ENGLISH Non-whites battle inside our country

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===========Sandra Bullock goes over the the dark side, literally

It has come to pass exactly as I predicted to my friends: Oscar-winning Sandra Bullock has completely sold her soul to save her Hollywood career.

sandra bullock baby,people magazine, sandra bullock, sandra  bullock people magazine, sandra bullock adoption, people magazine sandra  bullock ,sandra bullock adopts black boy, people magazine, sandra  bullock people magazine, sandra bullock adoption, sandra bullock baby  pictures, sandra bullock ,people magazine,sandra bullock baby pictures,  people, sandra bullock adoption, sandra bullock baby, sandra bullock  people magazine,people magazine sandra bullock,people magazine, sandra  bullock baby, sandra bullock baby pictures, sandra bullock people  magazine, sandra bullock adoption ,louis bardo bullock,people magazine,  sandra bullock adoption, sandra bullock, people, sandra bullock adopts  black boy

One ju-run website gushed:

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Sandra Bullock: Single Parent
Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock has been in the public eye for months after her husband, reality TV star Jesse James, admitted to “poor judgment.”

[JdN: ….including a passion for Third Reich memorabilia,sieg-heil-ing, and having a sexy mistress who also was into such things……]

This past week, Ms. Bullock confirmed what many had suspected was coming: She filed for divorce. However, that was eclipsed by happier news.

The “Blind Side” star had adopted a young [JdN: BLACK!!] child from New Orleans and would be raising him as a single parent.

In People magazine, the 45-year-old star commented that her son, 14-week-old Louis Bardo Bullock, is

“just perfect, I can’t even describe him any other way.”

[JdN: REALLY??  Now I have met some nice-looking black people, but this baby is both black and sinfully ugly! Even evil-looking! Of all the kids in the world one could adopt, including beautiful, blond white orphans from eastern Europe, she had to choose the homeliest negro kid she could find. Look at this kid’s expression! God, what a sin against nature. This racial treason follows on her planting a lesbian kiss on another actress’s mouth in public at an awards ceremony…..]

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World Exclusive: Meet Sandra Bullock’s Baby Boy!

Wednesday April 28, 2010 07:00 AM EDT

World Exclusive: Meet Sandra Bullock's Baby Boy! | Sandra Bullock

Initially, Bullock planned to raise Louis with her soon-to-be ex-husband. Following their split, she says she will be going it alone. Throughout the week, searches on “sandra bullock divorce” and “louis bardo bullock photos” both soared.

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Another ju-run website gushed:

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….a wonderful step for the woman who secretly began the adoption process with the Nazi-fascinated Jesse James — whom People Magazine now says Bullock is divorcing.

For those who’ve watched the Oscar-winner’s amazing turn as a woman who adopts a black son in [JdN: her movie] The Blind Side, we can’t help but surmise that Sandra Bullock’s new adoption of what is assumed to be an African-American baby from New Orleans grew out of a role that touched her deeply.

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I wrote to a close friend, who personally knows both Sandra Bullock and who knew her late mother (who was born and raised in Germany):

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Oh my God; she has gone totally over to the Dark Side……

But this is just as I predicted. Jesse James’ pro-NS proclivities confronted her with an ultimatum: kiss the juze’ derrière as never before, or be utterly finished in Hollywood and even attacked in the media. Her German mother already made her “suspicious” to them.

So she made her choice.

File:Sandra Bullocks Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.JPG

Wikipedia on Sandra Bullock:

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Sandra Annette Bullock was born in Arlington, Virginia, the daughter of Helga D. Meyer (1942–2000), a German opera singer and voice teacher, and John W. Bullock (born 1925), a voice coach and executive from Alabama.[4][5] Bullock’s maternal grandfather was a rocket scientist from Nuremberg, Germany.[6] Bullock lived in Nuremberg until age twelve, where she sang in the opera’s children’s choir at the Staatstheater Nürnberg.[7] She frequently traveled with her mother on her opera tours, and lived in Germany and other parts of Europe for much of her childhood. She is fluent in German. Bullock studied ballet and vocal arts as a child, taking small parts in her mother’s opera productions. Bullock has a sister, Gesine Bullock-Prado[8] (born 1970).[9]

Bullock attended Washington-Lee High School, where she was a cheerleader, participated in high school theater productions, and dated a football player.[10]
[JdN: I substitute-taught many times to feed my family (when I was between jobs) in the 1980s at Washington-Lee High School,  a school in a very rich neighborhood, and from which actors Warren Beatty and  Shirley Maclaine also graduated…. You can see from this Wikipedia entry that the juze would have to have their “Nazi radar” WAY up on a basically German girl like Sandra Bullock, and the ONLY way she could get back in their good graces was by an act of total self-degradation and service to the multiracial New World Order. I have spoken with a relative of the most famous German rocket scientist, Wernher von Braun, and his family is being hounded to this day by the juze, 65 years after the war ended, and no matter that von Braun’s gigantic Saturn V rockets, the juish media says, put America on the moon!]

Wernher von Braun holds a NASA press conference in front of the stupendous Saturn V engines. The Saturn V remains the most powerful
engine ever built. Von Braun worked closely with both Adolf Hitler and then with John F. Kennedy!

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This is why the Solutrean Solution must be about the soul and morality, not “the facts about race and the Jews.”
God, how often have our comrades written excellent books (or, in the case of Dr,. David Duke, produced BOTH excellent books and videos) with “the facts about race and the juze.” I met William Gayley Simpson in 1989, in Cooperstown, New York, stayed overnight at his house, and helped him sell 200 copies of his magnificent Which Way, Western Man.

I met the magnificent autor and publisher Wilmot Robertson, author of the classic The Dispossessed Majority, in 1990 at his home in the western North Carolina mountains. (He was impressed by my showing in my run for Congress in neighboring Tennessee, and this got me the rare privilege of meeting this recluse at his secret location. His wife, of German heritage, was a beautiful, intelligent and supportive spouse whom I also found delightful.)
But all these facts have achieved very little. Look at the Afrikaners in South Africa — being raped, tortured, killed — even set on fire! Their children are dangling at the ends of nooses in the bathroom, hanged by psychopathic negro terrorists! (What is pitiful is that the Afrikaners, as Calvinists, were very pro-juish originally; they were anything but antisemitic….)
Yet still very few of them become radical opponents of the system that is destroying them, first spiritually and then physically.
A woman such as Sandra Bullock, to spit on her race, heritage and the solid Germanic values her mother taught her (remember, I have a close friend who knew them both), cannot possibly believe in God, or the afterlife, or the soul, and it being judged by God based on our deeds. Or her belief must be very weak.

(Every decent person who works in Hollywood knows what a cesspool it is , and many stars live literally thousands of miles from Hollywood, in the Carolinas, in Kalispell, Montana, or other distant locations, just to get thousands of miles away from its toxic, psychopathic, JEWISH atmosphere.)
Look at this…. Is it the Star of David? Almost — the Rothschild family symbol is also the symbol of black magic of  Aleister Crowley, a “thelemite” who believed in rape, murder, bestiality, and Satan worship.

Sandra’s ACTIONS reveal that she currently believes only in the here-and-now, in a wicked here-and-now — where the Jews are on top and control the world, and certainly HER world of Hollywood movies.
I talked once with a German-American friend (named Hans, of course)  who lives in Los Angeles and knows several jew-wise actors. I said:
“Why don’t they give a few hundde thousand to help our cause?”
He said:
“Because they love the limelight and they sit by the phone even in their seventies, waiting for that one last call from their juish agent for that one last movie role. They want to see their names in the bright lights one last time. And their agents are all juze — and they know that will never happen if they cross the juze. They are addicted to fame.”
Solutreanism means, however, the profoundest possible belief in karma, in divine judgment, in the necessity of doing one’ duty — to self, family, folk and race, because there is no way you can escape the karmic results of your deeds.
And there is no way you can escape the rewards of heroic self-sacrifice either. 🙂
I severely injured my back a few days ago while weight-lifting. Ironically, the pain came only after a day of incubation, although I felt something “pop” immediately when it happened.  (I’ve been lifting for 30 years, building muscle mass and hardness, which is why at 5’10” I weigh a surprising 195 pounds. Muscle is heavy.)
I’m taking lots of coated aspirin, and am now back at work to finish my book.
Another obstacle to overome has been constant juish cyberattacks on my website and my three computers. (I have now had four incidents in three years of the motherboard or the hard drive being fried. A computer hardware technician in Arlington, Virginia in 2007 was amazed to see my HD on my HP desktop literally scorched.)
I thank you juze for reminding me how much you fear the potential this Solutrean Movement has; it has greatly encouraged me anew. And I thank Israel for being the country where I get percentage-wise the most hits. 😉 …followed by Greece, Canada and the United States….)
I found online this hostile juish YT video (this is a still photo/screen shot) based on my February 24 appearance on The Discovery Channel. Yes, juze, I am “insane”  and thus NO threat at all to you…… Just keep on telling yourselves that you believe that….. Wow, look at that sinister WHITE refrigerator. 😉

=============GAY JUZE CONTACT ME 😉

Right after the federal government of illegal alien Barack Insane Obama and the Homeland Insecurity Secretary, lesbian juess Janet Winer Napolitano, seized my adjutant Henrik Holappa in March 09, both on Stormfront and on VNN paid agents of jewry began spreading the notion I was gay. (If you take a WN political dissident into your home, who is facing 4.5 years in prison for opposing gang rape of white women in Scandinavia by negroes, that means you want to have sex with him, and no marriages, children or numerous previous girlfriends can disprove this…..)

I found myself signed up invountarily to all kinds of gay groups and getting their emails. I keep putting these bungholer groups in my spam, but….

Here is the latest group (LOL!) of which I apparently am now a member ;-):

Well, I admit, I DO look juish…. 😉 It”s probably from being the son and grandson of distinguished Sunavabitcher rabbis…. 😉


Watch these hideous juze rant, demand especially money and carte blanche for Israel, and denounce Max Blumenthal, a Peace Now vlogger (video blogger) as a self-hating a……e.

Look at this bunch; THIS is “God’s Chosen People”?

I note from this and other indications that more and more juze are bringing up the devastating Obama birth certificate issue…….

I just saw, btw, Arnold Schwarzeneggger on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Arnie (who unbeknownst to him got me into weightlifting in 1978, danke, Arnold!) was bemoaning the fact that since he, even as the governor of California, was NOT born on US soil he could not be president.

Ahnie, lookit, in ze New Wooorld Ohder, zere aaahre no borders any longer. It’s all one beeg juworld now! So jast declare zat your homeland, Austria, iss a USA state now, like Alaska or Arkansas. Amerikans von’t know ze difference! Stop being a girlie man!

(Note to reader: I’ll never forget an episode of Jay Leno’s neo-fascist “Jaywalking” skits, where he goes around PROVING that the average American has no idea of history, geography or current events.

He asks two bottleblond white bimbos:

What states of the United States are islands?

The girls confer and ponder.. then….

Oh, oh! Alaska, Long Island, Rhode Island….oh, oh, and Hawaii!


Asian students describe violence at South Philadelphia High


By Kristen A. Graham


In emotional testimony yesterday, Asian students described being victimized at South Philadelphia High for years, often as school staffers stood by, encouraged the attackers, or hurled racial slurs.


Duyngoc Truong, a South Philadelphia student who was beaten last week, told the School Reform Commission that being let down by those in charge “hurt our bodies, it also hurt our hearts. We have the right to go to school and we need to be treated fairly.”

The meeting was a dramatic crescendo in a situation that began Dec. 2, school officials said, when a disabled African American student was beaten up by two Asian students outside school.

The next day, large groups of African American and Asian students attacked at least 30 Asian students, seven of whom required treatment at a hospital. Some of the attackers went from room to room, looking for students to target. District officials said the Thursday attacks were retaliatory, but Helen Gym, a board member of Asian American United, challenged that.

“By linking the two incidents, which involved two absolutely different sets of youth, the district seems to imply that there’s an undercurrent of justification for what happened on Thursday,” Gym said.

Officials announced last night that an outside investigator would probe what happened, beginning next week.

Six African American students and four Asian students have been suspended, and police and School District investigations are ongoing.

In her first remarks on the subject, Superintendent Arlene Ackerman [JdN: JUESS] said the South Philadelphia violence “is only a symptom of a more serious problem which has its roots in racism – not only in our schools, but in the larger community. It is the proverbial elephant in the room.”

She warned the audience not to blame one racial group for the violence.

Ackerman said that the district had beefed up security [more billls for white taxpayers] in and around the school and formed a Task Force for Racial and Cultural Harmony to recommend changes, both at South Philadelphia and districtwide. A U.S. Department of Justice program will work with students on racial and ethnic issues, she said.

The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission will also address the situation at a previously scheduled Dec. 21 meeting in Philadelphia.

About 200 Asian students and community supporters packed the meeting, waving signs that read “Stop School Violence” and “Grown-ups Let Us Down.” More than a dozen testified, some through translators.

Fifty Asian students are boycotting South Philadelphia this week, investigating the incident and possible changes on their own.

Ellen Somekawa, executive director of Asian Americans United, said the attacks against Asian students were disturbing, but more so was the district’s reaction, which she characterized as slow and defensive. Almost a week later, some students involved have still not been interviewed, Somekawa said.

[JdN: The blax are the ultimate racists, and these “staffers” are showing total racial solidarity with the black hoodlums.]

“We have seen a total lack of moral leadership,” Somekawa said.

District spokeswoman Evelyn Sample-Oates said the situation was complex and the investigation would be thorough.

“We’re trying to get names,” Sample-Oates said. “Many kids don’t want to give names, which we understand.”

Somekawa described students at the school being mocked by staff: ” ‘Where are you from? Hey, Chinese. Yo, Dragon Ball. Are you Bruce Lee? Speak English,’ ” quoting what students had told her.

Troung, the South Philadelphia student, recited a litany of problems with school staff. She singled out the security officers, who she claimed forced Asian students to follow them into a lunchroom where they were attacked and who directed the frightened students to leave school after they were beaten.

Yan Zheng, another student, said that when students were fighting in the lunch room last Thursday, “the lunch lady did not do anything to stop them, and went around cheering happily. . . . The staff shouldn’t just stand there and watch and say, ‘Stopping fights is not my job.’ “

Duong Thang Ly said the school’s security officers “are the big problem,” saying they looked the other way when a group of African American students interrupted a lunch line and heckled a group of Asian students. They ignored groups of students as they roamed during class time, Ly said.

It’s not just Asian students who are suffering, Truong said.

“Most of the students at South Philadelphia High School – Asian, African American, Latino and white – are just like us. They are trying to get an education in a school where they do not feel safe or respected,” said Truong.

Xu Lin, a community organizer for the Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corp. who works closely with South Philadelphia students, said immigrant students are often not provided with appropriate language assistance when they report incidents.

“When Asian students report incidents, the school officials in the building often do not respond professionally,” Lin said. “Many incidents went neglected.”

Lin said South Philadelphia’s new principal, LaGreta Brown, had been unresponsive to the Asian community.

http://imgsrv.kyw1060.com/image/kyw/UserFiles/Image/brown_lagreta_SPHS.jpgLaGreta Brown.

Brown did not attend yesterday’s meeting and has not been available to comment on the allegations.

Sample-Oates, the district spokeswoman, said all staff will be held accountable and disciplined if found culpable.

A New York civil rights attorney drew parallels to a 2004 situation at a Brooklyn school where Chinese immigrant students were attacked.

“The severe, rampant and unchecked nature of the racially motivated attacks against Asian students at South Philadelphia far exceeds what I have seen” in Brooklyn, testified Cecilia Chen, an attorney with the Asian American Legal Defense Fund.

The four commissioners listened to more than three hours of sometimes painful testimony. After several speakers said they felt the district had not appropriately apologized, Chairman Robert Archie Jr. said that the SRC and district “want to say we’re sorry for the injuries that you sustained as a result of the incidents which took place in South Philadelphia. . . . We’re going to move with all deliberate speed to try to address this issue.”

Commissioner David F. Girard-diCarlo said he welcomed the outside investigation. “Clearly, from the comments that we received, we do need to evaluate the conduct of our adults to make sure that we have balanced appropriately where the problems really lie,” he said.

In an interview, another commissioner, Johnny Irizarry, said the district needs to enforce a diversity policy adopted 15 years ago.

“Either we continue to live in sustaining or almost approving violence by not intervening,” Irizarry said, “or we say, ‘OK, this is the time that we make radical change.’ ”

================MY ANALYSIS

The most intense racial hatred in America, polls show, is blacks versus Asians.

The juze like this because it keeps the focus away from them. “Divide and conquer.”

Ah, yet another blessing of diversity, which makes us “stronger as a nation”……right. When the time comes, the Asians, who see the blax as violent simians, will execute them without mercy.

The only hope for blax is a pact with white nationists against Asians and juze, which will be the new alliance to face.


The Daily Life of Kawther Salam

[JdN: This is from the website of a Palestinian woman who has since fled to Austria. Her site is found here: http://www.kawther.info I warn you that the below is extremely disgusting, but I still recommend it because we must be absolutely clear here: This is NOT a Darwinistic battle between white and brown beasts for mastery of the planet (as Dr. Pierce seemed to see it). This is a struggle between a white race trying to be good and a psychopathic juish race that incarnates EVIL.]

IDF Soldiers and Jewish Squatters: Shit, Drugs and Abuse..

May 13, 2004

A Bucket full of shit left by IDF soldiers occupying a roof in Hebron. Buckets like this
one are routinely emptied in the water tanks on Palestinian roofs by the soldiers.

Update 21.05.2004

The Israeli soldiers stationed on the roof of the Palestinian woman Naziha Abu Dahood broke into her bedroom early in the morning. She was alone with a sick child when she saw the Israeli soldier exposing his penis and telling her that he “had a big one for her which is better than the small one she had”. The woman ran to the street screaming and fell in a coma. On 31 December 2001 they killed her husband in his livingroom when they were abusing his wife sexually and he stepped in to urge them to stop.

Another Bucket full of IDF shit, on the roof of Dr. Zahdeh.

I documented the sick behaviour of the Israeli soldiers in 1999-2000 in the film “Hebron: City Without Mercy”. The film shows the the IDF soldiers urinating in bottles and offering this to Palestinians to drink as “Coke”. The Israeli soldiers where calling each others on the roofs of Palestinians houses at the mid of night, one of them said that he want to do something great and urged his colleagues to pay attention. Then the he proceeded to urinate into the water tank of the family who owned the house.

One of the Israeli soldiers stationed on my roof, near where Rabbi Moshe Leviger squats in his outpost, once asked me for help. It was at midday in summer, the foul smell of their shit and urine contaminated the fresh air. He said that he did not understand English well, and he wanted me to explain him an English message he had received on his cellphone. The distance between each other was less than 1,5 meters. I took his request seriously and I read the message. It was written “I want to fuck you in bed, I want to fuck you in the street, I want to fuck your mother, sister…”.

Shit and Urine from IDF soldiers on my roof.

I had to put a
jerry can on my balcony, in front of my bed room, to collect the Israeli soldiers urine which dripped from the military post on my roof every day. The IDF soldiers urinated at night and during the day, and I was forced to collect it. Often the soldiers would collect their urine in vessels for a couple of days and wait until I hanged my washed clothes. Then they would spread their urine on my clothes.

During the nights, the Jewish squatters used to bring drugs for the soldiers on my roof. The soldiers were giving each other drug injections. After that they would sit on the floor breathing heavily for hours, later often making sex with each other. Sometimes they would make sex with soldier women, but it was more common to to see the men have anal sex with each other. Most nights when they had no sex, they would resort to shouting abuse at me and “asking” me to have sex with them. They would continue making noise in this way until the morning.

Armed Squatters prowling on my roof

Through one event on my roof, one soldier fell from the roof. He was breathing with difficulty and raving on the floor the as if he was dying. I called the IDF headquarter and asked for a military ambulance to take this soldier. When the unit officer came to check the story, the soldier claimed that he was having an ”epilepsy attack”. In another event I saw a soldier beating his colleague seriously and trying to take away his weapon after he took drugs. The soldiers claimed that their colleague was ready to shoot at the Arab houses in the area. Dr. Tayseer Zahdeh from Hebron has further information about the drugs dealer of the IDF soldiers who were stationed on his roof. He saw them taking Heroine injections in front of his private room, were he and his family hid themselves from the soldiers. Dr. Zahdeh also saw them fucking each other. He took the used syringes and used them to back the story, but the military commander said that these syringes were used by Dr. Tayseer. The commander forgot that the IDF syringes have a special colour which is not allowed to be used by Palestinians.

A Drug Runner, intermediary between Settlers and Soldiers, shows his Merchandise.

I also documented the interaction between IDF soldiers and drug dealer at night when the settlers would come and bring drugs for the IDF soldiers stationed on my roof. At the military point which called “4,5” near my house and which the Jews called “Broken”, I made a deal with an Arab Israeli citizen who was a middleman between the Jewish drug gang and the Israeli army. I promised the man that I would not mention to his name if he let me film the drugs which he brought to the IDF soldiers. The man told me that there was an increasing number of IDF soldiers who were themselves drug dealers. He allowed me to film some of the drugs which he hid in his shoe. He showed me the settlers who provide the IDF soldiers with drugs and asked me to fellow his steps near the area of the Abraham Cave and the Abraham Avino settlement. I informed the Israeli Police about that, and once I succeeded in taking a picture of this squatter in the hands of the police.

Left: A Settler from Avraham Avino (sitting) is arrested for selling drugs in front of the Abraham Cave by the two detectives. Right: Behind and with white kippah, the assistant of Noam Federman, from Beit Hadassah, comes to see about the well-being of his “friend” (now in the foreground).

The roof of my house was a real theatre for the illegal practices of the IDF. I filed hundreds of official complaints with the Israeli Police station about their continued sexual harassment. I was giving them full information, the time of the events, the day, the name of the group involved, the name of military post, pictures and even tape records. But never did the Israeli Defence Ministry take any action against their soldiers. The IDF soldiers were making sex with each other in front of me, sometimes they were fucking other women working with them or girls from the settlements, most of time they were making noise for me and shouting abuse at me.

The person on the left was also arrested in front of the Abraham Cave in Hebron for dealing with drugs.

In July 2002, an Israeli sergeant had been stationed on my roof as a soldier wrote me for couple of times, the last time he wrote me in Hebrew about his “love”. He compared his “love” with the “Mosquito”, how he fell in love with her, and how he was dreaming at nights to be with her, and how he she occupied his mind and thoughts all the time … but he killed her later because he was scared to spread his secret for others. I considered this IDF letter as a thinly veiled death threat against me. At that time I was living with a friend in Tel Aviv and was not allowed to return home in Hebron, or to live in my house which was now occupied by the squatters of the American Jewish terror organization Kach.

The letter from “Moskito” (in Hebrew) can be read here: Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 Page5 Page6

The Israeli “Justice” under the military Law, or how the Israeli Government responds to sexual harassment perpetrated by the occupation troops.

Between 1997 and 2001 I filed over 300 complaints against the continued abuses and sexual harassment by the IDF and the American Jewish squatters against me at the Police station. The office of the Attorney General sent a letter to my lawyer Lea Tsemel, it was a copy of a letter which she had sent to the military Attorny General notifying him of Lea Tsemel’s reminder, and asking them to “take care of the matter”. The matter was the IDF sexual harassment. Here is the Letter No. 1 (in Hebrew).

This “Born to Kill” IDF even has a Body Count written on his vest.

The second letter was send by the Military Attorny General to my lawyer Mr. Habib who works in the office of Lea Tsemel in Jerusalem. The Military AG condescended to let us know that “regarding a pre-high court appeal served by Mr. Habib. The military attorney expresses his anger regarding the fact that Mr. Habib has sent this appeal, while the army has clearly explained that the issue is not in the hands of Attorny General of Judea Samaria, but in the hands of the Attorny General of the Central Command”.
Here is the Letter No. 2 (in Hebrew)

The third letter was sent by the Attorney General of the Central Command to Mr. Habib. It says that they have received an appeal from Lea Tsemel regarding my complaint, and that a military police investigation has started. The letter states that on March 03 the AG has decided to close the case because they have “found no evidence of the events” I had complained about in the operation log. In addition, they say that my complaint is contradicted by the evidence of some soldiers who were involved, and that other soldiers could not be found.
Here is the Letter No. 3 (in Hebrew)

In yet another lengthy letter from the Attorny General to Judea and Samaria to my lawyer, he wrote that he was “sorry for using the name of the occupation in your complaints letter against the IDF soldiers. Again the matter is not in the hands of AG of J and S, and that the case has been transferred to the AG of the Central Command, and a military Police investigation has started”.
Here is the Letter No. 4 (in Hebrew)

Some of the IDF soldiers who the AG purports not to be able to identify.

This the conclusion of Israeli government official responses to my complaints about the IDF sexual abuses and harassment. There was no investigation made in this matter, I remember once a military police invite me for investigation, but the military Commander of Hebron did not allow him to do that, he stopped him for over one hour in his office, after that they called me, there was no time left for investigation, the investigator was talking with his girlfriend while I was carrying Video tapes recording the IDF abuses, the investigator said that he should leave and he will meet me in Tel Aviv next week. Since then nobody called me for investigation, or to look at my video. Look at my diary posted on Gush Shalom on Thursday 6th, June 2002.

Who is responsible about all what the IDF did to me and to my people? Probably I should ask President Bush who was talking on behalf of our tongue is his statement with Sharon should compassionate us about that. Or probably he should send Israel a Shipment of Urine and Shit to play with during occupying the West Bank.

I wasn’t the only case who was abused by the IDF soldiers. One night, the IDF soldiers were in a search mission of a Palestinian house where they have a military post on the roof. They took the house owner out and left the woman and her children in a room under one of the IDF control. The soldier grabbed the woman, tore off her underwear and started licking between her legs by force. This episode was documented in the Israeli-Palestinian joint office DCO in Hebron.

Other documented abuses:

The story of the sisters Ashwaq and Wallah Al-Atrash, who were molested sexually by Israeli soldiers on Al-Shuhada street near Gross square.

The story of Assad Said Al-Himouni, who was raped in the israeli jail by an MP officer.

The story of Sawsan Abu-Turki and two other cases of sexual harassment by the IDF

Yet another story, which I posted last year.

And here is another one, “Boys with Toys” (scan of original article is here). It cost me my job with the Al-Quds newspaper..


  1. I think it is wonderful, niggers beating up on slants. I very sincerely hope a full-blown race war betweeen slants, niggers and mexishits erupts; it would be wonderful to see them go at it. The niggers would of course lose because they are too stupid (literally) to organize or plan properly; the best they can do is to form `gangs´ lacking any discipline and/or long term purpose. The slants are intelligent and will out-kill the niggers any day. That´s the good news. The bad news is the mexishits. They are a mixture of utter stupidity, cunning and racial awareness. They are led by corrupted academics and liars; therefore all bets are off on them. Now if we can get the brain-dead whiggers involved and have THEM culled by mad niggers and mexishits, so much the better. As far as Bullock goes, she IS NOT German, she is a jewess, her father being a kike. She is known for her virulent anti-German sentiments and nothing she does surprises. Hopefully, when the nigglet grows up to be a big, bad, illiterate nigger, he will beat the shit out of her and maybe even O.J. Simpson her; one can dream, can´t one?

    • Dear comrade,

      I hoep we can avoid a race war and focus on the true enemies: the psychopaths among us. And while there are many in other races, we have plenty too.

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