict against Zionism. This time, it’s an entire zone of countries stretching from Mauritania to the Persian Gulf region which are affected. And these are the treacherous regimes, in the service of USrael, which sooner or later are going to perish. These countries will naturally fall into their camp: the Resistance Front (Iran, Syria, Lebanon and the Palestinian Resistance) which every day sets the bar for avoiding defeat and humiliation. They understand therefore the sense of anxiety which pervades Tel Aviv, and in this feeling our Anti Zionist Party revels!

Yahia Gouasmi



Adolf Hitler did not believe in democracy — or the Founding Fathers of the United States, for that matter. Search in vain for this Greek word in the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution; “democracy” was seen by Washington, Jefferson, Adams and Franklin as a pernicious and dangerous form of government that preceded anarchy and then tyranny, and as the lie about human equality that destroyed the philosopher Socrates and finally ancient Athens itself.

The world consists of a few leaders, more followers and a huge number of slackers. “Washington Crossing the Delaware River” (at night and through the ice). The most famous action painting in American history was created by a German immigrant, Emanuel Leutze, in 1851. Out of 3,000,000 Americans, only a microscopic 7,000 were with George at Valley Forge. The rest let them do all the heavy lifting. Who, karmically, were the clever ones?

One reason sages have always preferred a meritocracy (the rule of the best elements) is that most do not contribute their time, talents and treasure freely for the common good. They sit back, wait for others to volunteer, and then deem themselves clever. They are functional atheists.

In fact, I had someone in August actually beg $300 from ME to come here, to join the other volunteers, and then spent it on women other than his wife….. then accused ME, when I became disgusted, of being a “megalomaniac.” I would say that it takes a lot of megalomania, that is, “I am the Center of the Universe,” to take contributions from MY donors, some of them housewives caring for children, and spend it on impressing women other than one’s legal wife or paying bills for one’s children.

Megalomania, to give another example, is taking political contributions and flying from New Orleans to Las Vegas to spend them on blackjack….and playing a martyr when you’re caught.

What is my mysterious mental illness that in August I gave $300 to a desperate “friend” (who promised on the Bible to come here and be my aide) when I myself am usually broke? I do know one thing I now suffer from, acute “compassion fatigue.”

I suggest all such functional atheists go to their nearet church and pray to God begging Him to not exist and catch up to them. 😉

The Cathedral for Men, built in Caen, Normandy by William the Conqueror, as admired by yours truly in 2004. That is what we need, a religion that makes men, not large, middle-aged boys with toys.

Weapons cleaning for eager boys seeking manhood at a fast-growing Russian patriotic group, Narodny Sabor. The genetic reason for men is to mate with and defend women, and shield the children from harm at the cost of their life.

Yesterday was a banner day, however, for goodness and also for volunteer morale, and I wrote some thanks to some German comrades in particular, and also to an Irish comrade who sent me a donation with no return address.

I received on one-and-the-same day four cash donations, all by coincidence or not in the denomination of fifty, and also $275 in a MoneyGram, and every penny came from non-Americans (even overseas comrades), arriving here in my mailbox in greater Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Photo taken in the summer of 2008 by Henrik Holappa of Finland

On the left, two Australian dollars, and note the plastic windows with white stars (ignoring the ugly aborigine below);top right, 50 Euros; lower right, 50 Canadian dollars. The word “dollar” comes from the German coin called the Thaler, and reflected both admiration for the prestigious and solid Germans and the desire to not use anything called “pounds,” British-style.

The German original of my thank-you letter follows and then the English translation.

* * *
Liebe Kameraden,

Dear comrades,

Gestern war ein erfreulicher Tag. Ich lebe seit meinem Eintritt in diese
Bewegung 1978 am Rande, obwohl ich als Kind in guten Verhältnissen
aufgewachsen war. Aber da gibt es Tage, wo man mir auch Internet, Telefon, Wasser, Heizung und Strom abschalten will, und dann wird man verzagt, zumal wenn Freiwillige da sind, und nur das Allernotwendigste verlangen, und auch das wird ihnen verwehrt.

Yesterday was a happy day. I have lived on the edge since my entry into this Cause in 1978 although I grew up in affluent circumstances. But there are days when they want to shut off my Internet, telephone, water, heat and electricity, and then some people despair, especially when volunteers are here who want and need only the necessities of life, and even that is denied them.

Dann kommen andere Tage wie gestern, wo bunte Geldscheine aus allen Herrgottsländern hereinströmen, man tief aufatmen kann und Freiwilligengesichter wieder strahlen.

Then other days come like yesterday, when bright-colored banknotes flutter in from all corners of the globe, and then you can breathe again and volunteer faces beam.

Ich muss dabei feststellen, dass es immer und immer wieder die Deutschen aus aller Welt sind, und neben ihnen die vorwiegend Deutschstämmigen und Deutschblütigen (welche Sprache sie in Übersee auch sprechen), die den heiligen Ernst unserer Sache begreifen und tief in ihre eigene Tasche greifen, damit Frontkämpfer wie ich Geldmunition haben.

Eine deutsche Kameradin….a German lady comrade

In all this I must note that again and again it is the Germans, wherever they live in the world, and alongside them those of German blood and heritage (whatever language they now speak), who grasp the holy seriousness of our mission and dig deep into their own pocket, because frontline soldiers like me need financial ammunition.

Und da sie Deutsche sind, haben sie auch Ersparnisse, wohingegen andere immer von der Hand in den Mund leben, und nichts spenden können, und warum? Weil sie das Geld sofort für sich ausgeben.

And because they are Germans, they have savings, whereas others always live from hand to mouth and cannot donate anything, and why not? Because they always immediately spend all their money on themselves.

Gestern kam Geldmunition aus Kanada an, und zwar von Deutschen, aber auch aus Australien, und zwar von Deutschen (diesmal waren die Banknoten rechts unten mit einem Plastikfensterchen und Südkreuz-Sternchen versehen — das habe ich noch nie gesehen, aber das kommt in den heutigen Blog!;-)).

Yesterday money came from Canada, and it was from a Canadian German, but it also flowed in from Australia, also from a German who had put down roots there. (This time the bank note has a little transparent plastic window and the Southern Cross in it!  I never saw that before, and this noteworthy event with the plastic-window-money goes into today’s blog! 😉

Und da kam auch aus Irland ein Fünfzig-Euro-Schein, was mich auch sehr berührte, denn einerseits ist Irland jetzt wieder recht arm, und andererseits liebe der Führer die Iren und ihre Musik. Ich habe des öfteren darüber gebloggt, dass Hitler, wie so viele echten Osterreicher (nicht Tschechen, usw.) genetisch sehr keltisch mit seinen dunklen Haaren und blauen Augen aussah, was sich auch im kämpferischen, obrigkeitsablehnenden und zugleich dramatischen Gemüt ausdrückte. Adolf, Nachfahre der Germanen sowie der Hallstatt-Kelten, hatte für Kunst und Stil soviel Sinn übrig als für den Krieg und die trockenen Wirtschaftsdetails.

If you met Hitler around 1935 face-to-face, this is exactly and precisely the look, expression and face of the man you would see, before the stress of aging and his second long war.

And then there came from Ireland a 50-Euro note, which touched me especially, since on the one hand Ireland is again poor and on the other, the Leader loved the Irish and their music. I have often blogged on how Hitler, like so many genuine Austrians (not Czechs, etc.) genetically looked very Keltic with his dark hair and blue eyes, which also expressed itself in his pugnacious, authority-defying and also dramatic gifts. Adolf, descendant of both the Germanic peoples as well as the Hallstat Culture Kelts of the Bronze Age, cared as much about art and style as he did about war and the dry details of economic recovery.

So sehe ich, dass es wieder mal die Deutschen sind, und die Deutschblütigen, und neben ihnen die Kelten, nicht die Angelsachsen, die seit langem halb oder gar dreiviertel verjudet sind, die kapieren, dass diesmal, mit diesen Ewigen Solutriern, nicht wieder so ein Mini-Grüppchen im Entstehen ist, sondern eine Neugeburt des Nationalsozialismus für unsere Zeit und Lage.

And so I see that it is once again the Germans, and those of German blood, and alongside them the Kelts, not the Anglo-Saxons, who for centuries now have been half- or three-quarters judaized, who “get” it: that this time, in these Eternal Solutreans, we do not see yet another white mini-group forming, but instead a new birth of national socialism for our time and situation.

Diesmal, mit neuer Weisheit und Strategie, weit planend und denkend, werden wir gewinnen, da uns keine andere Wahl als der Sieg bleibt. Wir stehen selbst vor der Erschießungsmauer, aber auch der Jude steht vor einer Mauer des weltweiten Hasses. Einer von uns wird in dieser explosiven Zeit fallen.

This time, with a new wisdom and strategy, planning and thinking far ahead, we will win, because we have no other options besides victory. We are already standing at the firing-squad wall, but the Jew also is facing a wall of worldwide hatred. One of us will fall in this explosive time.

Mein Blog heute auf englisch widme ich euch, den treuen, ernsten Männern und Frauen deutschen und keltischen Blutes, die nicht in Träumen von Sicherheit durch Feigheit leben, sondern in der Erkenntnis, dass in einer Welt der Bösen der Kampf der Kern des Lebens sein muss.

I dedicate my blog today in English to you, the loyal, serious men and women of German and Keltic blood, who do not live in a dreamworld of security by cowardice, but recognize that in this world, overrun by evil, battle must be at the core of life.



John de Nugent

* * *

A fine German-American comrade from Idaho sent me this, and together we came up with the wording:

They teach us whites Fear, Obligation and Guilt. Get out of the F.O.G. created by ZOG, and enter the light of the Solutrean sun.


  1. Are there any Euro-friendly advocates that want to come to Minneapolis to protest this FALLACIOUS ‘White Privilege’ Confab? Why can WE not point out THEIR RACISM, just as they do to us?

    I am at a complete loss as to the cluelessness of Whites in America. And yet…. a colleague of mine in the liberal school districts in the area, has noted of late, that even the liberals and Obamaniacs in Minnestroika are sounding more like libertarians and conservatives, as they watch THEIR lifestyles collapse. Maybe there is hope in the land of 10,000 loon-a-tic liberals.

  2. Perhaps you’ve already seen this video of the Egyptian woman that helped ignite this uprising, but if not, it’s worth a look:


    That woman’s courage puts most Americans to shame. Notice how when she questioned the manliness of her countrymen, they actually stood up with honor and joined her! It breaks my heart to think that if the same appeal were made in this country, no one would respond.

  3. This [above] phrase is so important:

    “Furthermore, once white safety zones are set up, if we have no border guards, white liberals and minorities will pour in also to be safe from the mess they have caused elsewhere, without sharing our core beliefs. They will be there out of self-interest, and ready to betray us again.”

    If such people are never allowed within ‘The Zone,’ then they cannot betray their race yet again. It is time for these two parts of the white race to accept their respective karmas. The liberals’ karma and future . . . are not those of the Eternal Solutreans.

    Moreover, contrary to post-war propaganda, the ‘racially motivated’ SS . . . were not haters of all races. They had in fact expressed and taught, a great admiration and utmost respect for the numerous indigenous peoples, whom they regarded as a valuable part of God’s creation alongside the Aryan.

    If one reads the original SS documents, one can see for oneself, that the SS, ‘had not been at war’ with the negro, oriental, polynesian, etc. (Eg. Warum Rassen-und-Bevolkerungspolitik : Bilder Sprachen. translated into English as Race and Population : Pictures Speak. p. 30-31).

    • Thanks for that comment, comrade.

      Once one accepts karma and dharma, it is like getting a new prescription for your glasses and you see everything differently, with more energy yet more serenity.

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